
class dd_scenario.Container(parent_id=None, json=None, pc=None, **kwargs)

The container class.

__init__(parent_id=None, json=None, pc=None, **kwargs)

Creates a new container.


Creates a list of Container from containers metadata of a project, for instance, the response.json() from get_containers():

>>> containers = [Container(json=s) for s in client.get_containers()]

Creates a container with a given name and projectId:

>>> container = Container(name="foo", projectId="aeiou")

Creates a container with a given name and using the project context:

>>> container = Container(name="foo", pc=pc)
  • json (dict, optional) – The dict describing the container.
  • pc (projectContext, optional) – The project context
  • **kwargs (optional) – kwargs to override container attributes. Attributes specified here will override those of desc.
add_asset_data(name, data=None)

Adds or updates asset data.

  • name – The name of the asset
  • data – A stream containing the data to upload.

the asset metadata as Asset

add_table_data(what, data=None, category=None)

Adds the table data to the container.

Data must be pandas.DataFrame.


Adds the data for the table with the specified name:

>>> container.add_table_data("table1", data=table1_data)

Adds the data for the tables in the dict:

>>> tables = { "table1": table1_df, "table2": table2_df }
>>> scenario.add_table_data(tables)
  • what – what to add. Can be either a table name or a dict of {table_name: table_data}
  • data – The data if what is a table name.

Copies this container.

name (Mandatory): The name of the copy.
Returns:The Container for the copy.
create_asset(name, data=None, category='model')

Creates an asset.


Deletes the asset.

Parameters:name – The name of the asset as a string.

Calls self.client.delete_table_data(self, table)

See dd_sccontainerlient.delete_table_data().


Gets asset metadata using name.

  • asset – An asset or asset name as a string.
  • name – An asset name.

A Asset instance.


Gets asset data.

Parameters:name – The name of the asset.
Returns:The asset data as a byte array.

Returns asset metadata for all of this container’s assets.

Returns:A dict where its keys are asset names and its values are Asset’s metadata.

Calls self.client.get_table_data(self, table)

See dd_scenario.Client.get_table_data().


Returns a TableType` descriptor for the table which name is specified.

See dd_scenario.Client.get_table_type().

Parameters:name – A table name as a string.
Returns:A TableType instance.

Returns all container table metadata.

Parameters:category – The category of tables. Can be ‘input’, ‘output’ or None if both input and output tables are to be returned.
Returns:A dict where its keys are asset names and its values are Table.

Returns a dict of all tables. Keys are table names, values are DataFrames with table data.

solve(display_log=None, log_lines=25, log_output=None, **kwargs)

Solves this scenario.

If an error occurs and display_log is None or not set, this prints the last log_lines lines of log (default: 25)

If display_log is set to False, nothing is displayed.

If display_log is set to True, the log are always displayed.

  • **kwargs – extra arguments passed as SolveConfig attributes
  • display_log – If True, log is downloaded after solve and displayed. Default is False
  • log_lines – number of lines of log to print. Default is 25. If None, all log lines are displayed.
  • log_output – the file like object to write logs to. If not specified or None, defaults to sys.stdout.

Updates the table type for the specified table type.

Calls self.client.update_table_type(self, table_type.id, new_value=table_type)

See dd_scenario.Client.update_table_type().

Parameters:table_type – A TableType for the update.