
class dd_scenario.Client(api_url=None, authorization=None, project_id=None, max_retries=3, proxies=None, cognitive_url=None)

Bases: object

The class to access containers in Decision Optimization.

To use the client:

from dd_scenario import Client
client = Client()

or if you want to access another project:

from dd_scenario import Client
client = Client(project_id="project id string",
                authorization="bearer authorization token",

Then use methods to work with scenario assets, tables and data:


To return the list of containers:

from dd_scenario import Client

client = Client()
# get list of available containers
containers = client.get_containers()

In the following example, the client session is closed when it’s no longer needed:

with Client() as client:
    for container in client.get_containers():
        # delete all container containing 'foo'
        if 'foo' in container['description']:
__init__(api_url=None, authorization=None, project_id=None, max_retries=3, proxies=None, cognitive_url=None)

Creates a new Decision Optimization scenario client.

  • authorization – The authorization key.
  • api_url (str, optional) – The scenario API url entry point. If not specified, the client will use default value: http://dd-scenario-api-svc:8450/dd-scenario-api/v2
  • max_retries (int, optional) – maximum number of retries. Default is 3.
  • proxies (dict, optional) – Optional dictionary mapping protocol to the URL of the proxy.
add_asset_data(container, name, data=None)

Adds or updates asset data.

This is a direct mapping to REST API:

PUT /dd-scenario-api/v2/containers/{containerName}/tables/{tableName}
  • container – A Container or a container name as string. This container is used to indicate which container is to be updated.
  • name – An asset name.
  • data – A stream containing the data to upload.

the asset metadata as Asset

add_table(container, name, new_data=None, category=None)

Adds table metadata.

This can add metadata by table id or table name.

  • container – A Container or a container name as string. This container is used to indicate which container is to be updated.
  • name – A table name.
  • new_data (Table) – A Table containing metadata to update.
add_table_data(container, name, category=None, data=None)

Adds table metadata.

This is a direct mapping to REST API:

PUT /dd-scenario-api/v2/containers/{container_name}/tables/{tableName}


The following code uploads a pandas.DataFrame into a container:

with Client() as client:
    client.add_table_data(container_id, table_name, df,
  • container – A Container or a container name as string. This container is used to indicate which container is to be updated.
  • name – the name of the table.
  • category (optional) – The category of the table (‘input’ or ‘output’)
  • data (pandas.DataFrame or bytes) – The data to upload. If the data is a pandas.DataFrame, it is converted to csv first.
copy_container(container, metadata=None)

Copies a container.

This is a direct mapping to REST API:

POST /dd-scenario-api/v2/containers/{container_name}/copy
  • container – A Container or a container name as string. This is the source container.
  • metadata (Container, optional) – new metadata to override, as a Container.

The created container

create_asset(container, asset_meta=None)

Creates a new asset with given meta data.

create_container(parent_id, container)

Creates a container.

This is a direct mapping to REST API:

PUT /dd-scenario-api/v2/containers/
Parameters:container (Container) – The container metadata
Returns:The container.
create_model_builder(model_builder=None, **kwargs)

Creates a decision model_builder.

This is a direct mapping to REST API:

PUT /v2/decisions/

If this method is given an model_builder argument, that model_builder is used to initialize the values for the new model_builder. Otherwise, the **kwargs are used to initialize a ModelBuilder.


Creates a model builder using the model builder name passed as kwargs:

model_builder = client.create_model_builder(name='test model_builder')

Creates a model builder using the model_builder passed as a ModelBuilder:

meta = ModelBuilder(name=’test model_builder’) model_builder = client.create_model_builder(model_builder=meta)
  • model_builder (ModelBuilder) – The model builder metadata used as initial data.
  • **kwargs – kwargs used to initialize the ModelBuilder

The decision model builder as a ModelBuilder

create_table(container, table_meta=None)

Creates a new table with given meta data.

delete_asset(container, name)

Deletes the asset.

This can delete the asset by id if asset is specified or by name if name is specified.

  • container – A Container or a container name as string
  • name – An asset name.

Deletes the container.

This is a direct mapping to REST API:

DELETE /dd-scenario-api/v2/containers/{container_name}
Parameters:container – A Container or a container name as string

Deletes the decision model.

This is a direct mapping to REST API:

DELETE /v2/decisions/{model_builder_name}
Parameters:model_builder – A ModelBuilder or a name as string
delete_table(container, name)

Deletes the table.

  • container – A Container or a container name as string
  • name – A table name.
delete_table_data(container, name)

Deletes table data.

This is a direct mapping to REST API:

DELETE /dd-scenario-api/v2/containers/{container_name}/tables/{tableName}/data
  • container – A Container or a container name as string
  • name – the name of the table.
export_notebook(container, name, description=None)

Creates a notebook from a container’s model.

  • container – The container or container_id
  • name – the name of the notebook
  • descrition (Optional) – The notebook description

A dict with the notebook creation info:

   'projectNotebookId': 'aeiou',
   'notebookId': 'aeiou',
   'notebookUrl': 'aeiou'

get_asset(container, name)

Gets asset metadata.

This can get the asset by id or by name.

  • container – A Container or a container name as string.
  • name – An asset name

A Asset instance.

get_asset_data(container, name)

Gets asset data.

This is a direct mapping to REST API:

GET /dd-scenario-api/v2/containers/{container_name}/assets/{assetName}/data
  • container – A Container or a container name as string.
  • name – An asset name.

The asset data as a byte array.

get_assets(container, name=None)

Returns assets for a container.

This is a direct mapping to REST API:

GET /dd-scenario-api/v2/containers/{container_name}/assets
Parameters:container – A Container or a container name as string.
Returns:A dict where keys are asset name and values are Asset.
get_container(parent_id, id)

Returns the container metadata.

This is a direct mapping to REST API:

GET /dd-scenario-api/v2/containers/{container_name}
Parameters:id – A Container or a container name as string
Returns:a list of Container
get_containers(parent_id, category=None)

Returns the list of containers.

Container type include:

  • scenario
  • inputset
  • model

This is a direct mapping to REST API:

GET /dd-scenario-api/v2/containers/
  • parent_id – The parent_id
  • category – The container category.

a list of Container

get_model_builder(name=None, id=None)

Returns the decision model builder metadata.

This is a direct mapping to REST API:

GET /v2/decisions/{model_builder_name}

where {model_builder_name} is the model builder name.

  • id (optional) – name of the decision model to look for.
  • name (optional) – The name of the model builder to look for

a list of ModelBuilder


Returns the list of decision model builders.

This is a direct mapping to REST API:

GET /v2/decisions/
Parameters:name – An optional parameter. If given, only the model builders for which names match name are returned.
Returns:a list of ModelBuilder

Queries and returns the solve status for the specified container.

Returns:A SolveStatus
get_table(container, name)

Gets table metadata.

This is a direct mapping to REST API:

GET /dd-scenario-api/v2/containers/{containerName}/tables/{tableName}
  • container – A Container or a container name as string.
  • name – A table name.

A Table instance.

get_table_data(container, name, raw=False)

Gets table data.


Returns the specified table data as a dataframe:

with Client(project_context) as client:
    df = client.get_table_data(container, name)
  • container – A Container or a container name as string.
  • name – the name of the table.
  • raw – If set, data is returned as is from the server, without conversion into a pandas.DataFrame

A pandas.DataFrame containing the data or the raw data.

get_table_type(container, name)

Gets table type.

  • container – A Container or a container name as string.
  • name – the name of the table

A TableType instance.

get_tables(container, category=None, name=None)

Returns all container table metadata.

This is a direct mapping to REST API:

GET /dd-scenario-api/v2/containers/{container_name}/tables
  • container – A Container or a container name as string.
  • name – A name to filter tables with.
  • category – The category of tables. Can be ‘input’, ‘output’ or None if both input and output tables are to be returned.

A dict where keys are table name and values are Table.


Returns a dictionary of table types for each table.

This is a direct mapping to REST API:

GET /dd-scenario-api/v2/containers/{container_name}/tables/types
Parameters:container – A Container or a container name as string.
Returns:A dict which keys are table names and values are TableType’s.
import_notebook(container, notebook_id)

Updates container model from notebook.

  • container – The container or container_id
  • name – the name of the notebook
  • descrition (Optional) – The notebook description
solve(container, **kwargs)

Solves the scenario model of the container which id is specified.

This method returns as soon as the request is sent. Use Client.wait_for_completion() to wait for solve completion.

  • container – The Container or container id to solve()
  • **kwargs – extra arguments passed to the solve using a SolveConfig

Stops the solve for a scenario.

update_asset(container, name, new_data=None)

Updates asset metadata.

  • container – A Container or a container name as string. This container is used to indicate which container is to be updated.
  • name – An asset name.
  • new_data (Asset) – A Asset containing metadata to update.
update_container(container, new_data)

Updates container metadata.

This is a direct mapping to REST API:

PUT /dd-scenario-api/v2/containers/{container_name}


Updates a container with new data using the container name:

>>> new = Container()
>>> new.description = "new description"
>>> client.update_container(container_name}, new)

Get a container’s metadata, then replace description:

>>> container = client.get_container(container_name)
>>> container.description = "new description"
>>> client.update_container(container)
  • container – A Container. This container is used to indicate which container is to be updated. If new_data is None, the container is updated with the data from this container.
  • new_data (Container, optional) – A Container containing metadata to update.
update_model_builder(model_builder, new_data=None)

Updates decision model metadata.

This is a direct mapping to REST API:

PUT /v2/decisions/{model_builder_name}

where {model_builder_name} is the model builder name.


Updates a model builder with new data using name:

>>> new = ModelBuilder()
>>> new.description = "new description"
>>> client.update_model_builder(decision_model_name, new)

Gets a model builder, then replaces description:

>>> model_builder = client.get_model_builder(id=guid)
>>> model_builder.description = "new description"
>>> client.update_model_builder(model_builder)

Gets a model builder by name, then replaces description:

>>> model_builder = client.get_model_builder(name='decision model name')
>>> model_builder.description = "new description"
>>> client.update_model_builder(model_builder)
  • model_builder – A ModelBuilder or a name as string. This model_builder is used to indicate which model builder is to be updated. If new_data is None, the model builder is updated with the data from this model_builder.
  • new_data (ModelBuilder, optional) – A ModelBuilder containing metadata to update.
update_table_type(container, name, new_value=None)

Updates table type.

This is a direct mapping to REST API:

PUT /dd-scenario-api/v2/containers/{container_name}/tables/{tableName}/type
  • container – A Container or a container name as string. This container is used to indicate which container is to be updated.
  • name – the name of the table.
  • new_value (TableType) – A TableType containing metadata to update.

Waits for the solve operation specified container to complete.

Returns:The last SolveStatus