Source code for docplex.util.environment

# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Source file provided under Apache License, Version 2.0, January 2004,
# (c) Copyright IBM Corp. 2016
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------

Representation of the DOcplex solving environment.

This module handles the various elements that allow an
optimization program to run independently from the solving environment.
This environment may be:

 * on premise, using a local version of CPLEX Optimization Studio to solve MP problems, or
 * on DOcplexcloud, with the Python program running inside the Python Worker.
 * on Decision Optimization in Watson Machine Learning.

As much as possible, the adaptation to the solving environment is
automatic. The functions that are presented here are useful for handling
very specific use cases.

The following code is a program that sums its input (````)::

    import json
    import docplex.util.environment as environment

    sum = 0
    # open program input named "data.txt" and sum the contents
    with environment.get_input_stream("data.txt") as input:
        for i in
            sum += int(i)
    # write the result as a simple json in program output "solution.json"
    with environment.get_output_stream("solution.json") as output:
        output.write(json.dumps({'result': sum}))

Let's put some data in a ``data.txt`` file::

    4 7 8

When you run ```` with a Python interpreter, it opens the ``data.txt`` file and sums all of the integers
in that file. The result is saved as a JSON fragment in file ``solution.json``::

    $ python
    $ more solution.json
    {"result": 38}

Environment representation can be accessed with different ways:

    * direct object method calls, after retrieving an instance using
      :meth:`docplex.util.environment.get_environment` and using methods of
    * using the function in package `docplex.util.environment`. They will call
       the corresponding methods of Environment in the platform

           * :meth:`docplex.util.environment.get_input_stream`
           * :meth:`docplex.util.environment.get_output_stream`
           * :meth:`docplex.util.environment.read_df`
           * :meth:`docplex.util.environment.write_df`
           * :meth:`docplex.util.environment.get_available_core_count`
           * :meth:`docplex.util.environment.get_parameter`
           * :meth:`docplex.util.environment.update_solve_details`
           * :meth:`docplex.util.environment.add_abort_callback`
           * :meth:`docplex.util.environment.remove_abort_callback`

from collections import deque
import json
from functools import partial
import logging
import os
import shutil
import sys
import tempfile
import threading
import time
import uuid
import warnings

    from string import maketrans, translate
except ImportError:
    maketrans = str.maketrans
    translate = str.translate

    import pandas
except ImportError:
    pandas = None

from six import iteritems

from docplex.util import lazy
from docplex.util.logging_utils import LoggerToDocloud
from docplex.util.csv_utils import write_table_as_csv

from .ws.util import START_SOLVE_EVENT, END_SOLVE_EVENT, Tracker

in_ws_nb = None

if in_ws_nb is None:
    in_notebook = ('ipykernel' in sys.modules)
    dsx_home_set = 'dsxuser' in os.environ.get('HOME', '').split('/')
    has_hw_spec = 'RUNTIME_HARDWARE_SPEC' in os.environ
    rt_region_set = 'RUNTIME_ENV_REGION' in os.environ

    in_ws_nb = in_notebook and dsx_home_set and has_hw_spec and rt_region_set

log_level_mapping = {'OFF': None,
                     'SEVERE': logging.ERROR,
                     'WARNING': logging.WARNING,
                     'INFO': logging.INFO,
                     'CONFIG': logging.INFO,
                     'FINE': logging.DEBUG,
                     'FINER': logging.DEBUG,
                     'FINEST': logging.DEBUG,
                     'ALL': logging.DEBUG}

[docs]class NotAvailableError(Exception): ''' The exception raised when a feature is not available ''' pass
[docs]def default_solution_storage_handler(env, solution): ''' The default solution storage handler. The storage handler is a function which first argument is the :class:`~Environment` on which a solution should be saved. The `solution` is a dict containing all the data for an optimization solution. The storage handler is responsible for storing the solution in the environment. For each (key, value) pairs of the solution, the default solution storage handler does the following depending of the type of `value`, in the following order: * If `value` is a `pandas.DataFrame`, then the data frame is saved as an output with the specified `name`. Note that `name` must include an extension file for the serialization. See :meth:`Environment.write_df` for supported formats. * If `value` is a `bytes`, it is saved as binary data with `name`. * The `value` is saved as an output with the `name`, after it has been converted to JSON. Args: env: The :class:`~Environment` solution: a dict containing the solution. ''' for (name, value) in iteritems(solution): if pandas and isinstance(value, pandas.DataFrame): _, ext = os.path.splitext(name) if ext.lower() == '': name = '%s.csv' % name # defaults to csv if no format specified env.write_df(value, name) elif isinstance(value, bytes): with env.get_output_stream(name) as fp: fp.write(value) else: # try jsonify with env.get_output_stream(name) as fp: json.dump(value, fp)
# The global output lock global_output_lock = threading.Lock()
[docs]class SolveDetailsFilter(object): '''Default solve detail filter class. This default class filters details so that there are no more than 1 solve details per second. ''' def __init__(self, interval=1): self.last_accept_time = 0 self.interval = interval
[docs] def filter(self, details): '''Filters the details. Returns: True if the details are to be published. ''' ret_val = None now = time.time() if (now - self.last_accept_time > self.interval): ret_val = details self.last_accept_time = now return ret_val
[docs]class Environment(object): ''' Methods for interacting with the execution environment. Internally, the ``docplex`` package provides the appropriate implementation according to the actual execution environment. The correct instance of this class is returned by the method :meth:`docplex.util.environment.get_environment` that is provided in this module. Attributes: abort_callbacks: A list of callbacks that are called when the script is run on DOcplexcloud and a job abort operation is requested. You add your own callback using:: env.abort_callbacks += [your_cb] or:: env.abort_callbacks.append(your_cb) You remove a callback using:: env.abort_callbacks.remove(your_cb) solution_storage_handler: A function called when a solution is to be stored. The storage handler is a function which first argument is the :class:`~Environment` on which a solution should be saved. The `solution` is a dict containing all the data for an optimization solution. The default is :meth:`~default_solution_storage_handler`. record_history_fields: Fields which history is to be kept record_history_size: maximum number of records in history record_interval: min time between to history records ''' def __init__(self): self.output_lock = global_output_lock self.solution_storage_handler = default_solution_storage_handler self.abort_callbacks = [] self.update_solve_details_dict = True self.last_solve_details = {} # stores the latest published details # private behaviour for now: allows to filter details # the SolveDetailsFilter.filter() method returns true if the details # are to be kept self.details_filter = None self.unpublished_details = None self._record_history_fields = None # self.record_history_fields = ['PROGRESS_CURRENT_OBJECTIVE'] self.record_history = {} # maps name -> deque self.last_history_record = {} # we keep the last here so that we can publish at end of solve self.record_history_time_decimals = 2 # number of decimals for time self.record_history_size = 100 self.record_min_time = 1 self.recorded_solve_details_count = 0 # number of solve details that have been sent to recording self.autoreset = True self.logger = logging.getLogger("docplex.util.environment.logger") def _reset_record_history(self, force=False): if self.autoreset or force: self.record_history = {} self.unpublished_details = None self.last_history_record = {} self.recorded_solve_details_count = 0 def get_record_history_fields(self): if self._record_history_fields is None: if self.is_dods(): self._record_history_fields = ['PROGRESS_BEST_OBJECTIVE', 'PROGRESS_CURRENT_OBJECTIVE', 'PROGRESS_GAP'] else: # the default out of dods is to not record any history self._record_history_fields = [] return self._record_history_fields def set_record_history_fields(self, value): self._record_history_fields = value # let record_history_fields be a property that is lazy initialized # this gives the opportunity to set is_dods before record history fields are needed record_history_fields = property(get_record_history_fields, set_record_history_fields)
[docs] def store_solution(self, solution): '''Stores the specified solution. This method guarantees that the solution is fully saved if the model is running on DOcplexcloud python worker and an abort of the job is triggered. For each (key, value) pairs of the solution, the default solution storage handler does the following depending of the type of `value`, in the following order: * If `value` is a `pandas.DataFrame`, then the data frame is saved as an output with the specified `name`. Note that `name` must include an extension file for the serialization. See :meth:`Environment.write_df` for supported formats. * If `value` is a `bytes`, it is saved as binary data with `name`. * The `value` is saved as an output with the `name`, after it has been converted to JSON. Args: solution: a dict containing the solution. ''' with self.output_lock: self.solution_storage_handler(self, solution)
[docs] def get_input_stream(self, name): ''' Get an input of the program as a stream (file-like object). An input of the program is a file that is available in the working directory. When run on DOcplexcloud, all input attachments are copied to the working directory before the program is run. ``get_input_stream`` lets you open the input attachments of the job. Args: name: Name of the input object. Returns: A file object to read the input from. ''' self.logger.debug(lazy(lambda: f"set input stream: name={name}")) return None
[docs] def read_df(self, name, reader=None, **kwargs): ''' Reads an input of the program as a ``pandas.DataFrame``. ``pandas`` must be installed. ``name`` is the name of the input object, as a filename. If a reader is not user provided, the reader used depends on the filename extension. The default reader used depending on extension are: * ``.csv``: ``pandas.read_csv()`` * ``.msg``: ``pandas.read_msgpack()`` Args: name: The name of the input object reader: an optional reader function **kwargs: additional parameters passed to the reader Raises: NotAvailableError: raises this error when ``pandas`` is not available. ''' if pandas is None: raise NotAvailableError('read_df() is only available if pandas is installed') _, ext = os.path.splitext(name) default_kwargs = None if reader is None: default_readers = {'.csv': (pandas.read_csv, {'index_col': 0}), '.msg': (pandas.read_msgpack, None)} reader, default_kwargs = default_readers.get(ext.lower(), None) if reader is None: raise ValueError('no default reader defined for files with extension: \'%s\'' % ext) with self.get_input_stream(name) as ost: # allow params = {} if default_kwargs: params.update(default_kwargs) if kwargs: params.update(kwargs) return reader(ost, **params)
[docs] def write_df(self, df, name, writer=None, **kwargs): ''' Write a ``pandas.DataFrame`` as an output of the program. ``pandas`` must be installed. ``name`` is the name of the input object, as a filename. If a writer is not user provided, the writer used depends on the filename extension. This currently only supports csv output. Args: name: The name of the input object writer: an optional writer function **kwargs: additional parameters passed to the writer Raises: NotAvailableError: raises this error when ``pandas`` is not available. ''' if pandas is None: raise NotAvailableError('write_df() is only available if pandas is installed') _, ext = os.path.splitext(name) if writer is None: try: default_writers = {'.csv': df.to_csv} writer = default_writers.get(ext.lower(), None) except AttributeError: raise NotAvailableError('Could not write writer function for extension: %s' % ext) if writer is None: raise ValueError('no default writer defined for files with extension: \'%s\'' % ext) with self.get_output_stream(name) as ost: if sys.version_info[0] < 3: ost.write(writer(index=False, encoding='utf8')) else: ost.write(writer(index=False).encode(encoding='utf8'))
[docs] def set_output_attachment(self, name, filename): '''Attach the file which filename is specified as an output of the program. The file is recorded as being part of the program output. This method can be called multiple times if the program contains multiple output objects. When run on premise, ``filename`` is copied to the the working directory (if not already there) under the name ``name``. When run on DOcplexcloud, the file is attached as output attachment. Args: name: Name of the output object. filename: The name of the file to attach. ''' self.logger.debug(lazy(lambda: f"set output attachment: name={name}, filename={filename}"))
[docs] def get_output_stream(self, name): ''' Get a file-like object to write the output of the program. The file is recorded as being part of the program output. This method can be called multiple times if the program contains multiple output objects. When run on premise, the output of the program is written as files in the working directory. When run on DOcplexcloud, the files are attached as output attachments. The stream is opened in binary mode, and will accept 8 bits data. Args: name: Name of the output object. Returns: A file object to write the output to. ''' self.logger.debug(lazy(lambda: f"set output stream: name={name}")) return None
[docs] def get_available_core_count(self): ''' Returns the number of cores available for processing if the environment sets a limit. This number is used in the solving engine as the number of threads. Returns: The available number of cores or ``None`` if the environment does not limit the number of cores. ''' return None
[docs] def get_parameters(self): ''' Returns a dict containing all parameters of the program. On DOcplexcloud, this method returns the job parameters. On local solver, this method returns ``os.environ``. Returns: The job parameters ''' return None
[docs] def get_parameter(self, name): ''' Returns a parameter of the program. On DOcplexcloud, this method returns the job parameter whose name is specified. On local solver, this method returns the environment variable whose name is specified. Args: name: The name of the parameter. Returns: The parameter whose name is specified or None if the parameter does not exists. ''' return None
def notify_start_solve(self, solve_details, engine_type=None): # =============================================================================== # '''Notify the solving environment that a solve is starting. # # If ``context.solver.auto_publish.solve_details`` is set, the underlying solver will automatically # send details. If you want to craft and send your own solve details, you can use the following # keys (non exhaustive list): # # - MODEL_DETAIL_TYPE : Model type # - MODEL_DETAIL_CONTINUOUS_VARS : Number of continuous variables # - MODEL_DETAIL_INTEGER_VARS : Number of integer variables # - MODEL_DETAIL_BOOLEAN_VARS : Number of boolean variables # - MODEL_DETAIL_INTERVAL_VARS : Number of interval variables # - MODEL_DETAIL_SEQUENCE_VARS : Number of sequence variables # - MODEL_DETAIL_NON_ZEROS : Number of non zero variables # - MODEL_DETAIL_CONSTRAINTS : Number of constraints # - MODEL_DETAIL_LINEAR_CONSTRAINTS : Number of linear constraints # - MODEL_DETAIL_QUADRATIC_CONSTRAINTS : Number of quadratic constraints # # Args: # solve_details: A ``dict`` with solve details as key/value pairs # See: # :attr:`.Context.solver.auto_publish.solve_details` # ''' # =============================================================================== self.logger.debug(lazy(lambda: f"Notify start solve: engine_type={engine_type}, solve_details={json.dumps(solve_details, indent=3)}")) self._reset_record_history()
[docs] def update_solve_details(self, details): '''Update the solve details. You use this method to send solve details to the solve service. If ``context.solver.auto_publish`` is set, the underlying solver will automatically update solve details once the solve has finished. This method might filter details and publish them with rate limitations. It actually publish de details by calling `publish_solve_details`. Args: details: A ``dict`` with solve details as key/value pairs. ''' self.logger.debug(lazy(lambda: f"Update solve details: {json.dumps(details, indent=3)}")) # publish details to_publish = None if self.update_solve_details_dict: previous = self.last_solve_details to_publish = {} if details: to_publish.update(previous) to_publish.update(details) self.last_solve_details = to_publish else: to_publish = details # process history to_publish = self.record_in_history(to_publish) if self.details_filter: if self.details_filter.filter(details): self.logger.debug("Published as filtered details") self.publish_solve_details(to_publish) else: # just store the details for later use self.logger.debug("Publish filter refused details, stored as unpublished") self.unpublished_details = to_publish else: self.logger.debug("Published as unfiltered details") self.publish_solve_details(to_publish)
def record_in_history(self, details): self.recorded_solve_details_count += 1 self.logger.debug(lazy(lambda: f"record in history: {json.dumps(details)}")) for f in self.record_history_fields: if f in details: current_ts = round(time.time(), self.record_history_time_decimals) current_history_element = [current_ts, details[f]] l = self.record_history.get(f, deque([], self.record_history_size)) self.record_history[f] = l last_ts = l[-1][0] if len(l) >= 1 else -9999 if (current_ts - last_ts) >= self.record_min_time: self.logger.debug(lazy(lambda: f"record added in history for field {f}")) l.append(current_history_element) details['%s.history' % f] = json.dumps(list(l)) # make new copy # make current also last history record self.last_history_record[f] = current_history_element else: self.logger.debug(lazy(lambda: f"record stored as current for field {f}")) self.last_history_record[f] = current_history_element return details def prepare_last_history(self): details = {} details.update(self.last_solve_details) any_added = False for k, v in self.last_history_record.items(): the_list = self.record_history[k] do_append = True if len(the_list) >= 1: last_date_history = the_list[-1][0] last_date = v[0] do_append = (abs(last_date - last_date_history) >= 0.01) if do_append: the_list.append(v) any_added = True details['%s.history' % k] = json.dumps(list(the_list)) return details if any_added else False
[docs] def publish_solve_details(self, details): '''Actually publish the solve specified details. Returns: The published details ''' self.logger.debug(lazy(lambda: f"Publish solve details: {json.dumps(details, indent=3)}"))
def notify_end_solve(self, status, solve_time=None): # =============================================================================== # '''Notify the solving environment that the solve as ended. # # The ``status`` can be a JobSolveStatus enum or an integer. # # When ``status`` is an integer, it is converted with the following conversion table: # # 0 - UNKNOWN: The algorithm has no information about the solution. # 1 - FEASIBLE_SOLUTION: The algorithm found a feasible solution. # 2 - OPTIMAL_SOLUTION: The algorithm found an optimal solution. # 3 - INFEASIBLE_SOLUTION: The algorithm proved that the model is infeasible. # 4 - UNBOUNDED_SOLUTION: The algorithm proved the model unbounded. # 5 - INFEASIBLE_OR_UNBOUNDED_SOLUTION: The model is infeasible or unbounded. # # Args: # status: The solve status # solve_time: The solve time # ''' # =============================================================================== self.logger.debug(f"Notify end solve, status={status}, solve_time={solve_time}") if self.unpublished_details: self.logger.debug("Notify end solve: has unpublished details, so publish them") self.publish_solve_details(self.unpublished_details) if self.recorded_solve_details_count >= 1 and self.last_history_record: self.logger.debug("Notify end solve: has more than 1 solve details, prepare and publish history") last_details = self.prepare_last_history() if last_details: self.publish_solve_details(last_details)
[docs] def set_stop_callback(self, cb): '''Sets a callback that is called when the script is run on DOcplexcloud and a job abort operation is requested. You can also use the ``stop_callback`` property to set the callback. Deprecated since 2.4 - Use self.abort_callbacks += [cb] instead' Args: cb: The callback function ''' warnings.warn('set_stop_callback() is deprecated since 2.4 - Use Environment.abort_callbacks.append(cb) instead')
[docs] def get_stop_callback(self): '''Returns the stop callback that is called when the script is run on DOcplexcloud and a job abort operation is requested. You can also use the ``stop_callback`` property to get the callback. Deprecated since 2.4 - Use the abort_callbacks property instead') ''' warnings.warn('get_stop_callback() is deprecated since 2.4 - Use the abort_callbacks property instead') return None
stop_callback = property(get_stop_callback, set_stop_callback)
[docs] def get_engine_log_level(self): '''Returns the engine log level as set by job parameter oaas.engineLogLevel. oaas.engineLogLevel values are: OFF, SEVERE, WARNING, INFO, CONFIG, FINE, FINER, FINEST, ALL The mapping to logging levels in python are: * OFF: None * SEVERE: logging.ERROR * WARNING: logging.WARNING * INFO, CONFIG: logging.INFO * FINE, FINER, FINEST: logging.DEBUG * ALL: logging.DEBUG All other values are considered invalid values and will return None. Returns: The logging level or None if not set (off) ''' oaas_level = self.get_parameter('oaas.engineLogLevel') log_level = log_level_mapping.get(oaas_level.upper(), None) if oaas_level else None return log_level
[docs] def is_debug_mode(self): '''Returns true if the engine should run in debug mode. This is equivalent to ``env.get_engine_log_level() <= logging.DEBUG`` ''' lvl = self.get_engine_log_level() # logging.NOTSET is zero so will return false return (self.get_engine_log_level() <= logging.DEBUG) if lvl is not None else False
[docs] def is_dods(self): '''Returns true if this environment in running in DODS. ''' value = os.environ.get("IS_DODS") return str(value).lower() == "true"
[docs]class AbstractLocalEnvironment(Environment): # The environment solving environment using all local input and outputs. def __init__(self): super(AbstractLocalEnvironment, self).__init__() self.logger = logging.getLogger('docplex.util.environment.logger') # init number of cores. Default is no limits (engines will use # number of cores reported by system). # On Watson studio runtimes, the system reports the total number # of physical cores but not the number of cores available to the # runtime. The number of cores available to the runtime are # specified in an environment variable instead. self._available_cores = None RUNTIME_HARDWARE_SPEC = os.environ.get('RUNTIME_HARDWARE_SPEC', None) if RUNTIME_HARDWARE_SPEC: try: spec = json.loads(RUNTIME_HARDWARE_SPEC) num = int(spec.get('num_cpu')) if ('num_cpu' in spec) else None self._available_cores = num except: pass
[docs] def get_input_stream(self, name): return open(name, "rb")
[docs] def get_output_stream(self, name): return open(name, "wb")
[docs] def get_parameter(self, name): return os.environ.get(name, None)
[docs] def get_parameters(self): return os.environ
[docs] def set_output_attachment(self, name, filename): # check that name leads to a file in cwd attachment_abs_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(name)) if attachment_abs_path != os.getcwd(): raise ValueError('Illegal attachment name') if os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(filename)) != os.getcwd(): shutil.copyfile(filename, name) # copy to current
[docs] def get_available_core_count(self): return self._available_cores
[docs]class LocalEnvironment(AbstractLocalEnvironment): def __init__(self): super(LocalEnvironment, self).__init__()
[docs]class WSNotebookEnvironment(AbstractLocalEnvironment): def __init__(self, tracker=None): super(WSNotebookEnvironment, self).__init__() self._start_time = None self.solve_id = str(uuid.uuid4()) # generate random uuid for each session self.model_type = None # set in start solve self.tracker = tracker if tracker else Tracker() def notify_start_solve(self, solve_details): super(WSNotebookEnvironment, self).notify_start_solve(solve_details) # Prepare data for WS detail_type = solve_details.get('MODEL_DETAIL_TYPE', None) model_type = "cpo" if detail_type and detail_type.startswith('CPO') else "cplex" num_constraints = solve_details.get('MODEL_DETAIL_CONSTRAINTS', 0) num_variables = solve_details.get('MODEL_DETAIL_CONTINUOUS_VARS', 0) \ + solve_details.get('MODEL_DETAIL_INTEGER_VARS', 0) \ + solve_details.get('MODEL_DETAIL_BOOLEAN_VARS', 0) \ + solve_details.get('MODEL_DETAIL_INTERVAL_VARS', 0) \ + solve_details.get('MODEL_DETAIL_SEQUENCE_VARS', 0) model_statistics = {'numConstraints': num_constraints, 'numVariables': num_variables} cplex_edition = _get_cplex_edition() details = {'modelType': model_type, 'modelSize': model_statistics, 'solveId': self.solve_id, 'edition': cplex_edition} self.model_type = model_type self.tracker.notify_ws(START_SOLVE_EVENT, details) self._start_time = time.time() def notify_end_solve(self, status, solve_time=None): super(WSNotebookEnvironment, self).notify_end_solve(status, solve_time=solve_time) # do the watson studio things if (self._start_time and solve_time is None): solve_time = (time.time() - self._start_time) details = {'solveTime': solve_time, 'modelType': self.model_type, 'solveId': self.solve_id} self.tracker.notify_ws(END_SOLVE_EVENT, details) self._start_time = None
class OutputFileWrapper(object): # Wraps a file object so that on __exit__() and on close(), the wrapped file is closed and # the output attachments are actually set in the worker def __init__(self, file, solve_hook, attachment_name): self.file = file self.solve_hook = solve_hook self.attachment_name = attachment_name self.closed = False def __getattr__(self, name): if name == 'close': return self.my_close else: return getattr(self.file, name) def __enter__(self, *args, **kwargs): return self.file.__enter__(*args, **kwargs) def __exit__(self, *args, **kwargs): self.file.__exit__(*args, **kwargs) self.close() def close(self): # actually close the output then set attachment if not self.closed: self.file.close() self.solve_hook.set_output_attachments({self.attachment_name:}) self.closed = True def worker_env_stop_callback(env): # wait for the output lock to be released to make sure that the latest # solution store operation has ended. with env.output_lock: pass # call all abort callbacks for cb in env.abort_callbacks: cb()
[docs]class WorkerEnvironment(Environment): # The solving environment when we run in the DOcplexCloud worker. def __init__(self, solve_hook): super(WorkerEnvironment, self).__init__() self.solve_hook = solve_hook if solve_hook: self.solve_hook.stop_callback = partial(worker_env_stop_callback, self) self.logger = None if hasattr(self.solve_hook, 'logger'): self.logger = LoggerToDocloud(self.solve_hook.logger) else: self.logger = logging.getLogger('docplex.util.environment.logger')
[docs] def get_available_core_count(self): return self.solve_hook.get_available_core_count()
[docs] def get_input_stream(self, name): # inputs are in the current working directory return open(name, "rb")
[docs] def get_output_stream(self, name): # open the output in a place we know we can write f = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(mode="w+b", delete=False) return OutputFileWrapper(f, self.solve_hook, name)
[docs] def set_output_attachment(self, name, filename): self.solve_hook.set_output_attachments({name: filename})
[docs] def get_parameter(self, name): return self.solve_hook.get_parameter_value(name)
[docs] def get_parameters(self, ): # This is a typo in _DockerSolveHook, this should be "parameters" return self.solve_hook.parameter
[docs] def publish_solve_details(self, details): super(WorkerEnvironment, self).publish_solve_details(details) self.solve_hook.update_solve_details(details) # if on dods, we want to publish stats.csv if any if self.is_dods(): self._publish_stats_csv(details)
def _publish_stats_csv(self, stats): # generate the stats.csv file with the specified stats names = ['stats.csv'] stats_table = [] for k in stats: if k.startswith("STAT."): stats_table.append([k, stats[k]]) if stats_table: field_names = ['Name', 'Value'] for name in names: write_table_as_csv(self, stats_table, name, field_names) def notify_start_solve(self, solve_details): super(WorkerEnvironment, self).notify_start_solve(solve_details) self.solve_hook.notify_start_solve(None, # model solve_details) def notify_end_solve(self, status, solve_time=None): super(WorkerEnvironment, self).notify_end_solve(status) try: from docplex.util.status import JobSolveStatus engine_status = JobSolveStatus(status) if status else JobSolveStatus.UNKNOWN self.solve_hook.notify_end_solve(None, # model, unused None, # has_solution, unused engine_status, None, # reported_obj, unused None, # var_value_dict, unused ) except ImportError: raise RuntimeError("This should have been called only when in a worker environment")
[docs] def set_stop_callback(self, cb): warnings.warn('set_stop_callback() is deprecated since 2.4 - Use Environment.abort_callbacks.append(cb) instead') self.abort_callbacks += [cb]
[docs] def get_stop_callback(self): warnings.warn('get_stop_callback() is deprecated since 2.4 - Use the abort_callbacks property instead') return self.abort_callbacks[1] if self.abort_callbacks else None
[docs]class OverrideEnvironment(object): '''Allows to temporarily replace the default environment. If the override environment is None, nothing happens and the default environment is not replaced ''' def __init__(self, new_env=None): self.set_env = new_env self.saved_env = None def __enter__(self): if self.set_env: global default_environment self.saved_env = default_environment default_environment = self.set_env else: self.saved_env = None def __exit__(self, type, value, traceback): if self.saved_env: global default_environment default_environment = self.saved_env
def _get_default_environment(): # creates a new instance of the default environment try: import docplex.worker.solvehook as worker_env hook = worker_env.get_solve_hook() if hook: return WorkerEnvironment(hook) except ImportError: pass if in_ws_nb: return WSNotebookEnvironment() return LocalEnvironment() default_environment = _get_default_environment() def _get_cplex_edition(): with OverrideEnvironment(Environment()): import import edition = " ce" if else "" version = return "%s%s" % (version, edition)
[docs]def get_environment(): ''' Returns the Environment object that represents the actual execution environment. Note: the default environment is the value of the ``docplex.util.environment.default_environment`` property. Returns: An instance of the :class:`.Environment` class that implements methods corresponding to actual execution environment. ''' return default_environment
[docs]def get_input_stream(name): ''' Get an input of the program as a stream (file-like object), with the default environment. An input of the program is a file that is available in the working directory. When run on DOcplexcloud, all input attachments are copied to the working directory before the program is run. ``get_input_stream`` lets you open the input attachments of the job. Args: name: Name of the input object. Returns: A file object to read the input from. ''' return default_environment.get_input_stream(name)
[docs]def set_output_attachment(name, filename): ''' Attach the file which filename is specified as an output of the program. The file is recorded as being part of the program output. This method can be called multiple times if the program contains multiple output objects. When run on premise, ``filename`` is copied to the the working directory (if not already there) under the name ``name``. When run on DOcplexcloud, the file is attached as output attachment. Args: name: Name of the output object. filename: The name of the file to attach. ''' return default_environment.set_output_attachment(name, filename)
[docs]def get_output_stream(name): ''' Get a file-like object to write the output of the program. The file is recorded as being part of the program output. This method can be called multiple times if the program contains multiple output objects. When run on premise, the output of the program is written as files in the working directory. When run on DOcplexcloud, the files are attached as output attachments. The stream is opened in binary mode, and will accept 8 bits data. Args: name: Name of the output object. Returns: A file object to write the output to. ''' return default_environment.get_output_stream(name)
[docs]def read_df(name, reader=None, **kwargs): ''' Reads an input of the program as a ``pandas.DataFrame`` with the default environment. ``pandas`` must be installed. ``name`` is the name of the input object, as a filename. If a reader is not user provided, the reader used depends on the filename extension. The default reader used depending on extension are: * ``.csv``: ``pandas.read_csv()`` * ``.msg``: ``pandas.read_msgpack()`` Args: name: The name of the input object reader: an optional reader function **kwargs: additional parameters passed to the reader Raises: NotAvailableError: raises this error when ``pandas`` is not available. ''' return default_environment.read_df(name, reader=reader, **kwargs)
[docs]def write_df(df, name, writer=None, **kwargs): ''' Write a ``pandas.DataFrame`` as an output of the program with the default environment. ``pandas`` must be installed. ``name`` is the name of the input object, as a filename. If a writer is not user provided, the writer used depends on the filename extension. The default writer used depending on extension are: * ``.csv``: ``DataFrame.to_csv()`` * ``.msg``: ``DataFrame.to_msgpack()`` Args: name: The name of the input object writer: an optional writer function **kwargs: additional parameters passed to the writer Raises: NotAvailableError: raises this error when ``pandas`` is not available. ''' return default_environment.write_df(df, name, writer=writer, **kwargs)
[docs]def get_available_core_count(): ''' Returns the number of cores available for processing if the environment sets a limit, with the default environment. This number is used in the solving engine as the number of threads. Returns: The available number of cores or ``None`` if the environment does not limit the number of cores. ''' return default_environment.get_available_core_count()
[docs]def get_parameter(name): ''' Returns a parameter of the program, with the default environment. On DOcplexcloud, this method returns the job parameter whose name is specified. Args: name: The name of the parameter. Returns: The parameter whose name is specified. ''' return default_environment.get_parameter(name)
[docs]def update_solve_details(details): '''Update the solve details, with the default environment You use this method to send solve details to the DOcplexcloud service. If ``context.solver.auto_publish`` is set, the underlying solver will automatically update solve details once the solve has finished. Args: details: A ``dict`` with solve details as key/value pairs. ''' return default_environment.update_solve_details(details)
[docs]def add_abort_callback(cb): '''Adds the specified callback to the default environment. The abort callback is called when the script is run on DOcplexcloud and a job abort operation is requested. Args: cb: The abort callback ''' default_environment.abort_callbacks += [cb]
[docs]def remove_abort_callback(cb): '''Adds the specified callback to the default environment. The abort callback is called when the script is run on DOcplexcloud and a job abort operation is requested. Args: cb: The abort callback ''' default_environment.abort_callbacks.remove(cb)
attachment_invalid_characters = '/\\?%*:|"#<> ' attachment_trans_table = maketrans(attachment_invalid_characters, '_' * len(attachment_invalid_characters))
[docs]def make_attachment_name(name): '''From `name`, create an attachment name that is correct for DOcplexcloud. Attachment filenames in DOcplexcloud has certain restrictions. A file name: - is limited to 255 characters; - can include only ASCII characters; - cannot include the characters `/\?%*:|"<>`, the space character, or the null character; and - cannot include _ as the first character. This method replace all unauthorized characters with _, then removing leading '_'. Args: name: The original attachment name Returns: An attachment name that conforms to the restrictions. Raises: ValueError if the attachment name is more than 255 characters ''' new_name = translate(name, attachment_trans_table) while (new_name.startswith('_')): new_name = new_name[1:] if len(new_name) > 255: raise ValueError('Attachment names are limited to 255 characters') return new_name