Source code for

# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Source file provided under Apache License, Version 2.0, January 2004,
# (c) Copyright IBM Corp. 2015, 2016
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import warnings

from import IndexableObject, ModelingObjectBase, _AbstractBendersAnnotated
from import Priority
from import ComparisonType, UpdateEvent
from import LinearOperand
from import StaticTypeChecker
from import DocplexLinearRelaxationError, str_maxed

class _ExtraConstraintUsage(object):
    def __init__(self, tag):
        self.tag = tag

    def __str__(self):
        return "UsedAs<%s>" % self.tag

    def notify_expr_modified(self, linct, new_expr, engine):
        tagval = self.tag
        engine.update_extra_constraint(linct, tagval, new_expr)

class _ConstraintLogicalUsage(object):
    def __init__(self, logct):
        self._log_ct = logct

    def tag(self):
        return "logical"

    _cannot_modify_linearct_non_discrete_msg = 'Linear constraint: {0} is used in equivalence, cannot be modified with non-discrete expr: {1}'

    def notify_expr_modified(self, linct, new_expr, engine):
        log_ct = self._log_ct
        if log_ct.is_equivalence() and not new_expr.is_discrete():
            linct.fatal(self._cannot_modify_linearct_non_discrete_msg, linct, new_expr)
            engine.update_constraint(log_ct, event=UpdateEvent.IndicatorLinearConstraint)

[docs]class AbstractConstraint(IndexableObject, _AbstractBendersAnnotated): __slots__ = () def __init__(self, model, name=None): IndexableObject.__init__(self, model, name) @property def priority(self): return self._model.get_constraint_priority(self) @priority.setter def priority(self, newprio): self.set_priority(newprio) def set_priority(self, newprio): self._model.set_constraint_priority(self, Priority.parse(newprio, logger=self.error_handler, accept_none=True))
[docs] def set_mandatory(self): ''' Sets the constraint as mandatory. This prevents relaxation from relaxing this constraint. To revert this, set the priority to any non-mandatory priority, or None. ''' self.priority = Priority.MANDATORY
def is_mandatory(self): return Priority.MANDATORY == self.priority # noinspection PyUnusedLocal def _unsupported_relational_op(self, op_string, other): self.fatal("Relational operator: {1} is unavailable with constraint: {0!s}", self, op_string) def __le__(self, e): self._unsupported_relational_op("<=", e) def __ge__(self, e): self._unsupported_relational_op(">=", e) def __lt__(self, e): self._unsupported_relational_op("<", e) def __gt__(self, e): self._unsupported_relational_op(">", e) # py3 needs an eq for hashing # def __eq__(self, e): # self._unsupported_relational_op("==", e) def _no_linear_ct_in_logical_test_error(self): raise TypeError("cannot convert a constraint to boolean: {0!s}".format(self)) def __nonzero__(self): self._no_linear_ct_in_logical_test_error() def __bool__(self): # python 3 version of nonzero self._no_linear_ct_in_logical_test_error() # pragma: no cover def iter_variables(self): raise NotImplementedError # pragma: no cover def iter_exprs(self): raise NotImplementedError # pragma: no cover def get_var_coef(self, dvar): # pragma: no cover raise NotImplementedError @property def size(self): return sum(x.size for x in self.iter_exprs()) def copy(self, target_model, var_map): raise NotImplementedError # pragma: no cover def relaxed_copy(self, relaxed_model, var_map): return self.copy(relaxed_model, var_map) def compute_infeasibility(self, slack): # pragma: no cover # INTERNAL: only used when json has no infeasibility info. return slack # noinspection PyMethodMayBeStatic def notify_deleted(self): # INTERNAL self._set_invalid_index() @property def short_typename(self): return "constraint" @property def lp_name(self): return self._name or "c%s" % (self.index + 1) @property def lpt_name(self): radix = self.cplex_scope.prefix return "%s%d" % (radix, self.index + 1) def is_trivial(self): return False def is_linear(self): return False def is_quadratic(self): return False
[docs] def is_added(self): """ Returns True if the constraint has been added to its model. Example: c = (x+y == 1) m.add(c) c.is_added() >>> True c2 = (x + 2*y) >= 3 c2.is_added() >>> False """ return self.index >= 0
@property def cplex_scope(self): return self._get_index_scope().cplex_scope def _get_index_scope(self): raise NotImplementedError def is_logical(self): return False def _get_dual_value(self): # INTERNAL # Note that dual values are only available for LP problems, # so can be calle donly on linear or range constraints. return self._model._dual_value1(self) def notify_expr_modified(self, expr, event): # INTERNAL pass # pragma: no cover def notify_expr_replaced(self, old_expr, new_expr): # INTERNAL pass # pragma: no cover def resolve(self): raise NotImplementedError # pragma: no cover def is_satisfied(self, solution, tolerance): raise NotImplementedError # pragma: no cover def lock_discrete(self): # INTERNAL # lock sub expressions for expr in self.iter_exprs(): expr.lock_discrete() def to_readable_string(self): return str(self) def _compute_violation(self, solution, tolerance): # fallback return 0
# noinspection PyAbstractClass
[docs]class BinaryConstraint(AbstractConstraint): __slots__ = ("_ctsense", "_left_expr", "_right_expr") def _internal_set_sense(self, new_sense): self._ctsense = new_sense def __init__(self, model, left_expr, ctsense, right_expr, name=None): IndexableObject.__init__(self, model, name) self._ctsense = ctsense # noinspection PyPep8 self._left_expr = left_expr self._right_expr = right_expr def _iter_usages(self): return iter([]) @property def type(self): """ This property returns the type of the constraint; type is an enumerated value of type :class:`ComparisonType`, with three possible values: - LE for e1 <= e2 constraints - EQ for e1 == e2 constraints - GE for e1 >= e2 constraints where e1 and e2 denote linear expressions. """ return self._ctsense @property def cplex_code(self): return self._ctsense._cplex_code
[docs] def get_left_expr(self): """ This property returns the left expression in the constraint. Example: (X+Y <= Z+1) has left expression (X+Y). """ return self._left_expr
[docs] def get_right_expr(self): """ This property returns the right expression in the constraint. Example: (X+Y <= Z+1) has right expression (Z+1). """ return self._right_expr
def get_var_coef(self, dvar): return self._left_expr.unchecked_get_coef(dvar) - self._right_expr.unchecked_get_coef(dvar)
[docs] def to_string(self, use_space=False): """ Returns a string representation of the constraint. The operators in this representation are the usual operators <=, ==, and >=. Example: The constraint (X+Y <= Z+1) is represented as "X+Y <= Z+1". Returns: A string. """ mdl_str_len_max = self.model.str_max_len return self._to_string(use_space, mdl_str_len_max)
def to_readable_string(self): return self._to_string(use_space=True, str_len_max=self.model.readable_str_len) def _to_string(self, use_space, str_len_max): left_string = self._left_expr.to_string(use_space=use_space) right_string = self._right_expr.to_string(use_space=use_space) self_name = s_lhs = str_maxed(left_string, str_len_max) s_rhs = str_maxed(right_string, str_len_max) s_name = "%s: " % self_name if self_name else "" return u"%s%s %s %s" % (s_name, s_lhs, self._ctsense.operator_symbol, s_rhs) def cplex_num_rhs(self): # INTERNAL right_cst = self._right_expr.get_constant() left_cst = self._left_expr.get_constant() return float(right_cst - left_cst) @property def cplex_net_rhs(self): # returns the net constant (rhs.constant - lhs.constant) # converted to float (no numpy floats) return self.cplex_num_rhs() def __repr__(self): classname = self.__class__.__name__ user_name = self.safe_name typename = self._ctsense.short_name sleft = self._left_expr.repr_str() sright = self._right_expr.repr_str() return "{0}[{1}]({2!s},{3},{4!s})". \ format(classname, user_name, sleft, typename, sright) def _is_trivially_feasible(self): # INTERNAL : assume self is trivial() op_func = self._ctsense.python_operator return op_func(self._left_expr.get_constant(), self._right_expr.get_constant()) if op_func else False def _is_trivially_infeasible(self): # INTERNAL: assume self is trivial . op_func = self._ctsense.python_operator return not op_func(self._left_expr.get_constant(), self._right_expr.get_constant()) if op_func else False def is_trivial_feasible(self): return self.is_trivial() and self._is_trivially_feasible() def is_trivial_infeasible(self): return self.is_trivial() and self._is_trivially_infeasible() @staticmethod def _generate_expr_opposite_linear_coefs(expr): for v, k in expr.iter_sorted_terms(): yield v, -k def _iter_net_linear_coefs_sorted(self, left_expr, right_expr): # INTERNAL if right_expr.is_constant(): return left_expr.iter_sorted_terms() elif left_expr.is_constant(): return self._generate_expr_opposite_linear_coefs(right_expr) else: return self._generate_net_linear_coefs2_sorted(left_expr, right_expr)
[docs] def iter_variables(self): """ Iterates over all variables mentioned in the constraint. *Note:* This includes variables that are mentioned with a zero coefficient. For example, the iterator on the following constraint: X <= X+Y + 1 will return X and Y, although X is mentioned with a zero coefficient. Returns: An iterator object. """ if self._right_expr.is_constant(): return self._left_expr.iter_variables() elif self._left_expr.is_constant(): return self._right_expr.iter_variables() else: return self.generate_ordered_vars()
def generate_ordered_vars(self): left_expr = self._left_expr for lv in left_expr.iter_variables(): yield lv for rv in self._right_expr.iter_variables(): if not left_expr.contains_var(rv): yield rv @staticmethod def _generate_net_linear_coefs2_sorted(left_expr, right_expr): # INTERNAL for lv, lk in left_expr.iter_sorted_terms(): net_k = lk - right_expr.unchecked_get_coef(lv) if net_k: yield lv, net_k for rv, rk in right_expr.iter_sorted_terms(): if not left_expr.contains_var(rv) and rk: yield rv, -rk @staticmethod def _generate_net_linear_coefs2_unsorted(left_expr, right_expr): # INTERNAL for lv, lk in left_expr.iter_terms(): net_k = lk - right_expr.unchecked_get_coef(lv) yield lv, net_k for rv, rk in right_expr.iter_terms(): if not left_expr.contains_var(rv): yield rv, -rk def notify_deleted(self): # INTERNAL super(BinaryConstraint, self).notify_deleted() self._left_expr.notify_unsubscribed(self) self._right_expr.notify_unsubscribed(self) def iter_exprs(self): return iter([self._left_expr, self._right_expr]) def get_expr_from_pos(self, pos): if 0 == pos: return self._left_expr elif 1 == pos: return self._right_expr else: # pragma: no cover self.fatal('Unexpected expression position: {0!r}, expecting 0 or 1', pos) def set_expr_from_pos(self, pos, new_expr): if 0 == pos: self._left_expr = new_expr elif 1 == pos: self._right_expr = new_expr else: # pragma: no cover self.fatal('Unexpected expression position: {0!r}, expecting 0 or 1', pos) def is_satisfied(self, solution, tolerance=1e-6): violation = self._compute_violation(solution, tolerance) return violation == 0 def _compute_violation(self, solution, tolerance, _eps_zero=1e-10): left_value = self._left_expr._raw_solution_value(solution) right_value = self._right_expr._raw_solution_value(solution) net_value = left_value - right_value ctsense = self._ctsense violation = 0 raw_violation = 0 if ctsense == ComparisonType.EQ: violation = max(0, abs(net_value) - tolerance) raw_violation = abs(net_value) elif ctsense == ComparisonType.LE: violation = max(0, net_value - tolerance) raw_violation = max(0, net_value) elif ctsense == ComparisonType.GE: violation = max(0, - (net_value + tolerance)) raw_violation = max(0, -net_value) return raw_violation if violation >= _eps_zero else 0 def resolve(self): self._left_expr.resolve() self._right_expr.resolve() def is_discrete(self): return self.get_left_expr().is_discrete() and self.get_right_expr().is_discrete() @property def sense_string(self): return
[docs]class LinearConstraint(BinaryConstraint, LinearOperand): """ The class that models all constraints of the form `<expr1> <OP> <expr2>`, where <expr1> and <expr2> are linear expressions. """ __slots__ = ('_status_var', '_usages') def __init__(self, model, left_expr, ctsense, right_expr, name=None): BinaryConstraint.__init__(self, model, left_expr, ctsense, right_expr, name) left_expr.notify_used(self) right_expr.notify_used(self) def check_name(self, new_name): self.check_lp_name('constraint', new_name, accept_empty=True, accept_none=True) def set_name(self, new_name): # INTERNAL self.check_name(new_name) if self.is_added(): self._model.set_linear_constraint_name(self, new_name) else: self._set_name(new_name) def notify_used_in_logical_ct(self, lct): self._add_usage(_ConstraintLogicalUsage(lct)) def _add_usage(self, usage): if hasattr(self, '_usages'): self._usages.append(usage) else: self._usages = [usage] def _get_usages(self): return getattr(self, '_usages', []) def _iter_usages(self): # INTERNAL return iter(self._get_usages()) def is_linear(self): return True @property def short_typename(self): return "linear constraint" # noinspection PyMethodMayBeStatic def cplex_range_value(self): return 0.0 def is_lazy_constraint(self): return self.model._is_lazy_constraint(self) def is_user_cut_constraint(self): return self.model._is_user_cut_constraint(self) def copy(self, target_model, var_map): copied_left = self.left_expr.copy(target_model, var_map) copied_right = self.right_expr.copy(target_model, var_map) copy_name = None if target_model.ignore_names else return self.__class__(target_model, copied_left, self.sense, copied_right, copy_name) def relaxed_copy(self, relaxed_model, var_map): copied_left = self.left_expr.relaxed_copy(relaxed_model, var_map) copied_right = self.right_expr.relaxed_copy(relaxed_model, var_map) copy_name = return self.__class__(relaxed_model, copied_left, self.sense, copied_right, copy_name) @property def sense(self): """ This property is used to get or set the sense of the constraint; sense is an enumerated value of type :class:`ComparisonType`, with three possible values: - LE for e1 <= e2 constraints - EQ for e1 == e2 constraints - GE for e1 >= e2 constraints where e1 and e2 denote linear expressions. """ return self._ctsense @sense.setter def sense(self, new_sense): self.set_sense(new_sense) def set_sense(self, new_sense): self.get_linear_factory().set_linear_constraint_sense(self, new_sense) # compatibility @property def type(self): # pragma: no cover warnings.warn( "ct.type is deprecated, use ct.sense instead.", DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2) return self._ctsense @property def left_expr(self): """ This property returns the left expression in the constraint. Example: (X+Y <= Z+1) has left expression (X+Y). """ return self._left_expr @property def right_expr(self): """ This property returns the right expression in the constraint. Example: (X+Y <= Z+1) has right expression (Z+1). """ return self._right_expr @right_expr.setter def right_expr(self, new_rexpr): self.set_right_expr(new_rexpr) def set_right_expr(self, new_rexpr): self.get_linear_factory().set_linear_constraint_right_expr(ct=self, new_rexpr=new_rexpr) @left_expr.setter def left_expr(self, new_lexpr): self.set_left_expr(new_lexpr) def set_left_expr(self, new_lexpr): self.get_linear_factory().set_linear_constraint_left_expr(ct=self, new_lexpr=new_lexpr) # aliases lhs = left_expr rhs = right_expr def _no_linear_ct_in_logical_test_error(self): # if self.sense == ComparisonType.EQ: # # for equality testing there -is- a workaround # msg = "Cannot use == to test expression equality, try using Python is operator or method equals: {0!s}".format(self) # else: msg = "Cannot convert linear constraint to a boolean value: {0!s}".format(self) if self.sense == ComparisonType.EQ: # for equality testing there -is- a workaround msg += "\n try using Python 'is' operator or method 'equals' for expression equality" raise TypeError(msg) def _cannot_promote_from_linear_to_quadratic(self, old_expr, new_expr): msg = 'Cannot change linear constraint expr from linear to quadratic' if new_expr is None: self.fatal('{0}: {1}', msg, old_expr) else: self.fatal('{0}: was: {1!s}, new: {2!s}', msg, old_expr, new_expr) def _check_editable(self, new_expr, engine): for usage in self._iter_usages(): usage.notify_expr_modified(self, new_expr, engine) def notify_expr_modified(self, expr, event): # INTERNAL if event: if event is UpdateEvent.LinExprPromotedToQuad: self._cannot_promote_from_linear_to_quadratic(old_expr=expr, new_expr=None) else: self.get_linear_factory().update_linear_constraint_exprs(ct=self, expr_event=event) def notify_expr_replaced(self, old_expr, new_expr): # INTERNAL if new_expr.is_quad_expr() and not old_expr.is_quad_expr(): self._cannot_promote_from_linear_to_quadratic(old_expr, new_expr) if old_expr is self._left_expr: self.get_linear_factory().set_linear_constraint_expr_from_pos(lct=self, pos=0, new_expr=new_expr, update_subscribers=False) elif old_expr is self._right_expr: self.get_linear_factory().set_linear_constraint_expr_from_pos(lct=self, pos=1, new_expr=new_expr, update_subscribers=False) else: # should not happen pass # new expr takes al subscribers from old expr new_expr.grab_subscribers(old_expr)
[docs] def to_string(self, use_space=False): """ Returns a string representation of the constraint. The operators in this representation are the usual operators <=, ==, and >=. Example: The constraint (X+Y <= Z+1) is represented as "X+Y <= Z+1". Returns: A string. """ return BinaryConstraint.to_string(self, use_space=use_space)
def compute_infeasibility(self, slack): # pragma: no cover ctsense = self._ctsense if ctsense == ComparisonType.EQ: infeas = slack elif ComparisonType.LE == ctsense: infeas = slack if slack <= 0 else 0 elif ComparisonType.GE == ctsense: infeas = slack if slack >= 0 else 0 else: infeas = 0 return infeas def _get_index_scope(self): return self._model._linct_scope def is_trivial(self): # Checks whether the constraint is equivalent to a comparison between numbers. # For example, x <= x+1 is trivial, but 1.5 X <= X + 1 is not. def has_nonzero_coef(term_iter): return any(tk for _, tk in term_iter) self_left_expr = self._left_expr self_right_expr = self._right_expr if self_right_expr.is_constant(): return not has_nonzero_coef(self.left_expr.iter_terms()) elif self_left_expr.is_constant(): return not has_nonzero_coef(self.right_expr.iter_terms()) else: return not has_nonzero_coef( BinaryConstraint._generate_net_linear_coefs2_unsorted(self_left_expr, self_right_expr)) def _post_meta_constraint(self, rhs, ctsense): status_var = self.get_resolved_status_var() return self._model._new_xconstraint(lhs=status_var, rhs=rhs, comparaison_type=ctsense) def le(self, rhs): return self._post_meta_constraint(rhs, ComparisonType.LE) def eq(self, rhs): return self._post_meta_constraint(rhs, ComparisonType.EQ) def ge(self, rhs): return self._post_meta_constraint(rhs, ComparisonType.GE) def __le__(self, rhs): return self.le(rhs) def __ge__(self, rhs): return def __hash__(self): return id(self) def unchecked_get_coef(self, dvar): return 1 if dvar is self._get_status_var() else 0 def contains_var(self, dvar): # only user vars return dvar is self._get_status_var() def iter_terms(self): yield self.get_resolved_status_var(), 1 iter_sorted_terms = iter_terms @property def dual_value(self): """ This property returns the dual value of the constraint. Note: This method will raise an exception if the model has not been solved successfully. This method is OK with small numbers of constraints. For large numbers of constraints (>100), consider using Model.dual_values() with a sequence of constraints. See Also: `` """ return self._get_dual_value() @property def slack_value(self): """ This property returns the slack value of the constraint. Note: This method will raise an exception if the model has not been solved successfully. This method is OK with small numbers of constraints. For large numbers of constraints (>100), consider using Model.slack_values() with a sequence of constraints. See Also: `` """ return self._model._slack_value1(self) @property def basis_status(self): """ This property returns the basis status of the slack variable of the constraint, if any. Returns: An enumerated value from the enumerated type `docplex.constants.BasisStatus`. Note: for the model to hold basis information, the model must have been solved as a LP problem. In some cases, a model which failed to solve may still have a basis available. Use `Model.has_basis()` to check whether the model has basis information or not. See Also: :func:`` :class:`` *New in version 2.10* """ return self._model._linearct_basis_status([self])[0] def iter_net_linear_coefs(self): # INTERNAL left_expr = self._left_expr right_expr = self._right_expr if right_expr.is_constant(): return left_expr.iter_sorted_terms() elif left_expr.is_constant(): return self._generate_expr_opposite_linear_coefs(right_expr) else: return self._generate_net_linear_coefs2_sorted(left_expr, right_expr) def _get_status_var(self): # this call does -not- create the variable. Returns None if not present. return getattr(self, '_status_var', None) @property def status_var(self): return self.get_resolved_status_var() as_var = status_var def as_logical_operand(self): if not self.is_discrete(): return None else: return self.get_resolved_status_var(caller_msg= 'Conversion to logical operand is available only for discrete constraints') def _check_is_discrete(self, ct, msg=None): err_msg = msg or "Conversion from constraint to expression is available only for discrete constraints" StaticTypeChecker.typecheck_discrete_constraint(self, ct, msg=err_msg) def get_resolved_status_var(self, caller_msg=None): status_var = self._get_status_var() # always use the getter! if status_var is not None: return status_var self._model._check_logical_constraint_support() # TODO: issue a meaningful message on why the ct is not discrete self._check_is_discrete(self, msg=caller_msg) # lock it discrete self.lock_discrete() # lazy allocation of a new status variable...: lfactory = self.get_linear_factory() status_var = lfactory.new_constraint_status_var(self) if self.is_added(): # status variable is bound = 1 self._status_var = status_var # store ct in model eqct = lfactory.new_equivalence_constraint(status_var, linear_ct=self) eqct.origin = self engine = self._model.get_engine() eqx = engine.create_logical_constraint(eqct, is_equivalence=True) self._model._register_implicit_equivalence_ct(eqct, eqx) return status_var def to_linear_expr(self): return self.status_var def notify_deleted(self): super(LinearConstraint, self).notify_deleted() svar = self._get_status_var() # possibly not resolved if svar: = 0 @property def benders_annotation(self): """ This property is used to get or set the Benders annotation of a constraint. The value of the annotation must be a positive integer """ return self.get_benders_annotation() @benders_annotation.setter def benders_annotation(self, new_anno): self.set_benders_annotation(new_anno) # -- arithmetic operators def times(self, e): # TODO: dow e limit numbers here, otherwise non-convex errors may creep in return self.to_linear_expr().__mul__(e) def __mul__(self, e): return self.times(e) def __rmul__(self, e): return self.times(e) def __div__(self, e): return self.quotient(e) def __truediv__(self, e): # for py3 # INTERNAL return self.quotient(e) # pragma: no cover def quotient(self, e): svar = self.get_resolved_status_var() self._model._typecheck_as_denominator(e, svar) inverse = 1.0 / float(e) return self.times(inverse) def __add__(self, e): return self.to_linear_expr().__add__(e) def __radd__(self, e): return self.to_linear_expr().__add__(e) def __sub__(self, e): return self.to_linear_expr().__sub__(e) def __rsub__(self, e): return self.to_linear_expr().__rsub__(e) def __or__(self, other): return self.logical_or(other) def __and__(self, other): return self.logical_and(other) def _check_logical_operator(self, other, caller=None): self._check_is_discrete(self, msg="Logical operators require discrete constraints") StaticTypeChecker.typecheck_logical_op(self, other, caller=caller) def logical_or(self, other): self._check_logical_operator(other, "LinearConstraint.or") return self.get_linear_factory().new_binary_constraint_or(self, other) def logical_and(self, other): self._check_logical_operator(other, "LinearConstraint.and") return self.get_linear_factory().new_binary_constraint_and(self, other) def __rshift__(self, other): """ Redefines the right-shift operator to define if-then constraints. This operator allows to create if-then constraint with the `>>` operator. It expects a linear constraint as second argument. :param other: the linear constraint used to build a new if-then constraint. :return: an instance of IfThenConstraint, that is not added to the model. Use `Model.add()` to add it to the model. Note: The constraint must be discrete, otherwise an exception is raised. Example: m.add((x >= 3) >> (y == 5)) creates an if-then constraint which links the satisfaction of constraint (x >= 3) to the satisfaction of (y ==5). """ return self._model.if_then(if_ct=self, then_ct=other) def _tag_as_extra_ct(self, qualifier): # INTERNAL self._add_usage(_ExtraConstraintUsage(qualifier)) def _untag_as_extra_ct(self, qualifier): usages = self._get_usages() upos = -1 for u, used in enumerate(usages): if used.tag == qualifier: upos = u break if upos >= 0: del usages[upos] _user_cut_tag = "user-cut constraint" _lazy_constraint_tag = "lazy constraint" def notify_used_as_user_cut(self): # INTERNAL self._tag_as_extra_ct(self._user_cut_tag) def notify_used_as_lazy_constraint(self): # INTERNAL self._tag_as_extra_ct(self._lazy_constraint_tag) def notify_unused_as_user_cut(self): # INTERNAL self._untag_as_extra_ct(self._user_cut_tag) def notify_unused_as_lazy_constraint(self): # INTERNAL self._untag_as_extra_ct(self._lazy_constraint_tag)
[docs]class RangeConstraint(AbstractConstraint): """ This class models range constraints. A range constraint states that an expression must stay between two values, `lb` and `ub`. This class is not meant to be instantiated by the user. To create a range constraint, use the factory method :func:`` defined on :class:``. """ def __init__(self, model, expr, lb, ub, name=None): AbstractConstraint.__init__(self, model, name) self._ub = ub self._lb = lb self._expr = expr def is_linear(self): return True # noinspection PyMethodMayBeStatic @property def cplex_code(self): return 'R' def _get_index_scope(self): return self._model._linct_scope @property def short_typename(self): return "range constraint" def is_trivial(self): return self._expr.is_constant() def _is_trivially_feasible(self): # INTERNAL : assume self is trivial() expr_num = self._expr.constant return self._lb <= expr_num <= self._ub def _is_trivially_infeasible(self): # INTERNAL : assume self is trivial() expr_num = self._expr.constant return expr_num < self._lb or expr_num > self._ub def compute_infeasibility(self, slack): # pragma: no cover # compatible with cplex... return -slack def get_var_coef(self, dvar): return self._expr.unchecked_get_coef(dvar) def is_satisfied(self, solution, tolerance=1e-6): expr_value = self._expr._raw_solution_value(solution) return self._lb - tolerance <= expr_value <= self._ub + tolerance @property def expr(self): """ This property returns the linear expression of the range constraint. """ return self._expr @expr.setter def expr(self, new_expr): self.get_linear_factory().set_range_constraint_expr(self, new_expr) @property def lb(self): """ This property is used to get or set the lower bound of the range constraint. """ return self._lb @lb.setter def lb(self, new_lb): self._model._typecheck_num(new_lb) self.get_linear_factory().set_range_constraint_lb(self, new_lb) @property def ub(self): """ This property is used to get or set the upper bound of the range constraint. """ return self._ub @ub.setter def ub(self, new_ub): self._model._typecheck_num(new_ub) self.get_linear_factory().set_range_constraint_ub(self, new_ub) @property def bounds(self): """ This property is used to get or set the (lower, upper) bounds of a range constraint. """ return self._lb, self._ub @bounds.setter def bounds(self, new_bounds): try: new_lb, new_ub = new_bounds self._model._typecheck_num(new_lb) self._model._typecheck_num(new_ub) self.get_linear_factory().set_range_constraint_bounds(self, new_lb, new_ub) except ValueError: self.fatal('RangeConstraint.bounds expects a 2-tuple of numbers, {0!r} was passed', new_bounds) def _internal_set_lb(self, new_lb): self._lb = new_lb def _internal_set_ub(self, new_ub): self._ub = new_ub def is_feasible(self): return self._ub >= self._lb @property def dual_value(self): """ This property returns the dual value of the constraint. Note: This method will raise an exception if the model has not been solved successfully. """ return self._get_dual_value() @property def slack_value(self): """ This property returns the slack value of the constraint. Note: This method will raise an exception if the model has not been solved successfully. """ return self._model._slack_value1(self) @property def basis_status(self): """ This property returns the basis status of the slack variable of the constraint, if any. Returns: An enumerated value from the enumerated type `docplex.constants.BasisStatus`. Note: for the model to hold basis information, the model must have been solved as a LP problem. In some cases, a model which failed to solve may still have a basis available. Use `Model.has_basis()` to check whether the model has basis information or not. See Also: :func:`` :class:`` *New in version 2.10* """ return self._model._linearct_basis_status([self])[0]
[docs] def iter_variables(self): """Iterates over all the variables of the range constraint. Returns: An iterator object. """ return self._expr.iter_variables()
def iter_exprs(self): yield self._expr def cplex_range_value(self, do_raise=True): return self.static_cplex_range_value(self, self._lb, self._ub, lambda: "Range has infeasible domain: {0!s}".format(self), do_raise=do_raise) @classmethod def static_cplex_range_value(cls, logger, lbval, ubval, msg_fun, do_raise=True): rangeval = float(lbval - ubval) # this should be negative, otherwise fails.... # no way to model infeasible ranges with cplex rngval. if rangeval >= 1e-6 and do_raise: logger.fatal(msg_fun()) return rangeval def cplex_num_rhs(self): # force conversion to float for numpy, etc... return float(self._ub - self._expr.get_constant()) def get_left_expr(self): return self._expr # noinspection PyMethodMayBeStatic def get_right_expr(self): return None def copy(self, target_model, var_map): copied_expr = self.expr.copy(target_model, var_map) copy_name = None if target_model.ignore_names else copied_range = RangeConstraint(target_model, copied_expr,, self.ub, copy_name) return copied_range def to_string(self, use_space=False): np = self.model._num_printer s_expr = self._expr.to_string(use_space=use_space) return "{0} <= {1!s} <= {2}".format(np.to_string(self._lb), s_expr, np.to_string(self._ub)) def to_readable_string(self): np = self.model._num_printer s_expr = self._expr.to_string(use_space=True)[:self.model.readable_str_len] return "{0} <= {1!s} <= {2}".format(np.to_string(self._lb), s_expr, np.to_string(self._ub)) def __str__(self): """ Returns a string representation of the range constraint. Example: 1 <= x+y+z <= 3 represents the range constraint where the expression (x+y+z) is constrained to stay between 1 and 3. Returns: A string. """ return self.to_string(use_space=self.model.str_use_space) def __repr__(self): printable_name = self.safe_name return "[{0}]({1},{2!s},{3})". \ format(printable_name,, self._expr, self.ub) def resolve(self): self._expr.resolve() @property def benders_annotation(self): """ This property is used to get or set the Benders annotation of a constraint. The value of the annotation must be a positive integer """ return self.get_benders_annotation() @benders_annotation.setter def benders_annotation(self, new_anno): self.set_benders_annotation(new_anno)
[docs]class NotEqualConstraint(LinearConstraint): def __init__(self, model, negated_eqct, name=None): # assume negated_eqct is the equality constraint we want to negate self._negated_ct = negated_eqct aux_eq_ct_status = self._negated_ct.get_resolved_status_var() zero = model._lfactory.new_zero_expr() LinearConstraint.__init__(self, model, aux_eq_ct_status, ComparisonType.EQ, zero, name) self.lock_discrete()
[docs] def to_string(self, use_space=False): eqct = self._negated_ct s_lhs = eqct._left_expr.to_string(use_space=use_space) s_rhs = eqct._right_expr.to_string(use_space=use_space) return "{0} != {1}".format(s_lhs, s_rhs)
def set_sense(self, new_sense): self.fatal("cannot modify sense of a not_equal constraint: {0!s}", self) @property def negated_constraint(self): return self._negated_ct def __str__(self): """ Returns a string representation of the not equals constraint. Returns: A string. """ return self.to_string(use_space=self.model.str_use_space) def __repr__(self): return "{0}, {1})". \ format(self._left_expr, self._right_expr)
[docs]class LogicalConstraint(AbstractConstraint): """ This class models logical constraints. An equivalence constraint links (both ways) the value of a binary variable to the satisfaction of a linear constraint. If the binary variable equals the truth value (default is 1), then the constraint is satisfied, conversely if the constraint is satisfied, the value of the variable is set to the truth value. This class is not meant to be instantiated by the user. """ __slots__ = ('_binary_var', '_linear_ct', '_active_value') def __init__(self, model, binary_var, linear_ct, active_value=1, name=None): AbstractConstraint.__init__(self, model, name) self._binary_var = binary_var self._linear_ct = linear_ct self._active_value = active_value # connect exprs for expr in linear_ct.iter_exprs(): expr.notify_used(self) linear_ct.notify_used_in_logical_ct(self) def resolve(self): self._linear_ct.resolve() def _get_index_scope(self): return self._model._logical_scope def iter_exprs(self): return self._linear_ct.iter_exprs() def is_equivalence(self): raise NotImplementedError # pragma: no cover def cplex_num_rhs(self): return self._linear_ct.cplex_num_rhs() @property def active_value(self): return self._active_value @property def binary_var(self): return self._binary_var @property def linear_constraint(self): return self._linear_ct @property def lct(self): return self.linear_constraint @property def benders_annotation(self): """ This property is used to get or set the Benders annotation of a constraint. The value of the annotation must be a positive integer """ return self.get_benders_annotation() @benders_annotation.setter def benders_annotation(self, new_anno): self.set_benders_annotation(new_anno) def get_linear_constraint(self): return self._linear_ct @property def cpx_complemented(self): return 1 - self._active_value def copy(self, target_model, var_map): copied_binary = var_map[self.binary_var] copied_linear_ct = self.linear_constraint.copy(target_model, var_map) copy_name = None if target_model.ignore_names else copied_equiv = self.__class__(target_model, copied_binary, copied_linear_ct, self._active_value, copy_name) return copied_equiv def relaxed_copy(self, relaxed_model, var_map): raise DocplexLinearRelaxationError(self, cause='logical') def is_logical(self): return True def iter_variables(self): yield self._binary_var for v in self._linear_ct.iter_variables(): yield v def get_var_coef(self, dvar): if dvar is self._binary_var: return 1 else: return self._linear_ct.get_var_coef(dvar) def __str__(self): return self.to_string(use_space=self.model.str_use_space) def __repr__(self): printable_name = self.safe_name clazzname = self.__class__.__name__ s_lc = self._linear_ct.to_string(use_space=False).replace(' ', '') return "{0:s}[{1}]({2!s},{3!s},true={4})" \ .format(clazzname, printable_name, self._binary_var, s_lc, self._active_value) def notify_expr_modified(self, expr, event): # INTERNAL self.get_linear_factory().update_indicator_constraint_expr(self, event, expr) @property def slack_value(self): return self._model._slack_value1(self) def _symbol(self): return '<->' if self.is_equivalence() else '->'
[docs] def to_string(self, use_space=False): """ Displays the equivalence constraint in a (shortened) LP style: z <-> x+y+z == 2 Returns: A string. """ return self._to_string(use_space, self.model.str_max_len)
def _to_string(self, use_space, max_str_len): eqname = name_part = '{0}: '.format(eqname) if eqname else '' eq_var = self._binary_var if eq_var.is_generated(): varname = 'x%d' % eq_var._index else: varname = str(eq_var) s_active_value = '' if self._active_value else '=0' s_symbol = self._symbol() s_lc = self.linear_constraint._to_string(use_space, max_str_len) return "{0}{1}{2} {4} [{3}]".format(name_part, varname, s_active_value, s_lc, s_symbol) def to_readable_string(self): return self._to_string(use_space=True, max_str_len=self.model.readable_str_len)
[docs]class IndicatorConstraint(LogicalConstraint): """ This class models indicator constraints. An indicator constraint links (one-way) the value of a binary variable to the satisfaction of a linear constraint. If the binary variable equals the active value, then the constraint is satisfied, but otherwise the constraint may or may not be satisfied. This class is not meant to be instantiated by the user. To create an indicator constraint, use the factory method :func:`` defined on :class:``. """ __slots__ = () def __init__(self, model, binary_var, linear_ct, active_value=1, name=None): LogicalConstraint.__init__(self, model, binary_var, linear_ct, active_value, name) @property def short_typename(self): return "indicator constraint" def is_equivalence(self): return False def is_logical(self): return True
[docs] def invalidate(self): """ Sets the binary variable to the opposite of its active value. Typically used by indicator constraints with a trivial infeasible linear part. For example, z=1 -> 4 <= 3 sets z to 0 and z=0 -> 4 <= 3 sets z to 1. This is equivalent to if z=a => False, then z *cannot* be equal to a. """ if 0 == self.active_value: # set to 1 : lb = 1 = 1 elif 1 == self.active_value: # set to 0 ub = 0 self.binary_var.ub = 0 else: self.fatal("Unexpected active value for indicator constraint: {0!s}, value is: {1!s}, expecting 0 or 1", # pragma: no cover self, self.active_value) # pragma: no cover
def is_satisfied(self, solution, tolerance=1e-6): binary_value = solution.get_value(self._binary_var) if abs(binary_value - self._active_value) <= tolerance: is_ct_satisfied = self._linear_ct.is_satisfied(solution, tolerance) # only active if binary is active value: return abs(1 - is_ct_satisfied) <= tolerance else: # when binary var is not equal to active_value, indicator has no effect return True
[docs]class EquivalenceConstraint(LogicalConstraint): """ This class models equivalence constraints. An equivalence constraint links (both ways) the value of a binary variable to the satisfaction of a linear constraint. If the binary variable equals the truth value (default is 1), then the constraint is satisfied, conversely if the constraint is satisfied, the value of the variable is set to the truth value. This class is not meant to be instantiated by the user. """ __slots__ = () def __init__(self, model, binary_var, linear_ct, truth_value=1, name=None): LogicalConstraint.__init__(self, model, binary_var, linear_ct, truth_value, name) # connect exprs linear_ct.lock_discrete() @property def short_typename(self): return "equivalence constraint" def is_equivalence(self): return True def is_logical(self): return True def is_satisfied(self, solution, tolerance=1e-6): bvar = self._binary_var if bvar.is_generated() and bvar not in solution: # bvar is not mentioned, ok return True is_ct_satisfied = self._linear_ct.is_satisfied(solution, tolerance) binary_value = solution.get_value(bvar) expected_value = self._active_value if is_ct_satisfied else 1 - self._active_value ok = ComparisonType.almost_equal(binary_value, expected_value, tolerance) return ok
[docs]class IfThenConstraint(IndicatorConstraint): def __init__(self, model, if_ct, then_ct, negate=False): if_ct_status_var = if_ct.status_var self._if_ct = if_ct # if negated, then the then constraint is satisfied if not(if_ct) is satisfied # this is actually an if-else ... true_value = 0 if negate else 1 IndicatorConstraint.__init__(self, model, binary_var=if_ct_status_var, linear_ct=then_ct, active_value=true_value, name=None)
[docs] def to_string(self, use_space=False): return "{0!s} -> {1}".format(self._if_ct, self.linear_constraint.to_string(use_space=use_space))
[docs]class QuadraticConstraint(BinaryConstraint): """ The class models quadratic constraints. Quadratic constraints are of the form `<qexpr1> <OP> <qexpr2>`, where at least one of <qexpr1> or <qexpr2> is a quadratic expression. """ def copy(self, target_model, var_map): # noinspection PyPep8 copied_left_expr = self.left_expr.copy(target_model, var_map) copied_right_expr = self.right_expr.copy(target_model, var_map) copy_name = None if target_model.ignore_names else return QuadraticConstraint(target_model, copied_left_expr, self.type, copied_right_expr, copy_name) def relaxed_copy(self, relaxed_model, var_map): raise DocplexLinearRelaxationError(self, cause='quadratic') def is_quadratic(self): return True @property def short_typename(self): return "quadratic constraint" def _get_index_scope(self): return self._model._quadct_scope __slots__ = () def is_trivial(self): for _, nqk in self.iter_net_quads(): if nqk: return False # now check linear parts for _, lk in self.iter_net_linear_coefs(): if lk: return False return True def iter_net_linear_coefs(self): linear_left = self._left_expr.get_linear_part() linear_right = self._right_expr.get_linear_part() return self._iter_net_linear_coefs_sorted(linear_left, linear_right) def iter_net_quads(self): # INTERNAL left_expr = self._left_expr right_expr = self._right_expr if not right_expr.is_quad_expr(): return left_expr.iter_sorted_quads() elif not left_expr.is_quad_expr(): return right_expr.iter_opposite_ordered_quads() else: return self.generate_ordered_net_quads(left_expr, right_expr) @classmethod def generate_ordered_net_quads(cls, qleft, qright): # left first, then right for lqv, lqk in qleft.iter_sorted_quads(): net_k = lqk - qright._get_quadratic_coefficient_from_var_pair(lqv) if 0 != net_k: yield lqv, net_k for rqv, rqk in qright.iter_sorted_quads(): if not qleft.contains_quad(rqv) and rqk: yield rqv, -rqk def _set_left_expr(self, new_left_expr): self.qfactory.set_quadratic_constraint_expr_from_pos(self, pos=0, new_expr=new_left_expr) @property def left_expr(self): return BinaryConstraint.get_left_expr(self) @left_expr.setter def left_expr(self, new_left_expr): self._set_left_expr(new_left_expr) def _set_right_expr(self, new_right_expr): self.qfactory.set_quadratic_constraint_expr_from_pos(self, pos=1, new_expr=new_right_expr) @property def right_expr(self): return BinaryConstraint.get_right_expr(self) @right_expr.setter def right_expr(self, new_right_expr): self._set_right_expr(new_right_expr) # aliases rhs = right_expr lhs = left_expr @property def benders_annotation(self): """ This property is used to get or set the Benders annotation of a constraint. The value of the annotation must be a positive integer """ return self.get_benders_annotation() @benders_annotation.setter def benders_annotation(self, new_anno): self.set_benders_annotation(new_anno) @property def slack_value(self): """ This property returns the slack value of the constraint. Note: This method will raise an exception if the model has not been solved successfully. """ return self._model._slack_value1(self) @property def sense(self): """ This property is used to get or set the sense of the constraint; sense is an enumerated value of type :class:`ComparisonType`, with three possible values: - LE for e1 <= e2 constraints - EQ for e1 == e2 constraints - GE for e1 >= e2 constraints where e1 and e2 denote quadratic expressions. """ return self._ctsense @sense.setter def sense(self, new_sense): self.set_sense(new_sense) def set_sense(self, new_sense): self.qfactory.set_quadratic_constraint_sense(self, new_sense) # compat @property def type(self): return self._ctsense def has_net_quadratic_term(self): # INTERNAL return any(nk for _, nk in self.iter_net_quads()) def notify_expr_modified(self, expr, event): # INTERNAL self.qfactory.update_quadratic_constraint(self, expr, event) def notify_expr_replaced(self, old_expr, new_expr): qfact = self.qfactory if old_expr is self._left_expr: qfact.set_quadratic_constraint_expr_from_pos(qct=self, pos=0, new_expr=new_expr, supdate_subscribers=False) elif old_expr is self._right_expr: qfact.set_quadratic_constraint_expr_from_pos(qct=self, pos=1, new_expr=new_expr, update_subscribers=False) else: # should not happen pass # new expr takes al subscribers from old expr new_expr.grab_subscribers(old_expr)
[docs]class PwlConstraint(AbstractConstraint): """ This class models piecewise linear constraints. This class is not meant to be instantiated by the user. To create a piecewise constraint, use the factory method :func:`` defined on :class:``. """ __slots__ = ('_pwl_expr', '_input_var', '_y') def __init__(self, model, pwl_expr, name=None): AbstractConstraint.__init__(self, model, name) self._pwl_expr = pwl_expr self._input_var = pwl_expr._x_var self._y = None def resolve(self): self._pwl_expr.resolve() def is_satisfied(self, solution, tolerance): expr_value = self._input_var._raw_solution_value(solution) y_value = solution._get_var_value(self._y) computed_f_expr_value = self.pwl_func.evaluate(expr_value) return ComparisonType.almost_equal(y_value, computed_f_expr_value, tolerance) @property def expr(self): """ This property returns the linear expression of the piecewise linear constraint. """ return self._input_var @property def pwl_func(self): """ This property returns the piecewise linear function of the piecewise linear constraint. """ return self._pwl_expr.pwl_func @property def y(self): """ This property returns the output variable associated with the piecewise linear constraint. """ if self._y is None: self._y = self._pwl_expr._get_allocated_f_var() return self._y def _get_index_scope(self): return self._model._pwl_scope def iter_exprs(self): yield self._pwl_expr
[docs] def iter_variables(self): """Iterates over all the variables of the piecewise linear constraint. Returns: An iterator object. """ yield self.y yield self._input_var
def iter_extended_variables(self): # iterates on all extended variables involved in the computation # yvar, xavr, plus all argument rexpr vars # if argument var is identical to the input var, it is returned twice...? yield self.y yield self._input_var for v in self._pwl_expr._argument_expr.iter_variables(): yield v def get_var_coef(self, dvar): if dvar is self.y: return 1 else: return self.expr.unchecked_get_coef(dvar) def copy(self, target_model, var_map): # Internal: copy must not be invoked on PwlConstraint. raise NotImplementedError # pragma: no cover def relaxed_copy(self, relaxed_model, var_map): raise DocplexLinearRelaxationError(self, cause='pwl') def to_string(self, use_space=False): pwlf = self.pwl_func pwlf_s = or 'pwl?' s_expr = self.expr.to_string(use_space=use_space) return "{0} == {1!s}({2!s})".format(self.y, pwlf_s, s_expr) def __str__(self): """ Returns a string representation of the piecewise linear constraint. Example: `y == pwl_name(x + z)` represents the piecewise linear constraint where the variable `y` is constrained to be equal to the value of the piecewise linear function whose name is 'pwl_name' applied to the expression (x + z). Returns: A string. """ return self.to_string(use_space=self.model.str_use_space) def __repr__(self): return "{0},{1!s},{2})". \ format(self.y, self.pwl_func, self.expr)