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# Source file provided under Apache License, Version 2.0, January 2004,
# (c) Copyright IBM Corp. 2015, 2016
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import operator
from enum import Enum

from import docplex_fatal
from import is_string, is_int

[docs]class VarBoundType(Enum): """This enumerated class describes the two types of variable bounds: - LB is for lower bound - UB is for uupper bound This enumerated type is used in conflict refiner. """ LB = 0 UB = 1
[docs]class ComparisonType(Enum): """This enumerated class defines the various types of linear constraints: - LE for e1 <= e2 constraints - EQ for e1 == e2 constraints - GE for e1 >= e2 constraints where e1 and e2 denote linear expressions. """ LE = 1, '<=', 'L', operator.le EQ = 2, '==', 'E', operator.eq GE = 3, '>=', 'G', def __new__(cls, code, operator_symbol, cplex_kw, python_op): obj = object.__new__(cls) # predefined obj._value_ = code obj._cplex_code = cplex_kw obj._op_symbol = operator_symbol obj._pyop = python_op return obj # NOTE: Never add a static field in an enum class: it would be interpreted as an other enum @property def short_name(self): return @property def cplex_code(self): return self._cplex_code @property def operator_symbol(self): """ Returns a string operator for the constraint. Example: Returns string "<=" for a e1 <= e2 constraint. Returns: string: A string describing the logical operator used in the constraint. """ return self._op_symbol @property def python_operator(self): return self._pyop @classmethod def parse(cls, arg, do_raise=True): # INTERNAL # noinspection PyTypeChecker for op in cls: if arg in (op, op.value): return op elif is_string(arg): if arg == op._cplex_code \ or arg == str(op.value) \ or arg.lower() == return op # not found if do_raise: docplex_fatal('cannot convert this to a comparison type: {0!r}'.format(arg)) else: return None @classmethod def cplex_ctsense_to_python_op(cls, cpx_sense): return cls.parse(cpx_sense).python_operator @classmethod def almost_compare(cls, lval, op, rval, eps): if op is cls.LE: # lval <= rval with eps tolerance means lval-rval <= e return lval - rval <= eps elif op is cls.GE: # lval >= rval with eps tolerance means lval-rval >= -eps return lval - rval >= -eps elif op is cls.EQ: return abs(lval - rval) <= eps else: raise TypeError @classmethod def almost_equal(cls, lval, rval, eps): return cls.almost_compare(lval, cls.EQ, rval, eps)
[docs]class RelaxationMode(Enum): """ This enumerated type describes the different strategies for model relaxation: - MinSum, OptSum, - MinInf, OptInf, - MinQuad, OptQuad. A relaxation algorithms works in two phases: In the first phase, it finds a feasible solution while making minimal changes to the model (according to a metric). In the second phase, it searches for an optimal solution while keeping the relaxation at the minimal value found in phase 1. Enumerated values work in pairs: MinXXX, OptXXX - MinXXX values stop at phase 1, they look for a feasible soluion, they do not optimize the objective. - OptXXX run the two phases, looking for an optimal relaxed solution. They take longer. The metric used to evaluate the quality of the relaxation is determined by the XXX part of the name. There are three metrics: - Inf (MinInf, OptInf) minimizes the number of relaxed constraints. This metric will prefer to relax one constraint, even with a huge slack, instead of two. - Sum (MinSum, OptSum): minimizes the sum of relaxations. - Quand (MinQuad, OptQuad): minimizes the sum of squares of relaxations. This metric is the most expensive in computation time, but avoids huge discrepancies between relaxations: two constraints with relaxations of 2,2 will have a better quality (2^2 + 2^2 = 8) than relaxations of 3,1 (3^2 +1 = 10). """ MinSum, OptSum, MinInf, OptInf, MinQuad, OptQuad = range(6) @staticmethod def parse(arg): # INTERNAL # noinspection PyTypeChecker for m in RelaxationMode: if arg == m or arg == m.value: return m elif is_string(arg): if arg == str(m.value) or arg.lower() == return m docplex_fatal('cannot parse this as a relaxation mode: {0!r}'.format(arg)) @staticmethod def get_no_optimization_mode(mode): assert isinstance(mode, RelaxationMode) # even values are MinXXX modes relax_code = mode.value if 0 == relax_code % 2: return mode else: # OptXXX is 2k+1 when MinXXX is 2k return RelaxationMode(relax_code - 1) def __repr__(self): return '{0}'.format(
[docs]class ConflictStatus(Enum): """ This enumerated class defines the conflict status types. """ Excluded, Possible_member, Possible_member_lower_bound, Possible_member_upper_bound, \ Member, Member_lower_bound, Member_upper_bound = -1, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
[docs]class SOSType(Enum): """This enumerated class defines the SOS types: - SOS1 for SOS type 1 - SOS1 for SOS type 2. """ SOS1, SOS2 = 1, 2 def lower(self): return @staticmethod def parse(arg, sos1_tokens=frozenset(['1', 'sos1']), sos2_tokens=frozenset(['2', 'sos2'])): if isinstance(arg, SOSType): return arg elif 1 == arg: return SOSType.SOS1 elif 2 == arg: return SOSType.SOS2 elif is_string(arg): arg_lower = arg.lower() if arg_lower in sos1_tokens: return SOSType.SOS1 elif arg_lower in sos2_tokens: return SOSType.SOS2 docplex_fatal("Cannot convert to SOS type: {0!s} - expecting 1|2|'sos1'|'sos2'", arg) def _cpx_sos_type(self): # INTERNAL return str(self.value) @property def size(self): return self.value def __repr__(self): return '{0}'.format(
[docs]class SolveAttribute(Enum): duals = 1, False, True slacks = 2, False, True reduced_costs = 3, True, True def __new__(cls, code, is_for_vars, requires_solve): obj = object.__new__(cls) # predefined obj._value_ = code obj.is_var_attribute = is_for_vars obj.requires_solve = requires_solve return obj @classmethod def parse(cls, arg, do_raise=True): # INTERNAL # noinspection PyTypeChecker for m in cls: if arg == m or arg == m.value: return m elif is_string(arg): if arg == str(m.value) or arg.lower() == return m if do_raise: docplex_fatal('cannot convert this to a solve attribute: {0!r}'.format(arg)) else: return None
[docs]class UpdateEvent(Enum): # INTERNAL NoOp = 0 # # Linear constraint events LinearConstraintCoef = 1 LinearConstraintRhs = 2 LinearConstraintGlobal = 3 # logical and of Coef + Rhs ConstraintSense = 4 # Range constraint events RangeConstraintBounds = 5 RangeConstraintExpr = 6 # Expression events ExprConstant = 8 LinExprCoef = 16 LinExprGlobal = 24 LinExprPromotedToQuad = 25 # objective is ok, constraint wont support this. # Quad QuadExprQuadCoef = 32 QuadExprGlobal = 64 # Ind IndicatorLinearConstraint = 128 # Quadct QuadraticConstraintGlobal = 256 def __bool__(self): return bool(self.value)
[docs]class ObjectiveSense(Enum): """ This enumerated class defines the two types of objectives, `Minimize` and `Maximize`. """ Minimize, Maximize = 1, 2
[docs] def is_minimize(self): """ Returns True if objective is a minimizing objective. """ return self is ObjectiveSense.Minimize
[docs] def is_maximize(self): """ Returns True if objective is a maximizing objective. """ return self is ObjectiveSense.Maximize
@property def verb(self): """ Returns a string describing the objective (in lowercase) - 'minimize' for the Minimize objective - 'maximize' for the Maximize objective """ return @property def short_name(self): """ Returns a short ('min' or 'max') string describing the objective. """ return self.verb[:3] @property def cplex_coef(self): return 1 if self.is_minimize() else -1 @classmethod def from_cplex(cls, cpx_sense): if cpx_sense == 1: return cls.Minimize elif cpx_sense == -1: return cls.Maximize else: raise ValueError("expecting +1 or -1, {0} was passed".format(cpx_sense)) @staticmethod def parse(arg, logger=None): """ Converts an argument to an objective sense. Accepts either - an objective sense (returns itself) - a string (in long or short format), - an integer (in CPLEX convention, 1 is for minimize, -1 for maximize). :param arg: the argument to convert to a sense :param logger: :return: An instance of enumerated `ObjectiveSense` class. """ if isinstance(arg, ObjectiveSense): return arg elif is_string(arg): lower_text = arg.lower() if lower_text in {"minimize", "min"}: return ObjectiveSense.Minimize elif lower_text in {"maximize", "max"}: return ObjectiveSense.Maximize elif logger: logger.fatal("Not an objective sense: '{0}', expecting 'min|max'", arg) else: docplex_fatal("Not an objective sense: '{0}', expecting 'min|max'".format(arg)) elif is_int(arg): if arg == 1: return ObjectiveSense.Minimize elif -1 == arg: return ObjectiveSense.Maximize else: logger.fatal("Not an objective sense: <{}>", (arg,)) if logger: logger.fatal("Not an objective sense: <{}>", (arg,)) else: docplex_fatal("Not an objective sense: <{}>".format(arg))
# noinspection PyPep8
[docs]class CplexScope(Enum): def __new__(cls, code, prefix, descr): obj = object.__new__(cls) # predefined obj._value_ = code obj.prefix = prefix obj.descr = descr return obj # INTERNAL VAR_SCOPE = 0, 'x', 'variables' LINEAR_CT_SCOPE = 1, 'c', 'linear constraints' IND_CT_SCOPE = 2, 'ic', 'indicator constraints' QUAD_CT_SCOPE = 3, 'qc', 'quadratic constraints' PWL_CT_SCOPE = 4, 'pwl', 'piecewise constraints' SOS_SCOPE = 5, 'sos', 'SOS' def is_constraint_scope(self): return self._value_ in frozenset([1, 2, 3, 4])
[docs]class QualityMetric(Enum): def __new__(cls, code, has_int, cpx_codename): obj = object.__new__(cls) # predefined obj._value_ = code obj.has_int = has_int obj.codename = cpx_codename return obj @property def cpx_codename(self): return 'CPX_' + self.codename @property def code(self): return self._value_ @property def key(self): return self.codename.lower() @property def int_key(self): return '' % self.codename.lower() max_primal_infeasibility = 1, 1, 'MAX_PRIMAL_INFEAS' max_scaled_primal_infeasibility = 2, 1, 'MAX_SCALED_PRIMAL_INFEAS' sum_primal_infeasibilities = 3, 0, 'SUM_PRIMAL_INFEAS' sum_scaled_primal_infeasibilities = 4, 0, 'SUM_SCALED_PRIMAL_INFEAS' max_dual_infeasibility = 5, 1, 'MAX_DUAL_INFEAS' max_scaled_dual_infeasibility = 6, 1, 'MAX_SCALED_DUAL_INFEAS' sum_dual_infeasibilities = 7, 0, 'SUM_DUAL_INFEAS' sum_scaled_dual_infeasibilities = 8, 0, 'SUM_SCALED_DUAL_INFEAS' max_int_infeasibility = 9, 1, 'MAX_INT_INFEAS' sum_integer_infeasibilities = 10, 0, 'SUM_INT_INFEAS' max_primal_residual = 11, 1, 'MAX_PRIMAL_RESIDUAL' max_scaled_primal_residual = 12, 1, 'MAX_SCALED_PRIMAL_RESIDUAL' sum_primal_residual = 13, 0, 'SUM_PRIMAL_RESIDUAL' sum_scaled_primal_residual = 14, 0, 'SUM_SCALED_PRIMAL_RESIDUAL' max_dual_residual = 15, 1, 'MAX_DUAL_RESIDUAL' max_scaled_dual_residual = 16, 1, 'MAX_SCALED_DUAL_RESIDUAL' sum_dual_residual = 17, 0, 'SUM_DUAL_RESIDUAL' sum_scaled_dual_residual = 18, 0, 'SUM_SCALED_DUAL_RESIDUAL' max_comp_slack = 19, 1, 'MAX_COMP_SLACK' # gap here sum_comp_slack = 21, 0, 'SUM_COMP_SLACK' # gap here max_x = 23, 1, 'MAX_X' max_scaled_x = 24, 1, 'MAX_SCALED_X' max_pi = 25, 1, 'MAX_PI' max_scaled_pi = 26, 1, 'MAX_SCALED_PI' max_slack = 27, 1, 'MAX_SLACK' max_scaled_slack = 28, 1, 'MAX_SCALED_SLACK' max_reduced_cost = 29, 1, 'MAX_RED_COST' max_scaled_reduced_cost = 30, 1, 'MAX_SCALED_RED_COST' sum_x = 31, 0, 'SUM_X' sum_scaled_x = 32, 0, 'SUM_SCALED_X' sum_pi = 33, 0, 'SUM_PI' sum_scaled_pi = 34, 0, 'SUM_SCALED_PI' sum_slack = 35, 0, 'SUM_SLACK' sum_scaled_slack = 36, 0, 'SUM_SCALED_SLACK' sum_reduced_cost = 37, 0, 'SUM_RED_COST' sum_scaled_reduced_cost = 38, 0, 'SUM_SCALED_RED_COST' kappa = 39, 0, 'KAPPA' objective_gap = 40, 0, 'OBJ_GAP' dual_objective = 41, 0, 'DUAL_OBJ' primal_objective = 42, 0, 'PRIMAL_OBJ' max_quadratic_primal_residual = 43, 1, 'MAX_QCPRIMAL_RESIDUAL' sum_quadratic_primal_residual = 44, 0, 'SUM_QCPRIMAL_RESIDUAL' max_quadratic_slack_infeasibility = 45, 1, 'MAX_QCSLACK_INFEAS' sum_quadratic_slack_infeasibility = 46, 0, 'SUM_QCSLACK_INFEAS' max_quadratic_slack = 47, 1, 'MAX_QCSLACK' sum_quadratic_slack = 48, 0, 'SUM_QCSLACK' max_indicator_slack_infeasibility = 49, 1, 'MAX_INDSLACK_INFEAS' sum_indicator_slack_infeasibility = 50, 0, 'SUM_INDSLACK_INFEAS' exact_kappa = 51, 0, 'EXACT_KAPPA' kappa_stable = 52, 0, 'KAPPA_STABLE' kappa_suspicious = 53, 0, 'KAPPA_SUSPICIOUS' kappa_unstable = 54, 0, 'KAPPA_UNSTABLE' kappa_illposed = 55, 0, 'KAPPA_ILLPOSED' kappa_max = 56, 0, 'KAPPA_MAX' kappa_attention = 57, 0, 'KAPPA_ATTENTION' @classmethod def parse(cls, txt, raise_on_error=True): for qm in cls: if txt == return qm elif txt == qm.value: return qm elif txt == qm.cpx_codename: return qm fmt = '* cannot interpret this as a QualityMetric enum: {0!r}' if raise_on_error: docplex_fatal(fmt, txt) else: print(fmt.format(txt)) return None
[docs]class BasisStatus(Enum): """ This enumerated type describes the different values for basis status. Basis status can be queried for variables and linear constraints in LP problems. Possible values are: - NotABasisStatus: invalid or unknown status, - Basic, means the variable belongs to the base, - AtLower, means the variable is non-basic, at its lower bound, - AtUpper, means the variable is non-basic, at its upper bound, - FreeNonBasic, means the variable is nonbasic and is not at a bound. See Also: The list of possible values for basis status can be found in the CPLEX documentation: """ def __new__(cls, code, cpx_codename): obj = object.__new__(cls) # predefined obj._value_ = code obj.codename = cpx_codename return obj NotABasisStatus = -1, "NotBasisStatus" AtLowerBound = 0, "CPX_AT_LOWER" Basic = 1, "CPX_BASIC" AtUpperBound = 2, "CPX_AT_UPPER" FreeNonBasic = 3, "CPX_FREE_SUPER" @classmethod def parse(cls, code): for bs in cls: if bs.value == code: return bs return cls.NotABasisStatus
[docs]class WriteLevel(Enum): """ This enumerated class controls what is written in MST mip start files. The numeric value is identical to the CPLEX WriteLevel parameter values. The possible values are (in order of decreasing quantity of information written). - AllVars (1): all variables are written - DiscreteVars (2): all discrete variables are written (binary, integer, semi-integer) - NonZeroVars (3): all non-zero vars are written, regardless of their type. - DiscreteNonZeroVars (4): all discrete non-zero vars are written. - Auto (0): automatic value, same as DiscreteVars. *New in version 2.10* """ def __new__(cls, code, short_name): obj = object.__new__(cls) # predefined obj._value_ = code obj.short_name = short_name return obj Auto = 0, "auto" # same as DiscreteVars: filter discrete, keep zeros AllVars = 1, "all" # write all variables and their value, zero or nonzero DiscreteVars = 2, "discrete" # write all discrete variables and their value NonZeroVars = 3, "nonzero" # write only nonzero variables NonZeroDiscreteVars = 4, "nonzero_discrete" # write nonzero discrete variables def filter_zeros(self): return self in {WriteLevel.NonZeroVars, WriteLevel.NonZeroDiscreteVars} def filter_nondiscrete(self): return self in {WriteLevel.Auto, WriteLevel.DiscreteVars, WriteLevel.NonZeroDiscreteVars} @classmethod def parse(cls, level): if level is None: return cls.Auto elif isinstance(level, cls): return level else: for wl in cls: if wl.value == level: return wl elif is_string(level): llevel = level.lower() if llevel == or llevel == wl.short_name: return wl return cls.Auto
[docs]class EffortLevel(Enum): """ This enumerated class controls the effort level used for a MIP start. The numeric value is identical to the CPLEX EffortLevel parameter values. See Also: The list of possible values for effort level status can be found in the CPLEX documentation: """ Auto = 0 CheckFeas = 1 SolveFixed = 2 SolveMIP = 3 Repair = 4 NoCheck = 5 @classmethod def parse(cls, arg): fallback = cls.Auto if arg is None: return fallback elif isinstance(arg, EffortLevel): return arg else: for eff in EffortLevel: if eff.value == arg: return eff elif is_string(arg) and arg.lower() == return eff return fallback
# problem type conversion _problemtype_map = {0: "LP", 1: "MILP", 3: "fixed_MILP", 4: "nodeLP", 5: "QP", 7: "MIQP", 8: "fixed_MIQP", 9: "node_QP", 10: "QCP", 11: "MIQCP", 12: "node_QCP"} def int_probtype_to_string(probtype, fallback_probtype="unknown"): try: iprobe_type = int(probtype) return _problemtype_map.get(iprobe_type, fallback_probtype) except ValueError: return fallback_probtype