Source code for docplex.cp.utils

# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Source file provided under Apache License, Version 2.0, January 2004,
# (c) Copyright IBM Corp. 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Author: Olivier OUDOT, IBM Analytics, France Lab, Sophia-Antipolis

Miscellaneous utility functions. Some of theme are here to prevent possible
port problems between the different versions of Python.

This module is theoretically not public, but documented because some public classes are extending
classes defined here.

import os
import time
import logging
import sys
import threading
import io
import inspect
import json
import platform
import copy
import gzip
import zipfile
import traceback
import importlib
from collections import deque

    from import Iterable  # Python >= 3.7
except ImportError:
    from collections import Iterable      # Python < 3.7

    from StringIO import StringIO  # Python 2
except ImportError:
    from io import StringIO        # Python 3

#  Constants

# Python main version number
PYTHON_MAIN_VERSION = sys.version_info[0]

# Python 2 indicator

# Check if numpy is available
    import numpy
    NUMPY_NDARRAY = numpy.ndarray

# Check if panda is available
    import pandas
    from pandas import Series as PandaSeries

# Constant used to indicate to set a parameter to its default value
# Useful if default value is not static
DEFAULT = "default"

# Platform type
IS_WINDOWS = platform.system() == 'Windows'

#  Public classes

[docs]class CpoException(Exception): """ Exception thrown in case of CPO errors. """ def __init__(self, msg): """ **Constructor** Args: msg: Error message """ super(CpoException, self).__init__(msg)
[docs]class CpoNotSupportedException(CpoException): """ Exception thrown when a CPO function is not supported. """ def __init__(self, msg): """ **Constructor** Args: msg: Error message """ super(CpoNotSupportedException, self).__init__(msg)
[docs]class Context(dict): """ Class handling miscellaneous list of parameters. """ def __init__(self, **kwargs): """ **Constructor** Args: **kwargs: List of key=value to initialize context with. """ super(Context, self).__init__() vars(self)['parent'] = None for k, v in kwargs.items(): self.set_attribute(k, v) def __setattr__(self, name, value): """ Set a context parameter. Args: name: Parameter name value: Parameter value """ self.set_attribute(name, value) def __getattr__(self, name): """ Get a context parameter. Args: name: Parameter name Return: Parameter value, None if not set """ return self.get_attribute(name)
[docs] def set_attribute(self, name, value): """ Set a context attribute. Args: name: Attribute name value: Attribute value """ self[name] = value if isinstance(value, Context): vars(value)['parent'] = self
[docs] def get_attribute(self, name, default=None): """ Get a context attribute. This method search first attribute in this context. If not found, it moves up to parent context, and continues as long as not found or root is reached. Args: name: Attribute name default: Optional, default value if attribute is absent Return: Attribute value, default value if not found """ if name.startswith('__'): raise AttributeError ctx = self while ctx is not None: if name in ctx: return ctx.get(name) ctx = ctx.get_parent() return default
[docs] def del_attribute(self, name): """ Remove a context attribute. Args: name: Attribute name Return: True if attribute has been removed, False if it was not present """ if name in self: value = self.get(name) if isinstance(value, Context): vars(value)['parent'] = None del(self[name]) return True else: return False
[docs] def set_by_path(self, path, value): """ Set a context attribute using its path. Attribute path is a sequence of attribute names separated by dots. Args: path: Attribute path value: Attribute value """ path = path.split('.') trgt = self # Go down in sub-contexts for k in path[:-1]: sc = trgt.get(k) if sc is None: sc = Context() trgt.set_attribute(k, sc) elif not isinstance(sc, Context): raise Exception("Attribute '" + k + "' should be a Context") trgt = sc # Set final value trgt.set_attribute(path[-1], value)
[docs] def get_by_path(self, path, default=None): """ Get a context attribute using its path. Attribute path is a sequence of attribute names separated by dots. Args: path: Attribute path default: Optional, default value if attribute is not found Return: Attribute value, default value if not found """ res = self for k in path.split('.'): if k: res = res.get_attribute(k) if res is None: return default return res
[docs] def search_and_replace_attribute(self, name, value, path=""): """ Replace an existing attribute. The attribute is searched first as a value in this context node. If not found, it is searched recursively in children contexts, in alphabetical order. Args: name: Attribute name value: Attribute value, None to remove attribute path: Path of the current node. default is '' Return: Full path of the attribute that has been found and replaced, None if not found """ sctxs = [] # List of subcontexts # Search first in atomic values for k in sorted(self.keys()): v = self[k] if isinstance(v, Context): sctxs.append((k, v)) else: if k == name: ov = self.get_attribute(name) npath = path + "." + k if path else k if ov is not None: if isinstance(value, Context): if not isinstance(ov, Context): raise Exception("Attribute '" + npath + "' is a Context and can only be replaced by a Context") self.__setattr__(name, value) return npath # Search then in sub-contexts for (k, v) in sctxs: npath = path + "." + k if path else k apth = v.search_and_replace_attribute(name, value, path=npath) if apth: return apth return None
[docs] def get_parent(self): """ Get the parent context. Each time a context attribute is set to a context, its parent is assigned to the context where it is stored. Return: Parent context, None if this context is root """ return vars(self)['parent']
[docs] def get_root(self): """ Get the root context (last parent with no parent). Return: Root context """ res = self pp = res.get_parent() while pp is not None: res = pp pp = pp.get_parent() return res
[docs] def clone(self): """ Clone this context and all sub-contexts recursively. Return: Cloned copy of this context. """ res = type(self)() for k, v in self.items(): if isinstance(v, Context): v = v.clone() res.set_attribute(k, v) return res
[docs] def set_other(self, ctx): """ Set another context into this one. All attributes of given context are set in this one, replacing previous value if any. If one value is another context, it is cloned before being set. Args: ctx: Other context to add to this one. """ for k, v in ctx.items(): if isinstance(v, Context): v = v.clone() self.set_attribute(k, v)
def add(self, ctx): # Obsolete implementation, kept to assure ascending compatibility self.set_other(ctx)
[docs] def is_log_enabled(self, vrb): """ Check if log is enabled for a given verbosity This method get this context 'log_output' attribute to retrieve the log output, and the attribute 'verbose' to retrieve the current verbosity level. Args: vrb: Required verbosity level, None for always """ return self.log_output and ((vrb is None) or (self.verbose and (self.verbose >= vrb)))
[docs] def get_log_output(self): """ Get this context log output This method returns the log_output defined in attribute 'log_output' and convert it to sys.stdout if its value is True Returns: Log output stream, None if none """ out = self.log_output return sys.stdout if out == True else out
[docs] def log(self, vrb, *msg): """ Log a message if log is enabled with enough verbosity This method get this context 'log_output' attribute to retrieve the log output, and the attribute 'verbose' to retrieve the current verbosity level. Args: vrb: Required verbosity level, None for always msg: Message elements to log (concatenated on one line) """ if self.is_log_enabled(vrb): out = self.get_log_output() prfx = self.log_prefix if prfx: out.write(str(prfx)) out.write(''.join([str(m) for m in msg])) out.write("\n") out.flush()
[docs] def print_context(self, out=None, indent=""): """ Print this context. At each level, atomic values are printed first, then sub-contexts, in alphabetical order. DEPRECATED. Use :meth:`write` instead. Args: out (Optional): Target output stream or file name. If not given, default value is sys.stdout. indent (Optional): Start line indentation. Default is empty """ self.write(out, indent)
[docs] def write(self, out=None, indent=""): """ Write this context. At each level, atomic values are printed first, then sub-contexts, in alphabetical order. If the given output is a string, it is considered as a file name that is opened by this method using 'utf-8' encoding. Args: out (Optional): Target output stream or file name. If not given, default value is sys.stdout. indent (Optional): Start line indentation. Default is empty """ # Check file if is_string(out): with open_utf8(os.path.abspath(out), mode='w') as f: self.write(f) return # Check default output if out is None: out = sys.stdout sctxs = [] # List of subcontexts # Print atomic values for k in sorted(self.keys()): v = self[k] if isinstance(v, Context): sctxs.append((k, v)) else: if is_string(v): # Check if value must be masked if k in ("key", "secret"): v = "**********" + v[-4:] vstr = '"' + v + '"' else: vstr = str(v) out.write(indent + str(k) + " = " + vstr + "\n") # Print sub-contexts for (k, v) in sctxs: out.write(indent + str(k) + ' =\n') v.write(out, indent + " : ") out.flush()
[docs] def export_flat(self, out=None): """ Export this context in flat format Each context attribute is written on a single line <path>=<value> with UTF-8 encoding. Args: out (Optional): Target output stream or file name. If not given, default value is sys.stdout. """ # Check file if is_string(out): with open_utf8(os.path.abspath(out), mode='w') as f: self.export_flat(f) return # Check default output if out is None: out = sys.stdout # Build dictionary of all attributes by pathes adict = {} self._build_path_dict('', adict) # Print values for k in sorted(adict.keys()): out.write(make_unicode(k)) out.write(u" = ") v = adict[k] if is_string(v): out.write(to_printable_string(v)) else: out.write(make_unicode(str(v))) out.write(u'\n')
[docs] def export_flat_as_string(self): """ Export this context in flat format as a string. Each context attribute is written on a single line <path>=<value> Args: out (Optional): Target output stream or file name. If not given, default value is sys.stdout. """ out = StringIO() self.export_flat(out) res = out.getvalue() out.close() return res
[docs] def import_flat(self, inp=None): """ Import a flat file in this context Each context attribute is added in this context. Each value is converted in the most appropriate type: string, integer, float, boolean or None. Only atomic values are allowed, not lists or other Python complex objects. Args: inp: Input stream or file """ # Check file if is_string(inp): with open_utf8(os.path.abspath(inp), mode='r') as f: self.import_flat(f) return # Read all lines for line in inp.readlines(): # Check empty and comment lines line = line.strip() if not line or line.startswith('#'): continue # Get attribute path cx = line.find('=') if cx < 0: raise Exception("No equal sign found in line '{}'".format(line)) k = line[:cx].strip() v = line[cx+1:].strip() v = string_to_value(v) self.set_by_path(k, v)
def _build_path_dict(self, path, result): """ Build dictionary of all context values with pathes as keys Args: path: Path of this context result: Result dictionary to fill """ # Build path prefix if path: path = path + "." for k in sorted(self.keys()): v = self[k] if isinstance(v, Context): v._build_path_dict(path + k, result) else: result[path + k] = v
[docs]class PersistentContext(Context): """ Persistent context stored in a file. """ def __init__(self, cfile): """ **Constructor** If the given file exists, it is read in this context. Args: cfile: File where context is stored with its flat representation """ super(PersistentContext, self).__init__() vars(self)['storage_file'] = cfile if os.path.isfile(cfile): self.import_flat(cfile)
[docs] def save(self): """ Save this context in the file. """ self.export_flat(vars(self)['storage_file'])
[docs]class IdAllocator(object): """ Allocator of identifiers. This implementation is not thread-safe. Use SafeIdAllocator for a usage in a multi-thread environment. """ __slots__ = ('prefix', # Id prefix 'count', # Allocated id count 'bdgts', # Count printing base digits ) DIGITS = "0123456789" LETTERS_AND_DIGITS = "0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz" def __init__(self, prefix, bdgts="0123456789"): """ **Constructor** Args: prefix: Prefix of all ids bdgts: List of digit characters to be use for counter conversion """ super(IdAllocator, self).__init__() self.prefix = prefix self.count = 0 self.bdgts = bdgts
[docs] def get_prefix(self): """ Get the name prefix used by this allocator. Returns: Name prefix """ return self.prefix
[docs] def get_count(self): """ Get the number of id that has been allocated by this allocator. Returns: Number of id that has been allocated by this allocator. """ return self.count
[docs] def allocate(self): """ Allocate a new id. Returns: Next id for this allocator """ self.count += 1 cnt = self.count res = [] bdgts = self.bdgts blen = len(bdgts) while cnt > 0: res.append(bdgts[cnt % blen]) cnt //= blen res.reverse() return self.prefix + ''.join(res)
[docs]class SafeIdAllocator(object): """ Allocator of identifiers. This implementation uses a lock to protect the increment of the counter, allowing to use it by multiple threads. """ __slots__ = ('prefix', # Id prefix 'count', # Allocated id count 'bdgts', # Count printing base digits 'lock', # Lock to protect counter ) def __init__(self, prefix, bdgts="0123456789"): """ **Constructor** Args: prefix: Prefix of all ids bdgts: (Optional) List of digit characters to be use for counter conversion """ super(SafeIdAllocator, self).__init__() self.prefix = prefix self.count = 0 self.bdgts = bdgts self.lock = threading.Lock()
[docs] def get_prefix(self): """ Get the name prefix used by this allocator. Returns: Name prefix """ return self.prefix
[docs] def get_count(self): """ Get the number of id that has been allocated by this allocator. Returns: Number of id that has been allocated by this allocator. """ return self.count
[docs] def allocate(self): """ Allocate a new id Returns: Next id for this allocator """ with self.lock: self.count += 1 cnt = self.count res = [] bdgts = self.bdgts blen = len(bdgts) while cnt > 0: res.append(bdgts[cnt % blen]) cnt //= blen res.reverse() return self.prefix + ''.join(res)
[docs] def reset(self): """ Reset the allocator """ self.count = 0
[docs]class KeyIdDict(object): """ Dictionary using internally id of the key objects as dictionary key. This object allows to use any Python object as key (with no __hash__() function), and to map a value on the physical instance of the key. """ __slots__ = ('kdict', # Dictionary of objects ) def __init__(self): self.kdict = {}
[docs] def set(self, key, value): """ Set a value in the dictionary. Args: key: Key value: Value """ kid = id(key) # Store value and original key, to not garbage it and preserve its id self.kdict[kid] = (key, value)
[docs] def get(self, key, default=None): """ Get a value from the dictionary. Args: key: Key default: Default value if not found. Default is None. Returns: Value corresponding to the key, default value (None) if not found """ kid = id(key) v = self.kdict.get(kid, None) return default if v is None else v[1]
[docs] def keys(self): """ Get the list of all keys """ return [k for (k, v) in self.kdict.values()]
[docs] def values(self): """ Get the list of all values """ return [v for (k, v) in self.kdict.values()]
[docs] def clear(self): """ Clear all dictionary content """ self.kdict.clear()
def __len__(self): """ Returns the number of elements in this dictionary """ return len(self.kdict)
[docs]class ObjectCache(object): """ Limited size object cache. This object allows to associate an object to a key. This cache is limited in size. This means that, if the max size is reached, adding a new object removes the oldest. """ __slots__ = ('obj_dict', # Dictionary of objects 'max_size', # Max cache size 'key_list', # Ordered list of objects keys in the cache ) def __init__(self, maxsize): self.obj_dict = {} self.max_size = maxsize self.key_list = deque()
[docs] def set(self, key, value): """ Set a value in the cache Args: key: Key value: Value """ # Check if key already in cache if key in self.obj_dict: # Just replace the value self.obj_dict[key] = value else: # Remove older object if max size is reached if len(self.key_list) >= self.max_size: self.obj_dict.pop(self.key_list.popleft()) # Store new object self.obj_dict[key] = value self.key_list.append(key)
[docs] def get(self, key): """ Get a value from the cache Args: key: Key Returns: Value corresponding to the key, None if not found """ return self.obj_dict.get(key)
[docs] def keys(self): """ Get the list of all keys """ return list(self.key_list)
[docs] def values(self): """ Get the list of all values """ return list(self.obj_dict.values())
[docs] def size(self): """ Get the current size of the cache """ return len(self.key_list)
[docs] def clear(self): """ Clear all dictionary content """ self.obj_dict.clear() self.key_list.clear()
def __len__(self): """ Returns the number of elements in this dictionary """ return len(self.obj_dict)
[docs]class ObjectCacheById(object): """ Object cache that uses object id as key. This object allows to associate an object to a key. It is implemented using a dict that uses the id of the key as dict key. This allows to: * Use any Python object as key, even if it does not implement __hash__() function, * Use different key objects that are logically equal This cache is limited in size. This means that, if the max size is reached, adding a new object will remove the oldest. """ __slots__ = ('obj_dict', # Dictionary of objects 'max_size', # Max cache size 'key_list', # Ordered list of objects keys in the cache ) def __init__(self, maxsize): super(ObjectCacheById, self).__init__() self.obj_dict = {} self.max_size = maxsize self.key_list = deque()
[docs] def set(self, key, value): """ Set a value in the cache. Args: key: Key value: Value """ kid = id(key) # Check if key already in cache if kid in self.obj_dict: # Just replace the value self.obj_dict[kid] = value else: # Remove older object if max size is reached if len(self.key_list) == self.max_size: self.obj_dict.pop(id(self.key_list.popleft())) # Store new object self.obj_dict[kid] = value # Append key in deque (side effect is that key is preserved to preserve its id) self.key_list.append(key)
[docs] def get(self, key): """ Get a value from the cache. Args: key: Key Returns: Value corresponding to the key, None if not found """ return self.obj_dict.get(id(key))
[docs] def keys(self): """ Get the list of all keys """ return list(self.key_list)
[docs] def values(self): """ Get the list of all values """ return list(self.obj_dict.values())
[docs] def clear(self): """ Clear all dictionary content """ self.obj_dict.clear() self.key_list.clear()
def __len__(self): """ Returns the number of elements in this dictionary """ return len(self.obj_dict)
[docs]class IdentityAccessor(object): """ Object implementing a __getitem__ that returns the key as value. """ def __getitem__(self, key): return key
[docs]class TextFileLineReader(object): """ Reader for text files, possibly compressed using gzip """ __slots__ = ('input', # Input stream 'encoding', # Character encoding ) def __init__(self, file, encoding='utf-8-sig'): """ Create a text file line reader. Args: file: File name encoding: (Optional) Character encoding, UTF-8 by default """ ext = os.path.splitext(file)[1].lower() if ext == '.gz': self.input =, 'r') elif ext == ".zip": zfile = zipfile.ZipFile(file) lfiles = zfile.infolist() if len(lfiles) != 1: raise IOError("Zip file does not contains a single entry") self.input =[0]) else: self.input =, mode='r', encoding=encoding, errors='ignore') self.encoding = encoding def __del__(self): """ Release resources. """ self.close()
[docs] def close(self): """ Close this reader. """ if self.input is not None: self.input.close() self.input = None
[docs] def readline(self): """ Read next line of text. Returns: Next line of text, including ending end of line character, empty line if end of file """ # Check input already closed if self.input is None: return '' line = self.input.readline() # Process case where read is done in a compressed file if isinstance(line, (bytes, bytearray)): line = line.decode(self.encoding) if not line: self.input.close() self.input = None return line
[docs]class Chrono(object): """ Chronometer """ __slots__ = ('startTime', # Chrono start time ) def __init__(self): """ **Constructor** Create a new chronometer initialized with current time. """ super(Chrono, self).__init__() self.restart()
[docs] def get_start(self): """ Get the chrono start time. Returns: Time when chronometer has been started """ return self.startTime
[docs] def get_elapsed(self): """ Get the chrono elapsed time. Returns: Time spent from chronometer start time (float), in seconds """ return time.time() - self.startTime
[docs] def restart(self): """ Restart chrono to current time """ self.startTime = time.time()
def __str__(self): """ Convert this chronometer into a string. Returns: String of the chrono elapsed time """ return str(self.get_elapsed())
[docs]class Barrier(object): """ Barrier blocking multiple threads. This class implements a simple barrier with no timeout. Implemented here because not available in Python 2 """ __slots__ = ('parties', # Number of parties required before unlocking the barrier 'count', # Number of waiting parties 'lock', # Counters protection lock 'barrier' # Threads blocking lock ) def __init__(self, parties): """ **Constructor** Args: parties: Number of parties required before unlocking the barrier """ self.parties = parties self.count = 0 self.lock = threading.Lock() self.barrier = threading.Lock() self.barrier.acquire()
[docs] def wait(self): """ Wait for the barrier This method blocks the calling thread until required number of threads has called this method. """ with self.lock: self.count += 1 if self.count < self.parties: self.barrier.acquire() self.barrier.release()
[docs]class FunctionCache(object): """ Object caching the result of a function. Future calls with same parameters returns a result stored in a cache dictionary. This object is not thread-safe. """ __slots__ = ('values', # Function returned values. Key is the parameters passed to the function, # value is function result if function has already been called. 'lock', # Lock protecting values dictionary 'funct', # Function whose results is cached. ) def __init__(self, f): """ **Constructor** Args: f: Function whose results should be cached. """ self.values = {} self.funct = f self.lock = threading.Lock()
[docs] def get(self, *param): """ Get the function result for a given parameter Args: param: Function parameters Returns: Function result """ res = self.values.get(param) if res is None: # First check if None is the actual result if param in self.values: return None # Call function to get actual result res = self.funct(*param) # Add result to the cache self.values[param] = res return res
[docs] def clear(self): """ Clear all dictionary content """ self.values.clear()
def __len__(self): """ Returns the number of elements in this cache """ return len(self.values)
[docs]class InfoDict(dict): """ Dictionary used to store information of various types. """
[docs] def incr(self, key, val): """ Increment the value of an attribute considered as a number. If the attribute is not already in the dictionary, it is set to the given increment value. Args: key: Attribute key val: Value to add """ self[key] = self.get(key, 0) + val
[docs] def clone(self): """ Clone this information dictionary Returns: New information dictionary, cloned copy of this one. """ res = InfoDict() res.update(self) return res
[docs] def print_infos(self, out=None, indent=""): """ Print this information structure. Attributes are sorted in alphabetical order If the given output is a string, it is considered as a file name that is opened by this method using 'utf-8' encoding. DEPRECATED. Use :meth:`write` instead. Args: out (Optional): Target output stream or file name. If not given, default value is sys.stdout. indent (Optional): Start line indentation. Default is empty """ self.write(out, indent)
[docs] def write(self, out=None, indent=""): """ Write this information structure. Attributes are sorted in alphabetical order If the given output is a string, it is considered as a file name that is opened by this method using 'utf-8' encoding. Args: out (Optional): Target output stream or file name. If not given, default value is sys.stdout. indent (Optional): Start line indentation. Default is empty """ # Check file if is_string(out): with open_utf8(os.path.abspath(out), mode='w') as f: self.write(f) return # Check default output if out is None: out = sys.stdout # Get sorted list of keys keys = sorted(list(self.keys())) if keys: # Print attributes mxlen = max(len(k) for k in keys) for k in keys: out.write(indent + k + (" " * (mxlen - len(k))) + " : " + str((self.get(k))) + "\n") else: out.write(indent + "none\n") out.flush()
[docs]class ListDict(dict): """ Dictionary specialized to associate lists to the keys. This class is a dictionary that enables to associate to each key a list of values. When adding a value, key and list are created if not present, otherwise element is added to the existing list. """
[docs] def append(self, key, val): """ append a value to the list associated to a key. Args: key: Attribute key val: Value to add to this key list """ l = self.get(key) if l is None: self[key] = [val] else: l.append(val)
#----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Public functions #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs]def check_default(val, default): """ Check that an argument value is DEFAULT and returns the default value if so. This method has to be used in conjunction with usage of the DEFAULT constant as default value of a parameter. It allows to assign a parameter to a default value that can be computed dynamically. Args: val: Value to check default: Default value to return if val is DEFAULT Returns: val if val is different from DEFAULT, default otherwise """ return default if (val is DEFAULT) else val
[docs]def replace_in_tuple(tpl, ndx, val): """ Replace a value in a tuple. A new tuple is created with one value changed by another. Args: tpl: Source tuple ndx: Index of the tuple value to change val: new value Returns: New tuple with value at position 'ndx' replaced by 'val' """ lst = list(tpl) lst[ndx] = val return tuple(lst)
[docs]def replace(obj, rfun): """ Build a copy of a source object and apply a replacement function on all its attributes. If an object is not changed, its original version is returned. Args: obj: Source object rfun: Value replacement function Returns: Copy of source object with all values replaced, or same object if no value has been replaced. """ # Check if object is immediately replaceable try: nobj = rfun(obj) # Check case where replace function force to keep same object if nobj is obj: return obj except: nobj = obj # Check basic types (also eliminates strings) ot = type(nobj) if ot in BASIC_TYPES: return nobj # Duplicate object a priori changed = False nobj = copy.copy(obj) # Check if object is a tuple (particular case, can not process case of general object extending tuple) if isinstance(obj, tuple): nvals = tuple(replace(x, rfun) for x in obj) changed = any(nx is not x for x, nx in zip(obj, nvals)) if changed: # Particular case of named tuples if hasattr(obj, '_fields'): nobj = ot(*nvals) else: nobj = ot(nvals) # Check if object is dictionary elif isinstance(obj, dict): nobj.clear() for k, v in obj.items(): nk = replace(k, rfun) nv = replace(v, rfun) nobj[nk] = nv changed |= (nk is not k) or (nv is not v) # Check if object is list elif isinstance(obj, list): for i in range(len(obj)): v = obj[i] nv = replace(v, rfun) nobj[i] = nv changed |= (nv is not v) # Replace in attributes if any (even in objects extending basic composed types) if hasattr(obj, '__dict__'): for atr in obj.__dict__: if not atr.startswith('_'): try: v = getattr(obj, atr) nv = replace(v, rfun) setattr(nobj, atr, nv) changed |= (nv is not v) except: pass # Replace in slots attributes if any (even in objects extending basic composed types) if hasattr(obj, '__slots__'): for atr in obj.__slots__: if not atr.startswith('_'): v = getattr(obj, atr) nv = replace(v, rfun) setattr(nobj, atr, nv) changed |= (nv is not v) # Return object return nobj if changed else obj
[docs]def assert_arg_int_interval(val, mn, mx, name=None): """ Check that an argument is an integer in a given interval. Args: val: Argument value mn: Minimal possible value (included) mx: Maximal possible value (excluded) name: Name of the parameter (optional), used in raised exception. Raises: TypeError exception if wrong argument type """ assert is_int(val) and (val >= mn) and (val < mx), \ "Argument '" + name + "' should be an integer in [" + str(mn) + ".." + str(mx) + ")"
[docs]def to_string(val): """ Convert a value into a string, recursively for lists and tuples. Args: val: Value to convert value Returns: String representation of the value """ # Check tuple if isinstance(val, tuple): if len(val) == 1: return "(" + to_string(val[0]) + ",)" return "(" + ", ".join(map(to_string, val)) + ")" # Check list if isinstance(val, list): return "[" + ", ".join(map(to_string, val)) + "]" # Default return str(val)
_DEFAULT_STRING_VALUES = {"none": None, "true": True, "false": False}
[docs]def string_to_value(s): """ Convert a string in its most representative python value If the string is encapsulated in double_quotes, the internal string is returned. If string in lower case is "none", None is returned. If string in lower case is "true" or "false", True or False is returned. If string matches an integer, the integer is returned. If the string matches a float, the float is returned Otherwise, string is returned as it is Args: s: String to convert Returns: Value corresponding to the string """ # Check first character c = s[0] ls = len(s) if c == '"' and ls > 1 and s[-1] == '"': return s[1:ls-1] if c.isdigit() or (c == '-' and ls >= 2 and s[1].isdigit()): # Try to convert as number try: # Check if possible float if s.find('.') >= 0: s = float(s) else: s = int(s) except: pass else: ns = s.lower() if ns in _DEFAULT_STRING_VALUES: return _DEFAULT_STRING_VALUES[ns] return s
[docs]def to_compact_SI(val): """ Convert a long value in a string using suffix k, M or G to display only 3 digits. Args: val: Integer value to convert Returns: String representing this value with 3 significant digits """ if val < 1000: return str(val) if val < 10000: return str(val // 1000) + "." + str((val % 1000) // 10) + "k" if val < 100000: return str(val // 1000) + "." + str((val % 1000) // 100) + "k" if val < 1000000: return str(val // 1000) + "k" if val < 10000000: return str(val // 1000000) + "." + str((val % 1000000) // 10000) + "M" if val < 100000000: return str(val // 1000000) + "." + str((val % 1000000) // 100000) + "M" if val < 1000000000: return str(val // 1000000) + "M" if val < 10000000000: return str(val // 1000000000) + "." + str((val % 1000000000) // 10000000) + "G" if val < 100000000000: return str(val // 1000000000) + "." + str((val % 1000000000) // 100000000) + "G" return str(val // 1000000000) + "G"
def _get_vars(obj): """ Get the list variable names of an object. """ # Check if a dictionary is present if hasattr(obj, '__dict__'): res = getattr(obj, '__dict__').keys() # Check if slot is defined elif hasattr(obj, '__slots__'): slts = getattr(obj, '__slots__') if is_array(slts): res = list(slts) else: res = [slts] # Go upper in the class hierarchy obj = super(obj.__class__, obj) while hasattr(obj, '__slots__'): slts = getattr(obj, '__slots__') if is_array(slts): res.extend(slts) else: res.append(slts) obj = super(obj.__class__, obj) return res # No attributes else: res = () return sorted(res) def _equals_lists(l1, l2): """ Utility function for equals() to check two lists. """ return (len(l1) == len(l2)) and all(equals(v1, v2) for v1, v2 in zip(l1, l2))
[docs]def equals(v1, v2): """ Check that two values are logically equal, i.e. with the same attributes with the same values, recursively. This method does not call __eq__ except on basic types, and is then proof to possible overloads of '==' Args: v1: First value v2: Second value Returns: True if both values are identical, false otherwise """ # Check same object (also covers some primitive types as int, float and strings, but not guarantee) if v1 is v2: return True # Check same type t = type(v1) if not (t is type(v2)): if is_string(v1) and is_string(v2): return v1 == v2 return False # Check basic types if t in BASIC_TYPES: return v1 == v2 # Check list or tuple if isinstance(v1, (list, tuple, bytes, bytearray)): return _equals_lists(v1, v2) # Check dictionary if isinstance(v1, dict): # Compare keys k1 = sorted(tuple(v1.keys()), key=lambda x: str(x)) k2 = sorted(tuple(v2.keys()), key=lambda x: str(x)) if not _equals_lists(k1, k2): return False # Compare values for k in k1: if not equals(v1.get(k), v2.get(k)): return False return True # Check sets if isinstance(v1, (set, frozenset)): # Compare values return _equals_lists(sorted(tuple(v1)), sorted(tuple(v2))) # Compare object attributes dv1 = _get_vars(v1) if not _equals_lists(dv1, _get_vars(v2)): return False for k in dv1: if not equals(getattr(v1, k, None), getattr(v2, k, None)): return False return True
[docs]def make_directories(path): """ Ensure a directory path exists. Args: path: Directory path to check or create Raises: Any IO exception if directory creation is not possible """ if (path != "") and (not os.path.isdir(path)): os.makedirs(path)
[docs]def create_stdout_logger(name): """ Create a default logger on stdout with default formatter printing time at the beginning. of the line. Args: name: Name of the logger """ logger = logging.getLogger(name) logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) ch = logging.StreamHandler(sys.stdout) ch.setFormatter(logging.Formatter('%(asctime)s %(message)s')) logger.addHandler(ch) return logger
[docs]def get_file_name_only(file): """ Get the name of a file, without directory or extension. Args: file: File name Returns: Name of the file, without directory or extension """ return os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(file))[0]
[docs]def read_string_file(file): """ Read a file as a string. Args: file: File name Returns: File content as a string """ with open(file, "r") as f: str = return str
[docs]def write_string_file(file, str): """ Write a string into a file. Args: file: File name str: String to write """ with open(file, "w") as f: f.write(str)
[docs]def format_text(txt, size): """ Format a given text in multiple lines. Args: txt: Text to format size: Line size Returns: List of lines. """ res = [] sepchars = ' \t\n\r' txt = txt.strip(sepchars) while len(txt) > size: # Search end of line enx = size while (enx > 0) and (txt[enx] not in sepchars): enx -= 1 # Check no separator in the line if enx == 0: enx = size # Check for a end of line in the line x = txt.find('\n', 0, enx) if x > 0: enx = x # Append line res.append(txt[:enx]) # Remove line from source txt = txt[enx:].strip(sepchars) # Add last line if txt != "": res.append(txt) return res
[docs]def encode_integer_big_endian_4(value, frame, start): """ Encode an integer in a byte array using big endian on 4 bytes. Args: value: Integer value to encode frame: Target byte array start: Write start index """ frame[start] = (value >> 24) & 0xFF frame[start + 1] = (value >> 16) & 0xFF frame[start + 2] = (value >> 8) & 0xFF frame[start + 3] = value & 0xFF
[docs]def decode_integer_big_endian_4(frame, start): """ Encode an integer in a byte array using big endian on 4 bytes. Args: frame: Source byte array start: Read start index Returns: Decoded integer value """ return (frame[start] << 24) | (frame[start + 1] << 16) | (frame[start + 2] << 8) | frame[start + 3]
[docs]def open_utf8(file, mode='r'): """ Open a stream for read or write with UTF-8 encoding. Args: file: File to open mode: Open mode """ encd = 'utf-8-sig' if mode.startswith('r') else 'utf-8' return, mode=mode, encoding=encd, errors='ignore')
[docs]def list_module_public_functions(mod, excepted=()): """ Build the list of all public functions of a module. Args: mod: Module to parse excepted: List of function names to not include. Default is none. Returns: List of public functions declared in this module """ return [t[1] for t in inspect.getmembers(mod, inspect.isfunction) if not t[0].startswith('_') and inspect.getmodule(t[1]) == mod and not t[0] in excepted]
[docs]def get_module_element_from_path(opath): """ Retrieve an element from a python module using its path <package>.<module>.<object>. This can be for example a global function or a class. Args: opath: Object path Returns: Module object """ module, oname = opath.rsplit('.', 1) mod = importlib.import_module(module) return getattr(mod, oname)
#----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Checking of object types #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Determine list of types representing the different python scalar types BOOL_TYPES = {bool} INTEGER_TYPES = {int} FLOAT_TYPES = {float} STRING_TYPES = {str} # Add Python2 specific unicode if any if IS_PYTHON_2: INTEGER_TYPES.add(long) STRING_TYPES.add(unicode) # Add numpy types if any if IS_NUMPY_AVAILABLE: BOOL_TYPES.add(numpy.bool_) BOOL_TYPES.add(numpy.bool) INTEGER_TYPES.add(numpy.int_) INTEGER_TYPES.add(numpy.intc) INTEGER_TYPES.add(numpy.intp) INTEGER_TYPES.add(numpy.int8) INTEGER_TYPES.add(numpy.int16) INTEGER_TYPES.add(numpy.int32) INTEGER_TYPES.add(numpy.int64) INTEGER_TYPES.add(numpy.uint8) INTEGER_TYPES.add(numpy.uint16) INTEGER_TYPES.add(numpy.uint32) INTEGER_TYPES.add(numpy.uint64) FLOAT_TYPES.add(numpy.float_) FLOAT_TYPES.add(numpy.float16) FLOAT_TYPES.add(numpy.float32) FLOAT_TYPES.add(numpy.float64) # Build all number type sets INTEGER_TYPES = frozenset(INTEGER_TYPES) FLOAT_TYPES = frozenset(FLOAT_TYPES) BOOL_TYPES = frozenset(BOOL_TYPES) NUMBER_TYPES = frozenset(INTEGER_TYPES.union(FLOAT_TYPES)) STRING_TYPES = frozenset(STRING_TYPES) BASIC_TYPES = frozenset(NUMBER_TYPES.union(BOOL_TYPES).union(STRING_TYPES))
[docs]def is_bool(val): """ Check if a value is a boolean, including numpy variants if any. Args: val: Value to check Returns: True if value is a boolean. """ return type(val) in BOOL_TYPES
if IS_NUMPY_AVAILABLE: def is_int(val): """ Check if a value is an integer, including numpy variants if any. Args: val: Value to check Returns: True if value is an integer. """ return (type(val) in INTEGER_TYPES) or numpy.issubdtype(type(val), numpy.integer) def is_float(val): """ Check if a value is a float, including numpy variants if any. Args: val: Value to check Returns: True if value is a float """ return (type(val) in FLOAT_TYPES) or numpy.issubdtype(type(val), numpy.float) def is_number(val): """ Check if a value is a number, including numpy variants if any. Args: val: Value to check Returns: True if value is a number """ return (type(val) in NUMBER_TYPES) or numpy.issubdtype(type(val), numpy.number) def is_array(val): """ Check if a value is an array (list or tuple). Args: val: Value to check Returns: True if value is an array (list or tuple) """ return isinstance(val, (list, tuple)) or \ (isinstance(val, numpy.ndarray) and val.shape) else:
[docs] def is_int(val): """ Check if a value is an integer, including numpy variants if any. Args: val: Value to check Returns: True if value is an integer. """ return type(val) in INTEGER_TYPES
[docs] def is_float(val): """ Check if a value is a float, including numpy variants if any. Args: val: Value to check Returns: True if value is a float """ return type(val) in FLOAT_TYPES
[docs] def is_number(val): """ Check if a value is a number, including numpy variants if any. Args: val: Value to check Returns: True if value is a number """ return type(val) in NUMBER_TYPES
[docs] def is_array(val): """ Check if a value is an array (list or tuple). Args: val: Value to check Returns: True if value is an array (list or tuple) """ return isinstance(val, (list, tuple))
[docs]def is_tuple(val): """ Check if a value is a tuple. Args: val: Value to check Returns: True if value is a tuple """ return isinstance(val, tuple)
if IS_PANDA_AVAILABLE: def is_panda_series(val): """ Check if a value is a panda serie. Args: val: Value to check Returns: True if value is an panda serie """ return isinstance(val, PandaSeries) else:
[docs] def is_panda_series(val): """ Check if a value is a panda serie. Args: val: Value to check Returns: False """ return False
[docs]def is_int_value(val, xv): """ Check if a value is an integer equal to an expected value. Allows to check integer value equality even if == operator is overloaded Args: val: Value to check xv: Expected integer value Returns: True if value is an integer. """ return (type(val) is int) and (val == xv)
[docs]def is_string(val): """ Check if a value is a string or a variant. Args: val: Value to check Returns: True if value is a string """ return type(val) in STRING_TYPES
[docs]def is_iterable(val): """ Check if a value is iterable, but not a string. Args: val: Value to check Returns: True if value is iterable """ return isinstance(val, Iterable) and not is_string(val)
[docs]def is_int_array(val): """ Check that a value is an array of integers. Args: val: Value to check Returns: True if value is an array where all elements are integers """ return is_array(val) and (all(is_int(x) for x in val))
[docs]def is_array_of_type(val, typ): """ Check that a value is an array with all elements instances of a given type. Args: val: Value to check typ: Expected element type Returns: True if value is an array with all elements with expected type """ return is_array(val) and (all(isinstance(x, typ) for x in val))
[docs]def is_in(val, lvals): """ Replace the standard 'in' operator but uses 'is' to check membership. This method is mandatory if element to check overloads operator '=='. Args: val: Value to check lvals: List of candidate values Returns: True if value is in the list of values (presence checked with 'is') """ return any(val is v for v in lvals)
#----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # String conversion functions #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Dictionary of special characters conversion _FROM_SPECIAL_CHARS = {'n': "\n", 't': "\t", 'r': "\r", 'f': "\f", 'b': "\b", '\\': "\\", '"': "\""} # Dictionary of special characters conversion _TO_SPECIAL_CHARS = {'\n': "\\n", '\t': "\\t", '\r': "\\r", '\f': "\\f", '\b': "\\b", '\\': "\\\\", '\"': "\\\""} # Set of symbol characters _SYMBOL_CHARS = frozenset(x for x in "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789_") # Set of digit characters _DIGIT_CHARS = frozenset(x for x in "0123456789")
[docs]def is_symbol_char(c): """ Check whether a character can be used in a symbol. Args: c: Character Returns: True if character in 0..9, a..z, A..Z, _ or . """ # return ((c >= 'a') and (c <= 'z')) or ((c >= 'A') and (c <= 'Z')) or ((c >= '0') and (c <= '9')) or (c == '_') # Following is 25% faster return c in _SYMBOL_CHARS
[docs]def is_symbol(s): """ Check whether a string can be used in a symbol. Args: s: String to check Returns: True if character string can be used as s symbol """ return s and is_string(s) and (not s[0] in _DIGIT_CHARS) and all((c in _SYMBOL_CHARS) for c in s)
[docs]def to_printable_id(s): """ Build a CPO printable identifier from its raw string (add escape sequences and quotes if necessary). Args: s: Identifier string Returns: Unicode CPO identifier string, including double quotes and escape sequences if needed if not only chars and integers """ # Check empty string if len(s) == 0: return u'""' # Check if string can be used as it is if (not s[0] in _DIGIT_CHARS) and all((c in _SYMBOL_CHARS) for c in s): return make_unicode(s) # Build result string return u'"' + ''.join(_TO_SPECIAL_CHARS.get(c, c) for c in s) + u'"'
[docs]def to_printable_string(s): """ Build a printable string from raw string (add escape sequences and quotes if necessary). Args: str: String to convert Returns: Unicode string, including always double quotes and escape sequences if needed """ # Check empty string if len(s) == 0: return u'""' # Check if string can be used as it is if (all((c in _SYMBOL_CHARS) for c in s)) and not s[0] in _DIGIT_CHARS: return u'"' + make_unicode(s) + u'"' # Build result string return u'"' + ''.join(_TO_SPECIAL_CHARS.get(c, c) for c in s) + u'"'
def to_internal_string(strg): """ Convert a string (without enclosing quotes) into internal string (interpret escape sequences). Args: strg: String to convert Returns: Raw string corresponding to source """ res = [] beg = 0, end = len(strg) while beg < end: c = strg[beg] if c == '\\': beg += 1 c = _FROM_SPECIAL_CHARS.get(strg[beg], None) if c is None: raise SyntaxError("Unknown special character '\\" + strg[beg] + "'") res.append(c) beg += 1 return u''.join(res)
[docs]def to_internal_string(strg): """ Convert a string (without enclosing quotes) into internal string (interpret escape sequences). Args: strg: String to convert Returns: Raw string corresponding to source """ res = [] i = 0 slen = len(strg) while i < slen: c = strg[i] if c == '\\': i += 1 c = _FROM_SPECIAL_CHARS.get(strg[i], None) if c is None: raise SyntaxError("Unknown special character '\\" + strg[i] + "'") res.append(c) i += 1 return u''.join(res)
if IS_PYTHON_2: def make_unicode(s): """ Convert a string in unicode. Args: s: String to convert Returns: String in unicode """ return unicode(s) else:
[docs] def make_unicode(s): """ Convert a string in unicode. Args: s: String to convert Returns: String in unicode """ return s
[docs]def int_to_base(val, bdgts): """ Convert an integer into a string with a given base. Args: val: Integer value to convert bdgts: List of base digits Returns: String corresponding to the integer """ # Check zero if val == 0: return bdgts[0] # Check negative number if val < 0: isneg = True val = -val else: isneg = False # Fill list of digits res = [] blen = len(bdgts) while val > 0: res.append(bdgts[val % blen]) val //= blen # Add negative sign if necessary if isneg: res.append('-') # Return res.reverse() return ''.join(res)
[docs]def is_exe_file(f): """ Check that a file exists and is executable. Args: f: File name Returns: True if file exists and is executable """ return os.path.isfile(f) and os.access(f, os.X_OK)
[docs]def get_main_file(): """ Get the name of the main Python module Returns: Absolute path of the Python module that has been used as main. None if unknown. """ try: return os.path.abspath(sys.modules['__main__'].__file__) except: try: return os.path.abspath(sys.argv[0]) except: pass return None
[docs]def get_system_path(): """ Get the system path as a list of directory names Returns: List of names in the system path """ rpath = [] for pn in ('LD_LIBRARY_PATH', 'DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH', 'PATH'): path = os.getenv(pn) if path: rpath.extend(path.split(os.pathsep)) return rpath
[docs]def search_exec_file(f, path): """ Search the first occurrence of an executable file in a given path. Args: f: Executable file name path: Path where search the file Returns: Full path of the first executable file found, None if not found """ # Check if given file is directly executable if is_exe_file(f): return f # Search first executable in the path for d in path: nf = os.path.join(d, f) if is_exe_file(nf): return nf return None
[docs]def parse_json_string(jstr): """ Parse a JSON string. Args: jstr: String containing JSON document Returns: Python representation of JSON document """ return json.loads(jstr, parse_constant=True)
[docs]def encode_csv_string(str): """ Encode a string to be used in CSV file. Args: str: String to encode Returns: Encoded string, including starting and ending double quote """ res = ['"'] for c in str: res.append(c) if c == '"': res.append('"') res.append('"') return ''.join(res)
[docs]def compare_natural(s1, s2): """ Compare two strings in natural order (for numbers that are inside). Args: s1: First string s2: Second string Returns: integer <0 if s1 < s2, 0 if s1 == s2, >0 if s1 > s2 """ # Check null strings if s1 is None: return 0 if s2 is None else -1 if s2 is None: return 1 # Skip all identical characters len1 = len(s1) len2 = len(s2) i = 0 while i < len1 and i < len2 and s1[i] == s2[i]: i += 1 # Check end of string if i == len1 or i == len2: return len1 - len2 # Check digit in first string c1 = s1[i] c2 = s2[i] if c1.isdigit(): # Check digit in first string only if not c2.isdigit(): return 1 if i > 0 and s1[i - 1].isdigit() else ord(c1) - ord(c2) # Scan all integer digits x1 = i + 1 while x1 < len1 and s1[x1].isdigit(): x1 += 1 x2 = i + 1 while x2 < len2 and s2[x2].isdigit(): x2 += 1 # Longer integer wins, first digit otherwise return ord(c1) - ord(c2) if x1 == x2 else x1 - x2 # Check digit in second string only if c2.isdigit(): return -1 if i > 0 and s2[i - 1].isdigit() else ord(c1) - ord(c2) # No digits return ord(c1) - ord(c2)
[docs]def get_module_version(mname): """ Get the version of a Python module Args: mname: Module name Returns: Version of the module, None if not installed, "Unknown" if not set in the module """ try: m = importlib.import_module(mname) try: return m.__version__ except AttributeError: return "Unknown" except ImportError: return None
[docs]def is_in_notebook(): """ Check whether program is currently running inside a IPython or Jupyter notebook. Returns: True if the program is running in a notebook, false otherwise. """ rstk = traceback.extract_stack(limit=1)[0] return rstk[0].startswith("<ipython")
[docs]def write_checking_unicode_errors(out, data): """ Write data on a stream, and by-pass UnicodeEncodeError if any. Args: out: Output stream data: Data to write """ try: out.write(data) except UnicodeEncodeError: # Determine proper encoding encoding = out.encoding if not encoding: encoding = 'ascii' # Rewrite data encoding it explicitly out.write(data.encode(encoding, errors='backslashreplace').decode(encoding, errors='backslashreplace'))
#----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Zip iterator functions to scan lists simultaneously #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- import itertools if IS_PYTHON_2: zip = itertools.izip zip_longest = itertools.izip_longest else: # For Python 3. zip = zip zip_longest = itertools.zip_longest #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Reload function #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- if IS_PYTHON_2: pass # reload is builtin else: if sys.version_info < (3, 4): import imp reload = imp.reload else: import importlib reload = importlib.reload #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Retrieve builtin functions that are overwritten #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- try: import __builtin__ as builtin # Python 2 except ImportError: import builtins as builtin # Python 3 builtin_min = builtin.min builtin_max = builtin.max builtin_sum = builtin.sum builtin_abs = builtin.abs builtin_range = builtin.range builtin_all = builtin.all builtin_any = builtin.any #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Range iterator #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- if IS_PYTHON_2: xrange = builtin.xrange else: xrange = builtin.range #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Set warning filter to default (print warnings) #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # import warnings # warnings.simplefilter("default", DeprecationWarning) # warnings.simplefilter("default", PendingDeprecationWarning)