Source code for docplex.cp.solver.solver

# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Source file provided under Apache License, Version 2.0, January 2004,
# (c) Copyright IBM Corp. 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Author: Olivier OUDOT, IBM Analytics, France Lab, Sophia-Antipolis
# Author: Christiane BRACCHI, IBM Decision Optimization, France Lab, Saclay

This module implements appropriate software to solve a CPO model represented by a
:class:`docplex.cp.model.CpoModel` object.

It implements the following object classes:

 * :class:`CpoSolver` contains the public interface allowing to make solving requests with a model.
 * :class:`CpoSolverAgent` is an abstract class that is extended by the actual implementation(s) of
   the solving functions.

The :class:`CpoSolver` identifies and creates the required :class:`CpoSolverAgent` depending on the configuration
parameter *context.solver.agent* that contains the name of the agent to be used. This name is used to
access the configuration context *context.solver.<agent>* that contains the details about this agent.

For example, the default configuration refers to *local* as default solver agent, to solve model using local process
*CP Optimizer Interactive*.
This means that at least following configuration elements must be set:

   context.solver.agent = 'local'
   context.solver.local.execfile = <Name or path of the process 'CP Optimizer Interactive'>

The different methods that can be called on a CpoSolver object are:

 * :meth:`~CpoSolver.solve` simply solve the model and returns a solve result, if any.
   For convenience reason, this method is also directly available on the CpoModel object (:meth:`docplex.cp.model.CpoModel.solve`).
 * :meth:`~CpoSolver.search_next` and :meth:`~CpoSolver.end_search` allows to iterate on different solutions of the model.
 * :meth:`~CpoSolver.refine_conflict` calls the conflict refiner that identifies a minimal conflict for the infeasibility of
   the model.
 * :meth:`~CpoSolver.propagate` calls the propagation that communicates the domain reduction of a decision variable to
   all of the constraints that are stated over this variable.

Except :meth:`solve`, these functions are only available with a local solver with release greater or equal to
When a method is not available, an exception *CpoNotSupportedException* is raised.

If the methods :meth:`~CpoSolver.search_next` and :meth:`~CpoSolver.end_search` are available in the underlying
solver agent, the :class:`CpoSolver` object acts as an iterator. All solutions are retrieved using a loop like:

   solver = CpoSolver(mdl)
   for sol in solver:

A such solution iteration can be interrupted at any time by calling :meth:`~CpoSolver.end_search` that returns
a fail solution including the last solve status.

Detailed description

import docplex.cp.config as config
import docplex.cp.utils as utils
from docplex.cp.cpo.cpo_compiler import CpoCompiler
from docplex.cp.solution import *
import docplex.cp.solution as solution
from docplex.cp.solver.solver_listener import CpoSolverListener
import docplex.cp.solver.solver_listener as listener
from docplex.cp.solver.cpo_callback import CpoCallback
from docplex.cp.blackbox import *

import importlib
import inspect
import threading
import time
import traceback
import copy

##  Public constants

# Solver statuses
STATUS_IDLE              = "Idle"             # Solver created but inactive
STATUS_RELEASED          = "Released"         # Solver stopped with resources released.
STATUS_ABORTED           = "Aborted"          # Solver has been aborted.
STATUS_SOLVING           = "SolveRunning"     # Simple solve in progress
STATUS_SEARCH_WAITING    = "SearchWaiting"    # Search started or waiting to call next
STATUS_SEARCH_RUNNING    = "NextRunning"      # Search of next solution in progress
STATUS_REFINING_CONFLICT = "RefiningConflict" # Solver refine conflict in progress
STATUS_PROPAGATING       = "Propagating"      # Propagation in progress
STATUS_RUNNING_SEEDS     = "RunningSeeds"     # Run seeds in progress

# Set of statuses that end solver

##  Public classes

[docs]class CpoSolverException(CpoException): """ Exceptions raised for problems related to solver. """ def __init__(self, msg): """ Create a new exception Args: msg: Error message """ super(CpoSolverException, self).__init__(msg)
[docs]class CpoSolverAgent(object): """ This class is an abstract class that must be extended by every solver agent that intend to be called by :class:`CpoSolver` to solve a CPO model. """ __slots__ = ('name', # Agent name 'solver', # Parent solver 'model', # Source model 'params', # Solver parameters 'context', # Solve context 'last_json_result', # String of the last received JSON result 'version_info', # Solver version information (dict) 'process_infos', # Processing information 'log_output', # Log output stream 'log_print', # Print log indicator 'log_data', # Log data buffer (list of strings) 'log_enabled', # Global log enabled indicator ) def __init__(self, solver, context): """ **Constructor** Args: solver: Parent solver, object of type CpoSolver context: Solver agent context Raises: CpoException if agent can not be created properly. """ super(CpoSolverAgent, self).__init__() self.solver = solver self.model = solver.get_model() self.params = context.params self.context = context self.last_json_result = None self.version_info = {} self.process_infos = solver.process_infos # Initialize log self.log_output = context.get_log_output() self.log_print = context.trace_log and (self.log_output is not None) self.log_data = [] if context.add_log_to_solution else None self.log_enabled = self.log_print or (self.log_data is not None) def __del__(self): # End solver self.end()
[docs] def solve(self): """ Solve the model Returns: Model solve result, object of class :class:`~docplex.cp.solution.CpoSolveResult`. Raises: CpoNotSupportedException: method not available in this solver agent. """ self._raise_not_supported()
[docs] def search_next(self): """ Search the next available solution. Returns: Next solve result, object of class :class:`~docplex.cp.solution.CpoSolveResult`. Raises: CpoNotSupportedException: method not available in this solver agent. """ self._raise_not_supported()
[docs] def refine_conflict(self): """ This method identifies a minimal conflict for the infeasibility of the current model. Given an infeasible model, the conflict refiner can identify conflicting constraints and variable domains within the model to help you identify the causes of the infeasibility. In this context, a conflict is a subset of the constraints and/or variable domains of the model which are mutually contradictory. Since the conflict is minimal, removal of any one of these constraints will remove that particular cause for infeasibility. There may be other conflicts in the model; consequently, repair of a given conflict does not guarantee feasibility of the remaining model. Returns: Conflict result, object of class :class:`~docplex.cp.solution.CpoRefineConflictResult`. Raises: CpoNotSupportedException: method not available in this solver agent. """ self._raise_not_supported()
[docs] def propagate(self): """ This method invokes the propagation on the current model. Constraint propagation is the process of communicating the domain reduction of a decision variable to all of the constraints that are stated over this variable. This process can result in more domain reductions. These domain reductions, in turn, are communicated to the appropriate constraints. This process continues until no more variable domains can be reduced or when a domain becomes empty and a failure occurs. An empty domain during the initial constraint propagation means that the model has no solution. The result is a object of class CpoSolveResult, the same than the one returned by solve() method. However, in this case, variable domains may not be completely defined. Returns: Propagation result, object of class :class:`~docplex.cp.solution.CpoSolveResult`. Raises: CpoNotSupportedException: method not available in this solver agent. """ self._raise_not_supported()
[docs] def run_seeds(self, nbrun): """ This method runs *nbrun* times the CP optimizer search with different random seeds and computes statistics from the result of these runs. Result statistics are displayed on the log output that should be activated. If the appropriate configuration variable *context.solver.add_log_to_solution* is set to True (default), log is also available in the *CpoRunResult* result object, accessible as a string using the method :meth:`~docplex.cp.solution.CpoRunResult.get_solver_log` Each run of the solver is stopped according to single solve conditions (TimeLimit for example). Total run time is then expected to take *nbruns* times the duration of a single run. Args: nbrun: Number of runs with different seeds. Returns: Run result, object of class :class:`~docplex.cp.solution.CpoRunResult`. Raises: CpoNotSupportedException: method not available in this solver agent. """ self._raise_not_supported()
[docs] def set_explain_failure_tags(self, ltags): """ This method allows to set the list of failure tags to explain in the next solve. The failure tags are displayed in the log when the parameter :attr:`~docplex.cp.CpoParameters.LogSearchTags` is set to 'On'. All existing failure tags previously set are cleared prior to set the new ones. Calling this method with an empty list is then equivalent to just clear tags. Args: ltags: List of tag ids to explain Raises: CpoNotSupportedException: method not available in this solver agent. """ self._raise_not_supported()
[docs] def end(self): """ End solver agent and release all resources. """ self.solver = None
# Other resources not released because can be called after the end #self.model = None #self.params = None #self.context = None def _is_abort_search_supported(self): """ Check if this agent supports an actual abort_search() instead of killing the solver Return: True if this agent supports actual abort_search() """ return False def _log_received_message(self, evt, data): """ Log a received message with json data length depending on log level Args: evt: Received event name data: JSON data """ # Check enough log level if not self.context.is_log_enabled(5): return # Check no data if data is None: self.context.log(5, "Received: ", evt) else: # Log full data if log level 6 if self.context.is_log_enabled(6): # Full version if log level 6 self.context.log(6, "Received: ", evt, ", data: '", data, "'") else: # Cut at cpInfos if any sx = data.find('"cpInfo" : {') ndata = data if sx < 0 else data[:sx] self.context.log(5, "Received: ", evt, ", data: '", ndata, "...(skipped)...'") def _send_model_to_solver(self, cpostr): """ Send the model to the solver. This method must be extended by agent implementations to actually do the operation. Args: copstr: String containing the model in CPO format """ pass def _add_callback_processing(self): """ Add the processing of solver callback. This method must be extended by agent implementations to actually do the operation. """ pass def _register_blackbox_function(self, name, bbf): """ Register a blackbox function in the solver This method must be extended by agent implementations to actually do the operation. Args: name: Name of the blackbox function in the model (may differ from the declared one) bbf: Blackbox function descriptor, object of class :class:`~docplex.cp.blackbox.CpoBlackboxFunction` """ pass def _init_model_in_solver(self): """ Send the model to the solver if not already done. """ if self.solver.model_sent: return # Get solver version for checking sver = self.version_info.get('SolverVersion', "1") # Get model string (to force identification of blackbox functions) mstr = self.solver.get_cpo_model_string() # Register callback and blackbox functions if any and not already done # Indicator is useful if the same model is solved and then refine conflict with the same CpoSolver # as model is then sent twice (first normally, and secondly with all named constraints) if not self.solver.callbacks_registered: # Register callback if self.solver.callbacks: # Check solver version if compare_natural(sver, "12.10") < 0: raise CpoSolverException( "This version of the CPO solver ({}) does not support solver callbacks.".format(sver)) self._add_callback_processing() self.context.log(3, "CPO callback created.") # Register blackbox functions bbfs = self.solver.blackbox_map if bbfs: # Check solver version # if compare_natural(sver, "20.10") <= 0: # raise CpoSolverException("This version of the CPO solver ({}) does not support blackbox functions.".format(sver)) for name, bbf in bbfs.items(): # Check that bbf has an implementation if not bbf.has_implementation(): raise CpoSolverException("Blackbox function '{}' has no implementation".format(name)) self._register_blackbox_function(name, bbf) self.context.log(3, "Blackbox function(s) registered.") # Set registration indicator self.solver.callbacks_registered = True # Send model to solver stime = time.time() self._send_model_to_solver(mstr) self.process_infos.incr(CpoProcessInfos.MODEL_SUBMIT_TIME, time.time() - stime) self.context.log(3, "Model sent to solver.") self.solver.model_sent = True def _add_log_data(self, data): """ Add new log data Args: data: Data to log (String) """ self.solver._notify_new_log(data) if self.log_enabled: if self.log_print: write_checking_unicode_errors(self.log_output, data) self.log_output.flush() if self.log_data is not None: self.log_data.append(data) # Update statistics self.process_infos.incr(CpoProcessInfos.TOTAL_LOG_DATA_SIZE, len(data)) def _set_last_json_result_string(self, json): """ Set the string containing last received JSON result Args: json: JSON result string """ self.last_json_result = json def _get_last_json_result_string(self): """ Get the string containing last received JSON result Return: Last JSON result string, None if none """ return self.last_json_result def _create_result_object(self, rclass, jsol=None): """ Create a new result object and fill it with necessary data Args: rclass: Result object class jsol (optional): JSON solution string, not decoded Returns: New result object preinitialized """ res = rclass(self.model) # Process JSON solution #self.context.log(3, "JSON data:\n", jsol) self.last_json_result = jsol # Parse JSON solution if jsol: # Parse JSON stime = time.time() jsol = parse_json_string(jsol) self.process_infos.incr(CpoProcessInfos.TOTAL_JSON_PARSE_TIME, time.time() - stime) # Build result structure res._add_json_solution(jsol, self.solver.expr_map) # Process Log if self.log_data is not None: res._set_solver_log(''.join(self.log_data)) self.log_data = [] res.process_infos.update(self.process_infos) return res def _raise_not_supported(self): """ Raise an exception indicating that the calling method is not supported. """ raise CpoNotSupportedException("Method '{}' is not available in solver agent '{}' ({})." .format(inspect.stack()[1][3], self.context.agent, type(self)))
[docs]class CpoSolver(object): """ This class represents the public API of the object allowing to solve a CPO model. It create the appropriate :class:`CpoSolverAgent` that actually implements solving functions, depending on the value of the configuration parameter *context.solver.agent*. """ __slots__ = ('model', # Model to solve 'context', # Solving context 'cpostr', # CPO model string 'expr_map', # Map of expressions to rebuild result 'blackbox_map', # Set of blackbox functions used in the model 'process_infos', # Processing information 'agent', # Solver agent 'status', # Current solver status 'operation', # Current running operation 'last_result', # Last returned solution 'listeners', # List of solve listeners 'status_lock', # Lock protecting status change 'callbacks', # List of CPO solver callbacks 'abort_supported', # Indicates that abort is supported by agent 'model_published', # Indicates if CPO model has been published 'model_sent', # Indicates if CPO model has been sent to the solver 'callbacks_registered', # Indicate if callbacks (CPO callback and blackboxes) have been registered ) def __init__(self, model, **kwargs): """ **Constructor** All necessary solving parameters are taken from the solving context that is constructed from the following list of sources, each one overwriting the previous: - the default solving context that is defined in the module :mod:`~docplex.cp.config` - the user-specific customizations of the context that may be defined (see :mod:`~docplex.cp.config` for details), - the parameters that are set in the model itself, - the optional arguments of this method. If an optional argument other than `context` or `params` is given to this method, it is searched in the context where its value is replaced by the new one. If not found, it is then considered as a solver parameter. In this case, only public parameters are allowed, except if the context attribute `solver.enable_undocumented_params` is set to True. This can be done directly when creating the solver, as for example: :: slvr = CpoSolver(mdl, enable_undocumented_params=True, MyPrivateParam=MyValue) Args: context (Optional): Complete solving context. If not given, solving context is the default one that is defined in the module :mod:`~docplex.cp.config`. params (Optional): Solving parameters (object of class :class:`~docplex.cp.parameters.CpoParameters`) that overwrite those in the solving context. (param) (Optional): Any individual solving parameter as defined in class :class:`~docplex.cp.parameters.CpoParameters` (for example *TimeLimit*, *Workers*, *SearchType*, etc). (others) (Optional): Any leaf attribute with the same name in the solving context (for example *agent*, *trace_log*, *trace_cpo*, etc). (listeners) (Optional): List of solution listeners """ super(CpoSolver, self).__init__() self.agent = None self.process_infos = CpoProcessInfos() self.cpostr = None self.expr_map = None self.blackbox_map = None self.last_result = None self.status = STATUS_IDLE self.status_lock = threading.Lock() self.listeners = [] self.callbacks = [] self.operation = None self.abort_supported = False self.model_published = False self.model_sent = False self.callbacks_registered = False # Build effective context from args # OO's version # context = config._get_effective_context(**kwargs) # context.params = model.merge_with_parameters(context.params) ## trying to fix CP#303 ctx = config._get_effective_context() if model.parameters: ctx.params.set_other(model.parameters) ctx = config._get_effective_context(context=ctx, **kwargs) # If defined, limit the number of threads mxt = ctx.solver.max_threads if isinstance(mxt, int): # Maximize number of workers nbw = ctx.params.Workers if (nbw is None) or (nbw > mxt): ctx.params.Workers = mxt print("WARNING: Number of workers has been reduced to " + str(mxt) + " to comply with platform limitations.") # Save attributes self.model = model self.context = ctx # Determine appropriate solver agent self.agent = self._get_solver_agent() self.abort_supported = self.agent._is_abort_search_supported() # Add configured default listeners if any # Note: calling solver_created() is not required as it is done by add_listener(). lstnrs = ctx.solver.listeners if lstnrs is not None: if is_array(lstnrs): for lstnr in lstnrs: self._add_listener_from_class(lstnr) else: self._add_listener_from_class(lstnrs) def __iter__(self): """ Define solver as an iterator """ return self def __del__(self): # End solver self.end() def __enter__(self): # For usage in with return self def __exit__(self, exception_type, exception_value, traceback): # End solver self.end()
[docs] def set_solve_with_search_next(self, swsn): """ Set the flag indicating to solve with a search_next sequence instead of a single solve. If this indicator is set, a call to method :meth:`~CpoSolver.solve` will automatically call method :meth:`~CpoSolver.solve_with_search_next` instead, allowing listeners to be warned about all intermediate solutions. The same behavior is also obtained if the configuration attribute context.solver.solve_with_search_next is set to True. Args: swsn: Solve wist start-next indicator """ self.context.solver.solve_with_search_next = swsn
[docs] def get_model(self): """ Returns the model solved by this solver. Returns: Model solved by this solver """ return self.model
[docs] def get_model_format_version(self): """ If defined, returns the format version of the model. Returns: Model format version, None if not defined. """ return None if self.model is None else self.model.get_format_version()
[docs] def get_solver_version(self): """ Returns, if available, the version of the underlying solver. Returns: Solver version, None if not defined. """ return self.agent.version_info.get("SolverVersion")
[docs] def get_parameters(self): """ Get the actual solver parameters, as modified by configuration or arguments. Returns: Solver parameters, object of class :class:`~docplex.cp.parameters.CpoParameters`. """ return self.context.params
[docs] def solve(self): """ Solve the model This function solves the model using CP Optimizer's built-in strategy. The built-in strategy is determined by setting the parameter SearchType (see docplex.cp.parameters). If the model contains an objective, then the optimal solution with respect to the objective will be calculated. Otherwise, a solution satisfying all problem constraints will be calculated. The function returns an object of the class CpoSolveResult (see docplex.cp.solution) that contains the solution if exists, plus different information on the solving process. If the context parameter *solve_with_search_next* (or config parameter *context.solver.solve_with_search_next*) is set to True, the call to solve() is replaced by loop of search_next() calls which returns the last solution found. Difference is that, if a solver listener has been added to the solver, it is warned of all intermediate solutions. Returns: Solve result, object of class :class:`~docplex.cp.solution.CpoSolveResult`. Raises: CpoException: (or derived) if error. """ self.last_result = None # Check solve with start/next if self.context.solver.solve_with_search_next: return self.solve_with_search_next() # Notify listeners self._notify_listeners_start_operation(listener.OPERATION_SOLVE) # Solve model self._check_status(STATUS_IDLE) self._set_status(STATUS_SOLVING) stime = time.time() try: msol = self.agent.solve() except Exception as e: # Check if aborted in the mean time if self._check_status_aborted(): return self.last_result if self.context.log_exceptions: traceback.print_exc() raise e self._set_status(STATUS_IDLE) stime = time.time() - stime self.context.solver.log(1, "Model '", self.model.get_name(), "' solved in ", round(stime, 2), " sec.") msol.process_infos[CpoProcessInfos.SOLVE_TOTAL_TIME] = stime # Store last solution self.last_result = msol # Notify listeners for lstnr in self.listeners: lstnr.new_result(self, msol) self._notify_listeners_end_operation() # Return solution return msol
[docs] def solve_with_search_next(self): """ Solve the model using a start/next loop instead of standard solve. Return: Last solve result """ # Loop on all new solutions last_res = None while True: # Search for next solution sres = self.search_next() # Check old-style abort if (not self.abort_supported) and (sres.get_solve_status() == SOLVE_STATUS_JOB_ABORTED): return last_res if last_res is not None else self.last_result # Check successful search if sres.is_new_solution(): # Store solution as currently best one to be returned last_res = sres else: break # Process end of search #print("msol: {}, is_sol: {}, isoptimal: {}".format(msol, msol.is_solution(), msol.is_solution_optimal())) #print("last_sol: {}".format(last_sol)) if sres.is_solution_optimal(): # Force optimal solution to be new even if already given last_res = sres last_res.new_solution = True elif sres.get_stop_cause() == STOP_CAUSE_ABORT: # Force last solution to be last one to get the abort status last_res = sres elif last_res is None: last_res = sres else: # Update last solution with last solver infos last_res.solver_infos = sres.solver_infos self.end_search() return last_res
[docs] def search_next(self): """ Get the next available solution. This method returns an object of class :class:`~docplex.cp.solution.CpoSolveResult` whose method :meth:`~docplex.cp.solution.CpoSolveResult.is_solution` returns True if a new solution is found. This method returns False if there is no solution, or if the solution is the same than the previous one but the solve status has moved from Feasible to Optimal. In this last case, the optimality of the last solution can be checked using the following code: :: optimal = slvr.get_last_result().is_solution_optimal() This function is available with local CPO solver for release number greater or equal to 12.7.0. Returns: Next solve result, object of class :class:`~docplex.cp.solution.CpoSolveResult`. Raises: CpoNotSupportedException: if method not available in the solver agent. """ # Initiate search if needed if self.status == STATUS_IDLE: self.last_result = None self.agent.start_search() self._set_status(STATUS_SEARCH_WAITING) # Notify listeners about start of search self._notify_listeners_start_operation(listener.OPERATION_SOLVE) # Check if status is aborted in the mean time (may be caused by listener) if self._check_status_aborted(): return self.last_result self._check_status(STATUS_SEARCH_WAITING) # Search next stime = time.time() self._set_status(STATUS_SEARCH_RUNNING) try: sres = self.agent.search_next() except BaseException as e: sys.stdout.flush() # Check if aborted in the mean time if self._check_status_aborted(): return self.last_result if self.context.log_exceptions: traceback.print_exc() raise CpoSolverException("Exception caught from CP solver: {}".format(e)) if self.abort_supported and sres.get_search_status() == SEARCH_STATUS_STOPPED: self._set_status(STATUS_IDLE) else: self._set_status(STATUS_SEARCH_WAITING) stime = time.time() - stime self.context.solver.log(1, "Model '", self.model.get_name(), "' next solution in ", round(stime, 2), " sec.") # Special case for old solvers where last optimal solution is empty if sres.is_solution_optimal and (sres.solution is None or sres.solution.is_empty()) and (self.last_result is not None): sres.solution = self.last_result.solution # Store last solution self.last_result = sres # Notify listeners for lstnr in self.listeners: lstnr.new_result(self, sres) # Return solution return sres
[docs] def refine_conflict(self): """ This method identifies a minimal conflict for the infeasibility of the current model. Given an infeasible model, the conflict refiner can identify conflicting constraints and variable domains within the model to help you identify the causes of the infeasibility. In this context, a conflict is a subset of the constraints and/or variable domains of the model which are mutually contradictory. Since the conflict is minimal, removal of any one of these constraints will remove that particular cause for infeasibility. There may be other conflicts in the model; consequently, repair of a given conflict does not guarantee feasibility of the remaining model. Conflict refiner is controlled by the following parameters (that can be set at CpoSolver creation): * ConflictRefinerBranchLimit * ConflictRefinerFailLimit * ConflictRefinerIterationLimit * ConflictRefinerOnVariables * ConflictRefinerTimeLimit that are described in module :mod:`docplex.cp.parameters`. Note that the general *TimeLimit* parameter is used as a limiter for each conflict refiner iteration, but the global limitation in time must be set using *ConflictRefinerTimeLimit* that is infinite by default. This function is available only with local CPO solver with release number greater or equal to 12.7.0. Returns: List of constraints that cause the conflict, object of class :class:`~docplex.cp.solution.CpoRefineConflictResult`. Raises: CpoNotSupportedException: if method not available in the solver agent. """ # Start refine conflict self._check_status(STATUS_IDLE) self._set_status(STATUS_REFINING_CONFLICT) self._notify_listeners_start_operation(listener.OPERATION_REFINE_CONFLICT) # Ensure cpo model is generated with all constraints named namecstrs = self.context.model.name_all_constraints if not namecstrs: self.context.model.name_all_constraints = True self.cpostr = None self.agent.solver.model_sent = False # Refine conflict msol = self.agent.refine_conflict() # Restore previous name constraints indicator self.context.model.name_all_constraints = namecstrs # Call listeners with conflict result for lstnr in self.listeners: lstnr.new_result(self, msol) # End refine conflict self._set_status(STATUS_IDLE) self._notify_listeners_end_operation() return msol
[docs] def propagate(self): """ This method invokes the propagation on the current model. Constraint propagation is the process of communicating the domain reduction of a decision variable to all of the constraints that are stated over this variable. This process can result in more domain reductions. These domain reductions, in turn, are communicated to the appropriate constraints. This process continues until no more variable domains can be reduced or when a domain becomes empty and a failure occurs. An empty domain during the initial constraint propagation means that the model has no solution. The result is a object of class CpoSolveResult, the same than the one returned by solve() method. However, variable domains may not be completely defined. This function is available only with local CPO solver with release number greater or equal to 12.7.0. Returns: Propagation result, object of class :class:`~docplex.cp.solution.CpoSolveResult`. Raises: CpoNotSupportedException: method not available in configured solver agent. """ self._check_status(STATUS_IDLE) # Notify listeners self._notify_listeners_start_operation(listener.OPERATION_PROPAGATE) # Propagate model self._set_status(STATUS_PROPAGATING) psol = self.agent.propagate() self._set_status(STATUS_IDLE) # Notify listeners for lstnr in self.listeners: lstnr.new_result(self, psol) self._notify_listeners_end_operation() return psol
[docs] def run_seeds(self, nbrun): """ This method runs *nbrun* times the CP optimizer search with different random seeds and computes statistics from the result of these runs. Result statistics are displayed on the log output that should be activated. If the appropriate configuration variable *context.solver.add_log_to_solution* is set to True (default), log is also available in the *CpoRunResult* result object, accessible as a string using the method :meth:`~docplex.cp.solution.CpoRunResult.get_solver_log` Each run of the solver is stopped according to single solve conditions (TimeLimit for example). Total run time is then expected to take *nbruns* times the duration of a single run. Args: nbrun: Number of runs with different seeds. Returns: Run result, object of class :class:`~docplex.cp.solution.CpoRunResult`. Raises: CpoNotSupportedException: method not available in configured solver agent. """ self._check_status(STATUS_IDLE) self._set_status(STATUS_RUNNING_SEEDS) self._notify_listeners_start_operation(listener.OPERATION_RUN_SEEDS) rsol = self.agent.run_seeds(nbrun) self._set_status(STATUS_IDLE) self._notify_listeners_end_operation() return rsol
[docs] def explain_failure(self, ltags=None): """ This method allows to explain solve failures. If called with no arguments, this method invokes a solve of the model with appropriate parameters that enable, in the log, the print of a number tag for each solve failure. If called with a list of failure tag to explain, the solver is invoked again in a way that it explains, in the log, the reason for the failure of the required failure tags. This method sets the following solve parameters before calling the solver: * :attr:`~docplex.cp.CpoParameters.LogSearchTags` = 'On' * :attr:`~docplex.cp.CpoParameters.Workers` = 1 * :attr:`~docplex.cp.CpoParameters.LogPeriod` = 1 * :attr:`~docplex.cp.CpoParameters.SearchType` = 'DepthFirst' Args: ltags: List of tag ids to explain. If empty or None, the solver is just invoked with appropriate solve parameters to make failure tags displayed in the log. Returns: Solve result, object of class :class:`~docplex.cp.solution.CpoSolveResult`. Raises: CpoNotSupportedException: method not available in this solver agent. """ # Set solver parameters params = self.agent.params params.LogSearchTags = 'On' params.Workers = 1 params.LogPeriod = 1 params.SearchType = 'DepthFirst' # Add failure tags if any if ltags: self.agent.set_explain_failure_tags(ltags) # Solve the model msol = self.solve() # Remove failure tags if any if ltags: self.agent.set_explain_failure_tags() # Return return msol
def abort_search(self): if self.abort_supported and self.agent is not None: # Abort search is implemented, just call it. self.agent.abort_search() else: # Abort current search self._set_status(STATUS_ABORTED) agt = self.agent self.agent = None if agt is not None: agt.abort_search() def end(self): # End this solver and release associated resources agt = self.agent self.agent = None self._set_status(STATUS_RELEASED) if agt is not None: agt.end() def next(self): # """ For solution iteration, get the next available solution. # # This function is available only with local CPO solver with release number greater or equal to 12.7.0. # # Returns: # Next solve result, object of class :class:`~docplex.cp.solution.CpoSolveResult`. # """ # Check if last solution was optimal if not self.last_result or self.last_result.fail_status != FAIL_STATUS_SEARCH_COMPLETED: # Get next solution msol = self.search_next() if msol: return msol self.end_search() raise StopIteration() def __next__(self): # """ Get the next available solution (same as next() for compatibility with Python 3) # # This function is available only with local CPO solver with release number greater or equal to 12.7.0. # # Returns: # Next solve result, object of class :class:`~docplex.cp.solution.CpoSolveResult`. # """ return
[docs] def get_last_solution(self): """ Get the last result returned by this solver. DEPRECATED. Use get_last_result instead. Returns: Solve result, object of class :class:`~docplex.cp.solution.CpoSolveResult`. """ return self.last_result
[docs] def get_last_result(self): """ Get the last result returned by this solver. Calling this method can be useful to determine, for example, if the last solution returned by a sequence of start_search() and search_next(), or by a solution iterator, is optimal. Returns: Solve result, object of class :class:`~docplex.cp.solution.CpoSolveResult`. """ return self.last_result
[docs] def add_listener(self, lstnr): """ Add a solver listener. A solver listener is an object extending the class :class:`~docplex.cp.solver.solver_listener.CpoSolverListener` which provides multiple functions that are called to notify about the different solving steps. Args: lstnr: Solver listener """ assert isinstance(lstnr, CpoSolverListener), \ "Listener should be an object of class docplex.cp.solver.solver_listener.CpoSolverListener" self.listeners.append(lstnr) # Notify listener lstnr.solver_created(self)
def _add_listener_from_class(self, lstnr): """ Add a solver listener from its class (instance is created). Args: lstnr: Solver listener class, or string identifying the class """ if is_string(lstnr): # Get listener class from string try: lclass = utils.get_module_element_from_path(lstnr) except Exception as e: raise CpoException("Unable to retrieve solver listener class '{}': {}".format(lstnr, e)) if not inspect.isclass(lclass): raise CpoException("Solver listener '{}' is not a class.".format(lstnr)) if not issubclass(lclass, CpoSolverListener): raise CpoException("Solver listener class '{}' should extend CpoSolverListener.".format(lstnr)) else: # Listener is assumed to directly be a class lclass = lstnr if not inspect.isclass(lclass): raise CpoException("Solver listener '{}' is not a class.".format(lclass)) if not issubclass(lclass, CpoSolverListener): raise CpoException("Solver listener class '{}' should extend CpoSolverListener.".format(lclass)) # Add listener self.add_listener(lclass())
[docs] def remove_listener(self, lstnr): """ Remove a solver listener previously added with :meth:`~docplex.cp.solver.solver.CpoSolver.add_listener`. Args: lstnr: Listener to remove. """ self.listeners.remove(lstnr)
[docs] def add_callback(self, cback): """ Add a CPO solver callback. A solver callback is an object extending the class :class:`~docplex.cp.solver.cpo_callback.CpoCallback` which provides multiple functions that are called to notify about the different solving steps. Args: cback: Solver callback """ assert isinstance(cback, CpoCallback), \ "CPO callback should be an object of class docplex.cp.solver.cpo_callback.CpoCallback" self.callbacks.append(cback)
[docs] def remove_callback(self, cback): """ Remove a CPO solver callback. previously added with :meth:`~docplex.cp.solver.solver.CpoSolver.add_callback`. Args: cback: Callback to remove. """ self.callbacks.remove(cback)
def _set_status(self, status): """ Change solve status, only if allowed Args: status: New solve status """ with self.status_lock: if (status in _ENDING_STATUSES) or (not self.status in _ENDING_STATUSES): self.status = status def _notify_new_log(self, data): """ Notify new log data (called by agent) Args: data: Log data as a string """ # Notify listeners for lstnr in self.listeners: lstnr.new_log_data(self, data) def _notify_callback_event(self, event, data): """ Notify a CPO callback event (called by agent) Args: event: Event id data: JSON document associated to this event """ # Notify callbacks for cback in self.callbacks: cback.invoke(self, event, data) def _check_status(self, ests): """ Throws an exception if solver status is not the expected one Args: ests: Expected status, or list of expected statuses Raise: CpoException if solver is not in the right status """ if self.status != ests: raise CpoException("Unexpected solver status. Should be '{}' instead of '{}'".format(ests, self.status)) def _notify_listeners_start_operation(self, op): """ Call all listeners with operation start Args: op: Operation that is started """ self.operation = op for lstnr in self.listeners: lstnr.start_operation(self, op) def _notify_listeners_end_operation(self): """ Call all listeners with last operation end """ op = self.operation for lstnr in self.listeners: lstnr.end_operation(self, op) self.operation = None def _check_status_aborted(self): """ Check if the solve status has been changed to aborted by another thread or a listener. If so, an Aborted solve result is stored in last_result. Returns: true if status was aborted, false otherwise. """ if self.status != STATUS_ABORTED: return False if self.abort_supported: self.status = STATUS_IDLE return False self._set_status(STATUS_RELEASED) self.last_result = self._create_result_aborted() for lstnr in self.listeners: lstnr.new_result(self, self.last_result) self._notify_listeners_end_operation() return True def _create_result_aborted(self): """ Create a solve result with aborted status """ # Clone last result if any if self.last_result is None: res = CpoSolveResult(self.model) res.solve_status = SOLVE_STATUS_UNKNOWN else: res = copy.copy(self.last_result) res.fail_status = FAIL_STATUS_ABORT res.search_status = SEARCH_STATUS_STOPPED res.stop_cause = STOP_CAUSE_ABORT res.new_solution = False return res def _get_solver_agent(self): """ Get the solver agent instance that is used to solve the model. Returns: Solver agent instance Raises: CpoException: Agent creation error """ # Determine selectable agent(s) sctx = self.context.solver alist = sctx.agent if alist is None: # Return empty solver agent return CpoSolverAgent(self, sctx.params, sctx) elif not (is_string(alist) or is_array(alist)): raise CpoException("Agent identifier in config.context.solver.agent should be a string or a list of strings.") # Create agent if is_string(alist): aname = alist agent = self._create_solver_agent(alist) else: # Search first available agent in the list agent = None aname = None errors = [] for aname in alist: try: agent = self._create_solver_agent(aname) break except Exception as e: errors.append((aname, str(e))) # Agent not found errstr = ', '.join(a + ": " + str(e) for (a, e) in errors) raise CpoException("Agent creation error: " + errstr) # Log solver agent sctx.log(1, "Solve model '", self.model.get_name(), "' with agent '", aname, "'") agent.process_infos[CpoProcessInfos.SOLVER_AGENT] = aname return agent def _create_solver_agent(self, aname): """ Create a new solver agent from its name. Args: name: Name of the agent Returns: Solver agent instance Raises: CpoException: Agent creation error """ # Get agent context sctx = self.context.solver.get(aname) if not isinstance(sctx, Context): raise CpoSolverException("Unknown solving agent '" + aname + "'. Check config.context.solver.agent parameter.") if sctx.is_log_enabled(3): sctx.log(3, "Context for solving agent '", aname, "':") sctx.write(out=sctx.get_log_output()) cpath = sctx.class_name if cpath is None: raise CpoSolverException("Solving agent '" + aname + "' context should contain an attribute 'class_name'") # Retrieve solver agent class try: sclass = utils.get_module_element_from_path(cpath) except Exception as e: raise CpoSolverException("Unable to retrieve solver agent class '{}': {}".format(cpath, e)) if not inspect.isclass(sclass): raise CpoSolverException("Solver agent '{}' is not a class.".format(cpath)) if not issubclass(sclass, CpoSolverAgent): raise CpoSolverException("Solver agent class '{}' should extend CpoSolverAgent.".format(cpath)) # Create agent instance agent = sclass(self, sctx) return agent def _build_cpo_model_string(self): """ Build the CPO model string and store data required to retrieve model elements """ if self.cpostr is None: stime = time.time() cplr = CpoCompiler(self.model, params=self.context.params, context=self.context) self.cpostr = cplr.get_as_string() self.expr_map = cplr.get_expr_map() self.blackbox_map = cplr.get_blackbox_map() self.process_infos[CpoProcessInfos.MODEL_COMPILE_TIME] = time.time() - stime self.process_infos[CpoProcessInfos.MODEL_DATA_SIZE] = len(self.cpostr) def _publish_model(self): """ Publish the CPO model on console and in file if required by configuration """ # Check if already published if self.model_published: return # Trace CPO model if required ctx = self.context lout = ctx.get_log_output() if lout and ctx.solver.trace_cpo: stime = time.time() lout.write("Model '" + str(self.model.get_name()) + "' in CPO format:\n") lout.write(self.cpostr) lout.write("\n") self.model.write_information(lout) lout.write("\n") lout.flush() self.process_infos.incr(CpoProcessInfos.MODEL_DUMP_TIME, time.time() - stime) # Dump in dump directory if required if ctx.model.dump_directory: stime = time.time() make_directories(ctx.model.dump_directory) mname = self.model.get_name() if mname is None: mname = "Anonymous" else: # Remove special characters introduced by Jupyter mname = mname.replace('<', '').replace('>', '') file = ctx.model.dump_directory + "/" + mname + ".cpo" with utils.open_utf8(file, 'w') as f: f.write(self.cpostr) self.process_infos.incr(CpoProcessInfos.MODEL_DUMP_TIME, time.time() - stime) # Set published indicator self.model_published = True
[docs] def get_cpo_model_string(self): """ Get the CPO model as a string, as it is sent to the solver. Result string is the exact string that is sent to solver, including all variations caused by configuration or changes made when creating the solver. Return: String containing the CPO model in CPO file format """ # Build string self._build_cpo_model_string() # Publish model self._publish_model() # Return return self.cpostr
def _get_blackbox_function_eval_context(self, jdata): """ Get the evaluation context of a blackbox function Args: jdata: JSON data containing function evaluation context Returns: tuple (blackbox function descriptor, argument values, bound values) """ #print("Enter in _evaluate_blackbox_function: {}".format(jdata)) # Parse JSON data stime = time.time() fcall = parse_json_string(jdata) self.process_infos.incr(CpoProcessInfos.TOTAL_JSON_PARSE_TIME, time.time() - stime) # Retrieve blackbox descriptor from its name name = fcall.get('name') bbf = self.blackbox_map.get(name) #bbf = self.model.get_blackbox_function(name) if bbf is None: raise CpoException("Try to evaluate a blackbox function {} that does not exists".format(name)) if not isinstance(bbf, CpoBlackboxFunction): raise CpoException("Expression named '{}' is not a blackbox function".format(name)) # Build arguments values params = fcall.get('parameters', ()) ptypes = bbf.get_arg_types() if len(ptypes) != len(params): raise CpoException("Blackbox function call to '{}' contains a wrong number of parameters.".format(name)) incvars = bbf.args_with_vars argvalues = [self._build_arg_value(t, v, incvars) for t, v in zip(ptypes, params)] # Build bound values bnds = fcall.get('returnValuesBounds', ()) if len(bnds) != bbf.dimension: raise CpoException("Blackbox function call to '{}' contains a wrong number of bounds.".format(name)) bndsvalues = [tuple(solution._get_num_value(v) for v in b) for b in bnds] return bbf, argvalues, bndsvalues def _build_arg_value(self, tp, vl, adv): """ Build blackbox function call argument value Args: tp: Parameter type vl: Parameter JSON value adv: Include vars indicator Returns: Parameter value to be passed to evaluation """ n = vl.get('name') t = vl.get('type') v = vl.get('value') if tp in (Type_Int, Type_IntExpr,): return solution._get_num_value(v) if tp in (Type_Float, Type_FloatExpr,): return float(v) if tp is Type_IntVar: if adv: iv = self.expr_map.get(n) return CpoIntVarSolution._create_from_json(iv, v) else: return solution._get_num_value(v) if tp is Type_IntervalVar: iv = self.expr_map.get(n) r = CpoIntervalVarSolution._create_from_json(iv, v) return r if adv else r.get_value() if tp is Type_IntArray: return [solution._get_num_value(e) for e in v] if tp is Type_IntExprArray: return [solution._get_num_value(e.get('value')) for e in v] if tp is Type_IntVarArray: if adv: return [CpoIntVarSolution._create_from_json(self.expr_map.get(e.get('name')), e.get('value')) for e in v] else: return [solution._get_num_value(e.get('value')) for e in v] if tp is Type_FloatArray: return v if tp is Type_FloatExprArray: return [float(e.get('value')) for e in v] if tp is Type_IntervalVarArray: res = [CpoIntervalVarSolution._create_from_json(self.expr_map.get(e.get('name')), e.get('value')) for e in v] return res if adv else [e.get_value() for e in res] if tp is Type_SequenceVar: # Retrieve original variable sv = self.expr_map.get(n) assert sv is not None, "Sequence variable '{}' not found in the model".format(n) vars = sv.get_interval_variables() # Build actual list of variables from list of indexes lv = [vars[i] for i in v] return CpoSequenceVarSolution(self.expr_map.get(n), lv) if adv else lv if tp is Type_SequenceVarArray: res = [] for jsv in v: svn = jsv.get('name') sv = self.expr_map.get(svn) assert sv is not None, "Sequence variable '{}' not found in the model".format(svn) vars = sv.get_interval_variables() lv = [vars[i] for i in jsv.get('value')] if adv: res.append(CpoSequenceVarSolution(sv, lv)) else: res.append(lv) return res raise CpoException("INTERNAL ERROR: Unknown blackbox argument type {}".format(tp))
############################################################################### ## Public functions ###############################################################################
[docs]def get_version_info(): """ If the solver agent defined in the configuration enables this function, this method returns solver version information. This method creates a CP solver using the default configuration parameters. It then retrieves this information, and close the solver. The returned value is a dictionary with various information, as in the following example: :: { "ProxyVersion" : 5, "SourceDate" : "Sep 12 2017", "SolverVersion" : "", "IntMin" : -9007199254740991, "IntMax" : 9007199254740991, "IntervalMin" : -4503599627370494, "IntervalMax" : 4503599627370494, } Returns: Solver information dictionary, or empty dictionary if not available. """ from docplex.cp.model import CpoModel try: with CpoSolver(CpoModel()) as slvr: return slvr.agent.version_info except: if config.context.log_exceptions: traceback.print_exc() pass return {}
[docs]def get_solver_version(): """ If the solver agent defined in the configuration enables this function, this method returns solver version number. Returns: Solver version string, or None if not available. """ vinfo = get_version_info() return vinfo.get('SolverVersion') if vinfo else None
############################################################################### ## Private Functions ############################################################################### def _get_solver_agent_class(aname, sctx): """ Get a solver agent class from its name Args: aname: Solver agent name sctx: Candidate solver context Returns: Solver agent class """ # Check for solver agent context if not isinstance(sctx, Context): raise CpoException("Unknown solving agent '" + aname + "'. Check config.context.solver.agent parameter.") cpath = sctx.class_name if cpath is None: raise CpoSolverException("Solving agent '" + aname + "' context does not contain attribute 'class_name'") # Split class name pnx = cpath.rfind('.') if pnx < 0: raise CpoSolverException("Invalid class name '" + cpath + "' for solving agent '" + aname + "'. Should be <package>.<module>.<class>.") mname = cpath[:pnx] cname = cpath[pnx + 1:] # Load module try: module = importlib.import_module(mname) except Exception as e: raise CpoSolverException("Module '" + mname + "' import error: " + str(e)) # Create and check class sclass = getattr(module, cname, None) if sclass is None: raise CpoSolverException("Module '" + mname + "' does not contain a class '" + cname + "'") if not inspect.isclass(sclass): raise CpoSolverException("Agent class '" + cpath + "' is not a class.") if not issubclass(sclass, CpoSolverAgent): raise CpoSolverException("Solver agent class '" + cpath + "' does not extend CpoSolverAgent.") # Return return sclass def _replace_names_in_json_dict(jdict, renmap): """ Replace keys that has been renamed in a JSON result directory Args: jdict: Json result dictionary renmap: Renaming map, key is name to replace, value is name to use instead """ if jdict: for k in list(jdict.keys()): nk = renmap.get(k) if nk: jdict[nk] = jdict[k] del jdict[k]