Source code for docplex.cp.solution

# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Source file provided under Apache License, Version 2.0, January 2004,
# (c) Copyright IBM Corp. 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Author: Olivier OUDOT, IBM Analytics, France Lab, Sophia-Antipolis

This module contains the different elements representing the result to a solver request.
The main classes are:

 * :class:`CpoRunResult`: root class for all results returned by the solver.
   It contains general purpose information such as the model that has been solved, solver parameters, solver info and log.
 * :class:`CpoSolveResult`: result of a solve request, including a solution to the model if any.
 * :class:`CpoRefineConflictResult`: result of a refine conflict request.

These classes are using the following classes to store utility information:

 * :class:`CpoSolverInfos`: miscellaneous information coming from the solver.
 * :class:`CpoProcessInfos`: miscellaneous information about the processing and solving of the model by the Python API.

When a solution is found by the solver, it is represented by the following classes:

 * :class:`CpoModelSolution`: aggregation of all individual model element solutions,
 * :class:`CpoIntVarSolution`: solution of an integer variable,
 * :class:`CpoIntervalVarSolution`: solution of an interval variable,
 * :class:`CpoSequenceVarSolution`: solution of a sequence variable,
 * :class:`CpoStateFunctionSolution`: solution of a state function, and

These solution objects can be used in multiple ways:

 * To represent a *complete* (fully instantiated) solution, where each model has a unique fixed value, as returned
   by a successful model solve.
 * To represent a *partial* model solution, that is proposed as a solve starting point
   (see :meth:`docplex.cp.model.CpoModel.set_starting_point`)
   In this case, not all variables are present in the solution, and some of them may be partially instantiated.
 * To represent a *partial* model solution that is returned by the solver as result of calling method

Detailed description

import docplex.cp.utils as utils
from docplex.cp.utils import *
from docplex.cp.expression import CpoVariable, CpoIntVar, CpoFloatVar, CpoIntervalVar, CpoSequenceVar, CpoStateFunction, \
    _domain_iterator, get_domain_min, get_domain_max, _domain_contains, \
from docplex.cp.parameters import CpoParameters
import docplex.cp.modeler as modeler
import types
from collections import namedtuple, OrderedDict
import functools

#  Constants

# Solve status: Unknown

# Solve status: Infeasible

# Solve status: Feasible

# Solve status: Optimal

# Solve status: Job aborted

# Solve status: Job failed

# List of all possible solve statuses

# Fail status: Unknown

# Fail status: Failed normally

# Fail status: Not failed (success)

# Fail status: Stopped by abort
FAIL_STATUS_ABORT = "SearchStoppedByAbort"

# Fail status: Stopped by exception
FAIL_STATUS_EXCEPTION = "SearchStoppedByException"

# Fail status: Stopped by exit
FAIL_STATUS_EXIT = "SearchStoppedByExit"

# Fail status: Stopped by label
FAIL_STATUS_LABEL = "SearchStoppedByLabel"

# Fail status: Stopped by time limit
FAIL_STATUS_TIME_LIMIT = "SearchStoppedByLimit"

# Fail status: Search completed

# List of all possible search statuses

# Search status: Not started

# Search status: Ongoing

# Search status: Completed

# Search status: Stopped. Cause given in SearchStopCause.

# List of all possible search statuses

# Stop cause: Not stopped
STOP_CAUSE_NOT_STOPPED = "SearchHasNotBeenStopped"

# Stop cause: Search terminated on limit (time limit, fail limit, etc)
STOP_CAUSE_LIMIT = "SearchStoppedByLimit"

# Stop cause: Exit called while solving, for example by a callback
STOP_CAUSE_EXIT = "SearchStoppedByExit"

# Stop cause: Search aborted externally
STOP_CAUSE_ABORT = "SearchStoppedByAbort"

# Stop cause: Unknown cause
STOP_CAUSE_UNKNOWN = "SearchStoppedByUnknownCause"

# List of all possible stop causes

# Conflict refiner status: Unknown

# Conflict refiner status: Terminated normally

# Conflict refiner status: Terminated by limit

# Conflict refiner status: Terminated normally

# List of all possible conflict refiner statuses

#  Public classes

# Fixed value of an interval variable
IntervalVarValue = namedtuple('IntervalVarValue', ('start', 'end', 'size'))

# Unfixed value of an interval variable
IntervalVarPartialValue = namedtuple('IntervalVarPartialValue', ('start', 'end', 'size', 'length'))

[docs]class CpoVarSolution(object): """ This class is the super class of all classes representing a solution to a variable. """ __slots__ = ('expr', # Variable expression ) def __init__(self, expr): """ **Constructor** Args: expr: Variable expression, object of class :class:`~docplex.cp.expression.CpoVariable` or extending class. """ # Checking already done by extending classes # assert isinstance(expr, CpoVariable), "Expression 'expr' should be a CPO variable expression" self.expr = expr
[docs] def get_expr(self): """ Get the variable expression for which this object is a solution. Returns: Model variable expression. """ return self.expr
[docs] def get_var(self): """ Get the variable expression for which this object is a solution. This method is equivalent to get_expr() Returns: Model variable expression. """ return self.expr
[docs] def get_name(self): """ Gets the name of the variable. Returns: Name of the variable, None if anonymous. """ return self.expr.get_name()
[docs] def get_value(self): """ Gets the variable value. This method is overloaded by each class extending this class. Returns: Value of the variable, represented according to its semantic (see specific variable documentation). """ return None
def __eq__(self, other): """ Overwrite equality comparison Args: other: Other object to compare with Returns: True if this object is equal to the other, False otherwise """ return utils.equals(self, other) def __ne__(self, other): """ Overwrite inequality comparison """ return not self.__eq__(other) def __str__(self): """ String representing this object """ return "{}={}".format(self.get_name(), self.get_value()) def __hash__(self): return id(self)
[docs]class CpoIntVarSolution(CpoVarSolution): """ This class represents a solution to an integer variable. The solution can be: * *complete* when the value is a single integer, * *partial* when the value is a domain, set of multiple values. A domain is a list of discrete integer values and/or intervals of values represented by a tuple containing interval min and max values (included). For example, following are valid domains for an integer variable: * 7 (complete solution) * (1, 2, 4, 9) * (2, 3, (5, 7), 9, (11, 13)) """ __slots__ = ('value', # Variable value / domain ) def __init__(self, expr, value): """ **Constructor** Args: expr: Variable expression, object of class :class:`~docplex.cp.expression.CpoIntVar`. None if unknown. value: Variable value, or domain if not completely instantiated """ assert (expr is None) or isinstance(expr, CpoIntVar), "Expression 'expr' should be a CpoIntVar expression" super(CpoIntVarSolution, self).__init__(expr) self.value = _check_arg_domain(value, 'value')
[docs] def get_value(self): """ Gets the value of the variable. Returns: Variable value (integer), or domain (list of integers or intervals) """ return self.value
[docs] def get_domain_min(self): """ Gets the domain lower bound. Returns: Domain lower bound. """ return get_domain_min(self.value)
[docs] def get_domain_max(self): """ Gets the domain upper bound. Returns: Domain upper bound. """ return get_domain_max(self.value)
[docs] def domain_iterator(self): """ Iterator on the individual values of an integer variable domain. Returns: Value iterator on the domain of this variable. """ return _domain_iterator(self.value)
[docs] def domain_contains(self, value): """ Check whether a given value is in the domain of the variable Args: val: Value to check Returns: True if the value is in the domain, False otherwise """ return _domain_contains(self.value, value)
@classmethod def _create_from_json(cls, var, json): """ Create a integer variable solution from its JSON description Args: var: Model variable json: JSON object representing the integer variable Return: New CpoIntVarSolution corresponding to its JSON description """ return CpoIntVarSolution(var, _get_domain(json))
[docs]class CpoFloatVarSolution(CpoVarSolution): # """ This class represents a solution to a float variable. # # The solution can be: # * *complete* when the value is a single value, # * *partial* when the value is an interval. # """ __slots__ = ('value', # Variable value, as a tuple (min, max) for interval ) def __init__(self, expr, value): """ **Constructor** Args: expr: Variable expression, object of class :class:`~docplex.cp.expression.CpoFloatVar`. None if unknown. value: Variable value, or domain if not completely instantiated """ assert (expr is None) or isinstance(expr, CpoFloatVar), "Expression 'expr' should be a CpoIntVar expression" super(CpoFloatVarSolution, self).__init__(expr) self.value = value
[docs] def get_value(self): """ Gets the value of the variable. Returns: Variable value (number), or range as a tuple (min, max) """ return self.value
[docs] def get_domain_min(self): """ Gets the domain lower bound. Returns: Domain lower bound. """ return self.value if is_number(self.value) else self.value[0]
[docs] def get_domain_max(self): """ Gets the domain upper bound. Returns: Domain upper bound. """ return self.value if is_number(self.value) else self.value[-1]
def __str__(self): """ Convert this expression into a string """ return str(self.get_name()) + ": " + str(self.get_value()) @classmethod def _create_from_json(cls, var, json): """ Create a float variable solution from its JSON description Args: var: Model variable json: JSON object representing the float variable Return: New CpoFloatVarSolution corresponding to its JSON description """ return CpoFloatVarSolution(var, _get_domain(json))
[docs]class CpoIntervalVarSolution(CpoVarSolution): """ This class represents a solution to an interval variable. The solution can be complete if all attribute values are integers, or partial if at least one of them is an interval expressed as a tuple. """ __slots__ = ('start', # Interval start 'end', # Interval end 'size', # Interval size 'length', # Interval length 'presence', # Presence indicator ) def __init__(self, expr, presence=None, start=None, end=None, size=None, length=None): """ **Constructor** Args: expr: Variable expression, object of class :class:`~docplex.cp.expression.CpoIntervalVar`. None if unknown. presence: Presence indicator (True for present, False for absent, None for undetermined). Default is None. start: Value of start, or tuple representing the start range. Default is None. end: Value of end, or tuple representing the end range. Default is None. size: Value of size, or tuple representing the size range. Default is None. length: Value of the length, or tuple representing the length range. Default is None. Not to be used if other values are integers. """ assert (expr is None) or isinstance(expr, CpoIntervalVar), "Expression 'expr' should be a CpoIntervalVar expression" super(CpoIntervalVarSolution, self).__init__(expr) self.presence = presence self.start = start self.end = end self.size = size self.length = length
[docs] def is_present(self): """ Check if the interval is present. Returns: True if interval is present, False otherwise. """ return self.presence is True
[docs] def is_absent(self): """ Check if the interval is absent. Returns: True if interval is absent, False otherwise. """ return self.presence is False
[docs] def is_optional(self): """ Check if the interval is optional. Calling this function returns always False for a complete solution where Valid only for a partial solution, meaning that the status of the variable is not yet fixed. Returns: True if interval is optional (undetermined), False otherwise. """ return self.presence is None
[docs] def get_start(self): """ Gets the interval start. To get the bounds of the returned domain, in particular if not fixed, use methods :meth:`docplex.cp.expression.get_domain_min` and :meth:`docplex.cp.expression.get_domain_max` Returns: Interval start value, or domain (tuple (min, max)) if not fully instantiated. None if interval is absent. """ return self.start
[docs] def get_end(self): """ Gets the interval end. To get the bounds of the returned domain, in particular if not fixed, use methods :meth:`docplex.cp.expression.get_domain_min` and :meth:`docplex.cp.expression.get_domain_max` Returns: Interval end value, or domain (tuple (min, max)) if not fully instantiated. None if interval is absent. """ return self.end
[docs] def get_size(self): """ Gets the size of the interval. The size of the interval is the amount of work done in the interval, that depends on the intensity function that has been associated to the interval. To get the bounds of the returned domain, in particular if not fixed, use methods :meth:`docplex.cp.expression.get_domain_min` and :meth:`docplex.cp.expression.get_domain_max` Returns: Interval size value, or domain (tuple (min, max)) if not fully instantiated. None if interval is absent. """ return self.size
[docs] def get_length(self): """ Gets the length of the interval. Length of the interval is the difference between end and start. To get the bounds of the returned domain, in particular if not fixed, use methods :meth:`docplex.cp.expression.get_domain_min` and :meth:`docplex.cp.expression.get_domain_max` Returns: Interval length value, or domain (tuple (min, max)) if not fully instantiated. None if interval is absent. """ if self.length is None: dstrt = self.start dend = self.end if dstrt is None or dend is None: return None if is_int(dstrt) and is_int(dend): return dend - dstrt lw = builtin_max(_get_interval_domain_min(dend) - _get_interval_domain_max(dstrt), 0) up = builtin_max(_get_interval_domain_max(dend) - _get_interval_domain_min(dstrt), 0) return lw if lw == up else (lw, up) return self.length
[docs] def get_value(self): """ Gets the interval variable value as a tuple (start, end, size), or () if absent. If the variable is absent, then the result is an empty tuple. If the variable is fully instantiated, the result is a tuple of 3 integers (start, end, size). The variable length, easy to compute as end - start, can also be retrieved by calling :meth:`get_length`. If the variable is partially instantiated, the result is a tuple (start, end, size, length) where each individual value can be an integer or an interval expressed as a tuple. Returns: Interval variable value as a tuple. """ if self.is_present(): if self.length is None: return IntervalVarValue(self.start, self.end, self.size) else: return IntervalVarPartialValue(self.start, self.end, self.size, self.length) return ()
def __str__(self): """ Convert this expression into a string """ res = [str(self.get_name()), ': '] if self.is_absent(): res.append("absent") else: if self.is_optional(): res.append("optional") res.append("(start=" + str(self.get_start())) res.append(", end=" + str(self.get_end())) res.append(", size=" + str(self.get_size())) res.append(", length=" + str(self.get_length())) res.append(")") return ''.join(res) @classmethod def _create_from_json(cls, var, json): """ Create an interval variable solution from its JSON description Args: var: Model variable json: JSON object representing the interval variable Return: New CpoIntervalVarSolution corresponding to its JSON description """ if 'start' in json: # Check partially instantiated if 'presence' in json: vsol = CpoIntervalVarSolution(var, True if json['presence'] == 1 else None, _get_domain(json['start']), _get_domain(json['end']), _get_domain(json['size'])) dlen = json.get('length') if dlen is not None: vsol.length = _get_domain(dlen) else: vsol = CpoIntervalVarSolution(var, True, _get_num_value(json['start']), _get_num_value(json['end']), _get_num_value(json['size'])) else: vsol = CpoIntervalVarSolution(var, False) return vsol
[docs]class CpoSequenceVarSolution(CpoVarSolution): """ This class represents a solution to a sequence variable. """ __slots__ = ('lvars', # List of interval variable solutions ) def __init__(self, expr, lvars): """ **Constructor** Args: expr: Variable expression, object of class :class:`~docplex.cp.expression.CpoSequenceVar`. None if unknown. lvars: Ordered list of interval variable solutions that are in this sequence (objects of class :class:`CpoIntervalVarSolution`), or list of interval variables (object of class :class:`~docplex.cp.expression.CpoIntervalVar`). """ assert (expr is None) or isinstance(expr, CpoSequenceVar), "Expression 'expr' should be a CpoSequenceVar expression" assert all(isinstance(v, (CpoIntervalVar, CpoIntervalVarSolution)) for v in lvars), \ "All variables should be instance of class CpoIntervalVar or CpoIntervalVarSolution" super(CpoSequenceVarSolution, self).__init__(expr) self.lvars = lvars
[docs] def get_interval_variables(self): """ Gets the list of CpoIntervalVarSolution in this sequence. Returns: List of CpoIntervalVarSolution in this sequence. """ return self.lvars
[docs] def get_value(self): """ Gets the list of CpoIntervalVarSolution in this sequence. Returns: List of CpoIntervalVarSolution in this sequence. """ return self.lvars
def __str__(self): """ Convert this expression into a string """ return str(self.get_name()) + ": (" + ", ".join([str(v.get_name()) for v in self.lvars]) + ")"
[docs]class CpoStateFunctionSolution(CpoVarSolution): """ This class represents a solution to a step function. A solution to a step function is represented by a list of steps. A step is a triplet (start, end, value) that gives the value of the function on the interval [start, end). """ __slots__ = ('steps', # List of function steps ) def __init__(self, expr, steps): """ **Constructor** Args: expr: Variable expression, object of class :class:`~docplex.cp.expression.CpoStateFunction`. None in unknown. steps: List of function steps represented as tuples (start, end, value). """ assert (expr is None) or isinstance(expr, CpoStateFunction), "Expression 'expr' should be a CpoStateFunction expression" super(CpoStateFunctionSolution, self).__init__(expr) self.steps = steps
[docs] def get_function_steps(self): """ Gets the list of function steps. Returns: List of function steps. Each step is a tuple (start, end, value). """ return self.steps
[docs] def get_value(self): """ Gets the list of function steps. Identical to `get_function_steps()`. Returns: List of function steps. """ return self.steps
def __str__(self): """ Convert this expression into a string """ return str(self.get_name()) + ": (" + ", ".join([str(s) for s in self.steps]) + ")"
[docs]class CpoModelSolution(object): """ This class represents a solution to the problem represented by the model. It contains the solutions for the model variables plus the value of the objective(s), if any. Each variable solution can be accessed using its name, or the variable object of the model. The solution is either :class:`CpoIntVarSolution`, :class:`CpoIntervalVarSolution`, :class:`CpoSequenceVarSolution` or :class:`CpoStateFunctionSolution` depending on the type of the variable. A variable solution can be accessed in two ways: * using the method :meth:`CpoModelSolution.get_var_solution`, that returns an object representing the solution to the variable, or None if the variable is not in the solution. * using the standard Python expression `sol[<var>]` that does the same but raises a `KeyError` exception if the variable is not in the solution. Depending if the request to solver was a solve or a propagate, the solution can be: * *complete*, if each variable is assigned to a single value, * *partial* if not all variables are defined, or if some variables are defined with domains that are not restricted to a single value. An instance of this class may also be created explicitly by the programmer of the model to express a *starting point* that can be passed to the model to optimize its solve (see :meth:`docplex.cp.model.CpoModel.set_starting_point` for details). """ __slots__ = ('var_solutions_dict', # Map of variable solutions. Key is expression id or variable name, value depends on variable 'objective_values', # Objective values 'objective_bounds', # Objective bounds 'objective_gaps', # Objective gap values 'kpi_values', # Values of the KPIs ) def __init__(self): super(CpoModelSolution, self).__init__() self.var_solutions_dict = {} self.objective_values = None self.objective_bounds = None self.objective_gaps = None self.kpi_values = OrderedDict()
[docs] def get_objective_values(self): """ Gets the numeric values of all objectives. If the solution is partial, each objective value may be an interval expressed as a tuple (min, max) Returns: Array of objective values, None if none. """ return self.objective_values
[docs] def get_objective_value(self): """ Gets the numeric values of the first objectives. If the solution is partial, objective value may be an interval expressed as a tuple (min, max) Returns: First objective value, None if none. """ return None if self.objective_values is None else self.objective_values[0]
[docs] def get_objective_bounds(self): """ Gets the numeric values of all objectives bound. Note that when :meth:`~docplex.cp.modeler.minimize_static_lex` or :meth:`~docplex.cp.modeler.maximize_static_lex` is used, the bound values must be taken as a whole, as are the values delivered by :meth:`get_objective_values`. One cannot interpret bound values on each criterion independently. For example, suppose, we have a problem with two criteria specified to minimize_static_lex, a number of workers, and a number of days to complete a job. That is, we always prefer to use less workers, but for equal numbers of workers, we prefer to take less days. Then a solution with 3 workers and 10 days is perfectly compatible with a lower bound of 2 workers and 13 days, even though the lower bound on the number of days is higher than the value in the solution. Returns: Array of all objective bound values, None if none. """ return self.objective_bounds
[docs] def get_objective_bound(self): """ Gets the numeric values of the first objective bound. Returns: First objective bound values, None if none. """ return None if self.objective_bounds is None else self.objective_bounds[0]
[docs] def get_objective_gaps(self): """ Gets the numeric values of the gap between objective value and objective bound. For a single objective, gap is calculated as *gap = abs(value - bound) / max(1e-10, abs(value))* For multiple objectives, each gap is the gap between corresponding value and bound. However, after the first gap whose value is not within optimality tolerance specified by :attr:`~docplex.cp.CpoParameters.OptimalityTolerance` and :attr:`~docplex.cp.CpoParameters.RelativeOptimalityTolerance`, all returned gap values are positive infinity. Returns: Array of all objective gap values, None if none. """ return self.objective_gaps
[docs] def get_objective_gap(self): """ Gets the numeric values of the gap between the first objective value and objective bound. For a single objective, gap is calculated as *gap = abs(value - bound) / max(1e-10, abs(value))* Returns: First objective gap value, None if none. """ return None if self.objective_gaps is None else self.objective_gaps[0]
[docs] def add_var_solution(self, vsol): """ Add a solution to a variable to this model solution. Args: vsol: Variable solution (object of a class extending :class:`CpoVarSolution`) """ assert isinstance(vsol, CpoVarSolution), "Parameter 'vsol' should be an instance of CpoVarSolution" # Add to the dictionary with id of the variable, and name if exists var = vsol.expr self.var_solutions_dict[id(var)] = vsol vname = var.get_name() if vname: self.var_solutions_dict[vname] = vsol
[docs] def add_var(self, var, value=None, presence=None, start=None, end=None, size=None): """ Add a solution to a integer or interval variable. Args: var: CPO variable (object of a class extending :class:`~docplex.cp.expression.CpoVariable`) value (Optional): Value of the variable if the variable is a integer variable. Can be a domain if variable is not completely instantiated. presence (Optional): Presence indicator (true for present, false for absent, None for undetermined), if the variable is an interval variable. start (Optional): Value of start, or tuple representing the start range, if the variable is an interval variable. end (Optional): Value of end, or tuple representing the end range, if the variable is an interval variable. size (Optional): Value of size, or tuple representing the size range, if the variable is an interval variable. """ if isinstance(var, CpoIntVar): self.add_var_solution(CpoIntVarSolution(var, value)) elif isinstance(var, CpoIntervalVar): self.add_var_solution(CpoIntervalVarSolution(var, presence, start, end, size)) else: raise AssertionError("Argument 'var' should be an instance of CpoIntVar or CpoIntervalVar")
[docs] def add_integer_var_solution(self, var, value): """ Add a new integer variable solution. The solution can be complete if the value is a single integer, or partial if the value is a domain, given as a list of integers or intervals expressed as tuples. Args: var: Variable expression, object of class :class:`~docplex.cp.expression.CpoIntVar`. value: Variable value, or domain if not completely instantiated """ self.add_var_solution(CpoIntVarSolution(var, value))
[docs] def add_interval_var_solution(self, var, presence=None, start=None, end=None, size=None, length=None): """ Add a new interval variable solution. The solution can be complete if all attribute values are integers, or partial if at least one of them is an interval expressed as a tuple. Args: var: Variable expression, object of class :class:`~docplex.cp.expression.CpoIntervalVar`. presence: Presence indicator (true for present, false for absent, None for undetermined). Default is None. start: Value of start, or tuple representing the start range end: Value of end, or tuple representing the end range size: Value of size, or tuple representing the size range length: Value of the length, or tuple representing the length range. Default is None. Not to be used if other values are integers. """ self.add_var_solution(CpoIntervalVarSolution(var, presence, start, end, size, length))
[docs] def get_var_solution(self, expr): """ Gets a variable solution from this model solution. Args: expr: Variable expression or variable name if any Returns: Variable solution (class extending :class:`CpoVarSolution`), None if variable is not found """ return self.var_solutions_dict.get(expr) if is_string(expr) else self.var_solutions_dict.get(id(expr))
[docs] def get_all_var_solutions(self): """ Gets the list of all variable solutions from this model solution. Returns: List of all variable solutions (class extending :class:`CpoVarSolution`). """ # Retrieve from dictionary those with id as a key vdict = self.var_solutions_dict res = [] for id in vdict: if is_int(id): res.append(vdict[id]) return res
[docs] def has_var_solutions(self): """ Check if this solution contains variable solutions. Returns: True if there is at least one variable solution. """ return len(self.var_solutions_dict) > 0
[docs] def get_value(self, expr): """ Gets the value of a variable or a KPI. This method first find the variable with :meth:`get_var_solution` and, if exists, returns the result of a call to the method get_value() on this variable. The expression can also be the name of a KPI. The result depends on the type of the variable. For details, please consult documentation of methods: * :meth:`CpoIntVarSolution.get_value` * :meth:`CpoIntervalVarSolution.get_value` * :meth:`CpoSequenceVarSolution.get_value` * :meth:`CpoStateFunctionSolution.get_value` Note that the builtin method *__getitem__()* is overwritten to call this method. Writing *sol.get_value(x)* is then equivalent to write *sol[x]*. Args: expr: Variable expression, variable name or KPI name. Returns: Variable value, None if variable is not found. Raises: KeyError if expression is not in the solution. """ # Try to get variable value var = self.get_var_solution(expr) if var is not None: return var.get_value() # Else try with KPI val = self.kpi_values.get(expr) if val is None: raise KeyError("Variable or KPI '{}' not in the solution".format(expr)) return val
[docs] def set_value(self, var, value): """ Set the value of a variable. This method allows to set an integer variable or an interval variable with the short representation used to represent it, as returned by :meth:`CpoIntVarSolution.get_value` or :meth:`CpoIntervalVarSolution.get_value`. For an integer variable, value can be: * If the variable is fully instantiated, a single integer. * If the variable is partially instantiated, a domain expressed as a list of integers or intervals. For an interval variable, value can be: * If the variable is absent, an empty tuple. * If the variable is fully instantiated, a tuple of 3 integers (start, end, size). * If the variable is partially instantiated, a tuple (start, end, size, length) where each individual value can be an integer or an interval expressed as a tuple. Note that the builtin method *__setitem__()* is overwritten to call this method. Writing *sol.set_value(x, y)* is then equivalent to write *sol[x] = y*. *New in version 2.9.* Args: var: Model variable value: short representation of the variable value """ if isinstance(var, CpoIntVar): self.add_integer_var_solution(var, value) elif isinstance(var, CpoIntervalVar): if not value: self.add_interval_var_solution(var, presence=False) elif len(value) == 3: start, end, size = value self.add_interval_var_solution(var, presence=True, start=start, end=end, size=size) elif len(value) == 4: start, end, size, length = value self.add_interval_var_solution(var, presence=True, start=start, end=end, size=size, length=length) else: raise AssertionError("Invalid value format for an interval variable") elif isinstance(var, CpoFloatVar): self.add_var_solution(CpoFloatVarSolution(var, value)) elif isinstance(var, CpoSequenceVar): self.add_var_solution(CpoSequenceVarSolution(var, value)) elif isinstance(var, CpoStateFunction): self.add_var_solution(CpoStateFunctionSolution(var, value)) else: raise AssertionError("This variable can not be set directly.")
[docs] def add_kpi_value(self, name, value): """ Add a KPI value to this solution Args: name: Name of the KPI value: Model variable representing this KPI """ self.kpi_values[name] = value
[docs] def get_kpis(self): """ Get the solution KPIs. Returns: Ordered dictionary containing value of the KPIs that have been defined in the model. Key is KPI publish name, value is expression value. Keys are sorted in the order the KPIs have been defined. """ return self.kpi_values
[docs] def get_kpi_value(self, name): """ Get the value of a KPI Args: name: Name of the KPI Returns: Value of the KPI Raises: KeyError if KPI is not in the solution. """ return self.kpi_values[name]
[docs] def is_empty(self): """ Check whether this solution contains any information Returns: True if this solution contains no data """ return (self.objective_values is None) and (not self.var_solutions_dict) and (not self.kpi_values)
[docs] def map_solution(self, sobj): """ Map a python object on this solution. This method builds a copy of the source object and replace in its attributes all occurrences of model expressions by their value in this solution. This method is called recursively on all child objects. Args: sobj: Source object Returns: Copy of the source object where model expressions are replaced by their values """ return replace(sobj, self.get_value)
[docs] def get_as_constraints(self) : """ Build a list of constraints corresponding to this solution. This method builds a list of constraints that force the model variables to correspond to this solution. It does not consider the KPIs and objective values, only the decision variables: integer, floating point, interval, sequence variables and state functions. The result list of constraints can be added to the model using :meth:`~docplex.cp.model.CpoModel.add`, for example to call :meth:`~docplex.cp.model.CpoModel.refine_conflict` to identify which constraint(s) does not allow this solution to comply to the model constraints. (From an initial version provided by P.Laborie) Returns: List of constraints corresponding to this solution """ def add_itv_domain_constraint(cts, var, dom, afunc): if is_int(dom): cts.append(afunc(var, dom) == dom) elif is_tuple(dom): cts.append(modeler.range(afunc(var, dom[0]), dom[0], dom[1])) cts = [] for vsol in self.get_all_var_solutions(): var = vsol.get_var() val = vsol.get_value() # Case of an integer variable if isinstance(vsol, CpoIntVarSolution): if is_int(val): cts.append(var == val) else: assert is_array(val), "Domain '" + str(val) + "' should be a list of integers and/or intervals" orct = [] for d in val: if is_int(d): orct.append(var == d) else: assert is_tuple(d), "Domain '" + str(val) + "' should be a list of integers and/or intervals" orct.append(modeler.range(var, d[0], d[1])) cts.append(modeler.logical_or(orct)) # Case of a floating point variable elif isinstance(vsol, CpoFloatVarSolution): if is_number(val): cts.append(var == val) else: cts.append(modeler.range(var, val[0], val[1])) # Case of an interval variable elif isinstance(vsol, CpoIntervalVarSolution): if vsol.is_absent(): cts.append(modeler.logical_not(modeler.presence_of(var))) else: if vsol.is_present(): cts.append(modeler.presence_of(var)) add_itv_domain_constraint(cts, var, vsol.get_start(), modeler.start_of) add_itv_domain_constraint(cts, var, vsol.get_end(), modeler.end_of) add_itv_domain_constraint(cts, var, vsol.get_size(), modeler.size_of) add_itv_domain_constraint(cts, var, vsol.get_length(), modeler.length_of) # Case of a sequence variable elif isinstance(vsol, CpoSequenceVarSolution): # Interval variables of the sequence that are in the sequence value are present, all the other ones are absent array_itvs = [(iv.get_expr() if isinstance(iv, CpoIntervalVarSolution) else iv) for iv in val] set_itvs = set(array_itvs) # For faster check for itv in seq_itvs for itv in var.get_interval_variables(): if itv in set_itvs: cts.append(modeler.presence_of(itv)) else: cts.append(modeler.logical_not(modeler.presence_of(itv))) prev = None for itv in array_itvs: if prev is not None: cts.append(modeler.previous(var, prev, itv)) prev = itv # Case of a state function elif isinstance(vsol, CpoStateFunctionSolution): for step in val: if step[2] >= 0: cts.append(modeler.always_equal(var, [step[0], step[1]], step[2])) return cts
def _add_json_solution(self, jsol, expr_map, sres): """ Add a json solution to this solution descriptor Args: jsol: JSON document representing solution. expr_map: Map of model expressions. Key is name in JSON document, value is corresponding model expression. sres: Parent solve result (object of class CpoSolveResult) """ # Add objectives ovals = jsol.get('objectives') if ovals: self.objective_values = tuple([_get_interval(v) for v in ovals]) # Add objectives gaps self.objective_bounds = bvals = sres.objective_bounds gvals = jsol.get('gaps') if gvals: self.objective_gaps = tuple([_get_num_value(x) for x in gvals]) elif ovals and bvals and not any(is_array(v) for v in ovals): # Gaps not given but bounds present. Recompute gaps gvals = [] prms = sres.parameters rt = prms.RelativeOptimalityTolerance at = prms.OptimalityTolerance intol = True for v, b in zip(self.objective_values, bvals): if intol: gap = _compute_gap(v, b) intol = _is_below_tolerance(v, b, rt, at) else: gap = POSITIVE_INFINITY gvals.append(gap) self.objective_gaps = tuple(gvals) else: self.objective_gaps = None # Add integer variables vars = jsol.get('intVars', ()) for vname in vars: vsol = CpoIntVarSolution._create_from_json(_get_expr_from_map(expr_map, vname), vars[vname]) self.add_var_solution(vsol) # Add integer variables vars = jsol.get('floatVars', ()) for vname in vars: vsol = CpoFloatVarSolution._create_from_json(_get_expr_from_map(expr_map, vname), vars[vname]) self.add_var_solution(vsol) # Add interval variables vars = jsol.get('intervalVars', ()) for vname in vars: vsol = CpoIntervalVarSolution._create_from_json(_get_expr_from_map(expr_map, vname), vars[vname]) self.add_var_solution(vsol) # Add sequence variables (MUST be done after single variables) vars = jsol.get('sequenceVars', ()) for vname in vars: var = _get_expr_from_map(expr_map, vname) vnlist = vars[vname] ivres = [self.get_var_solution(_get_expr_from_map(expr_map, vn)) for vn in vnlist] self.add_var_solution(CpoSequenceVarSolution(var, ivres)) # Add state functions funs = jsol.get('stateFunctions', ()) for fname in funs: fun = _get_expr_from_map(expr_map, fname) lpts = [( _get_num_value(v['start']), _get_num_value(v['end']), _get_num_value(v['value'])) for v in funs[fname]] self.add_var_solution(CpoStateFunctionSolution(fun, lpts)) # Set kpis kpi_values = jsol.get('KPIs', {}) kpis = sres.model.get_kpis() try: for name, (expr, loc) in kpis.items(): if isinstance(expr, types.FunctionType): # KPI is a lambda expression value = expr(self) elif name in kpi_values: # KPI is a solver KPI value = kpi_values[name] else: # KPI is a model variable value = self.get_value(expr) self.add_kpi_value(name, value) except: # Solution has no values pass def __getitem__(self, expr): """ Overloading of [] to get a variable solution from this model solution Args: expr: Variable expression or variable name if any Returns: Variable solution (class CpoVarSolution) """ return self.get_value(expr) def __setitem__(self, var, value): """ Overloading of [] to set a variable solution in this model solution Args: var: Variable expression value: Variable value Returns: Variable solution (class CpoVarSolution) """ return self.set_value(var, value) def __contains__(self, expr): """ Overloading of 'in' to check that a variable solution is in this model solution Args: expr: Variable expression or variable name if any Returns: True if this model solution contains a solution for this variable. """ return self.get_var_solution(expr) is not None
[docs] def print_solution(self, out=None): """ Prints the solution on a given output. If the given output is a string, it is considered as a file name that is opened by this method using 'utf-8' encoding. DEPRECATED. Use :meth:`write` instead. Args: out: Target output stream or output file, standard output if not given. """ self.write(out)
[docs] def write(self, out=None): """ Write the solution. If the given output is a string, it is considered as a file name that is opened by this method using 'utf-8' encoding. Args: out (Optional): Target output stream or file name. If not given, default value is sys.stdout. """ # Check file if is_string(out): with open_utf8(os.path.abspath(out), mode='w') as f: self.write(f) return # Check default output if out is None: out = sys.stdout # Print objective value, bounds and gaps ovals = self.get_objective_values() if ovals: out.write(u"Objective values: {}".format(ovals)) bvals = self.get_objective_bounds() if bvals: if ovals: out.write(u", bounds: {}".format(bvals)) else: out.write(u"Bounds: {}".format(bvals)) gvals = self.get_objective_gaps() if gvals: out.write(u", gaps: {}".format(gvals)) # if ovals or bvals or gvals: if ovals or gvals: out.write(u"\n") # Print all KPIs in declaration order kpis = self.get_kpis() if kpis: out.write(u"KPIs:\n") for k in kpis.keys(): out.write(u' {} = {}\n'.format(k, kpis[k])) # Print all variables in natural name order allvars = self.get_all_var_solutions() if allvars: out.write(u"Variables:\n") lvars = [v for v in allvars if v.get_name()] lvars = sorted(lvars, key=functools.cmp_to_key(lambda v1, v2: compare_expressions(v1.expr, v2.expr))) for v in lvars: vval = v.get_value() if isinstance(v, CpoSequenceVarSolution): vval = [iv.get_name() for iv in vval] out.write(u" {} = {}\n".format(v.get_name(), vval)) nbanonym = len(allvars) - len(lvars) if nbanonym > 0: out.write(u" + {} anonymous variable{}\n".format(nbanonym, ("s" if nbanonym > 1 else "")))
def __str__(self): """ Build a short string representation of this object. Returns: String representation of this object. """ return "(objs: {}, gaps: {})".format(self.get_objective_values(), self.get_objective_gaps()) def __eq__(self, other): """ Overwrite equality comparison Args: other: Other object to compare with Returns: True if this object is equal to the other, False otherwise """ return utils.equals(self, other) def __ne__(self, other): """ Overwrite inequality comparison """ return not self.__eq__(other)
[docs]class CpoRunResult(object): """ This class is an abstract class extended by classes representing the result of a call to the solver. It contains the following elements: * model that has been solved, * solver parameters, * solver information, * solver output log, if configuration has been set to store it (default), * internal processing information. """ __slots__ = ('model', # Source model 'solver_log', # Solver log string 'parameters', # Solving parameters 'process_infos', # Process information 'solver_infos', # Solving information ) def __init__(self, model): super(CpoRunResult, self).__init__() self.model = model self.solver_log = None self.parameters = CpoParameters() self.process_infos = CpoProcessInfos() self.solver_infos = CpoSolverInfos()
[docs] def get_model(self): """ Gets the source model Returns: Source model, object of class :class:`~docplex.cp.model.CpoModel` """ return self.model
def _set_solver_log(self, log): """ Set the solver log as a string. Args: log (str): Log of the solver """ self.solver_log = log
[docs] def get_solver_log(self): """ Gets the log of the solver. Returns: Solver log as a string, None if unknown. """ return self.solver_log
[docs] def get_process_infos(self): """ Gets the set of informations provided by the Python API concerning the solving of the model. Returns: Object of class :class:`CpoProcessInfos` that contains general information on model processing. """ return self.process_infos
[docs] def get_process_info(self, name, default=None): """ Get a particular process information. Args: name: Name of the process info to get default: (optional) Default value if not found. None by default. Returns: Value of the process info, default value if not found. """ if self.process_infos is None: return default return self.process_infos.get(name, default)
[docs] def get_parameters(self): """ Gets the complete dictionary of solving parameters. Returns: Solving parameters, object of class :class:`~docplex.cp.parameters.CpoParameters`. """ return self.parameters
[docs] def get_parameter(self, name, default=None): """ Get a particular solving parameter. Args: name: Name of the parameter to get default: (optional) Default value if not found. None by default. Returns: Parameter value, default value if not found. """ if self.parameters is None: return default return self.parameters.get(name, default)
[docs] def get_infos(self): """ Gets the complete dictionary of solver information attributes. Deprecated. use :meth:`get_solver_infos` instead. Returns: Solver information, object of class :class:`CpoSolverInfos`. """ return self.solver_infos
[docs] def get_solver_infos(self): """ Gets the set of information provided by the solver concerning to the solving of the model. Returns: Solver information, object of class :class:`CpoSolverInfos`. """ return self.solver_infos
[docs] def get_info(self, name, default=None): """ Gets a particular solver information attribute. Deprecated. use :meth:`get_solver_info` instead. Args: name: Name of the information to get default: (optional) Default value if not found. None by default. Returns: Information attribute value, None if not found. """ return self.solver_infos.get(name, default)
[docs] def get_solver_info(self, name, default=None): """ Gets a particular solver information attribute. Args: name: Name of the information to get default: (optional) Default value if not found. None by default. Returns: Information attribute value, None if not found. """ return self.solver_infos.get(name, default)
def _set_json_doc(self, jdoc): """ Set the JSON document used to build this result. Args: jdoc: JSON object """ # Add json format version in process infos jver = jdoc.get('cpSerializationFormatVersion') if jver is not None: self.process_infos['JsonFormatVersion'] = jver # Add parameters prms = jdoc.get('parameters', None) if prms is not None: self.parameters.update(prms) # Add information attributes cpinf = jdoc.get('cpInfo', None) if cpinf is not None: self.solver_infos.update(cpinf) def _is_json_format_version(self, xver): """ Check whether the source JSON format version is greater or equal to the argument. Args: xver: Expected json format version Returns: True if json format version is defined and greater or equal to the required value """ jver = self.process_infos.get('JsonFormatVersion') return (jver is not None) and (jver >= xver) def __str__(self): """ Convert this object into representative string. Returns: String representing this object """ return "(model: {}, log: {})".format(self.model.get_name(), "yes" if self.solver_log else "no")
[docs]class CpoSolveResult(CpoRunResult): """ This class represents the result of a returned by a call to a model solve request. On top of those already stored in :class:`CpoRunResult`, it contains the following elements: * solve status(es), * solution, if any, object of class :class:`CpoModelSolution`. If this result contains a solution, the methods implemented in the class :class:`CpoModelSolution` to access solution elements are available directly from this class. """ __slots__ = ('solve_status', # Solve status, with value in SOLVE_STATUS_* 'fail_status', # Fail status, with values in FAIL_STATUS_* 'search_status', # Search status, with value in SEARCH_STATUS_* 'stop_cause', # Stop cause, with values in STOP_CAUSE_* 'objective_bounds', # Objective bound values 'new_solution', # New solution indicator 'solution', # Solution ) def __init__(self, model): """ **Constructor** Args: model: Related model """ super(CpoSolveResult, self).__init__(model) self.solve_status = SOLVE_STATUS_UNKNOWN self.fail_status = FAIL_STATUS_UNKNOWN self.search_status = None self.stop_cause = None self.objective_bounds = None self.new_solution = False self.solution = None self.process_infos[CpoProcessInfos.MODEL_BUILD_TIME] = model.get_modeling_duration() def _set_solve_status(self, ssts): """ Set the solve status Args: ssts: Solve status """ self.solve_status = ssts
[docs] def get_solve_status(self): """ Gets the solve status. Returns: Solve status, element of the global list :const:`ALL_SOLVE_STATUSES`. """ return self.solve_status
[docs] def get_fail_status(self): """ Gets the solving fail status. This method is deprecated since release 12.8. Use :meth:`~CpoSolveResult.get_search_status` and :meth:`~CpoSolveResult.get_stop_cause` instead. Returns: Fail status, element of the global list :const:`ALL_FAIL_STATUSES`. """ return self.fail_status
[docs] def get_search_status(self): """ Gets the search status. This solver information is provided by the COS 12.8 CP solver in addition/replacement to solve_status. Value is None if the solver is earlier than this version. Returns: Search status, element of the global list :const:`ALL_SEARCH_STATUSES`. None if not defined. """ return self.search_status
[docs] def get_stop_cause(self): """ Gets the stop cause. This solver information is provided by the COS 12.8 CP solver in addition/replacement to fail_status. Value is None if the solver is earlier than this version. Returns: Stop cause, element of the global list :const:`ALL_STOP_CAUSES`. None if not defined. """ return self.stop_cause
[docs] def is_new_solution(self): """ Checks if this result contains a new valid solution to the problem. A new solution is present if the solve status is 'Feasible' or 'Optimal'. Optimality of the solution should be tested using method :meth:`is_solution_optimal`. Note that, if the solve is done by calling multiple times :meth:`docplex.cp.solver.solver.CpoSolver.search_next`, this method may return False if the solve status is 'Optimal'. This is because the same solution has already been returned with status 'Feasible'. Returns: True if this result contains a new solution to the problem. """ return self.new_solution
[docs] def is_solution(self): """ Checks if this result contains a solution to the problem. A solution is present if the solve status is 'Feasible' or 'Optimal'. Optimality of the solution should be tested using method :meth:`is_solution_optimal`. This method returns True if a valid solution is present, even if it has already been provided in a previous result. Use :meth:`is_new_solution` to be sure the solution is a new one. Returns: True if this result contains a solution to the problem. """ return self.solution is not None
[docs] def is_solution_optimal(self): """ Checks if this descriptor contains an optimal solution to the problem. Returns: True if there is a solution that is optimal. """ return self.solve_status == SOLVE_STATUS_OPTIMAL
[docs] def map_solution(self, sobj): """ Map a python object on the solution of this result. This method builds a copy of the source object and replace in its attributes all occurrences of model expressions by their value in this solution. This method is called recursively on all child objects. Args: sobj: Source object Returns: Copy of the source object where model expressions are replaced by their values """ assert self.solution is not None, "This solve result does not contain a solution" return self.solution.map_solution(sobj)
def __nonzero__(self): """ Check if this descriptor contains a new solution to the problem. Equivalent to is_new_solution(). See :meth:`is_solution` for details. Returns: True if a new solution is available """ return self.is_new_solution() def __bool__(self): """ Check if this descriptor contains a new solution to the problem. Equivalent to is_new_solution() Equivalent to __nonzero__ for Python 3 Returns: True if a new solution is available """ return self.is_new_solution()
[docs] def get_solution(self): """ Get the model solution Returns: Model solution, object of class :class:`CpoModelSolution`, None if no solution. """ return self.solution
[docs] def get_objective_values(self): """ Gets the numeric values of all objectives. Returns: Array of all objective values, None if none. """ return None if self.solution is None else self.solution.get_objective_values()
[docs] def get_objective_value(self): """ Gets the numeric values of the first objective. Returns: First objective value, None if none. """ return None if self.solution is None else self.solution.get_objective_value()
[docs] def get_objective_bounds(self): """ Gets the numeric values of all objectives bound. Note that when :meth:`~docplex.cp.modeler.minimize_static_lex` or :meth:`~docplex.cp.modeler.maximize_static_lex` is used, the bound values must be taken as a whole, as are the values delivered by :meth:`get_objective_values`. One cannot interpret bound values on each criterion independently. For example, suppose, we have a problem with two criteria specified to minimize_static_lex, a number of workers, and a number of days to complete a job. That is, we always prefer to use less workers, but for equal numbers of workers, we prefer to take less days. Then a solution with 3 workers and 10 days is perfectly compatible with a lower bound of 2 workers and 13 days, even though the lower bound on the number of days is higher than the value in the solution. Returns: Array of all objective bound values, None if none. """ return self.objective_bounds
[docs] def get_objective_bound(self): """ Gets the numeric values of the first objective bound. Returns: First objective bound values, None if none. """ return None if self.objective_bounds is None else self.objective_bounds[0]
[docs] def get_objective_gaps(self): """ Gets the numeric values of the gap between objective value and objective bound. For a single objective, gap is calculated as gap = \|value - bound\| / max(1e-10, \|value\|) For multiple objectives, each gap is the gap between corresponding value and bound. However, after the first gap whose value is not within optimality tolerance specified by :attr:`~docplex.cp.CpoParameters.OptimalityTolerance` and :attr:`~docplex.cp.CpoParameters.RelativeOptimalityTolerance`, all returned gap values are positive infinity. Returns: Array of all objective gap values, None if not defined. """ return None if self.solution is None else self.solution.get_objective_gaps()
[docs] def get_objective_gap(self): """ Gets the numeric values of the gap between the first objective value and objective bound. For a single objective, gap is calculated as gap = \|value - bound\| / max(1e-10, \|value\|) Returns: First objective gap value, None if not defined. """ return None if self.solution is None else self.solution.get_objective_gap()
[docs] def get_kpis(self): """ Get the solution kpis Returns: Dictionary containing value of the KPIs that have been defined in the model, None if none. """ return None if self.solution is None else self.solution.get_kpis()
def _set_model_attributes(self, nbintvars=0, nbitvvars=0, nbseqvars=0, nbctrs=0): """ Set the general model attributes. This method is called when solve is done on the cloud, when not all information is available from the solver. Args: nbintvars: Number of integer variables nbitvvars: Number of interval variables nbseqvars: Number of sequence variables nbctrs: Number of constraints """ self.solver_infos[CpoSolverInfos.NUMBER_OF_INTEGER_VARIABLES] = nbintvars self.solver_infos[CpoSolverInfos.NUMBER_OF_INTERVAL_VARIABLES] = nbitvvars self.solver_infos[CpoSolverInfos.NUMBER_OF_SEQUENCE_VARIABLES] = nbseqvars self.solver_infos[CpoSolverInfos.NUMBER_OF_CONSTRAINTS] = nbctrs
[docs] def get_solve_time(self): """ Gets the solve time required for this solution. Returns: (float) Solve time in seconds. """ return self.solver_infos.get_solve_time()
[docs] def get_var_solution(self, name): """ Gets a variable solution from this model solution. Args: name: Variable name or variable expression. Returns: Variable solution, object of class :class:`CpoVarSolution`, None if not found. """ return None if self.solution is None else self.solution.get_var_solution(name)
[docs] def get_all_var_solutions(self): """ Gets the list of all variable solutions from this model solution. Returns: List of all variable solutions (class :class:`CpoVarSolution`). """ return None if self.solution is None else self.solution.get_all_var_solutions()
[docs] def get_value(self, name): """ Gets the value of a variable. For IntVar, value is an integer. For IntervalVar, value is a tuple (start, end, size), () if absent. For SequenceVar, value is list of interval variable solutions. For StateFunction, value is list of steps. Args: name: Variable name, or model variable descriptor. Returns: Variable value, None if variable is not found. """ return None if self.solution is None else self.solution.get_value(name)
def _add_json_solution(self, jsol, expr_map): """ Add a json solution to this result descriptor Args: jsol: JSON document representing solution. expr_map: Map of model expressions. Key is name in JSON document, value is corresponding model expression. """ # Notify run result about JSON document self._set_json_doc(jsol) # Initialize read solution indicator read_sol = False # Get objectives bounds bvals = jsol.get('bounds') if bvals: self.objective_bounds = tuple([_get_num_value(x) for x in bvals]) # Get solver status status = jsol.get('solutionStatus', None) if status: self.solve_status = status.get('solveStatus', self.solve_status) self.fail_status = status.get('failStatus', self.fail_status) self.search_status = status.get('SearchStatus') self.stop_cause = status.get('SearchStopCause') nsts = status.get('nextStatus') rto = jsol.get('responseTo') # Check particular case to solve old bug if self.fail_status == FAIL_STATUS_ABORT: self.stop_cause = STOP_CAUSE_ABORT # Process depending on message if rto == 'Propagate': # Response to propagate self.new_solution = read_sol = (self.solve_status != SOLVE_STATUS_INFEASIBLE) and (self.search_status == SEARCH_STATUS_COMPLETED) else: read_sol = self.solve_status in (SOLVE_STATUS_FEASIBLE, SOLVE_STATUS_OPTIMAL) if nsts in ('NextFalse', 'NextTerminated'): # End of search_next sequence self.fail_status = FAIL_STATUS_SEARCH_COMPLETED self.new_solution = False else: # Default case self.new_solution = read_sol # Add solution if read_sol: self.solution = CpoModelSolution() self.solution._add_json_solution(jsol, expr_map, self) def __getitem__(self, name): """ Overloading of [] to get a variable solution from this model solution Args: name: Variable name or CPO variable expression Returns: Variable solution (class CpoVarSolution) """ return self.get_value(name)
[docs] def print_solution(self, out=None): """ Prints the solution on a given output. If the given output is a string, it is considered as a file name that is opened by this method using 'utf-8' encoding. DEPRECATED. Use write() instead. Args: out: Target output stream or output file, standard output if not given. """ self.write(out)
[docs] def write(self, out=None): """ Write the solve result If the given output is a string, it is considered as a file name that is opened by this method using 'utf-8' encoding. Args: out (Optional): Target output stream or file name. If not given, default value is sys.stdout. """ # Check file if is_string(out): with open_utf8(os.path.abspath(out), mode='w') as f: self.write(f) return # Check default output if out is None: out = sys.stdout # Print model attributes sinfos = self.get_solver_infos() out.write(u"-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n") out.write(u"Model constraints: " + str(sinfos.get_number_of_constraints())) out.write(u", variables: integer: " + str(sinfos.get_number_of_integer_vars())) out.write(u", interval: " + str(sinfos.get_number_of_interval_vars())) out.write(u", sequence: " + str(sinfos.get_number_of_sequence_vars())) out.write(u'\n') # Print search/solve status s = self.get_search_status() if s: out.write(u"Solve status: " + str(self.get_solve_status()) + "\n") out.write(u"Search status: " + str(s)) s = self.get_stop_cause() if s: out.write(u", stop cause: " + str(s)) out.write(u"\n") else: # Old fashion out.write(u"Solve status: " + str(self.get_solve_status()) + ", Fail status: " + str(self.get_fail_status()) + "\n") # Print solve time out.write(u"Solve time: " + str(round(self.get_solve_time(), 2)) + " sec\n") out.write(u"-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n") if self.solution is None: out.write(u"No solution data\n") else: self.solution.write(out)
[docs] def write_in_string(self): """ Build a string representation of this object. The string that is returned is the same than what is printed by calling :meth:`write`. Returns: String representation of this object. """ out = StringIO() self.write(out) res = out.getvalue() out.close() return res
def __str__(self): """ Build a short string representation of this object. Returns: String representation of this object. """ res = "(model: {}, solve: {}, search: {}".format(self.model.get_name(), self.get_solve_status(), self.get_search_status()) if self.is_solution(): res += ", solution: {}".format(self.get_solution()) res += ")" return res def __eq__(self, other): """ Overwrite equality comparison Args: other: Other object to compare with Returns: True if this object is equal to the other, False otherwise """ return utils.equals(self, other) def __ne__(self, other): """ Overwrite inequality comparison """ return not self.__eq__(other)
[docs]class CpoRefineConflictResult(CpoRunResult): """ This class represents the result of a call to the conflict refiner. A conflict is a subset of the constraints and/or variables of the model which are mutually contradictory. The conflict refiner first examines the full infeasible model to identify portions of the conflict that it can remove. By this process of refinement, the conflict refiner arrives at a minimal conflict. A minimal conflict is usually smaller than the full infeasible model and thus makes infeasibility analysis easier. Since the conflict is minimal, removal of any one of these constraints will remove that particular cause for infeasibility. There may be other conflicts in the model; consequently, repair of a given conflict does not guarantee feasibility of the remaining model. If a model happens to include multiple independent causes of infeasibility, then it may be necessary for the user to repair one such cause and then repeat the diagnosis with further conflict analysis. """ __slots__ = ('conflict_status', # Conflict refiner status, with value in CONFLICT_STATUS_* 'member_constraints', # List of member constraints 'possible_constraints', # List of possible member constraints 'member_variables', # List of member variables 'possible_variables', # List of possible member variables 'cpo_conflict', # Conflict in CPO format ) def __init__(self, model): # """ Creates a new empty conflict refiner result. # # Args: # model: Related model # """ super(CpoRefineConflictResult, self).__init__(model) self.conflict_status = CONFLICT_STATUS_UNKNOWN self.member_constraints = [] self.possible_constraints = [] self.member_variables = [] self.possible_variables = [] self.cpo_conflict = None
[docs] def get_conflict_status(self): """ Returns the status of the conflict refiner. Returns: Conflict refiner status, with value in CONFLICT_STATUS_* """ return self.conflict_status
[docs] def get_member_constraints(self): """ Returns the list of all constraints that are certainly member of the conflict. Returns: List of model constraints (class CpoExpr) certainly member of the conflict. """ return self.member_constraints
[docs] def get_all_member_constraints(self): """ Returns the list of all constraints that are certainly member of the conflict. Same as :meth:`get_member_constraints`. Returns: List of model constraints (class CpoExpr) certainly member of the conflict. """ return self.member_constraints
[docs] def get_possible_constraints(self): """ Returns the list of all constraints that are possibly member of the conflict. Returns: List of model constraints (class CpoExpr) possibly member of the conflict. """ return self.possible_constraints
[docs] def get_all_possible_constraints(self): """ Returns the list of all constraints that are possibly member of the conflict. Same as :meth:`get_possible_constraints`. Returns: List of model constraints (class CpoExpr) possibly member of the conflict. """ return self.possible_constraints
[docs] def get_member_variables(self): """ Returns the list of all variables that are certainly member of the conflict. Returns: List of model variables (class CpoIntVar or CpoIntervalVar) certainly member of the conflict. """ return self.member_variables
[docs] def get_all_member_variables(self): """ Returns the list of all variables that are certainly member of the conflict. Same as :meth:`get_member_variables`. Returns: List of model variables (class CpoIntVar or CpoIntervalVar) certainly member of the conflict. """ return self.member_variables
[docs] def get_possible_variables(self): """ Returns the list of all variables that are possibly member of the conflict. Returns: List of model variables (class CpoIntVar or CpoIntervalVar) possibly member of the conflict. """ return self.possible_variables
[docs] def get_all_possible_variables(self): """ Returns the list of all variables that are possibly member of the conflict. Same as :meth:`get_possible_variables`. Returns: List of model variables (class CpoIntVar or CpoIntervalVar) possibly member of the conflict. """ return self.possible_variables
[docs] def get_cpo(self): """ Returns the conflict represented in CPO format. Returns: String containing the conflict in CPO format, None if not given. """ return self.cpo_conflict
[docs] def is_conflict(self): """ Checks if this descriptor contains a valid conflict. Returns: True if there is a conflict, False otherwise. """ return len(self.member_constraints) != 0 or len(self.possible_constraints) != 0 \ or len(self.member_variables) != 0 or len(self.possible_variables) != 0
def __nonzero__(self): """ Check if this descriptor contains a conflict. Equivalent to is_conflict() Returns: True if there is a conflict, False otherwise. """ return self.is_conflict() def __bool__(self): """ Check if this descriptor contains a conflict. Equivalent to is_conflict() Equivalent to __nonzero__ for Python 3 Returns: True if there is a conflict, False otherwise. """ return self.is_conflict() def _add_json_solution(self, jsol, expr_map): """ Add a json solution to this result descriptor Args: jsol: JSON document representing solution. expr_map: Map of model expressions. Key is name in JSON document, value is corresponding model expression. """ # Notify run result about JSON document self._set_json_doc(jsol) # Get conflict status self.conflict_status = jsol.get('ConflictRefinerStatus', CONFLICT_STATUS_UNKNOWN) # Get conflict data conflict = jsol.get('conflict') if conflict is None: return # Add constraints for name, status in conflict.get('constraints', {}).items(): expr = _get_expr_from_map(expr_map, name) if status == 'ConflictMember': self.member_constraints.append(expr) else: self.possible_constraints.append(expr) # Add variables vars = conflict.get('intVars', {}).copy() vars.update(conflict.get('intervalVars', {})) for name, status in vars.items(): expr = _get_expr_from_map(expr_map, name) if status == 'ConflictMember': self.member_variables.append(expr) else: self.possible_variables.append(expr)
[docs] def print_conflict(self, out=None): """ Prints this conflict on a given output. If the given output is a string, it is considered as a file name that is opened by this method using 'utf-8' encoding. DEPRECATED. Use :meth:`write` instead. Args: out: Target output stream or output file, standard output if not given. """ self.write(out)
[docs] def write(self, out=None, add_cpo=True): """ Write the conflict If the given output is a string, it is considered as a file name that is opened by this method using 'utf-8' encoding. Args: out (Optional): Target output stream or file name. If not given, default value is sys.stdout. add_cpo (Optional): Add the conflict in CPO file format after the detailed list of conflict elements. By default, this parameter is set to true. """ # Check file if is_string(out): with open_utf8(os.path.abspath(out), mode='w') as f: self.write(f) return # Check default output if out is None: out = sys.stdout out.write(u"Conflict refiner result ({}):\n".format(self.get_conflict_status())) if not self.is_conflict(): out.write(u" No conflict\n") return # Print constraints in the conflict lc = self.get_member_constraints() if lc: out.write(u"Member constraints:\n") for c in lc: out.write(u" {}\n".format(_build_conflict_constraint_string(c))) lc = self.get_all_possible_constraints() if lc: out.write(u"Possible member constraints:\n") for c in lc: out.write(u" {}\n".format(_build_conflict_constraint_string(c))) # Print variables in the conflict lc = self.get_member_variables() if lc: out.write(u"Member variables:\n") for c in lc: out.write(u" {}\n".format(c)) lc = self.get_all_possible_variables() if lc: out.write(u"Possible member variables:\n") for c in lc: out.write(u" {}\n".format(c)) # Print cpo format if any cpo = self.get_cpo() if cpo and add_cpo: out.write(u"Conflict in CPO format:\n") for line in cpo.splitlines(): out.write(u" " + line + "\n")
def __str__(self): """ Build a string representation of this object. The string that is returned is the same than what is printed by calling :meth:`write`. Returns: String representation of this object. """ out = StringIO() self.write(out) res = out.getvalue() out.close() return res def __eq__(self, other): """ Overwrite equality comparison Args: other: Other object to compare with Returns: True if this object is equal to the other, False otherwise """ return utils.equals(self, other)
[docs]class CpoSolverInfos(InfoDict): """ Dictionary of various solver informations. This class groups various information returned by the solver at the end of the solve. It is implemented as an extension of the class :class:`docplex.cp.utils.InfoDict` and takes profit of the methods such as :meth:`~docplex.cp.utils.InfoDict.write` that allows to easily print the full content of the information structure. The keys of this disctioanr are those defined by the CP solver itsefs. This class implements accessors for the most important of them. """ # Total number of constraints NUMBER_OF_CONSTRAINTS = 'NumberOfConstraints' # Total number of integer variables NUMBER_OF_INTEGER_VARIABLES = 'NumberOfIntegerVariables' # Total number of interval variables NUMBER_OF_INTERVAL_VARIABLES = 'NumberOfIntervalVariables' # Total number of sequence variables NUMBER_OF_SEQUENCE_VARIABLES = 'NumberOfSequenceVariables' # Total number of solutions NUMBER_OF_SOLUTIONS = 'NumberOfSolutions' # Total solve time TOTAL_TIME = 'TotalTime' # Total solve time SOLVE_TIME = 'SolveTime' # Number of branches NUMBER_OF_BRANCHES = 'NumberOfBranches' # Number of fails NUMBER_OF_FAILS = 'NumberOfFails' # Memory usage MEMORY_USAGE = "MemoryUsage" def __init__(self): super(CpoSolverInfos, self).__init__()
[docs] def get_number_of_integer_vars(self): """ Gets the number of integer variables in the model. Returns: Number of integer variables. """ return self.get(CpoSolverInfos.NUMBER_OF_INTEGER_VARIABLES, 0)
[docs] def get_number_of_interval_vars(self): """ Gets the number of interval variables in the model. Returns: Number of interval variables. """ return self.get(CpoSolverInfos.NUMBER_OF_INTERVAL_VARIABLES, 0)
[docs] def get_number_of_sequence_vars(self): """ Gets the number of sequence variables in the model. Returns: Number of sequence variables. """ return self.get(CpoSolverInfos.NUMBER_OF_SEQUENCE_VARIABLES, 0)
[docs] def get_number_of_constraints(self): """ Gets the number of constraints in the model. Returns: Number of constraints. """ return self.get(CpoSolverInfos.NUMBER_OF_CONSTRAINTS, 0)
[docs] def get_number_of_solutions(self): """ Gets the number of solutions found in the solve. Returns: Number of solutions. """ return self.get(CpoSolverInfos.NUMBER_OF_SOLUTIONS, 0)
[docs] def get_total_time(self): """ Gets the total solve time. Returns: Total solve time in seconds, -1 if unknown """ return self.get(CpoSolverInfos.TOTAL_TIME, -1)
[docs] def get_solve_time(self): """ Gets the solve time. Returns: Solve time in seconds, -1 if unknown """ return self.get(CpoSolverInfos.SOLVE_TIME, -1)
[docs] def get_number_of_branches(self): """ Gets the number of branches. Returns: Number of branches. """ return self.get(CpoSolverInfos.NUMBER_OF_BRANCHES, 0)
[docs] def get_number_of_fails(self): """ Gets the number of fails. Returns: Number of fails. """ return self.get(CpoSolverInfos.NUMBER_OF_FAILS, 0)
[docs] def get_memory_usage(self): """ Gets the memory usage. Returns: Memory usage in bytes. """ return self.get(CpoSolverInfos.MEMORY_USAGE, 0)
[docs]class CpoProcessInfos(InfoDict): """ Dictionary of various process information. This class groups various information related to the processing of the model by the Python API. It is implemented as an extension of the class :class:`~docplex.cp.utils.InfoDict` and takes profit of the methods such as :meth:`~docplex.cp.utils.InfoDict.write` that allows to easily print the full content of the information structure. Note that the content is purely informative. Information names and values depends on the implementation of the solver agent that has been used to solve the model. This class provides few methods to access the most important information stored in it. All information is available using regular dictionary access expression. """ # Version of the solver SOLVER_VERSION = "SolverVersion" # Name of the agent used to solve the model SOLVER_AGENT = "SolverAgent" # Model build time (time between model creation and last addition of an expression) MODEL_BUILD_TIME = "ModelBuildTime" # Attribute name for time needed to transform model into CPO format MODEL_COMPILE_TIME = "ModelCompileTime" # Attribute name for time needed to dump model in file and/or on log MODEL_DUMP_TIME = "ModelDumpTime" # Attribute name for time needed to submit the model to solver MODEL_SUBMIT_TIME = "ModelSubmitTime" # Attribute name for the size of the generated CPO model MODEL_DATA_SIZE = "ModelDataSize" # Attribute name for total solve time (including model send and response receive) SOLVE_TOTAL_TIME = "TotalSolveTime" # Attribute name for time needed to retrieve result RESULT_RECEIVE_TIME = "ResultReceiveTime" # Attribute name for size of the result string RESULT_DATA_SIZE = "ResultDataSize" # Attribute name for total time needed to parse JSON result TOTAL_JSON_PARSE_TIME = "TotalJsonParseTime" # Attribute name for size of the log data TOTAL_LOG_DATA_SIZE = "TotalLogDataSize" # Attribute name for total time needed to encode strings in UTF8 TOTAL_UTF8_ENCODE_TIME = "TotalUtf8EncodeTime" # Attribute name for total time needed to decode strings from UTF-8 TOTAL_UTF8_DECODE_TIME = "TotalUtf8DecodeTime" # Time needed to send model to the solver TOTAL_DATA_SEND_TIME = "TotalDataSendTime" # Total size of data sent to solver TOTAL_DATA_SEND_SIZE = "TotalDataSendSize" # Total size of data received from solver TOTAL_DATA_RECEIVE_SIZE = "TotalDataReceiveSize" def __init__(self): super(InfoDict, self).__init__()
[docs] def get_solver_version(self): """ Returns the version of the solver. Returns: Solver version string, None if unknown """ return self.get(CpoProcessInfos.SOLVER_VERSION)
[docs] def get_model_build_time(self): """ Get the time spent to build the model. Modeling time is computed as the time spent between model creation and last addition of a model expression. Returns: Total modeling time in seconds. """ return self.get(CpoProcessInfos.MODEL_BUILD_TIME)
[docs] def get_total_solve_time(self): """ Get the total solve time, including time to send model and retrieve result. Returns: Total solve time in seconds. """ return self.get(CpoProcessInfos.SOLVE_TOTAL_TIME)
#----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Public functions #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Private functions #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Constants conversion _NUMERIC_VALUES = {# Numeric value generated by CPO 'intmin': INT_MIN, 'intmax': INT_MAX, 'intervalmin': INTERVAL_MIN, 'intervalmax': INTERVAL_MAX, 'infinity': POSITIVE_INFINITY, '-infinity': NEGATIVE_INFINITY, # Numeric values generated by JSON 'NaN': float('nan'), 'Infinity': POSITIVE_INFINITY, '-Infinity': NEGATIVE_INFINITY} # Marker of interval with holes _HOLE_MARKER = "holes" def _get_domain(val): """ Convert a solution value into domain. Args: val: Value to convert Returns: Variable domain """ if is_array(val): res = [] for v in val: if is_array(v): vl = len(v) if vl == 2: res.append((_get_num_value(v[0]), _get_num_value(v[1]))) elif vl == 3: res.append((_get_num_value(v[0]), _get_num_value(v[1]), _HOLE_MARKER)) assert v[2] == _HOLE_MARKER, "Domain interval with 3 elements must contains '{}' as last one".format(_HOLE_MARKER) else: assert False, "Domain interval should contain only 2 elements" else: res.append(_get_num_value(v)) return tuple(res) else: return _get_num_value(val) def _get_interval(val): """ Convert a solution value given in JSON. Args: val: JSON value to convert Returns: Converted value """ if isinstance(val, list): lb, ub = val return (lb, ub) if lb != ub else _get_num_value(lb) return _get_num_value(val) def _get_interval_domain_min(dom): """ Get the lower bound of an interval domain Args: dom: Domain Returns: Domain min value """ return dom[0] if isinstance(dom, tuple) else dom def _get_interval_domain_max(dom): """ Get the upper bound of an interval domain Args: dom: Domain Returns: Domain max value """ return dom[1] if isinstance(dom, tuple) else dom def _get_num_value(val): """ Convert a solution value into number. Interpret intmin, intmax, intervalmin, intervalmax, NaN, Infinity if any. Args: val: Value to convert Returns: Converted value, itself if not found """ return _NUMERIC_VALUES.get(val, val) def _check_arg_domain(val, name): """ Check that an argument is a correct domain and raise error if wrong Domain is: * a single integer for a fixed domain * a list of integers or intervals expressed as tuples. Args: val: Argument value name: Argument name Returns: Domain to be set Raises: Exception if argument has the wrong format """ # Check single integer if is_int(val): return val # Check list of integers or tuples assert is_array(val), "Argument '" + name + "' should be a list of integers and/or intervals" for v in val: if not is_int(v): assert _is_domain_interval(v), "Argument '" + name + "' should be a list of integers and/or intervals (tuples of 2 integers)" return val def _is_domain_interval(val): """ Check if a value is representing a valid domain interval Args: val: Value to check Returns: True if value is a tuple representing an interval """ if not isinstance(val, tuple): return False if not (is_int(val[0]) and is_int(val[1]) and (val[1] >= val[0])): return False vl = len(val) if vl == 2: return True if vl == 3: return val[2] == _HOLE_MARKER return False def _build_conflict_constraint_string(ctr): """ Build the string used to represent a constraint in conflict refiner Args: ctr: Constraint to print Returns: Constraint string """ return str(ctr) def _compute_gap(val, bnd): """ Compute the gap of a value Args: val: Objective value bnd: Objective bound Returns: Objective gap """ if val in (POSITIVE_INFINITY, NEGATIVE_INFINITY) or bnd in (POSITIVE_INFINITY, NEGATIVE_INFINITY): return POSITIVE_INFINITY if not is_number(val) or not is_number(bnd): return POSITIVE_INFINITY return float(abs(val - bnd)) / max(1e-10, abs(val)) def _is_below_tolerance(val, bnd, rt, at): """ Check if an objective value is in the tolerance with given bound. Args: val: Value to check bnd: Objective bound rt: Relative tolerance at: Absolute tolerance Returns: True if value is below the tolerance, false otherwise """ if not is_number(val) or not is_number(bnd): return False if val in (POSITIVE_INFINITY, NEGATIVE_INFINITY) or bnd in (POSITIVE_INFINITY, NEGATIVE_INFINITY): return False if val == bnd: return True if val < bnd: # Maximization val = -val bnd = -bnd return (val - at < bnd) or (val * (1 - rt) < bnd) def _get_expr_from_map(expr_map, id): """ Retrieve a model expression from the map of CPO ids for expressions Args: expr_map: Map of model expressions. Key is name in JSON document, value is corresponding model expression. Returns: Model expression Raises: CpoException if expression is not found (should not happen) """ expr = expr_map.get(id) if expr is None: raise CpoException("INTERNAL ERROR: Solve result refers to '{}' that is not found in the map of expressions".format(id)) return expr