Source code for docplex.cp.model

# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Source file provided under Apache License, Version 2.0, January 2004,
# (c) Copyright IBM Corp. 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Author: Olivier OUDOT, IBM Analytics, France Lab, Sophia-Antipolis

This module contains principally the class :class:`CpoModel` that handles all the elements that compose a CPO model:

 * the variables of the domain (integer variables, interval variables, sequence variables and state functions),
 * the constraints of the model,
 * optional objective value(s),
 * optional search phases,
 * optional starting point (available for CPO solver release greater or equal to 12.7.0).

The model expressions, constraints, objective and search phases can be added using method :meth:`~CpoModel.add`.
Variables that appear in the expressions are automatically added to the model.

A starting point can be added to the model using method :meth:`~CpoModel.set_starting_point`

The different model expressions and elements are created using services provided by modules:

 * :mod:`docplex.cp.expression` for the simple expression elements,
 * :mod:`docplex.cp.modeler` for complex expressions and constraints using the specialized CP Optimizer functions.

The solving of the model is handled by an object of class :class:`~docplex.cp.solver.solver.CpoSolver` that takes
this model as parameter.
However, most important solving functions are callable directly from this model to avoid explicit
creation of the *CpoSolver* object:

 * :meth:`~CpoModel.solve` solves the model and returns an object of class :class:`~docplex.cp.solution.CpoSolveResult`.
 * :meth:`~CpoModel.start_search` creates a solver that can iterate over multiple solutions of the model.
 * :meth:`~CpoModel.refine_conflict` identifies a minimal conflict for the infeasibility and return it as an object
   of class :class:`~docplex.cp.solution.CpoRefineConflictResult`.
 * :meth:`~CpoModel.propagate` invokes the propagation on the current model and returns a partial solution in an object
   of class :class:`~docplex.cp.solution.CpoSolveResult`.

All these methods are taking a variable number of optional parameters that allow to modify the solving context.
The list of arguments is not limited. Each named argument is used to replace the leaf attribute that has
the same name in the global *context* structure initialized in the module :mod:`docplex.cp.config` and its

The most important of these parameters are:

 * **context** sets a complete customized context to be used instead of the default one defined in the module :mod:`docplex.cp.config`,
 * **params** overwrites the solving parameters (object of class :class:`~docplex.cp.parameters.CpoParameters`)
   that are defined in the *context* object,
 * **agent** forces the selection of a particular solving agent,
 * **trace_cpo** activates the printing of the model in CPO format before its solve,
 * any CP Optimizer solving parameter, as defined in module :mod:`docplex.cp.parameters`, such as:

    * **TimeLimit** indicates a limit in seconds in the time spent in the solve,
      or **ConflictRefinerTimeLimit** that does the same for conflict refiner,
    * **LogVerbosity**, with values in ['Quiet', 'Terse', 'Normal', 'Verbose'],
    * **Workers** specifies the number of threads assigned to solve the model (default value is the number of cores),
    * **SearchType**, with value in ['DepthFirst', 'Restart', 'MultiPoint', 'IterativeDiving', 'Neighborhood', 'Auto'], to select a particular solving algorithm,
    * **RandomSeed** changes the seed of the random generator,
    * and so on.

Detailed description

# Following imports required to allow modeling just importing this module
from docplex.cp.modeler import *
from docplex.cp.solution import *
from docplex.cp.expression import *
from docplex.cp.function import *
from docplex.cp.blackbox import CpoBlackboxFunction
from docplex.cp.solver.solver_listener import CpoSolverListener
from docplex.cp.solver.cpo_callback import CpoCallback

# Imports required locally
import docplex.cp.config as config
import docplex.cp.expression as expression
import docplex.cp.modeler as modeler
from docplex.cp.solver.solver import CpoSolver
from docplex.cp.cpo.cpo_compiler import CpoCompiler
import docplex.cp.utils as utils
import inspect
import sys
import time
import copy
import types
from collections import OrderedDict

##  Constants

# Marker of this file to remove it from source location
_THIS_FILE_MARKER = "docplex" + os.path.sep + "cp" + os.path.sep + "model."

##  Public classes

# Model statistics
[docs]class CpoModelStatistics(object): """ This class represents model statistics information. """ def __init__(self, model=None, json=None): """ **Constructor** Can be created either by giving source model, or json object. Args: model: (Optional) Source model json: (Optional) Json representation of this object """ # Initialize all values self.nb_root_exprs = 0 # Total number of expressions at root level (constraints and variables if any) self.nb_constraints = 0 # Number of constraints expressions self.nb_integer_vars = 0 # Number of integer variables self.nb_interval_vars = 0 # Number of interval variables self.nb_sequence_vars = 0 # Number of sequence variables self.nb_state_functions = 0 # Number of state functions self.nb_float_vars = 0 # Number of float variables self.nb_expr_nodes = 0 # Number of expression nodes self.operation_usage = {} # Map of operation usage count. # Key is the CPO name of the operation, value is the number of times it is used. # Check if json is given if json is not None: self.nb_root_exprs = json.get('nb_root_exprs', 0) self.nb_integer_vars = json.get('nb_integer_var', 0) self.nb_interval_vars = json.get('nb_interval_var', 0) self.nb_expr_nodes = json.get('nb_expr_nodes', 0) self.operation_usage = json.get('operation_usage') return # Parse the model if model is None: return # Initialize stack of expressions to parse, separating variables self.nb_root_exprs = len(model.expr_list) doneset = set() # Set of ids of expressions already processed estack = [] for e, l in model.expr_list: if isinstance(e, CpoVariable): doneset.add(id(e)) self.nb_expr_nodes += 1 self._add_variable(e) else: estack.append(e) self.nb_constraints = len(estack) # Loop while expression stack is not empty while estack: e = estack.pop() eid = id(e) if not eid in doneset: doneset.add(eid) self.nb_expr_nodes += 1 if isinstance(e, CpoVariable): self._add_variable(e) elif isinstance(e, CpoFunctionCall): opname = e.operation.cpo_name self.operation_usage[opname] = self.operation_usage.get(opname, 0) + 1 # Stack children expressions estack.extend(e.children) def _add_variable(self, v): """ Update statistics with a variable. Args: v: Variable to add """ if isinstance(v, CpoIntVar): self.nb_integer_vars += 1 elif isinstance(v, CpoIntervalVar): self.nb_interval_vars += 1 elif isinstance(v, CpoSequenceVar): self.nb_sequence_vars += 1 elif isinstance(v, CpoStateFunction): self.nb_state_functions += 1 elif isinstance(v, CpoFloatVar): self.nb_float_vars += 1
[docs] def add(self, other): """ Add other model statistics to this one Args: other: Other model statistics, object of class CpoModelStatistics """ self.nb_root_exprs += other.nb_root_exprs self.nb_integer_vars += other.nb_integer_vars self.nb_interval_vars += other.nb_interval_vars self.nb_sequence_vars += other.nb_sequence_vars self.nb_state_functions += other.nb_state_functions self.nb_float_vars += other.nb_float_vars self.nb_expr_nodes += other.nb_expr_nodes for k, v in other.operation_usage.items(): self.operation_usage[k] = self.operation_usage.get(k, 0) + other.operation_usage.get(k, 0)
[docs] def get_number_of_variables(self): """ Return the total number of variables. The total number of variables includes: * integer variables * interval variables * sequence variables * state functions * float variables Returns: Total number of variables """ return self.nb_integer_vars + self.nb_interval_vars + self.nb_sequence_vars + self.nb_state_functions + self.nb_float_vars
[docs] def get_number_of_expressions(self): """ Return the total number of root expressions. Returns: Number of model root expressions. """ return self.nb_root_exprs
[docs] def get_number_of_constraints(self): """ Return the number of constraints. Returns: Number of constraints. """ return self.nb_constraints
[docs] def write(self, out=None, prefix=""): """ Write the statistics Args: out (Optional): Target output, as stream or file name. sys.stdout if not given prefix (Optional): Prefix added at the beginning of each line """ # Check file if is_string(out): with open(os.path.abspath(out), mode='w') as f: self.write(f) return if out is None: out = sys.stdout # Write normal attributes out.write("{}number of integer variables: {}\n".format(prefix, self.nb_integer_vars)) out.write("{}number of interval variables: {}\n".format(prefix, self.nb_interval_vars)) out.write("{}number of sequence variables: {}\n".format(prefix, self.nb_sequence_vars)) out.write("{}number of state functions: {}\n".format(prefix, self.nb_state_functions)) out.write("{}number of float variables: {}\n".format(prefix, self.nb_float_vars)) out.write("{}number of constraints: {}\n".format(prefix, self.nb_constraints)) out.write("{}number of root expressions: {}\n".format(prefix, self.nb_root_exprs)) out.write("{}number of expression nodes: {}\n".format(prefix, self.nb_expr_nodes)) out.write("{}operations: ".format(prefix)) if self.operation_usage: for i, k in enumerate(sorted(self.operation_usage.keys())): if i > 0: out.write(", ") out.write("{}: {}".format(k, self.operation_usage[k])) else: out.write("None") out.write("\n")
[docs] def to_json(self): """ Build a json object from this statistics Note: Not all attributes are present, was just for DOcloud usage. Returns: JSON object """ # Build json object for stats return { 'nb_root_exprs': self.nb_root_exprs, 'nb_integer_var': self.nb_integer_vars, 'nb_interval_var': self.nb_interval_vars, 'nb_expr_nodes': self.nb_expr_nodes, 'operation_usage': self.operation_usage }
def __str__(self): """ Build a short string representing this object Returns: String representing this object """ return "IntegerVars: {}, IntervalVars: {}, Constraints: {}, Exprs: {}, Nodes: {}, Ops: {}"\ .format(self.nb_integer_vars, self.nb_interval_vars, self.nb_constraints, self.nb_root_exprs, self.nb_expr_nodes, len(self.operation_usage)) def __eq__(self, other): """ Overwrite equality comparison Args: other: Other object to compare with Returns: True if this object is equal to the other, False otherwise """ return utils.equals(self, other) def __ne__(self, other): """ Overwrite inequality comparison """ return not self.__eq__(other)
[docs]class CpoModel(object): """ This class is the Python container of a CPO model. """ def __init__(self, name=None, sfile=None, version=None): """ **Constructor** Args: name: (Optional) Model name (source file name). sfile: (Optional) Source file. version: (Optional) Format version """ ctx = config.get_default() super(CpoModel, self).__init__() self.expr_list = [] # List of model root expressions as tuples (expression, location) self.parameters = None # Solving parameters self.starting_point = None # Starting point self.objective = None # Objective function self.kpis = OrderedDict() # Dictionary of KPIs. Key is publish name, value is (expr, loc) self.listeners = [] # Solver listeners self.callbacks = [] # Solver callbacks self.blackbox_funs = {} # Dictionary of blackbox functions # Set version of the CPO format (None = not given) self.format_version = version # Indicate to set source location in the model information self.source_loc = ctx.get_by_path("model.add_source_location", True) # Initialize times to compute modeling time self.create_time = time.time() # Model creation absolute time self.last_add_time = self.create_time # Last time something has been added to the model # Store filename of the calling Python source if sfile is None: loc = self._get_calling_location() if loc is not None: sfile = loc[0] self.source_file = sfile.replace('\\', '/') # Store model name = name # Duplicate model expressions constructor functions to make them callable from the model _set_all_modeling_functions(self) # Set expressions cache if changed in the meantime expression._CACHE_ACTIVE = def __enter__(self): # Implemented for compatibility with cplex return self def __exit__(self, exception_type, exception_value, traceback): # Implemented for compatibility with cplex return False # No exception handling
[docs] def add(self, *expr): """ Adds one or several expressions to the model. This method adds one or more CPO expression to the model. A CPO expression is an object of class :class:`~docplex.cp.expression.CpoExpr` or derived, obtained by: * calling one of the factory method available in module :mod:`docplex.cp.expression`, * calling one of the modeling function available in module :mod:`docplex.cp.modeler`, * using an overloaded operator with at least one argument that is a :class:`~docplex.cp.expression.CpoExpr` or derived. The argument *expr* can be: * a constraint, * a boolean expression, possibly constant, * an objective, * a search phase, * a variable (but variables that appear in expressions are automatically added to the model), * an iterable of expressions to add. The order of the expressions that are added to the model is preserved when it is submitted for solving. Args: expr: CPO expressions (constraint, boolean, objective, etc) to add to the model, or iterable of expressions to add to the model. """ # Determine calling location loc = self._get_calling_location() if self.source_loc else None # Add all expressions for xp in expr: # Check simple expression if isinstance(xp, CpoExpr) or is_bool(xp): self._add_with_loc(xp, loc) else: # Argument may be an iterable of expressions if is_string(xp): raise CpoException("Argument 'expr' should be a CpoExpr or an iterable of CpoExpr") # Try as iterable try: for x in xp: self._add_with_loc(x, loc) except: raise CpoException("Argument 'expr' should be a CpoExpr or an iterable of CpoExpr")
[docs] def add_constraint(self, expr): """ Adds a constraint to the model. This method has been added for compatibility with **. It is equivalent to method :meth:`~CpoModel.add` Args: expr: Constraint expression to add to the model, """ self.add(expr)
def _add_with_loc(self, expr, loc): """ Adds an expression with its location to the model. Args: expr: CPO expression (constraint, boolean, objective, etc) to add to the model loc: Expression location """ #print("Add expression {} at loc {}".format(expr, loc)) # Update last add time self.last_add_time = time.time() # Check simple boolean expressions for case where expression built a constant if is_bool(expr): # Add expression even if false self.expr_list.append((CpoValue(expr, Type_Bool), loc)) return # Check type of expression etyp = expr.type if etyp.is_kind_of(Type_Constraint): self.expr_list.append((expr, loc)) elif etyp is Type_Objective: # Check if already added with model function if self.objective is not expr: # Remove previous objective from the model if self.objective is not None: raise CpoException("Only one objective function can be added to the model.") self.objective = expr self.expr_list.append((expr, loc)) elif etyp is Type_SearchPhase: self.expr_list.append((expr, loc)) elif isinstance(expr, (CpoVariable, CpoAlias)): # Not really useful, just to force variable to be in the model self.expr_list.append((expr, loc)) else: raise CpoException("Expression added to the model should be a boolean, constraint, objective or search_phase, not an object of type {}.".format(type(expr)))
[docs] def remove(self, *expr): """ Remove one or several expressions from the model. This method removes one or more CPO expression from the model. The argument *expr* can be: * any expression previously added to the model using method :meth:`add` * an iterable of such expressions. Expressions are removed from the top-level expressions of the model. There is no attempst to search for sub-expressions. The expressions to remove are compared to existing ones using their id. If an expression is not found, it is ignored. Args: expr: CPO expressions (constraint, boolean, objective, etc) to remove from the model, or iterable of expressions to remove from the model. Returns: Number of expressions actually removed from the model. """ # Build a set of ids of expressions to remove idset = set() for xp in expr: # Check simple expression if isinstance(xp, CpoExpr): idset.add(id(xp)) else: # Argument may be an iterable of expressions if is_string(xp): raise CpoException("Argument 'expr' should be a CpoExpr or an iterable of CpoExpr") # Try as iterable try: for x in xp: if isinstance(x, CpoExpr): idset.add(id(x)) else: raise CpoException("All elements from an iterable 'expr' should be a CpoExpr") except: raise CpoException("Argument 'expr' should be a CpoExpr or an iterable of CpoExpr") # Check if objective is in the expressions to remove if id(self.objective) in idset: self.objective = None # Build a new list of expressions, removing all that are in the list nbrem = 0 nlist = [] for x in self.expr_list: if id(x[0]) in idset: nbrem += 1 else: nlist.append(x) self.expr_list = nlist # Return return nbrem
[docs] def remove_expressions(self, lexpr): """ Remove a list of expressions from the model. DEPRECATED: use directly :meth:`remove` instead, as it supports multiple or lists of expressions to remove. This method removes from the model all occurrences of the expressions given in the list. It removes only expressions at the top-level, those added in the model using the method :meth:`~CpoModel.add`, it does not remove the expressions that are used as sub-expression of another expression. This method is more efficient than calling :meth:`~CpoModel.remove` multiple times. Args: lexpr: List of expressions to remove from the model. Returns: Number of expressions actually removed from the model """ return self.remove(lexpr)
[docs] def minimize(self, expr): """ Add an objective expression to minimize. DEPRECATED: use *add(minimize())* instead. Args: expr: Expression to minimize. Returns: Minimization expression that has been added """ # Add new minimization expression res = minimize(expr) self.add(res) return res
[docs] def maximize(self, expr): """ Add an objective expression to maximize. DEPRECATED: use *add(maximize())* instead. Args: expr: Expression to maximize. Returns: Maximization expression that has been added """ # Add new maximization expression res = maximize(expr) self.add(res) return res
[docs] def set_parameters(self, params=None, **kwargs): """ Set the solving parameters associated to this model. The argument *params* can be either: * An object of the class :class:`~docplex.cp.parameters.CpoParameters`. The parameters object is cloned and replaces the existing parameters associated to the model, if any. * A standard Python dictionary where keys are parameter names, and values parameter values. In this case, a CpoParameters object is created from the dictionary and then associated to the model. * None, to release the parameters of this model. If optional named arguments are added to this method, they are considered as additions to the parameters given in *params*, that is cloned prior to be modified. If *params* is None, a new :class:`~docplex.cp.parameters.CpoParameters` is created. Args: params (Optional) : Solving parameters, object of class :class:`~docplex.cp.parameters.CpoParameters`, or a dictionary of parameters, or None to remove all parameters. **kwargs (Optional): Optional changes to the parameters. Returns: The new CpoParameters object associated to this model. """ # Check parameters given in params if params is None: self.parameters = None if kwargs: self.parameters = CpoParameters(**kwargs) elif isinstance(params, CpoParameters): self.parameters = params.clone() if kwargs: self.parameters.add(kwargs) elif isinstance(params, dict): self.parameters = CpoParameters(**params) if kwargs: self.parameters.add(**kwargs) else: raise AssertionError("Argument 'params' should be an object of class CpoParameters, a dictionary, or None.") return self.parameters
[docs] def add_parameters(self, **kwargs): """ Add parameters to this model. This method adds parameters to the :class:`~docplex.cp.parameters.CpoParameters` object currently associated to the model. If there is no such parameters object yet, a new :class:`~docplex.cp.parameters.CpoParameters` is created. Args: **kwargs (Optional): List of parameters assignments. """ if kwargs: if self.parameters is None: self.parameters = CpoParameters() for k, v in kwargs.items(): self.parameters.__setattr__(k, v)
[docs] def get_parameters(self): """ Get the solving parameters associated to this model. Returns: Solving parameters, object of class :class:`~docplex.cp.parameters.CpoParameters`, or None if not defined. """ return self.parameters
[docs] def merge_with_parameters(self, params): """ Merge parameters of this model with external parameters. The model parameters (if any) are overwritten by the given parameters. If parameters are defined at model level, they are cloned, and the parameters given as argument are added to it and then returned. If no parameters are defined, the parameters given as argument are returned as they are. Returns: Merged solving parameters, object of class :class:`~docplex.cp.parameters.CpoParameters`. """ if self.parameters is None: return params res = self.parameters.clone() res.set_other(params) return res
[docs] def set_search_phases(self, phases): """ Set a list of search phases Args: phases: Array of search phases, or single phase """ # Check arguments if not is_array(phases): phases = [phases] # Reset list of phases self.search_phases = [] # Add all new phases for p in phases: assert isinstance(p, CpoExpr) and p.is_type(Type_SearchPhase), "Argument 'phases' should be an array of SearchPhases" self.add(p)
[docs] def add_search_phase(self, phase): """ Add a search phase to the list of search phases This method is deprecated since release 2.3. Use :meth:`~CpoModel.set_search_phases` or :meth:`~CpoModel.add` instead. Args: phase: Phase to add to the list """ warnings.warn("Method 'add_search_phase' is deprecated since release 2.4. Use add() instead.", DeprecationWarning) # Check arguments assert isinstance(phase, CpoExpr) and phase.is_type(Type_SearchPhase), "Argument 'phase' should be a SearchPhase" # Add to model self.add(phase)
[docs] def set_starting_point(self, stpoint): """ Set a model starting point. A starting point specifies a (possibly partial) solution that could be used by CP Optimizer to start the search. This starting point is represented by an object of class :class:`~docplex.cp.solution.CpoModelSolution`, with the following restrictions: * Only integer and interval variables are taken into account. If present, all other elements are simply ignored. * In integer variable, if the domain is not fixed to a single value, only a single range of values is allowed. If the variable domain is sparse, the range domain_min..domain_max is used. An empty starting point can be created using method :meth:`~CpoModel.create_empty_solution`, and then filled using dedicated methods :meth:`~docplex.cp.solution.CpoModelSolution.add_integer_var_solution` and :meth:`~docplex.cp.solution.CpoModelSolution.add_interval_var_solution`, or using indexed assignment as in the following example: :: mdl = CpoModel() a = integer_var(0, 3) b = interval_var(length=(1, 4)) . . . stp = mdl.create_empty_solution() stp[a] = 2 stp[b] = (2, 3, 4) mdl.set_starting_point(stp) Starting point is available for CPO solver release greater or equal to 12.7.0. Args: stpoint: Starting point, object of class :class:`~docplex.cp.solution.CpoModelSolution` """ assert (stpoint is None) or isinstance(stpoint, CpoModelSolution), \ "Argument 'stpoint' should be None or an object of class CpoModelSolution" self.starting_point = stpoint
[docs] def get_starting_point(self): """ Get the model starting point Returns: Model starting point, None if none """ return self.starting_point
[docs] def create_empty_solution(self): """ Create an empty model solution that can be filled to be used as a starting point. *New in version 2.9* Returns: New empty model solution, object of class :class:`~docplex.cp.solution.CpoModelSolution` """ return CpoModelSolution()
[docs] def add_kpi(self, expr, name=None): """ Add a Key Performance Indicator to the model. A Key Performance Indicators (KPI) is an expression whose value is considered as representative of the model solution and its quality. For example, in a scheduling problem one may wish to minimize the makespan (date at which all tasks are completed), but other values may be of interest, like the average job completion time, or the maximum number of tasks executing in parallel over the horizon. One can identify such expressions in the model by marking them as KPIs. For CPO solver version lower than 12.9, KPI expressions are limited to: * an integer variable, * a Python lambda expression that computes the value of the KPI from the solve result given as parameter. Example of lambda expression used as KPI: :: mdl = CpoModel() a = integer_var(0, 3) b = integer_var(0, 3) mdl.add(a < b) mdl.add_kpi(lambda res: (res[a] + res[b]) / 2, "Average") For CPO solver version greater or equal to 12.9, KPI expressions can be any model expression. KPI values are automatically displayed in the log, can be queried after the solve or for each solution, and are exported to a CPO file when the model is exported. If the model is solved in a cloud context, the KPIs are associated to the objective value in the solve details that are sent periodically to the client. Args: expr: Model variable to be used as KPI(s). name (optional): Name used to publish this KPI. If absent the expression name is used. If the expression has no name, an exception is raised. """ if isinstance(expr, CpoExpr): assert expr.type != Type_Constraint, "KPI expression can not be a top-level constraint" # If format version is < 12.9, check integer var only if self.format_version is not None and compare_natural(self.format_version, '12.9') < 0: assert expr.type == Type_IntVar, "KPI expression can only be an integer variable." else: assert isinstance(expr, types.FunctionType), "Argument 'expr' should be a model expression or a lambda expression" if name is None: if isinstance(expr, CpoExpr): name = expr.get_name() assert name, "A KPI name is mandatory, either as expression name, or as a name given explicitly" assert not name in self.kpis, "Name '{}' is already used for another KPI.".format(name) # Get expression location loc = self._get_calling_location() if self.source_loc else None self.kpis[name] = (expr, loc)
[docs] def remove_kpi(self, kpi): """ Remove a Key Performance Indicator from the model. Args: kpi: KPI expression, or KPI name """ # Check if name given if kpi in self.kpis: del self.kpis[kpi] else: # Consider expression has been given for k, xl in self.kpis.items(): if xl[0] is kpi: del self.kpis[k] break
[docs] def remove_all_kpis(self): """ Remove all KPIs from this model. """ self.kpis.clear()
[docs] def get_kpis(self): """ Returns the dictionary of this model KPIs. Returns: Ordered dictionary of KPIs. Key is publish name, value is kpi as a tuple (expr, loc) where loc is a tuple (source_file, line). Keys are sorted in the order the KPIs have been defined. """ return self.kpis
def _get_kpi_expressions(self): """ Returns the list of model expressions used in the kpis This method returns all the KPI expressions that are model expressions (lambda expressions are ignored). Name of the KPI is absent. Returns: List of model expressions used as KPIs. Each expression is a tuple (expr, loc) where loc is a tuple (source_file, line). """ return [xl for xl in self.kpis.values() if isinstance(xl[0], CpoExpr)]
[docs] def add_blackbox_function(self, bbf): """ Add a new blackbox function descriptor to this model. Calling this function is mandatory before importing a CPO model that contains references to a blackbox function, if the context attribute *context.parser.auto_blackbox* is set to False (default). If the context attribute *context.parser.auto_blackbox* is set to True, then an empty blackbox function descriptor is automatically generated for every unknown function in the model. As there is no implementation, the model can not be solved. Args: bbf: Blackbox function descriptor, object of class :class:`~docplex.cp.blackbox.CpoBlackboxFunction` """ assert isinstance(bbf, CpoBlackboxFunction), "Blackbox function descriptor should be an object of class CpoBlackboxFunction" name = bbf.get_name() assert name, "Blackbox must have a name when added to a model" ebf = self.blackbox_funs.get(name) if ebf is bbf: return assert ebf is None, "Name '{}' is already used for another blackbox function.".format(name) # Store descriptor self.blackbox_funs[name] = bbf
[docs] def get_blackbox_functions(self): """ Gets the list of all blackbox functions registered in this model. Returns: List of all blackbox functions occurring in this model, objects of class :class:`~docplex.cp.blackbox.CpoBlackboxFunction` """ return list(self.blackbox_funs.values())
[docs] def get_blackbox_function(self, name): """ Gets a particular blackbox function from its name. Args: name: Name of the blackbox function to search for Returns: Blackbox function descriptor, None if not found """ return self.blackbox_funs.get(name)
[docs] def get_all_expressions(self): """ Gets the list of all model expressions Returns: List of model expressions including there location (if any). Each expression is a tuple *(expr, loc)* where loc is a tuple *(source_file, line)*, or None if not set. """ return self.expr_list
[docs] def get_all_variables(self): """ Gets the list of all model variables. This method goes across all model expressions to identify all variables that are pointed by them. Calling this method on a big model may be slow. Returns: List of model variables. """ # Initialize stack of expressions to parse estack = [x for x, l in self.expr_list] if self.objective is not None: estack.append(self.objective) # Loop while expression stack is not empty varlist = [] # Result list doneset = set() # Set of expressions already processed while estack: e = estack.pop() eid = id(e) if not eid in doneset: doneset.add(eid) if e.type.is_variable: varlist.append(e) # Stack children expressions estack.extend(e.children) return varlist
[docs] def get_named_expressions_dict(self): """ Gets a dictionary of all named expressions. This method goes across all model expressions to identify all named expressions. Calling this method on a big model may be slow. Returns: Dictionary of all named expressions. Key is expression name, value is expression. """ # Initialize stack of expressions to parse estack = [x for x, l in self.expr_list] if self.objective is not None: estack.append(self.objective) # Loop while expression stack is not empty result = {} # Result dictionary doneset = set() # Set of expressions already processed while estack: e = estack.pop() eid = id(e) if not eid in doneset: doneset.add(eid) if result[] = e # Stack children expressions estack.extend(e.children) return result
[docs] def get_objective(self): """ Gets the objective expression (maximization or minimization). Returns: Objective expression, None if satisfaction problem. """ return self.objective
[docs] def get_objective_expression(self): """ Gets the objective expression (maximization or minimization). Returns: Objective expression, None if satisfaction problem. """ return self.objective
[docs] def get_optimization_expression(self): """ Gets the optimization expression (maximization or minimization). DEPRECATED. Use :meth:`~CpoModel.get_objective` instead. Returns: Optimization expression, None if satisfaction problem. """ return self.get_objective()
[docs] def is_minimization(self): """ Check if this model represents a minimization problem. Returns: True if this model represents a minimization problem. """ return self.objective is not None and "min" in self.objective.operation.cpo_name
[docs] def is_maximization(self): """ Check if this model represents a maximization problem. Returns: True if this model represents a maximization problem. """ return self.objective is not None and "max" in self.objective.operation.cpo_name
[docs] def is_satisfaction(self): """ Check if this model represents a satisfaction problem. Returns: True if this model represents a satisfaction problem. """ return self.objective is None
[docs] def replace_expression(self, oexpr, nexpr): """ In all model expressions, replace an expression by another. This method goes across all model expressions tree and replace each occurrence of the expression to replace by the new expression. The comparison of the expression to replace is done by reference (it must be the same object) Args: oexpr: Expression to replace nexpr: Expression to put instead Returns: Number of replacements done in the model """ # Scan all expressions doneset = set() # Set of expressions already processed nbrepl = 0 for i, (x, l) in enumerate(self.expr_list): if x is oexpr: self.expr_list[i] = (nexpr, l) nbrepl += 1 elif id(x) not in doneset: estack = [x] while estack: e = estack.pop() eid = id(e) if eid not in doneset: doneset.add(eid) for cx, c in enumerate(e.children): if c is oexpr: e.children = replace_in_tuple(e.children, cx, nexpr) nbrepl += 1 else: estack.append(c) return nbrepl
[docs] def get_name(self): """ Gets the name of the model. If the name is not explicitly defined, the name is the source file name without its extension. If source file name is also undefined, name is None. Returns: Name of the model, None if undefined. """ if is None and self.source_file: return utils.get_file_name_only(self.source_file) return
[docs] def set_format_version(self, ver): """ Set the expected version of the CPO format. If the version is None (default), the model is generated with the most recent version. If the solver is not the most recent, the model may be rejected at solve time if a recent feature has been used. If the version is set, available features are checket at modeling time. Args: ver: CPO format version """ self.format_version = str(ver)
[docs] def get_format_version(self): """ Gets the version of the CPO format. This information is set only when parsing an existing CPO model that contains explicitly a version of the format. It is usually not set when creating a new model. It can be set explicitly using :meth:`set_format_version` if a specific CPO format is expected. Returns: String containing the version of the CPO format. None for default. """ return self.format_version
[docs] def get_source_file(self): """ Gets the name of the source file from which model has been created. Returns: Python source file name. None if undefined. """ return self.source_file
[docs] def get_modeling_duration(self): """ Get the time spent in modeling. The time is computes as difference between the last time an expression has been added and the model object creation time. Returns: Modeling duration in seconds """ return self.last_add_time - self.create_time
[docs] def get_statistics(self): """ Get statistics on the model This methods compute statistics on the model. Returns: Model statistics, object of class class :class:`CpoModelStatistics`. """ return CpoModelStatistics(self)
[docs] def print_information(self, out=None): """ Prints model information. DEPRECATED. Use :meth:`write_information` instead. Args: out: Output stream or file name, default is sys.stdout. """ self.write_information(out)
[docs] def write_information(self, out=None): """ Write various information about the model. This method calls the method :meth:`get_statistics` to retrieve information on the model, and then print it with source file name and modeling time. Args: out: Output stream or file name, default is sys.stdout. """ # Check output if is_string(out): with open(os.path.abspath(out), mode='w') as f: self.write_information(f) return if out is None: out = sys.stdout # Print information name = self.get_name() out.write("Model: {}\n".format(name if name else "Anonymous")) sfile = self.get_source_file() if sfile: out.write(" - source file: {}\n".format(sfile)) out.write(" - modeling time: {0:.2f} sec\n".format(self.get_modeling_duration())) stats = self.get_statistics() stats.write(out, " - ")
[docs] def create_solver(self, **kwargs): """ Create a new solver instance attached to this model All necessary solving parameters are taken from the solving context that is constructed from the following list of sources, each one overwriting the previous: - the default solving context that is defined in the module :mod:`~docplex.cp.config` - the user-specific customizations of the context that may be defined (see :mod:`~docplex.cp.config` for details), - the parameters that are set in the model itself, - the optional arguments of this method. Args: context (Optional): Complete solving context. If not given, solving context is the default one that is defined in the module :mod:`~docplex.cp.config`. params (Optional): Solving parameters (object of class :class:`~docplex.cp.parameters.CpoParameters`) that overwrite those in the solving context. (param) (Optional): Any individual solving parameter as defined in class :class:`~docplex.cp.parameters.CpoParameters` (for example *TimeLimit*, *Workers*, *SearchType*, etc). (others) (Optional): Any leaf attribute with the same name in the solving context (for example *agent*, *trace_log*, *trace_cpo*, etc). Returns: New solver properly initialized. """ slvr = CpoSolver(self, **kwargs) # Add solvers listeners for l in self.listeners: slvr.add_listener(l) # Add solvers callbacks for l in self.callbacks: slvr.add_callback(l) return slvr
[docs] def solve(self, **kwargs): """ Solves the model. This method solves the model using the appropriate :class:`~docplex.cp.solver.solver.CpoSolver` created according to default solving context, possibly modified by the parameters of this method. The class :class:`~docplex.cp.solver.solver.CpoSolver` contains the actual implementation of this method, but also some others functions allowing to invoke more specialized functions. An advanced programming may require to explicitly create a CpoSolver instead of calling function at model level. Please refer to this class for more details. All necessary solving parameters are taken from the solving context that is constructed from the following list of sources, each one overwriting the previous: - the default solving context that is defined in the module :mod:`~docplex.cp.config` - the user-specific customizations of the context that may be defined (see :mod:`~docplex.cp.config` for details), - the parameters that are set in the model itself, - the optional arguments of this method. If an optional argument other than `context` or `params` is given to this method, it is searched in the context where its value is replaced by the new one. If not found, it is then considered as a solver parameter. In this case, only public parameters are allowed, except if the context attribute `solver.enable_undocumented_params` is set to True. This can be done directly when calling this method, as for example: :: mdl.solve(enable_undocumented_params=True, MyPrivateParam=MyValue) Args: context (Optional): Complete solving context. If not given, solving context is the default one that is defined in the module :mod:`~docplex.cp.config`. params (Optional): Solving parameters (object of class :class:`~docplex.cp.parameters.CpoParameters`) that overwrite those in the solving context. (param) (Optional): Any individual solving parameter as defined in class :class:`~docplex.cp.parameters.CpoParameters` (for example *TimeLimit*, *Workers*, *SearchType*, etc). (others) (Optional): Any leaf attribute with the same name in the solving context (for example *agent*, *trace_log*, *trace_cpo*, etc). Returns: Model solve result (object of class :class:`~docplex.cp.solution.CpoSolveResult`). Raises: :class:`~docplex.cp.utils.CpoException`: (or derived) if error. """ solver = self.create_solver(**kwargs) msol = solver.solve() solver.end() return msol
[docs] def refine_conflict(self, **kwargs): """ This method identifies a minimal conflict for the infeasibility of the current model. Given an infeasible model, the conflict refiner can identify conflicting constraints and variable domains within the model to help you identify the causes of the infeasibility. In this context, a conflict is a subset of the constraints and/or variable domains of the model which are mutually contradictory. Since the conflict is minimal, removal of any one of these constraints will remove that particular cause for infeasibility. There may be other conflicts in the model; consequently, repair of a given conflict does not guarantee feasibility of the remaining model. Conflict refiner is controlled by the following parameters, that can be set as parameters of this method: * ConflictRefinerBranchLimit * ConflictRefinerFailLimit * ConflictRefinerIterationLimit * ConflictRefinerOnVariables * ConflictRefinerTimeLimit that are described in module :mod:`docplex.cp.parameters`. Note that the general *TimeLimit* parameter is used as a limiter for each conflict refiner iteration, but the global limitation in time must be set using *ConflictRefinerTimeLimit* that is infinite by default. This method creates a new :class:`~docplex.cp.solver.solver.CpoSolver` with given arguments, and then call its method :meth:`~docplex.cp.solver.solver.CpoSolver.refine_conflict`. The class :class:`~docplex.cp.solver.solver.CpoSolver` contains the actual implementation of this method, but also some others functions allowing to invoke more specialized functions. An advanced programming may require to explicitly create a CpoSolver instead of calling function at model level. Please refer to this class for more details. This function is available on DOcplexcloud and with local CPO solver with release number greater or equal to 12.7.0. Args: context (Optional): Complete solving context. If not given, solving context is the default one that is defined in the module :mod:`~docplex.cp.config`. params (Optional): Solving parameters (object of class :class:`~docplex.cp.parameters.CpoParameters`) that overwrite those in the solving context. (param) (Optional): Any individual solving parameter as defined in class :class:`~docplex.cp.parameters.CpoParameters` (for example *TimeLimit*, *Workers*, *SearchType*, etc). (others) (Optional): Any leaf attribute with the same name in the solving context (for example *agent*, *trace_log*, *trace_cpo*, etc). Returns: List of constraints that cause the conflict (object of class :class:`~docplex.cp.solution.CpoRefineConflictResult`) Raises: :class:`~docplex.cp.utils.CpoNotSupportedException`: if method not available in the solver agent. :class:`~docplex.cp.utils.CpoException`: (or derived) if error. """ solver = self.create_solver(**kwargs) rsol = solver.refine_conflict() solver.end() return rsol
[docs] def propagate(self, cnstr=None, **kwargs): """ This method invokes the propagation on the current model. Constraint propagation is the process of communicating the domain reduction of a decision variable to all of the constraints that are stated over this variable. This process can result in more domain reductions. These domain reductions, in turn, are communicated to the appropriate constraints. This process continues until no more variable domains can be reduced or when a domain becomes empty and a failure occurs. An empty domain during the initial constraint propagation means that the model has no solution. The result is a object of class :class:`~docplex.cp.solution.CpoSolveResult`, the same than the one returned by the method :meth:`solve`. However, variable domains may not be completely defined. This method creates a new :class:`~docplex.cp.solver.solver.CpoSolver` with given arguments, and then call its method :meth:`~docplex.cp.solver.solver.CpoSolver.propagate`. The class :class:`~docplex.cp.solver.solver.CpoSolver` contains the actual implementation of this method, but also some others functions allowing to invoke more specialized functions. An advanced programming may require to explicitly create a CpoSolver instead of calling function at model level. Please refer to this class for more details. This function is available on DOcplexcloud and with local CPO solver with release number greater or equal to 12.7.0. Args: cnstr (Optional): Optional constraint to be added to the model before invoking propagation. If not given, solving context is the default one that is defined in the module context (Optional): Complete solving context. If not given, solving context is the default one that is defined in the module :mod:`~docplex.cp.config`. params (Optional): Solving parameters (object of class :class:`~docplex.cp.parameters.CpoParameters`) that overwrite those in the solving context. (param) (Optional): Any individual solving parameter as defined in class :class:`~docplex.cp.parameters.CpoParameters` (for example *TimeLimit*, *Workers*, *SearchType*, etc). (others) (Optional): Any leaf attribute with the same name in the solving context (for example *agent*, *trace_log*, *trace_cpo*, etc). Returns: Propagation result (object of class :class:`~docplex.cp.solution.CpoSolveResult`) Raises: :class:`~docplex.cp.utils.CpoNotSupportedException`: if method not available in the solver agent. :class:`~docplex.cp.utils.CpoException`: (or derived) if error. """ # Check if an optional constraint has been given if cnstr is None: mdl = self else: # Clone the model and add constraint mdl = self.clone() mdl.add(cnstr) # Call propagation solver = mdl.create_solver(**kwargs) psol = solver.propagate() solver.end() return psol
[docs] def run_seeds(self, nbrun, **kwargs): """ This method runs *nbrun* times the CP optimizer search with different random seeds and computes statistics from the result of these runs. Result statistics are displayed on the log output that should be activated. If the appropriate configuration variable *context.solver.add_log_to_solution* is set to True (default), log is also available in the *CpoRunResult* result object, accessible as a string using the method :meth:`~docplex.cp.solution.CpoRunResult.get_solver_log` Each run of the solver is stopped according to single solve conditions (TimeLimit for example). Total run time is then expected to take *nbruns* times the duration of a single run. This function is available only with local CPO solver with release number greater or equal to 12.8. Args: nbrun: Number of runs with different seeds. context (Optional): Complete solving context. If not given, solving context is the default one that is defined in the module :mod:`~docplex.cp.config`. params (Optional): Solving parameters (object of class :class:`~docplex.cp.parameters.CpoParameters`) that overwrite those in the solving context. (param) (Optional): Any individual solving parameter as defined in class :class:`~docplex.cp.parameters.CpoParameters` (for example *TimeLimit*, *Workers*, *SearchType*, etc). (others) (Optional): Any leaf attribute with the same name in the solving context (for example *agent*, *trace_log*, *trace_cpo*, etc). Returns: Run result, object of class :class:`~docplex.cp.solution.CpoRunResult`. Raises: :class:`~docplex.cp.utils.CpoNotSupportedException`: if method not available in the solver agent. :class:`~docplex.cp.utils.CpoException`: (or derived) if error. """ solver = self.create_solver(**kwargs) rsol = solver.run_seeds(nbrun) solver.end() return rsol
[docs] def explain_failure(self, ltags=None, **kwargs): """ This method allows to explain solve failures. If called with no arguments, this method invokes a solve of the model with appropriate parameters that enable, in the log, the print of a number tag for each solve failure. If called with a list of failure tag to explain, the solver is invoked again in a way that it explains, in the log, the reason for the failure of the required failure tags. This method sets the following solve parameters before calling the solver: * :attr:`~docplex.cp.CpoParameters.LogSearchTags` = 'On' * :attr:`~docplex.cp.CpoParameters.Workers` = 1 * :attr:`~docplex.cp.CpoParameters.LogPeriod` = 1 * :attr:`~docplex.cp.CpoParameters.SearchType` = 'DepthFirst' Args: ltags (Optional) : List of tag ids to explain. If empty or None, the solver is just invoked with appropriate solve parameters to make failure tags displayed in the log. (others) (Optional): Any other solve attribute as it can be passed to method :meth:`~CpoModel.solve`. Returns: Solve result, object of class :class:`~docplex.cp.solution.CpoSolveResult`. Raises: :class:`~docplex.cp.utils.CpoNotSupportedException`: if method not available in the solver agent. :class:`~docplex.cp.utils.CpoException`: (or derived) if error. """ solver = self.create_solver(**kwargs) msol = solver.explain_failure(ltags) solver.end() return msol
[docs] def add_solver_listener(self, lstnr): """ Add a solver listener. A solver listener is an object extending the class :class:`~docplex.cp.solver.solver_listener.CpoSolverListener` which provides multiple functions that are called to notify about the different solving steps. Args: lstnr: Solver listener """ assert isinstance(lstnr, CpoSolverListener), \ "Listener should be an object of class docplex.cp.solver.solver_listener.CpoSolverListener" self.listeners.append(lstnr)
[docs] def remove_solver_listener(self, lstnr): """ Remove a solver listener previously added with :meth:`~docplex.cp.model.CpoModel.add_listener`. Args: lstnr: Listener to remove. """ self.listeners.remove(lstnr)
[docs] def add_solver_callback(self, cback): """ Add a CPO solver callback. A solver callback is an object extending the class :class:`~docplex.cp.solver.cpo_callback.CpoCallback` which provides multiple functions that are called by the solver engine to notify about the different solving steps. Args: cback: Solver callback, object extending :class:`~docplex.cp.solver.cpo_callback.CpoCallback` """ assert isinstance(cback, CpoCallback), \ "CPO callback should be an object of class docplex.cp.solver.cpo_callback.CpoCallback" self.callbacks.append(cback)
[docs] def remove_solver_callback(self, cback): """ Remove a CPO solver callback. previously added with :meth:`~docplex.cp.solver.solver.CpoSolver.add_callback`. Args: cback: Callback to remove. """ self.callbacks.remove(cback)
[docs] def export_model(self, out=None, **kwargs): """ Exports/prints the model in the standard CPO file format. Except for the argument *out*, all other arguments are the same than those available in the solve() method., but However, only thoss that impact the CPO file format are useful, in particular, the solving parameters. For example: :: mdl.export_model(Workers=1, TimeLimit=100) Note that calling this method disables automatically all the settings that are set in the default configuration to change the format of the model: * *context.model.length_for_alias* that rename variables if name is too long, * *context.model.name_all_constraints* that force a name for each constraint. These options are however possible if explicitly given as parameter of this method, as in: :: mdl.export_model(length_for_alias=10) Args: out (Optional): Target output, stream or file name. Default is sys.stdout. context (Optional): Complete solving context. If not given, solving context is the default one that is defined in the module :mod:`~docplex.cp.config`. params (Optional): Solving parameters (object of class :class:`~docplex.cp.parameters.CpoParameters`) that overwrite those in the solving context. add_source_location (Optional): Add source location into generated text length_for_alias (Optional): Minimum name length to use shorter alias instead (others) (Optional): Any leaf attribute with the same name in the solving context """ # Remove all code transformations but respect those provided explicitly kwargs.setdefault('length_for_alias', None) kwargs.setdefault('name_all_constraints', False) CpoCompiler(self, **kwargs).write(out)
[docs] def import_model(self, file): """ Import a model from a file containing a model expressed in CPO, FZN or LP format. FZN and LP formats are supported with restrictions to integer variables. The full list of supported FZN predicates is given in the documentation of module :mod:`~docplex.cp.fzn.fzn_parser`. Source files can also be provided compressed, in zip or gzip format. Args: file: Name of the input file, with extension ".cpo", ".fzn" or ".lp", optionally followed by ".gz" or ".zip" """ felems = os.path.splitext(file) ext = felems[1].lower() if ext in (".gz", ".zip",): ext = os.path.splitext(felems[0])[1].lower() if ext == ".cpo": import docplex.cp.cpo.cpo_parser as cpo_parser prs = cpo_parser.CpoParser(self) prs.parse(file) elif ext == ".fzn": import docplex.cp.fzn.fzn_parser as fzn_parser prs = fzn_parser.FznParser(self) prs.parse(file) # Get model to force compilation prs.get_model() elif ext == ".lp": import docplex.cp.lp.lp_parser as lp_parser prs = lp_parser.LpParser(self) prs.parse(file) else: raise CpoException("Unknown '{}' file format. Only .cpo, .fzn and .lp are supported.".format(ext))
[docs] def import_model_string(self, cpostr, **kwargs): """ Import in this model a model contained in a string in CPO format. Args: cpostr: Model in CPO format given as a string. **kwargs: (Optional) context changes """ import docplex.cp.cpo.cpo_parser as cpo_parser prs = cpo_parser.CpoParser(self, **kwargs) prs.parse_string(cpostr)
[docs] def export_as_cpo(self, out=None, **kwargs): """ Deprecated form of method :meth:`export_model`. """ self.export_model(out, **kwargs)
[docs] def get_cpo_string(self, **kwargs): """ Compiles the model in CPO file format into a string. Note that calling this method disables automatically all the settings that are set in the default configuration to change the format of the model: * *context.model.length_for_alias* that rename variables if name is too long, * *context.model.name_all_constraints* that force a name for each constraint. These options are however possible if explicitly given as parameter of this method, as in: :: mstr = mdl.get_cpo_string(length_for_alias=10) Args: context: Global solving context. If not given, context is the default context that is set in params: Solving parameters (CpoParameters) that overwrites those in solving context add_source_location: Add source location into generated text length_for_alias: Minimum name length to use shorter alias instead (others): All other context parameters that can be changed Returns: String containing the model. """ # Remove all code transformations but respect those provided explicitly kwargs.setdefault('length_for_alias', None) kwargs.setdefault('name_all_constraints', False) return CpoCompiler(self, **kwargs).get_as_string()
[docs] def check_equivalence(self, other): """ Checks that this model is equivalent to another. Variables and expressions are compared, but not names that may differ because of automatic naming. Args: other: Other model to compare with. Raises: CpoException: if models are not equivalent """ # Check object types if not isinstance(other, CpoModel): raise CpoException("Other model is not an object of class CpoModel") # Compare expressions that are not variables lx1 = [x for x, l in self.expr_list if not isinstance(x, (CpoVariable, CpoValue, CpoAlias, CpoFunction))] lx2 = [x for x, l in other.expr_list if not isinstance(x, (CpoVariable, CpoValue, CpoAlias, CpoFunction))] if len(lx1) != len(lx2): raise CpoException("Different number of expressions, {} vs {}.".format(len(lx1), len(lx2))) for i, (x1, x2) in enumerate(zip(lx1, lx2)): #print("Check expression {}\n and\n{}".format(lx1[i], lx2[i])) if not x1.equals(x2): print("X1 = {}".format(x1)) print("X2 = {}".format(x2)) raise CpoException("The expression {} differs: '{}' vs '{}'".format(i, x1, x2))
[docs] def equals(self, other): """ Checks if this model is equal to another. Args: other: Other model to compare with. Returns: True if models are identical, False otherwise. """ # Check object types if not isinstance(other, CpoModel): return False # Do not compare variables as there may me more with Python as all are named (for example SequenceVar) # Check list of expressions (will also compare variables) if len(self.expr_list) != len(other.expr_list): return False for x1, x2 in zip(self.expr_list, other.expr_list): if not x1[0].equals(x2[0]): # print("different expressions: \n1: {}\n2: {}".format(x1[0], x2[0])) return False return True
[docs] def clone(self): """ Create a copy of this model. Result copy duplicates only the top-level attributes of the model, the list of expressions, and the parameters. It does not create a deep copy of the expressions, which means that a variable referenced by the expressions of this model is physically the same in the copy. To completely duplicate the model and all its elements, use the standard function copy.deepcopy(...). """ res = copy.copy(self) res.expr_list = list(self.expr_list) if self.parameters is not None: res.parameters = self.parameters.copy() return res
def __eq__(self, other): """ Check if this model is equal to another Args: other: Other model to compare with Returns: True if models are identical, False otherwise """ return self.equals(other) def __ne__(self, other): """ Check inequality of this object with another """ return not self.__eq__(other) def __str__(self): """ Convert the model into string (returns model name) """ return self.get_name() def _search_named_expression(self, name): """ Search in the model the first expression whose name is the given one. This method goes across all model expressions to search for named expression. Calling this method on a big model may be slow. Args: name: Name of the expression to search Returns: Expression, None if not found """ # Initialize stack of expressions to parse estack = [x for x, l in self.expr_list] if self.objective is not None: estack.append(self.objective) # Loop while expression stack is not empty doneset = set() # Set of expressions already processed while estack: e = estack.pop() eid = id(e) if not eid in doneset: if == name: return e # Stack children expressions doneset.add(eid) estack.extend(e.children) return None def _get_calling_location(self): """ Determine the calling location, outside docplex.cp Returns: Couple (file, line), or None if impossible to determine """ frm = inspect.currentframe() # Skip at least 2 frames (first called method + this one) if frm is None: return None frm = frm.f_back if frm is None: return None frm = frm.f_back # Loop while still in the docplex.cp package while frm: fname = frm.f_code.co_filename if _THIS_FILE_MARKER not in fname: return (fname, frm.f_lineno) frm = frm.f_back return None
############################################################################### ## Private Functions ############################################################################### def _set_all_modeling_functions(trgt): """ Copy modeling function in the given target object Args: trgt: Target object """ # Duplicate constructor functions to make them callable from the model trgt.integer_var = expression.integer_var trgt.integer_var_list = expression.integer_var_list trgt.integer_var_dict = expression.integer_var_dict trgt.binary_var = expression.binary_var trgt.binary_var_list = expression.binary_var_list trgt.binary_var_dict = expression.binary_var_dict trgt.interval_var = expression.interval_var trgt.interval_var_list = expression.interval_var_list trgt.interval_var_dict = expression.interval_var_dict trgt.sequence_var = expression.sequence_var trgt.transition_matrix = expression.transition_matrix trgt.tuple_set = expression.tuple_set trgt.state_function = expression.state_function trgt.float_var = expression.float_var # Copy all modeler public functions in the model object for f in list_module_public_functions(modeler, ('maximize', 'minimize')): setattr(trgt, f.__name__, f) # Special case for builtin functions trgt.min = modeler.min_of trgt.max = modeler.max_of trgt.sum = modeler.sum_of trgt.abs = modeler.abs_of trgt.range = modeler.in_range trgt.all = modeler.all_of trgt.any = modeler.any_of # Set all modeling functions to the CpoModel class #_set_all_modeling_functions(CpoModel)