Source code for docplex.cp.expression

# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Source file provided under Apache License, Version 2.0, January 2004,
# (c) Copyright IBM Corp. 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Author: Olivier OUDOT, IBM Analytics, France Lab, Sophia-Antipolis

This module contains the basic classes representing the expressions required to
describe a constraint programming model.

In particular, it defines the following classes:

 * :class:`CpoExpr`: the root class of each model expression node,
 * :class:`CpoIntVar`: representation of an integer variable,
 * :class:`CpoIntervalVar`: representation of an interval variable,
 * :class:`CpoSequenceVar`: representation of a sequence variable,
 * :class:`CpoTransitionMatrix`: representation of a transition matrix,
 * :class:`CpoStateFunction`: representation of a state function.

**None of these classes should be created explicitly.**
There are various factory functions to do so, such as:

 * :meth:`integer_var`, :meth:`integer_var_list`, :meth:`integer_var_dict` to create integer variable(s),
 * :meth:`binary_var`, :meth:`binary_var_list`, :meth:`binary_var_dict` to create integer variable(s) with value in [0..1],
 * :meth:`interval_var`, :meth:`interval_var_list`, :meth:`interval_var_dict` to create interval variable(s),
 * :meth:`sequence_var` to create a sequence variable,
 * :meth:`transition_matrix` to create a transition matrix,
 * :meth:`tuple_set` to create a tuple set,
 * :meth:`state_function` to create a state function.

Moreover, some automatic conversions are also provided to generate CP Optimizer objects from Python objects.
For example:

 * an integer is converted into CP constant,
 * an iterator of objects is converted in CP array of objects of the corresponding type,
 * a tuple of tuples is converted into tuple set.

Detailed description

from docplex.cp.utils import *
from docplex.cp.catalog import *
from docplex.cp.config import context

import threading
import warnings
from types import GeneratorType

# Constants

INT_MAX = (2**53 - 1)  # (2^53 - 1) for 64 bits, (2^31 - 1) for 32 bits
""" Maximum integer value. """

""" Minimum integer value. """

""" Default integer variable domain """

# Domain for binary variables
BINARY_DOMAIN = ((0, 1),)

# Floating point precision to verify equality of floats

# Utility classes

[docs]class IntegerDomain(tuple): """ Class representing the domain of an integer variable. """ # Do not implement constructor, not supported in Python 3 (not investigated) def __str__(self): """ Build a string representing this domain, using mathematical convention """ # Check fixed domain if (len(self) == 1) and not isinstance(self[0], (tuple, list)): return str(self[0]) cout = ["{"] for i, d in enumerate(self): if i > 0: cout.append(", ") if isinstance(d, (list, tuple)): cout.append(str(d[0]) + ".." + str(d[1])) else: cout.append(str(d)) cout.append("}") return u''.join(cout)
#============================================================================== # Public expression classes #==============================================================================
[docs]class CpoExpr(object): """ This class is the super class of all classes representing a CPO expression. """ __slots__ = ('type', # Expression result type 'name', # Name of the expression (None if none) 'children', # List of children, empty tuple if none ) # To force possible numpy operators overloading to get CPO expressions as main operand __array_priority__ = 100 def __init__(self, type, name): """ **Constructor** Args: type: Expression type, object of class CpoType. name: Expression name. """ self.type = type = name self.children = () def __hash__(self): """ Redefinition of hash function (mandatory for Python 3) """ return int(id(self) / 16) ''' # These functions are required with standard 'pickle' # But DO NOT activate them with cloudpickle def __getstate__(self): """ Build a picklable object from this object """ return dict((k, getattr(self, k, None)) for k in self.__slots__) def __setstate__(self, data): """ Fill object from its pickle form """ for (k, v) in data.iteritems(): setattr(self, k, v) '''
[docs] def set_name(self, name): """ Set the name of the expression. This method returns this expression. It enables fluent calls such as: mdl.add((a + b == 1).set_name("myname")) Args: name: Expression name, possibly None. Returns: This expression """ assert (name is None) or is_string(name), "Argument 'name' should be a string or None, not '{}' of type {}".format(name, type(name)) if name is not None: name = make_unicode(name) = name return self
[docs] def get_name(self): """ Get the name of the expression. Returns: Name of the expression, None if not defined """ return
[docs] def get_priority(self): """ Get the expression operation priority. This method is extended by functions requiring a different priority. Returns: -1 (no priority) """ return -1
[docs] def has_name(self): """ Check if this expression has a name Returns: True if this expression has a name, False otherwise. """ return is not None
[docs] def get_type(self): """ Get the type of this expression. Returns: Expression type """ return self.type
[docs] def is_type(self, xtyp): """ Check if the type of this expression is a given one Args: xtyp: Expected type Returns: True if expression type is the expected one """ return self.type == xtyp
[docs] def is_kind_of(self, tp): """ Checks if the type of this expression type is compatible with another type. Args: tp: Other type to check. Returns: True if this expression type is a kind of tp. """ # Check if required type is the same return self.type.is_kind_of(tp)
[docs] def is_variable(self): """ Check if this expression is a variable Returns: True if this expression is a variable """ return False
[docs] def get_max_depth(self): """ Gets the maximum expression depth. Returns: Max expression depth. """ depth = 1 stack = [[self, -1]] while stack: selem = stack[-1] expr = selem[0] if not isinstance(expr, CpoExpr): stack.pop() else: chlds = expr.children cnx = selem[1] + 1 if cnx >= len(chlds): depth = max(depth, len(stack)) stack.pop() else: selem[1] = cnx stack.append([chlds[cnx], -1]) return depth
[docs] def get_node_count(self): """ Gets the total expression node count. Node count is the total number of function calls and atoms in this expression. If a sub-expression is present multiple times, it is counted only once. Returns: Expression node count """ return get_node_count(self)
[docs] def pretty_print(self, out=None, mxdepth=None, mxargs=None, adsize=False, indent="", curdepth=0): """ Pretty print expression in a way that shows its structure. Args: out: (optional) Print output (stream or file name, None for stdout) mxdepth: (optional) Max print depth. Default is None (no limit) mxargs: (optional) Max number of function or array arguments. Default is None (no limit) adsize: (optional) Add size of expressions in nodes indent: (optional) Indentation string curdepth: (internal) Current print depth """ pretty_print(self, out, mxdepth, mxargs, adsize, indent, curdepth)
def __nonzero__(self): """ Safe function to protect for use of CpoExpr as boolean. This may occur when using comparison operators that create a CpoExpr instead of actually compare with another expression. Raises: CpoException as CpoExpr should not be used as boolean. """ raise CpoException("CPO expression can not be used as boolean.") def __bool__(self): """ Safe function to protect for use of CpoExpr as boolean. This may occur when using comparison operators that create a CpoExpr instead of actually compare with another expression. Equivalent to __nonzero__ for Python 3 Raises: CpoException as CpoExpr should not be used as boolean. """ raise CpoException("CPO expression can not be used as boolean.")
[docs] def equals(self, other): """ Checks the equality of this expression with another object. Implementation is required with a different name than __eq__ name because this function is already overloaded to construct model expression with operator '=='. Args: other: Other object to compare with. Return: True if 'other' is equal to this object, False otherwise. """ return _is_equal_expressions(self, other)
def _equals(self, other): """ Checks the equality of this expression with another object. This particular method just checks local attributes, but does not check recursively children if any. Recursion is implemented by method equals() that uses a self-managed stack to avoid too many recursive calls that may lead to an exception 'RuntimeError: maximum recursion depth exceeded'. Args: other: Other object to compare with. Return: True if 'other' is equal to this object, False otherwise. """ return (type(self) == type(other)) and (self.type == other.type)
[docs] def compare(self, other): """ Compare this expression with another. Args: other: Other CpoExpr to compare with. Returns: integer <0 if self < other, 0 if self == other, >0 if self > other """ if self.type != other.type: return - if != return - sclen = len(self.children) oclen = len(other.children) if sclen != oclen: return sclen - oclen for sc, oc in zip(self.children, other.children): r = if r != 0: return r return 0
def __str__(self): """ Convert this expression into a string """ if is_string( return to_printable_id( + " = " + _to_string(self) else: return _to_string(self) # Operators overloading def __ne__(self, other): """ Not equal """ other = build_cpo_expr(other) assert self.is_kind_of(Type_FloatExpr) and other.is_kind_of(Type_FloatExpr), "Operands of != should be integer or float expressions" return CpoFunctionCall(Oper_diff, Type_BoolExpr, (self, other)) def __eq__(self, other): """ Equal """ other = build_cpo_expr(other) assert self.is_kind_of(Type_FloatExpr) and other.is_kind_of(Type_FloatExpr), "Operands of == should be integer or float expressions" return CpoFunctionCall(Oper_equal, Type_BoolExpr, (self, other)) def __gt__(self, other): """ Greater """ other = build_cpo_expr(other) assert self.is_kind_of(Type_FloatExpr) and other.is_kind_of(Type_FloatExpr), "Operands of > should be integer or float expressions" return CpoFunctionCall(Oper_greater, Type_BoolExpr, (self, other)) def __ge__(self, other): """ Greater or equal """ other = build_cpo_expr(other) if self.is_kind_of(Type_IntExpr): if other.is_kind_of(Type_FloatExpr): return CpoFunctionCall(Oper_greater_or_equal, Type_BoolExpr, (self, other)) assert other.is_kind_of(Type_CumulExpr), "Operands of >= should be integer, float or cumul expressions" return CpoFunctionCall(Oper_greater_or_equal, Type_Constraint, (self, other)) if self.is_kind_of(Type_FloatExpr): assert self.is_kind_of(Type_FloatExpr), "Operands of >= should be integer, float or cumul expressions" return CpoFunctionCall(Oper_greater_or_equal, Type_BoolExpr, (self, other)) assert self.is_kind_of(Type_CumulExpr) and other.is_kind_of(Type_IntExpr), "Operands of >= should be integer, float or cumul expressions" return CpoFunctionCall(Oper_greater_or_equal, Type_Constraint, (self, other)) def __lt__(self, other): """ Less """ other = build_cpo_expr(other) assert self.is_kind_of(Type_FloatExpr) and other.is_kind_of(Type_FloatExpr), "Operands of < should be integer or float expressions" return CpoFunctionCall(Oper_less, Type_BoolExpr, (self, other)) def __le__(self, other): """ Less or equal """ other = build_cpo_expr(other) if self.is_kind_of(Type_IntExpr): if other.is_kind_of(Type_FloatExpr): return CpoFunctionCall(Oper_less_or_equal, Type_BoolExpr, (self, other)) assert other.is_kind_of(Type_CumulExpr), "Operands of <= should be integer, float or cumul expressions" return CpoFunctionCall(Oper_less_or_equal, Type_Constraint, (self, other)) if self.is_kind_of(Type_FloatExpr): assert self.is_kind_of(Type_FloatExpr), "Operands of <= should be integer, float or cumul expressions" return CpoFunctionCall(Oper_less_or_equal, Type_BoolExpr, (self, other)) assert self.is_kind_of(Type_CumulExpr) and other.is_kind_of(Type_IntExpr), "Operands of <= should be integer, float or cumul expressions" return CpoFunctionCall(Oper_less_or_equal, Type_Constraint, (self, other)) def __add__(self, other): """ Plus """ other = build_cpo_expr(other) # Check integer expression if self.is_kind_of(Type_IntExpr): if other.is_kind_of(Type_IntExpr): return CpoFunctionCall(Oper_plus, Type_IntExpr, (self, other)) if other.is_kind_of(Type_FloatExpr): return CpoFunctionCall(Oper_plus, Type_FloatExpr, (self, other)) # Check special case for CumulExpr if other.is_kind_of(Type_CumulExpr): if (type(self) is CpoValue) and (self.value == 0): return other # Check float expression elif self.is_kind_of(Type_FloatExpr): if other.is_kind_of(Type_FloatExpr): return CpoFunctionCall(Oper_plus, Type_FloatExpr, (self, other)) # Check cumul expressions elif self.is_kind_of(Type_CumulExpr): if other.is_kind_of(Type_CumulExpr): return CpoFunctionCall(Oper_plus, Type_CumulExpr, (self, other)) # Check special value zero if (type(other) is CpoValue) and (other.value == 0): return self raise AssertionError("Operands of + should be integer, float or cumul expressions") def __radd__(self, other): """ Plus (right) """ return build_cpo_expr(other).__add__(self) def __pos__(self): """ Unary plus """ return self def __sub__(self, other): """ Minus """ other = build_cpo_expr(other) if self.is_kind_of(Type_IntExpr): if other.is_kind_of(Type_IntExpr): return CpoFunctionCall(Oper_minus, Type_IntExpr, (self, other)) assert other.is_kind_of(Type_FloatExpr), "Operands of - should be integer, float or cumul" return CpoFunctionCall(Oper_minus, Type_FloatExpr, (self, other)) elif self.is_kind_of(Type_FloatExpr): assert other.is_kind_of(Type_FloatExpr), "Operands of - should be integer, float or cumul" return CpoFunctionCall(Oper_minus, Type_FloatExpr, (self, other)) # Cumul expressions assert self.is_kind_of(Type_CumulExpr) and other.is_kind_of(Type_CumulExpr), "Operands of - should be integer, float or cumul" return CpoFunctionCall(Oper_minus, Type_CumulExpr, (self, other)) def __rsub__(self, other): """ Minus (right) """ return build_cpo_expr(other).__sub__(self) def __neg__(self): """ Unary minus """ if self.is_kind_of(Type_IntExpr): return CpoFunctionCall(Oper_minus, Type_IntExpr, (self,)) if self.is_kind_of(Type_FloatExpr): return CpoFunctionCall(Oper_minus, Type_FloatExpr, (self,)) assert self.is_kind_of(Type_CumulExpr), "Operands of - should be integer, float or cumul" return CpoFunctionCall(Oper_minus, Type_CumulExpr, (self,)) def __mul__(self, other): """ Multiply """ other = build_cpo_expr(other) if self.is_kind_of(Type_IntExpr): if other.is_kind_of(Type_IntExpr): return CpoFunctionCall(Oper_times, Type_IntExpr, (self, other)) assert other.is_kind_of(Type_FloatExpr), "Operands of * should be integer or float" return CpoFunctionCall(Oper_times, Type_FloatExpr, (self, other)) assert other.is_kind_of(Type_FloatExpr), "Operands of * should be integer or float" return CpoFunctionCall(Oper_times, Type_FloatExpr, (self, other)) def __rmul__(self, other): """ Multiply (right) """ return build_cpo_expr(other).__mul__(self) def __div__(self, other): """ Float divide """ other = build_cpo_expr(other) assert self.is_kind_of(Type_FloatExpr) and other.is_kind_of(Type_FloatExpr), "Operands of / should be float or integer expressions" return CpoFunctionCall(Oper_float_div, Type_FloatExpr, (self, other)) def __rdiv__(self, other): """ Float divide (right) """ return build_cpo_expr(other).__div__(self) def __truediv__(self, other): """ Float divide (Python 3) """ other = build_cpo_expr(other) assert self.is_kind_of(Type_FloatExpr) and other.is_kind_of(Type_FloatExpr), "Operands of / should be float or integer expressions" return CpoFunctionCall(Oper_float_div, Type_FloatExpr, (self, other)) def __rtruediv__(self, other): """ Float divide (right) (Python 3) """ return build_cpo_expr(other).__truediv__(self) def __floordiv__(self, other): """ Integer divide (Python 3) """ other = build_cpo_expr(other) assert self.is_kind_of(Type_IntExpr) and other.is_kind_of(Type_IntExpr), "Operands of // should be integer expressions" return CpoFunctionCall(Oper_int_div, Type_IntExpr, (self, other)) def __rfloordiv__(self, other): """ Integer divide (right) (Python 3) """ return build_cpo_expr(other).__floordiv__(self) def __mod__(self, other): """ Modulo """ other = build_cpo_expr(other) assert self.is_kind_of(Type_IntExpr) and other.is_kind_of(Type_IntExpr), "Operands of % should be integer expressions" return CpoFunctionCall(Oper_mod, Type_IntExpr, (self, other)) def __rmod__(self, other): """ Power (right) """ return build_cpo_expr(other).__mod__(self) def __pow__(self, other): """ Power """ other = build_cpo_expr(other) assert self.is_kind_of(Type_FloatExpr) and other.is_kind_of(Type_FloatExpr), "Operands of ** (power) should be float expressions" return CpoFunctionCall(Oper_power, Type_FloatExpr, (self, other)) def __rpow__(self, other): """ Power (right) """ return build_cpo_expr(other).__pow__(self) def __and__(self, other): """ Binary and used to represent logical and """ # if other is True: # Do not use == because it is overloaded # return self # if other is False: # Do not use == because it is overloaded # return False other = build_cpo_expr(other) assert self.is_kind_of(Type_BoolExpr) and other.is_kind_of(Type_BoolExpr), "Operands of & (logical and) should be boolean expressions" return CpoFunctionCall(Oper_logical_and, Type_BoolExpr, (self, other)) def __rand__(self, other): """ Binary and used to represent logical and (right) """ return build_cpo_expr(other).__and__(self) def __or__(self, other): """ Binary or used to represent logical or """ # if other is False: # Do not use == because it is overloaded # return self # if other is True: # Do not use == because it is overloaded # return True other = build_cpo_expr(other) assert self.is_kind_of(Type_BoolExpr) and other.is_kind_of(Type_BoolExpr), "Operands of | (logical or) should be boolean expressions" return CpoFunctionCall(Oper_logical_or, Type_BoolExpr, (self, other)) def __ror__(self, other): """ Binary or used to represent logical or (right) """ return build_cpo_expr(other).__or__(self) def __invert__(self): """ Binary not used to represent logical not (right) """ assert self.is_kind_of(Type_BoolExpr), "Operands of ~ (logical not) should be a boolean expression" return CpoFunctionCall(Oper_logical_not, Type_BoolExpr, (self,))
[docs]class CpoValue(CpoExpr): """ CPO model expression representing a constant value. """ __slots__ = ('value', # Python value of the constant ) def __init__(self, value, type): """ **Constructor** Args: value: Constant value. type : Value type. """ assert isinstance(type, CpoType), "Argument 'type' should be a CpoType" super(CpoValue, self).__init__(type, None) if type.is_array_of_expr: self.children = value self.value = value def _equals(self, other): """ Checks the equality of this expression with another object. This particular method just checks local attributes, but does not check recursively children if any. Recursion is implemented by method equals() that uses a self-managed stack to avoid too many recursive calls that may lead to an exception 'RuntimeError: maximum recursion depth exceeded'. Args: other: Other object to compare with. Returns: True if 'other' is semantically identical to this object, False otherwise. """ # Call super if not super(CpoValue, self)._equals(other): return False # For array of expr, already managed as a recursive call by _equals_expressions() called in super. if self.type.is_array_of_expr: return True # Check value return _is_equal_values(self.value, other.value)
[docs]class CpoAlias(CpoExpr): """ CPO model expression representing a symbolic alias on an expression. """ __slots__ = ('expr', # Target expression ) def __init__(self, expr, name): """ **Constructor** Args: expr: Target expression name: Name of the alias """ assert isinstance(expr, CpoExpr), "Argument 'expr' must be a CpoExpr" assert is_string(name), "Argument 'name' must be a string" super(CpoAlias, self).__init__(expr.type, name) self.expr = expr self.children = (expr,)
[docs]class CpoFunctionCall(CpoExpr): """ This class represent all model expression nodes that call a predefined modeler function. All modeling functions are available in module :mod:`docplex.cp.modeler`. """ __slots__ = ('operation', # Operation descriptor ) def __init__(self, oper, rtype, oprnds): """ **Constructor** Args: oper: Operation descriptor rtype: Returned type oprnds: List of operand expressions. """ assert isinstance(oper, CpoOperation), "Argument 'oper' should be a CpoOperation" super(CpoFunctionCall, self).__init__(rtype, None) self.operation = oper # Check no toplevel constraints for e in oprnds: assert not e.is_type(Type_Constraint), "A constraint can not be operand of an expression." self.children = oprnds
[docs] def get_priority(self): """ Get the operation priority. Returns: Operation priority """ return self.operation.priority
def _equals(self, other): """ Checks the equality of this expression with another object. This particular method just checks local attributes, but does not check recursively children if any. Recursion is implemented by method equals() that uses a self-managed stack to avoid too many recursive calls that may lead to an exception 'RuntimeError: maximum recursion depth exceeded'. Args: other: Other object to compare with. Returns: True if 'other' is semantically identical to this object, False otherwise. """ return super(CpoFunctionCall, self)._equals(other) and (self.operation == other.operation)
[docs]class CpoVariable(CpoExpr): """ This class is an abstract class extended by all expression nodes that represent a CPO variable. """ __slots__ = () def __init__(self, type, name): """ **Constructor** Args: type: Expression type. name: Variable name. """ super(CpoVariable, self).__init__(type, name)
[docs] def is_variable(self): """ Check if this expression is a variable Returns: True if this expression is a variable """ return True
[docs]class CpoIntVar(CpoVariable): """ This class represents an *integer variable* that can be used in a CPO model. This object should not be created explicitly, but using one of the following factory method: * :meth:`integer_var`, :meth:`integer_var_list`, :meth:`integer_var_dict` to create integer variable(s), * :meth:`binary_var`, :meth:`binary_var_list`, :meth:`binary_var_dict` to create integer variable(s) with value in [0..1], """ __slots__ = ('domain', # Variable domain ) def __init__(self, dom, name=None): # Private constructor super(CpoIntVar, self).__init__(Type_IntVar, name) self.domain = dom
[docs] def set_domain(self, domain): """ Sets the domain of the variable. The domain of the variable is a list or tuple of: * discrete integer values, * list or tuple of 2 integers representing an interval. For example, here are valid domain definitions: set_domain([1, 3, 4, 5, 9]) set_domain([1, (3, 5), 9]) Args: domain: List of integers or interval tuples representing the variable domain. """ self.domain = _build_int_var_domain(None, None, domain)
[docs] def get_domain(self): """ Gets the domain of the variable. The domain of the variable can be: * A single integer value if the variable is fixed, * A list or a tuple of: - single integer values, - tuple of 2 integers representing an interval, bounds included Returns: Domain of the variable. """ return self.domain
[docs] def get_domain_min(self): """ Gets the domain lower bound. Returns: Domain lower bound. """ return get_domain_min(self.domain)
[docs] def get_domain_max(self): """ Gets the domain upper bound. Returns: Domain upper bound. """ return get_domain_max(self.domain)
[docs] def domain_iterator(self): """ Iterator on the individual values of an integer variable domain. Returns: Value iterator on the domain of this variable. """ return _domain_iterator(self.domain)
[docs] def domain_contains(self, value): """ Check whether a given value is in the domain of the variable Args: val: Value to check Returns: True if the value is in the domain, False otherwise """ return _domain_contains(self.domain, value)
@property def lb(self): """ This property is used to get lower bound of the variable domain. """ return self.get_domain_min() @property def ub(self): """ This property is used to get upper bound of the variable domain. """ return self.get_domain_max()
[docs] def is_bool_var(self): """ Check if the domain of this variable is reduced to boolean, 0, 1 Returns: True if this variable is a boolean variable """ return self.domain == (0, 1) or self.domain == ((0, 1),)
[docs] def is_binary(self): """ Check if the domain of this variable is reduced to boolean, 0, 1 Returns: True if this variable is a boolean variable """ return self.domain == (0, 1) or self.domain == ((0, 1),)
[docs] def equals(self, other): """ Checks if this expression is equivalent to another Args: other: Other object to compare with. Return: True if 'other' is semantically identical to this object, False otherwise. """ return super(CpoIntVar, self).equals(other) and (self.domain == other.domain)
[docs]class CpoBoolVar(CpoIntVar): # Currently internal. May be produced internally by presolve. # """ This class represents a *boolean variable* that can be used in a CPO model. # # This object should not be created explicitly, but using one of the following factory method: # # * :meth:`binary_var`, :meth:`binary_var_list`, :meth:`binary_var_dict` to create integer variable(s) # with value in [0..1], # """ __slots__ = ('domain', # Variable domain ) def __init__(self, dom, name=None): # Private constructor super(CpoBoolVar, self).__init__(dom, name) self.type = Type_BoolVar
[docs] def is_bool_var(self): """ Check if the domain of this variable is reduced to boolean, 0, 1 Returns: True if this variable is a boolean variable """ return True
[docs] def is_binary(self): """ Check if the domain of this variable is reduced to boolean, 0, 1 Returns: True if this variable is a boolean variable """ return True
[docs]class CpoFloatVar(CpoVariable): # """ This class represents a *float variable* that can be used in a CPO model. # """ __slots__ = ('min', # Domain min value 'max', # Domain max value ) def __init__(self, min, max, name=None): # Private constructor super(CpoFloatVar, self).__init__(Type_FloatVar, name) self.min = min self.max = max def get_domain_min(self): # """ Gets the domain lower bound. # # Returns: # Domain lower bound. # """ return self.min def get_domain_max(self): # """ Gets the domain upper bound. # # Returns: # Domain upper bound. # """ return self.max def get_domain(self): # """ Gets the variable domain as a tuple (min, max) # # Returns: # Variable domain as a tuple (min, max) # """ return (self.min, self.max,)
[docs] def equals(self, other): # """ Checks if this expression is equivalent to another # # Args: # other: Other object to compare with. # Return: # True if 'other' is semantically identical to this object, False otherwise. # """ return super(CpoFloatVar, self).equals(other) and (self.min == other.min) and (self.max == self.max)
#============================================================================== # Scheduling expressions #============================================================================== INTERVAL_MAX = (INT_MAX // 2) - 1 """ Maximum interval variable range value """ INTERVAL_MIN = -INTERVAL_MAX """ Minimum interval variable range value """ INFINITY = float('inf') """ Infinity """ POSITIVE_INFINITY = float('inf') """ Positive infinity """ NEGATIVE_INFINITY = float('-inf') """ Negative infinity """ DEFAULT_INTERVAL = (0, INTERVAL_MAX) """ Default interval. """ # Different interval variable presence states _PRES_PRESENT = "present" # Always present _PRES_ABSENT = "absent" # Always absent _PRES_OPTIONAL = "optional" # Present or absent, choice made by the solver
[docs]class CpoIntervalVar(CpoVariable): """ This class represents an *interval variable* that can be used in a CPO model. This object should not be created explicitly, but using one of the following factory method :meth:`interval_var`, :meth:`interval_var_list`, or :meth:`interval_var_dict`. """ __slots__ = ('start', # Start domain 'end', # End domain 'length', # Length domain 'size', # Size domain 'intensity', # Specifies relation between size and length of the interval. 'granularity', # Scale of the intensity function (int) 'presence', # Presence requirement (in _PRES_*) ) def __init__(self, start, end, length, size, intensity, granularity, presence, name=None): # Private constructor super(CpoIntervalVar, self).__init__(Type_IntervalVar, name) self.start = start self.end = end self.length = length self.size = size self.presence = presence self.granularity = granularity self.intensity = intensity if intensity is not None: self.children = (intensity,)
[docs] def set_start(self, intv): """ Sets the start interval. Args: intv: Start of the interval (single integer or interval expressed as a tuple of 2 integers). """ self.start = _check_arg_interval(intv, "intv")
[docs] def get_start(self): """ Gets the start of the interval. Returns: Start of the interval (interval expressed as a tuple of 2 integers). """ return self.start
[docs] def set_start_min(self, mn): """ Sets the minimum value of the start interval. Args: mn: Min value of the start of the interval. """ assert _is_cpo_interval_value(mn), "Interval min should be an integer in [INTERVAL_MIN , INTERVAL_MAX]" assert mn <= self.start[1], "Interval min should be lower or equal to interval max" self.start = (mn, self.start[1])
[docs] def set_start_max(self, mx): """ Sets the maximum value of the start interval. Args: mx: Max value of the start of the interval. """ assert _is_cpo_interval_value(mx), "Interval max should be an integer in [INTERVAL_MIN , INTERVAL_MAX]" assert mx >= self.start[0], "Interval max should be lower or equal to interval max" self.start = (self.start[0], mx)
[docs] def set_end(self, intv): """ Sets the end of the interval. Args: intv: End of the interval (single integer or interval expressed as a tuple of 2 integers). """ self.end = _check_arg_interval(intv, "intv")
[docs] def get_end(self): """ Gets the end of the interval. Returns: End of the interval (interval expressed as a tuple of 2 integers) """ return self.end
[docs] def set_end_min(self, mn): """ Sets the minimum value of the end interval. Args: mn: Min value of the end of the interval. """ assert _is_cpo_interval_value(mn), "Interval min should be an integer in [INTERVAL_MIN , INTERVAL_MAX]" assert mn <= self.end[1], "Interval min should be lower or equal to interval max" self.end = (mn, self.end[1])
[docs] def set_end_max(self, mx): """ Sets the maximum value of the end of the interval. Args: mx: Max value of the end of the interval. """ assert _is_cpo_interval_value(mx), "Interval min should be an integer in [INTERVAL_MIN , INTERVAL_MAX]" assert mx >= self.end[0], "Interval max should be lower or equal to interval max" self.end = (self.end[0], mx)
[docs] def set_length(self, intv): """ Sets the length interval. Args: intv: Length of the interval (single integer or interval expressed as a tuple of 2 integers). """ self.length = _check_arg_interval(intv, "intv")
[docs] def get_length(self): """ Gets the length interval. Returns: Length of the interval (interval expressed as a tuple of 2 integers). """ return self.length
[docs] def set_length_min(self, mn): """ Sets the minimum value of the length interval. Args: mn: Min value of the length of the interval min value. """ assert _is_cpo_interval_value(mn), "Interval min should be an integer in [INTERVAL_MIN , INTERVAL_MAX]" assert mn <= self.length[1], "Interval min should be lower or equal to interval max" self.length = (mn, self.length[1])
[docs] def set_length_max(self, mx): """ Sets the maximum value of the length interval. Args: mx: Max value of the length of the interval. """ assert _is_cpo_interval_value(mx), "Interval max should be an integer in [INTERVAL_MIN , INTERVAL_MAX]" assert mx >= self.length[0], "Interval max should be lower or equal to interval max" self.length = (self.length[0], mx)
[docs] def set_size(self, intv): """ Sets the size of the interval. Args: intv: Size of the interval (single integer or interval expressed as a tuple of 2 integers). """ self.size = _check_arg_interval(intv, "intv")
[docs] def get_size(self): """ Gets the size of the interval. Returns: Size of the interval (interval expressed as a tuple of 2 integers). """ return self.size
[docs] def set_size_min(self, mn): """ Sets the minimum value of the size interval. Args: mn: Min value of the size of the interval. """ assert _is_cpo_interval_value(mn), "Interval min should be an integer in [INTERVAL_MIN , INTERVAL_MAX]" assert mn <= self.size[1], "Interval min should be lower or equal to interval max" self.size = (mn, self.size[1])
[docs] def set_size_max(self, mx): """ Sets the maximum value of the size interval. Args: mx: Max value of the size of the interval. """ assert _is_cpo_interval_value(mx), "Interval max should be an integer in [INTERVAL_MIN , INTERVAL_MAX]" assert mx >= self.size[0], "Interval max should be lower or equal to interval max" self.size = (self.size[0], mx)
[docs] def set_present(self): """ Specifies that this IntervalVar must be present. """ self.presence = _PRES_PRESENT
[docs] def is_present(self): """ Check if this interval variable must be present. Returns: True if this interval variable must be present, False otherwise. """ return self.presence == _PRES_PRESENT
[docs] def set_absent(self): """ Specifies that this interval variable must be absent. """ self.presence = _PRES_ABSENT
[docs] def is_absent(self): """ Check if this interval variable must be absent. Returns: True if this interval variable must be absent, False otherwise. """ return self.presence == _PRES_ABSENT
[docs] def set_optional(self): """ Specifies that this interval variable is optional. """ self.presence = _PRES_OPTIONAL
[docs] def is_optional(self): """ Check if this interval variable is optional. Returns: True if this interval variable is optional, False otherwise. """ return self.presence == _PRES_OPTIONAL
[docs] def set_intensity(self, intensity): """ Sets the intensity function of this interval var. Args: intensity: Intensity function (None, or StepFunction). """ _check_arg_intensity(intensity, self.granularity) self.intensity = intensity if intensity is None: self.children = () else: self.children = (intensity,)
[docs] def get_intensity(self): """ Gets the intensity function of this interval var. Returns: Intensity function (None, or StepFunction). """ return self.intensity
[docs] def set_granularity(self, granularity): """ Sets the scale of the intensity function. Args: granularity: Scale of the intensity function (integer). """ assert (granularity is None) or (is_int(granularity) and (granularity >= 0)), "Argument 'granularity' should be None or positive integer" self.granularity = granularity
[docs] def get_granularity(self): """ Get the scale of the intensity function. Returns: Scale of the intensity function, None for default (100) """ return self.granularity
def _equals(self, other): """ Checks the equality of this expression with another object. This particular method just checks local attributes, but does not check recursively children if any. Recursion is implemented by method equals() that uses a self-managed stack to avoid too many recursive calls that may lead to an exception 'RuntimeError: maximum recursion depth exceeded'. Args: other: Other object to compare with. Returns: True if 'other' is semantically identical to this object, False otherwise. """ # Call super if not super(CpoIntervalVar, self)._equals(other): return False # Check same attributes (intensity processed as a children) return self.start == other.start and \ self.end == other.end and \ self.length == other.length and \ self.size == other.size and \ self.granularity == other.granularity and \ self.presence == other.presence
[docs]class CpoSequenceVar(CpoVariable): """ This class represents an *sequence variable* that can be used in a CPO model. """ __slots__ = ('types', # Variable types ) def __init__(self, vars, types=None, name=None): """ **Constructor** Creates an instance of sequence variable on the set of interval variables defined by the array 'vars'. A list of non-negative integer types can be optionally specified. List of variables and types must be of the same size and interval variable vars[i] will have type types[i] in the sequence variable. Args: vars: List of IntervalVars that constitute the sequence. types: List of variable types as integers, same size as vars, or None (default). name: Name of the sequence, None for automatic naming. """ # Check arguments if isinstance(vars, CpoValue): assert vars.is_kind_of(Type_IntervalVarArray) vars = vars.value else: assert is_array_of_type(vars, CpoIntervalVar), "Argument 'vars' should be an array of CpoIntervalVar" if types is not None: if isinstance(types, CpoValue): assert types.is_kind_of(Type_IntArray) types = types.value else: types = _check_and_expand_interval_tuples('types', types) assert len(types) == len(vars), "The array of types should have the same length than the array of variables." # Store attributes super(CpoSequenceVar, self).__init__(Type_SequenceVar, name) self.children = tuple(vars) self.types = types
[docs] def get_interval_variables(self): """ Gets the array of variables. Returns: Array of interval variables that are in the sequence. """ return self.children
[docs] def get_vars(self): """ Gets the array of variables in this sequence variable. Returns: Array of interval variables """ return self.children
[docs] def get_types(self): """ Gets the array of types. Returns: Array of variable types (array of integers), None if no type defined. """ return self.types
def _equals(self, other): """ Checks the equality of this expression with another object. This particular method just checks local attributes, but does not check recursively children if any. Recursion is implemented by method equals() that uses a self-managed stack to avoid too many recursive calls that may lead to an exception 'RuntimeError: maximum recursion depth exceeded'. Args: other: Other object to compare with. Returns: True if 'other' is semantically identical to this object, False otherwise. """ # Call super if not super(CpoSequenceVar, self)._equals(other): return False # Check equality of types if self.types != other.types: return False # List of variables is processed as expression children return True def __len__(self): """ Get the length of the sequence variable (number of variables) """ return len(self.children)
[docs]class CpoTransitionMatrix(CpoValue): """ This class represents a *transition matrix* that is used in CPO model to represent transition distances. A transition matrix is a square matrix of non-negative integers that represents a minimal distance between two interval variables. An instance of transition matrix can be used in the no_overlap constraint and in state functions. * In a no_overlap constraint the transition matrix represents the minimal distance between two non-overlapping interval variables. The matrix is indexed using the integer types of interval variables in the sequence variable of the no_overlap constraint. * In a state function, the transition matrix represents the minimal distance between two integer states of the function. A transition matrix can be created: * Deprecated. Giving only its size. In this case, a transition matrix is created by this constructor with all values initialized to zero. Matrix values can then be set using :meth:`set_value` method. * Giving the matrix values as a list of rows, each row being a list of integers. Matrix values can not be changed after it has been created. """ __slots__ = () # Matrix stored in value field def __init__(self, size=None, values=None, name=None): """ **Constructor** Args: size (optional): Matrix size (width and height), name (optional): Name of the matrix. None by default. values (optional): Matrix values expressed as a list of rows. """ super(CpoTransitionMatrix, self).__init__(None, Type_TransitionMatrix) if name: self.set_name(name) # Check type of argument if size: assert is_int(size) and size >= 0, "Argument 'size' should be a positive integer." assert values is None, "Arguments 'size' and 'values' should not be given together." warnings.warn("Creating editable transition matrix by size is deprecated since release 2.3.", DeprecationWarning) self.value = [[0 for i in range(size)] for j in range(size)] else: try: self.value = tuple(tuple(x) for x in values) except TypeError: assert False, "Argument 'values' should be an iterable of iterables of integers." size = len(self.value) assert all (len(x) == size for x in self.value), \ "Matrix value should be squared (list of rows of the same size)" assert all(all(is_int(v) and v >= 0 for v in r) for r in self.value), \ "All matrix values should be positive integers"
[docs] def get_size(self): """ Returns the size of the matrix. Returns: Matrix size. """ return len(self.value)
[docs] def get_value(self, from_state, to_state): """ Returns a value in the transition matrix. Args: from_state: Index of the from state. to_state: Index of the to state. Returns: Transition value. """ return self.value[from_state][to_state]
[docs] def get_all_values(self): """ Returns an iterator on all matrix values, in row/column order Returns: Iterator on all values """ sizerg = range(len(self.value)) return (self.value[f][t] for f in sizerg for t in sizerg)
[docs] def get_matrix(self): """ Returns the complete transition matrix. Returns: Transition matrix as a list of integers that is the concatenation of all matrix rows. """ return self.value
[docs] def set_value(self, from_state, to_state, value): """ Sets a value in the transition matrix. Args: from_state: Index of the from state. to_state: Index of the to state. value: Transition value. """ assert is_int(value) and value >= 0, "Value should be a positive integer" self.value[from_state][to_state] = value
[docs]class CpoStateFunction(CpoVariable): """ This class represents a *state function* expression node. State functions are used by *interval variables* to represent the evolution of a state variable over time. """ __slots__ = ('trmtx', # Transition matrix ) def __init__(self, trmtx=None, name=None): """ **Constructor** Args: trmtx (optional): An optional transition matrix defining the transition distance between consecutive states of the state function. Transition matrix is given as a list of rows (iterable of iterables of positive integers), or as the result of a call to the method :meth:`~docplex.cp.expression.transition_matrix`. name (optional): Name of the state function. """ # Force name for state functions super(CpoStateFunction, self).__init__(Type_StateFunction, name) self.set_transition_matrix(trmtx)
[docs] def set_transition_matrix(self, trmtx): """ Sets the transition matrix. Args: trmtx : A transition matrix defining the transition distance between consecutive states of the state function. Transition matrix is given as a list of rows (iterable of iterables of positive integers), or as the result of a call to the method :meth:`~docplex.cp.expression.transition_matrix`. """ if trmtx is None: self.trmtx = None self.children = () else: trmtx = build_cpo_transition_matrix(trmtx) self.trmtx = trmtx assert isinstance(trmtx, CpoTransitionMatrix), "Argument 'trmtx' should be a CpoTransitionMatrix" self.children = (trmtx,)
[docs] def get_transition_matrix(self): """ Returns the transition matrix. Returns: Transition matrix, None if none. """ return self.trmtx
def _equals(self, other): """ Checks the equality of this expression with another object. This particular method just checks local attributes, but does not check recursively children if any. Recursion is implemented by method equals() that uses a self-managed stack to avoid too many recursive calls that may lead to an exception 'RuntimeError: maximum recursion depth exceeded'. Args: other: Other object to compare with. Returns: True if 'other' is semantically identical to this object, False otherwise. """ return super(CpoStateFunction, self)._equals(other)
# Transition matrix is checked as children #============================================================================== # Factory Functions #==============================================================================
[docs]def integer_var(min=None, max=None, name=None, domain=None): """ Creates an integer variable. An integer variable is a decision variable with a set of potential values called 'domain of the variable'. This domain can be expressed either: * as a single interval, with a minimum and a maximum bounds included in the domain, * or as an extensive list of values and/or intervals. When the domain is given extensively, an interval of the domain is represented by a tuple (min, max). Examples of variable domains expressed extensively are: * (1, 2, 3, 4) * (1, 2, (3, 7), 9) * ((1, 2), (7, 9)) Following integer variable declarations are equivalent: * v = integer_var(0, 9, "X") * v = integer_var(domain=(0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9), name="X") * v = integer_var(domain=(0, (1, 5), (6, 7), 8, 9), name="X") * v = integer_var(domain=((0, 9)), name="X") Args: min: Domain min value. Optional if domain is given extensively. max: Domain max value. Optional if domain is given extensively. name: Optional variable name. If not given, a name is automatically generated. domain: Variable domain expressed as extensive list of values and/or intervals expressed as tuples of integers. Unused if min and max are provided. Returns: CpoIntVar expression """ return CpoIntVar(_build_int_var_domain(min, max, domain), name)
[docs]def integer_var_list(size, min=None, max=None, name=None, domain=None): """ Creates a list of integer variables. This methods creates a list of integer variables whose size is given as first parameter. All other parameters are identical to those requested by the method integer_var() that allows to create a single integer variable. See the documentation of :meth:`integer_var` for details. If a name is given, each variable of the list is created with this name concatenated with the index of the variable in the list, starting by zero. Args: size: Size of the list of variables min: Domain min value. Optional if domain is given extensively. max: Domain max value. Optional if domain is given extensively. name: Optional variable name prefix. domain: Variable domain expressed as extensive list of values and/or intervals expressed as tuples of integers. Unused if min and max are provided. Returns: List of integer variables. """ dom = _build_int_var_domain(min, max, domain) res = [] if name is None: for i in range(size): res.append(CpoIntVar(dom)) else: name = name + "_" for i in range(size): res.append(CpoIntVar(dom, name + str(i))) return res
[docs]def integer_var_dict(keys, min=None, max=None, name=None, domain=None): """ Creates a dictionary of integer variables. This methods creates a dictionary of integer variables associated to a list of keys given as first parameter. All other parameters are identical to those requested by the method integer_var() that allows to create a single integer variable. See the documentation of :meth:`integer_var` for details. If a name is given, each variable of the list is created with this name concatenated with the string representation of the corresponding key. The parameter 'name' can also be a function that is called to build the variable name with the variable key as parameter. Args: keys: Iterable of variable keys. min: Domain min value. Optional if domain is given extensively. max: Domain max value. Optional if domain is given extensively. name: Optional variable name. If not given, a name is automatically generated. domain: Variable domain expressed as extensive list of values and/or intervals expressed as tuples of integers. Unused if min and max are provided. Returns: Dictionary of CpoIntVar objects. """ dom = _build_int_var_domain(min, max, domain) res = {} if name is None: for k in keys: res[k] = CpoIntVar(dom) elif is_string(name): name = name + "_" for i, k in enumerate(keys): res[k] = CpoIntVar(dom, name + str(i)) else: for k in keys: res[k] = CpoIntVar(dom, name=name(k)) return res
[docs]def binary_var(name=None): """ Creates a binary integer variable. An binary variable is an integer variable with domain limited to 0 and 1 Args: name (optional): Variable name, default is None for automatic name. Returns: CpoIntVar expression """ return CpoIntVar(BINARY_DOMAIN, name)
[docs]def binary_var_list(size, name=None): """ Creates a list of binary variables. This methods creates a list of binary variables. If a name is given, each variable of the list is created with this name concatenated with the index of the variable in the list, starting by zero. Args: size: Size of the list of variables name (optional): Variable name prefix. If not given, a name prefix is generated automatically. Returns: List of binary integer variables. """ return integer_var_list(size, BINARY_DOMAIN, name=name)
[docs]def binary_var_dict(keys, name=None): """ Creates a dictionary of binary variables. This methods creates a dictionary of binary variables associated to a list of keys given as first parameter. If a name is given, each variable of the list is created with this name concatenated with the string representation of the corresponding key. The parameter 'name' can also be a function that is called to build the variable name with the variable key as parameter. Args: keys: Iterable of variable keys. name (optional): Variable name prefix, or function to be called on dictionary key (example: str). If not given, a name prefix is generated automatically. Returns: Dictionary of CpoIntVar objects (OrderedDict). """ return integer_var_dict(keys, BINARY_DOMAIN, name=name)
[docs]def interval_var(start=None, end=None, length=None, size=None, intensity=None, granularity=None, optional=False, name=None): """ Creates an interval variable. An interval decision variable represents an unknown of a scheduling problem, in particular an interval of time during which something happens (an activity is carried out) whose position in time is unknown. An interval is characterized by a start value, an end value and a size. The start and end of an interval variable must be in [INTERVAL_MIN..INTERVAL_MAX]. An important feature of interval decision variables is that they can be optional, that is, it is possible to model that an interval variable can be absent from the solution schedule. Sometimes the intensity of work is not the same during the whole interval. For example, consider a worker who does not work during weekends (his work intensity during weekends is 0%) and on Friday he works only for half a day (his intensity during Friday is 50%). For this worker, 7 man-days work will span for longer than just 7 days. In this example 7 man-days represent what is called the size of the interval: that is, the length of the interval would be if the intensity function was always at 100%. To model such situations, a range for the size of an interval variable and an integer stepwise intensity function can be specified. The length of the interval will be at least long enough to cover the work requirements given by the interval size, taking into account the intensity function. More information is available `here <>`__. Args: start (optional): Allowed range for the start of the interval (single integer or interval expressed as a tuple of 2 integers). Default value is [0..INTERVAL_MAX]. end (optional): Allowed range for the end the interval (single integer or interval expressed as a tuple of 2 integers). Default value is [0..INTERVAL_MAX]. length (optional): Allowed range for the length the interval (single integer or interval expressed as a tuple of 2 integers). Default value is [0..INTERVAL_MAX]. size (optional): Allowed range for the size the interval (single integer or interval expressed as a tuple of 2 integers). Default value is [0..INTERVAL_MAX]. intensity (optional): StepFunction that specifies relation between size and length of the interval. granularity (optional): Scale of the intensity function. optional (optional): Optional presence indicator. name (optional): Name of the variable. If not given, a name is generated automatically. Returns: IntervalVar expression. """ start = _check_arg_interval(start, "start") end = _check_arg_interval(end, "end") length = _check_arg_interval(length, "length") size = _check_arg_interval(size, "size") _check_arg_intensity(intensity, granularity) #presence = _PRES_OPTIONAL if (_check_arg_boolean(optional, "optional") or not present) else _PRES_PRESENT presence = _PRES_OPTIONAL if (_check_arg_boolean(optional, "optional")) else _PRES_PRESENT return CpoIntervalVar(start, end, length, size, intensity, granularity, presence, name)
[docs]def interval_var_list(asize, start=None, end=None, length=None, size=None, intensity=None, granularity=None, optional=False, name=None): """ Creates a list of interval variables. If a name is given, each variable of the array is created with this name concatenated with the index of the variable in the list. Args: asize: Size of the list of variables start (optional): Allowed range for the start of the interval (single integer or interval expressed as a tuple of 2 integers). Default value is [0..INTERVAL_MAX]. end (optional): Allowed range for the end the interval (single integer or interval expressed as a tuple of 2 integers). Default value is [0..INTERVAL_MAX]. length (optional): Allowed range for the length the interval (single integer or interval expressed as a tuple of 2 integers). Default value is [0..INTERVAL_MAX]. size (optional): Allowed range for the size the interval (single integer or interval expressed as a tuple of 2 integers). Default value is [0..INTERVAL_MAX]. intensity (optional): StepFunction that specifies relation between size and length of the interval. granularity (optional): Scale of the intensity function. optional (optional): Optional presence indicator. name (optional): Name of the variable. If not given, a name is generated automatically. Returns: List of interval variables. """ start = _check_arg_interval(start, "start") end = _check_arg_interval(end, "end") length = _check_arg_interval(length, "length") size = _check_arg_interval(size, "size") _check_arg_intensity(intensity, granularity) presence = _PRES_OPTIONAL if (_check_arg_boolean(optional, "optional")) else _PRES_PRESENT res = [] if name is None: for i in range(asize): res.append(CpoIntervalVar(start, end, length, size, intensity, granularity, presence)) else: name = name + "_" for i in range(asize): res.append(CpoIntervalVar(start, end, length, size, intensity, granularity, presence, name + str(i))) return res
[docs]def interval_var_dict(keys, start=None, end=None, length=None, size=None, intensity=None, granularity=None, optional=False, name=None): """ Creates a list of interval variables. If a name is given, each variable of the array is created with this name concatenated with the index of the variable in the list. Args: keys: Iterable of variable keys. start (optional): Allowed range for the start of the interval (single integer or interval expressed as a tuple of 2 integers). Default value is [0..INTERVAL_MAX]. end (optional): Allowed range for the end the interval (single integer or interval expressed as a tuple of 2 integers). Default value is [0..INTERVAL_MAX]. length (optional): Allowed range for the length the interval (single integer or interval expressed as a tuple of 2 integers). Default value is [0..INTERVAL_MAX]. size (optional): Allowed range for the size the interval (single integer or interval expressed as a tuple of 2 integers). Default value is [0..INTERVAL_MAX]. intensity (optional): StepFunction that specifies relation between size and length of the interval. granularity (optional): Scale of the intensity function. optional (optional): Optional presence indicator. name (optional): Variable name prefix, or function to be called on dictionary key (example: str). If not given, a name prefix is generated automatically. Returns: Dictionary of CpoIntervalVar objects. """ start = _check_arg_interval(start, "start") end = _check_arg_interval(end, "end") length = _check_arg_interval(length, "length") size = _check_arg_interval(size, "size") _check_arg_intensity(intensity, granularity) presence = _PRES_OPTIONAL if (_check_arg_boolean(optional, "optional")) else _PRES_PRESENT res = {} if name is None: for k in keys: res[k] = CpoIntervalVar(start, end, length, size, intensity, granularity, presence) elif is_string(name): name = name + "_" for i, k in enumerate(keys): res[k] = CpoIntervalVar(start, end, length, size, intensity, granularity, presence, name + str(i)) else: for k in keys: res[k] = CpoIntervalVar(start, end, length, size, intensity, granularity, presence, name(k)) return res
[docs]def sequence_var(vars, types=None, name=None): """ Creates a new sequence variable (list of interval variables). This method creates an instance of sequence variable on the set of interval variables defined by the array 'vars'. A list of non-negative integer types can be optionally specified. List of variables and types must be of the same size and interval variable vars[i] will have type types[i] in the sequence variable. Args: vars: List of IntervalVars that constitute the sequence. types: List of variable types as integers, same size as vars, or None (default). name: Name of the sequence, None for automatic naming. Returns: IntervalVar expression. """ return CpoSequenceVar(vars, types, name)
def float_var(min=NEGATIVE_INFINITY, max=POSITIVE_INFINITY, name=None): # """ Creates a float variable. # # Args: # min: (Optional) Domain min value. Default value is negative infinity. # max: (Optional) Domain max value. Default value is positive infinity. # name: (Optional) Name of the variable # Returns: # CpoFloatVar expression # """ # Check arguments assert is_number(min) and is_number(max), "Float var bounds should be numbers" assert min <= max, "Float var lower bound should be lower than upper bound" return CpoFloatVar(min, max, name) def float_var_list(size, min=NEGATIVE_INFINITY, max=POSITIVE_INFINITY, name=None): # """ Creates a list of float variables. # # This methods creates a list of float variables whose size is given as first parameter. # All other parameters are identical to those requested by the method float_var() # that allows to create a single float variable. # See the documentation of :meth:`float_var` for details. # # If a name is given, each variable of the list is created with this # name concatenated with the index of the variable in the list, starting by zero. # # Args: # size: Size of the list of variables # min: (Optional) Domain min value. Default value is negative infinity. # max: (Optional) Domain max value. Default value is positive infinity. # name: (Optional) variable name prefix. # Returns: # List of float variables (CpoFloatVar objects). # """ # Check arguments assert is_number(min) and is_number(max), "Float var bounds should be numbers" assert min <= max, "Float var lower bound should be lower than upper bound" res = [] if name is None: for i in range(size): res.append(CpoFloatVar(min, max)) else: name = name + "_" for i in range(size): res.append(CpoFloatVar(min, max, name + str(i))) return res def float_var_dict(keys, min=None, max=None, name=None): # """ Creates a dictionary of float variables. # # This methods creates a dictionary of float variables associated to a list of keys given as first parameter. # All other parameters are identical to those requested by the method float_var() # that allows to create a single float variable. # See the documentation of :meth:`float_var` for details. # # If a name is given, each variable of the list is created with this # name concatenated with the string representation of the corresponding key. # The parameter 'name' can also be a function that is called to build the variable name # with the variable key as parameter. # # Args: # keys: Iterable of variable keys. # min: Domain min value. Optional if domain is given extensively. # max: Domain max value. Optional if domain is given extensively. # name: Optional variable name. If not given, a name is automatically generated. # Returns: # Dictionary of float variables (CpoFloatVar objects). # """ # Check arguments assert is_number(min) and is_number(max), "Float var bounds should be numbers" assert min <= max, "Float var lower bound should be lower than upper bound" res = {} if name is None: for k in keys: res[k] = CpoFloatVar(min, max) elif is_string(name): name = name + "_" for i, k in enumerate(keys): res[k] = CpoFloatVar(min, max, name + str(i)) else: for k in keys: res[k] = CpoFloatVar(min, max, name=name(k)) return res
[docs]def transition_matrix(szvals, name=None): """ Creates a new transition matrix (square matrix of integers). A transition matrix is a square matrix of non-negative integers that represents a minimal distance between two interval variables. An instance of transition matrix can be used in the no_overlap constraint and in state functions. * In a no_overlap constraint the transition matrix represents the minimal distance between two non-overlapping interval variables. The matrix is indexed using the integer types of interval variables in the sequence variable of the no_overlap constraint. * In a state function, the transition matrix represents the minimal distance between two integer states of the function. A transition matrix can be created: * Deprecated. Giving only its size. In this case, a transition matrix is created by this constructor with all values initialized to zero. Matrix values can then be set using :meth:`set_value` method. * Giving the matrix values as a list of rows, each row being a list of integers. Matrix values can not be changed after it has been created. Args: szvals: Matrix values expressed as a list of rows (iterable of iterables of positive integers). name (optional): Name of the matrix. None by default. Returns: TransitionMatrix expression. """ # Check build of editable matrix (deprecated) if is_int(szvals): return CpoTransitionMatrix(size=szvals, name=name) # Build matrix checking from cache res = build_cpo_transition_matrix(szvals) if name: res.set_name(name) return res
[docs]def tuple_set(tset, name=None): """ Create a tuple set. A tuple set is essentially a matrix of integers, but not necessarily square. Boolean expressions allowed_assignments() and forbidden_assignments() use a tuple set to express allowed/forbidden combinations of values for a collection of variables. Each allowed/forbidden combination is called a tuple and it is represented by a row in the tuple set matrix. Note that modeling methods allowed_assignments() and forbidden_assignments() automatically create a tuple_set object if given argument is an iterable of iterables. There is then no need to explicitly call this factory method to create a tuple set, except to assign a name to it. Args: tset: List of tuples, as iterable of iterables of integers name: Object name (default is None). Returns: TupleSet expression. """ res = build_cpo_tupleset(tset) if name: res.set_name(name) return res
[docs]def state_function(trmtx=None, name=None): """ Create a new State Function Args: trmtx (optional): An optional transition matrix defining the transition distance between consecutive states of the state function. Transition matrix is given as a list of rows (iterable of iterables of positive integers), or as the result of a call to the method :meth:`~docplex.cp.expression.transition_matrix`. name (optional): Name of the state function Returns: CpoStateFunction expression """ return CpoStateFunction(trmtx, name)
#----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Public Functions #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs]def is_cpo_expr(expr, type=None): """ Check if an expression is a CPO model expression Args: expr: Value to check type (optional): Precise CPO type, in Type_* Returns: True if parameter is a CPO expression, of the expected type if given """ return isinstance(expr, CpoExpr) and (type is None or expr.type == type)
[docs]def get_node_count(expr): """ Get the number of model expression nodes in an expression or list of expressions Args: expr: Expression or list of expressions Returns: Total number of nodes """ # Initialize stack of expressions to parse estack = [] try: estack.extend(expr) except: estack.append(expr) doneset = set() # Set of ids of expressions already processed # Loop while expression stack is not empty while estack: e = estack.pop() eid = id(e) if not eid in doneset: doneset.add(eid) # Stack children expressions try: estack.extend(e.children) except: pass return len(doneset)
[docs]def pretty_print(expr, out=None, mxdepth=None, mxargs=None, adsize=False, indent="", curdepth=0): """ Pretty print expression in a way that shows its structure. Args: expr: Expression to print out: (optional) Print output (stream or file name, None for stdout) mxdepth: (optional) Max print depth. Default is None (no limit) mxargs: (optional) Max number of function or array arguments. Default is None (no limit) adsize: (optional) Add size of expressions in nodes indent: (optional) Indentation string curdepth: (internal) Current print depth """ # Check file output if is_string(out): with open_utf8(os.path.abspath(out), mode='w') as f: pretty_print(expr, out, mxdepth, mxargs, adsize, indent, curdepth) return # Check default output if out is None: out = sys.stdout # Write start banner out.write(indent) # Check max depth reached if (mxdepth is not None) and (curdepth >= mxdepth): out.write("...") return # Check if tuple if isinstance(expr, tuple): _pretty_print_children('(', ')', expr, out, mxdepth, mxargs, adsize, indent, curdepth) return # Check list if isinstance(expr, list): _pretty_print_children('[', ']', expr, out, mxdepth, mxargs, adsize, indent, curdepth) return # Check if expression is not CpoExpr if not isinstance(expr, CpoExpr): out.write(str(expr)) return # Check if expression has a name if expr.has_name(): out.write(expr.get_name()) return # Check expression type t = expr.type if t.is_constant: out.write(str(expr)) elif t.is_variable: out.write(str(expr)) elif t.is_array: _pretty_print_children('[', ']', expr.children, out, mxdepth, mxargs, adsize, indent, curdepth) else: _pretty_print_children(str(expr.operation.cpo_name) + '(', ')', expr.children, out, mxdepth, mxargs, adsize, indent, curdepth)
[docs]def get_domain_min(d): """ Retrieves the lower bound of an integer or interval variable domain. The domain can be either: * a single number value, * a list of numbers, or tuple of 2 numbers representing an interval. This method returns the first number of the domain. Args: d: Domain Returns: Domain lower bound """ if isinstance(d, (tuple, list)): d = d[0] if isinstance(d, (tuple, list)): d = d[0] return d
[docs]def get_domain_max(d): """ Retrieves the upper bound of an integer or interval variable domain. The domain can be either: * a single number value, * a list of numbers, or tuple of 2 numbers representing an interval. This method returns the last number of the domain. Args: d: Domain Returns: Domain upper bound """ if isinstance(d, (tuple, list)): d = d[-1] if isinstance(d, (tuple, list)): d = d[-1] return d
#----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Private Functions #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- def _pretty_print_children(lstart, lend, lexpr, out, mxdepth, mxargs, adsize, indent, curdepth): """ Pretty print list of expression Args: lstart: List start banner lend: List end banner lexpr: List of expression to take children from out: Print output (stream or file name, None for stdout) mxdepth: Max print depth. Default is None (no limit) mxargs: Max number of function or array arguments. Default is None (no limit) adsize: Add size of expressions in nodes indent: Indentation string curdepth: Current print depth """ # Write start banner out.write(lstart) nindent = indent + " | " if adsize: out.write(" size:" + str(get_node_count(lexpr))) # Write expressions nbargs = len(lexpr) curdepth += 1 if (mxargs is None) or (nbargs <= mxargs): for x in lexpr: out.write('\n') pretty_print(x, out, mxdepth, mxargs, adsize, nindent, curdepth) else: eargs = mxargs // 2 bargs = mxargs - eargs for x in lexpr[:bargs]: out.write('\n') pretty_print(x, out, mxdepth, mxargs, adsize, nindent, curdepth) out.write('\n') out.write(nindent) out.write("...(+" + str(nbargs - mxargs) + ")...") for x in lexpr[-eargs:]: out.write('\n') pretty_print(x, out, mxdepth, mxargs, adsize, nindent, curdepth) # Write end banner # out.write('\n') # out.write(indent) out.write(lend) def _domain_iterator(d): """ Iterator on the individual values of an integer or interval variable domain. Args: d: Domain to iterate Returns: Domain iterator """ if isinstance(d, (tuple, list)): for x in d: if isinstance(x, (list, tuple)): min, max = x if min == max: yield min else: for v in range(min, max + 1): yield v else: yield x else: yield d def _domain_contains(d, val): """ Check whether a domain contains a given value Args: d: Domain val: Value to check Returns: True if value is in the domain, False otherwise """ if isinstance(d, (tuple, list)): for x in d: if isinstance(x, (list, tuple)): min, max = x if min <= val <= max: return True elif x == val: return True return False return d == val #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # CPO expressions cache #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # This cache is used to retrieve the CPO expression that corresponds to a Python expression # that is used multiple times in a model. # This allows to: # - speed-up conversion as expression type has not to be recompute again # - reduce CPO file length as common expressions are easily identified. class _CacheKeyTuple(tuple): """ Tuple that is used as a key of the expression cache It implements a hash function based on ids of the elements, enabling: * use of non hashable elements, * comparison of CPO expressions that would not be possible because overloading of __eq__ that generates CPO expressions. """ def __init__(self, tpl): super(_CacheKeyTuple, self).__init__() def __eq__(self, other): return isinstance(other, tuple) and len(other) == len(self) and all(x1 is x2 for x1, x2 in zip(self, other)) def __hash__(self): hash = 1 for e in self: hash = hash * 31 + id(e) return hash class _ModelExpressionsCache(object): """ Limited size object cache for CPO expressions. This cache is limited in size. This means that, if the max size is reached, adding a new object removes the oldest. The key of the object cache dictionary is a either tuple (type, expr) or the id of the source Python object. The first tuple value 'type' is a string identifying the type of object, and 'expr' is the standardized value of the python expression, as given by the 'cache key builder' function. The object cache dictionary also reference expressions using source python object id, which is used for an initial search without normalizing the python value. If id is identical, the object type and normalized value is verified to be the same. The value of the object cache dictionary is a tuple (kval, type, cexpr, pexpr) where 'kval' is the normalized representation of the python object, 'type' is the type name, 'cexpr' is the corresponding CPO expression, and 'pexpr' is the original python expression (to preserve it from being garbaged). """ __slots__ = ('obj_dict', # Dictionary of objects 'key_list', # Ordered list of objects keys in the cache 'max_size', # Max cache size 'lock', # Lock to protect the cache 'nb_found_by_id', # Number of times object is found by id 'nb_found_by_value', # Number of times object is found by value 'nb_create_new', # Number of times a new object is created ) def __init__(self, maxsize): self.obj_dict = {} self.max_size = maxsize self.key_list = deque() self.lock = threading.Lock() self.nb_found_by_id = 0 self.nb_found_by_value = 0 self.nb_create_new = 0 def get_or_create(self, tname, pexpr, kbldr, xbldr): """ Get a value from the cache Args: tname: Object type identifier (string) pexpr: Python expression kbldr: Cache key builder xbldr: CPO model expression builder Returns: Value corresponding to the pexpr """ # Build normalized value key (needed to check with previous value in case it has been changed) try: kval = kbldr(pexpr) except TypeError: raise CpoException("Impossible to build a CP Optimizer expression from value '{}' of type '{}'".format(to_string(pexpr), type(pexpr))) # Search value in cache with self.lock: # First search from source expression id pid = id(pexpr) cval = self.obj_dict.get(pid) if cval is not None: # Verify if same type and if normalized values are identical if (tname == cval[1]) and (cval[0] == kval): self.nb_found_by_id += 1 return cval[2] # Search from type and normalized value ckey = (tname, kval) cval = self.obj_dict.get(ckey) if cval is not None: self.nb_found_by_value += 1 return cval[2] # Build new model expression cexpr = xbldr(kval) # Remove older object if max size is reached if len(self.key_list) >= self.max_size: kl = self.key_list.popleft() self.obj_dict.pop(kl[0]) # Remove python object id self.obj_dict.pop(kl[1]) # Remove cache expression key # Add new expression in the cache cpval = (kval, tname, cexpr, pexpr) self.obj_dict[pid] = cpval self.obj_dict[ckey] = cpval self.key_list.append((pid, ckey)) self.nb_create_new += 1 return cexpr def size(self): """ Get the current number of expressions in the cache """ return len(self.key_list) def clear(self): """ Clear all dictionary content """ with self.lock: self.obj_dict.clear() self.key_list.clear() self.nb_found_by_id = 0 self.nb_found_by_value = 0 self.nb_create_new = 0 def get_stats(self): """ Get the cache statistics as a tuple (size, nb_get_or_create, nb_found_by_id, nb_found_by_value, nb_create_new) """ return (len(self.key_list), self.nb_found_by_id, self.nb_found_by_value, self.nb_create_new) def __len__(self): """ Returns the number of elements in this dictionary """ return len(self.obj_dict) # Cache of CPO expressions corresponding to Python values _CACHE_CONTEXT = context.model.cache _CPO_VALUES_FROM_PYTHON = _ModelExpressionsCache(_CACHE_CONTEXT.size) _CACHE_ACTIVE =
[docs]def build_cpo_expr(val): """ Builds a model expression from a given Python value. If active, this method uses a cache to return the same CpoExpr for the same value. Args: val: Value to convert (possibly already an expression). Returns: Corresponding expression. Raises: CpoException if conversion is not possible. """ # Check if already a CPO expression if isinstance(val, CpoExpr): return val # Check atoms (not cached) vtyp = type(val) ctyp = _PYTHON_TO_CPO_TYPE.get(vtyp) if ctyp: return CpoValue(val, ctyp) # Check numpy scalars (special case when called from overloaded operator) #if vtyp is NUMPY_NDARRAY and not val.shape: if vtyp is NUMPY_NDARRAY: return CpoValue(val, _PYTHON_TO_CPO_TYPE.get(val.dtype.type).parent_array_type) # Create an array return build_cpo_expr_array(val)
[docs]def build_cpo_expr_array(val): """ Builds a mode larray expression from a Python value. If active, this method uses the value cache to return the same CpoExpr for the same value. Args: val: Value to convert. Iterator or iterators of integers. Returns: Model array expression, not editable. Raises: Exception if conversion is not possible. """ def normalize_value(val): assert not is_string(val), "Impossible to build an array expression from a string" assert not isinstance(val, dict), "Impossible to build an array expression from a dictionary. Select values() or keys()." try: return _CacheKeyTuple(val) except TypeError: raise CpoException("Impossible to build an array expression from value '{}' of type '{}'".format(to_string(val), type(val))) # Check if already a CPO expression if isinstance(val, CpoExpr): return val # Check if already in the cache if _CACHE_ACTIVE: cpval = _CPO_VALUES_FROM_PYTHON.get_or_create('array', val, normalize_value, _create_cpo_array_expr) else: cpval = _create_cpo_array_expr(normalize_value(val)) return cpval
[docs]def build_cpo_tupleset(val): """ Builds a TupleSet model expression from a Python value. If active, this method uses the value cache to return the same CpoExpr for the same value. Args: val: Value to convert. Iterator or iterators of integers, or existing TupleSet expression. Returns: Model tupleset, not editable. Raises: Exception if conversion is not possible. """ def normalize_value(val): assert not is_string(val), "Impossible to build a tuple set expression from a string" assert not isinstance(val, dict), "Impossible to build a tuple set expression from a dictionary. Select values() or keys()." try: return tuple(tuple(x) for x in val) except TypeError: raise CpoException("Impossible to build a tuple set from value '{}' of type '{}'".format(to_string(val), type(val))) # Check if already a TupleSet expression if isinstance(val, CpoExpr) and val.is_type(Type_TupleSet): return val # Check if already in the cache if _CACHE_ACTIVE: cpval = _CPO_VALUES_FROM_PYTHON.get_or_create('tupleset', val, normalize_value, _create_cpo_tuple_set) else: cpval = _create_cpo_tuple_set(normalize_value(val)) return cpval
[docs]def build_cpo_transition_matrix(val): """ Builds a TransitionMatrix model expression from a Python value. If active, this method uses the value cache to return the same CpoExpr for the same value. Args: val: Value to convert. Iterator or iterators of integers, or existing TransitionMatrix expression. Returns: Model transition matrix, not editable. Raises: Exception if conversion is not possible. """ def normalize_value(val): assert not is_string(val), "Impossible to build a transition matrix expression from a string" assert not isinstance(val, dict), "Impossible to build a transition matrix expression from a dictionary. Select values() or keys()." try: return tuple(tuple(x) for x in val) except TypeError: raise CpoException("Impossible to build a transition matrix from value '{}' of type '{}'".format(to_string(val), type(val))) # Check if already a TransitionMatrix expression if isinstance(val, CpoExpr) and val.is_type(Type_TransitionMatrix): return val # Check if already in the cache if _CACHE_ACTIVE: cpval = _CPO_VALUES_FROM_PYTHON.get_or_create('matrix', val, normalize_value, _create_cpo_transition_matrix) else: cpval = _create_cpo_transition_matrix(normalize_value(val)) return cpval
[docs]def compare_expressions(x1, x2): """ Compare two expressions for declaration order Args: x1: Expression 1 x2: Expression 2 Returns: Integer value that is negative if v1 < v2, zero if v1 == v2 and positive if v1 > v2. """ # First sort by expression type if x1.type is not x2.type: return - # Check object type tx1 = type(x1) tx2 = type(x2) if tx1 is not tx2: # Alias always loss if tx1 is CpoAlias: return 1 if tx2 is CpoAlias: return -1 # Compare by name in natural order return compare_natural(x1.get_name(), x2.get_name())
############################################################################### ## Private utility functions ############################################################################### def _create_cpo_array_expr(val): """ Create a new CP array expression from a given array Python value Args: val: Origin value, as a tuple or _CacheKeyTuple Returns: New expression """ # Determine type typ = _get_cpo_array_type(val) if typ is None: raise CpoException("Impossible to build a CP Optimizer expression with value '{}'".format(val)) # Convert array elements if required if typ.is_array_of_expr: # Array of expressions val = tuple(build_cpo_expr(v) for v in val) elif typ is Type_IntArray: # Convert all elements as simple integers val = tuple(x.value if isinstance(x, CpoValue) else x for x in val) # Return expression return CpoValue(val, typ) def _create_cpo_tuple_set(tset): """ Create a new CP tuple set expression from a given Python tuple of tuples Args: tset: Origin value, as a tuple of tuples Returns: New expression """ # Verify new tuple set if tset: #assert len(tset) > 0, "Tuple set should not be empty" size = len(tset[0]) assert all(len(t) == size for t in tset), "All tuples in 'tset' should have the same length" assert all(all(is_int(v) for v in r) for r in tset), "All tupleset values should be integer" # Create result expression return CpoValue(tset, Type_TupleSet) def _create_cpo_transition_matrix(trmx): """ Create a new CP transition matrix expression from a given Python tuple of tuples Args: tset: Origin value, as a tuple of tuples Returns: New expression """ # Verify value size = len(trmx) assert size > 0, "Transition matrix should not be empty" assert all(len(t) == size for t in trmx), "All matrix lines should have the same length " + str(size) assert all(all(is_int(v) and v >= 0 for v in r) for r in trmx), "All matrix values should be positive integer" # Create result expression return CpoTransitionMatrix(values=trmx) def _get_cpo_array_type(val): """ Determine the CPO type of a given Python array value Args: val: Python value (list or tuple) Returns: Corresponding CPO Type, None if none """ # Check empty Array if not val: return Type_IntArray # Get the most common type for all array elements cet = None for v in val: nt = _get_cpo_type(v) if nt is None: return None # Combine with global type cet = nt if cet is None else cet.get_common_type(nt) if cet is None: return None # Determine special array cases if all intervals if cet is Type_IntInterval: return Type_IntArray if cet is Type_IntArray: return Type_TupleSet return cet.parent_array_type def _get_cpo_type(val): """ Determine the CPO type for a given Python value Args: val: Python value Returns: Corresponding CPO Type, None if none """ # Check simple types ctyp = _PYTHON_TO_CPO_TYPE.get(type(val)) if ctyp: return ctyp # Check CPO Expr if isinstance(val, CpoExpr): return val.type # Check numpy Array Scalars (special case when called from overloaded operator) if type(val) is NUMPY_NDARRAY and not val.shape: return _PYTHON_TO_CPO_TYPE.get(val.dtype.type) # Check array if isinstance(val, (tuple, list)): if _is_cpo_int_interval(val): return Type_IntInterval return _get_cpo_array_type(val) return None def _clear_value_cache(): """ Clear the cache of CPO values """ _CPO_VALUES_FROM_PYTHON.clear() def _get_cpo_type_str(val): """ Get the CPO type name of a value Args: val: Value Returns: Value type string in CPO types """ return _get_cpo_type(val).get_name() def _create_operation(oper, params): """ Create a new expression that matches an operation descriptor Search in the signatures which one matches a set or arguments and then create an instance of the returned expression Args: oper: Operation descriptor params: List of expression parameters Returns: New expression Raises: CpoException if no operation signature matches arguments """ # assert isinstance(oper, CpoOperation) # Convert arguments in CPO expressions args = tuple(map(build_cpo_expr, params)) # Search corresponding signature s = _get_matching_signature(oper, args) if s is None: raise CpoException("The combination of parameters ({}) is not allowed for operation '{}' ({})" .format(", ".join(map(_get_cpo_type_str, args)), oper.python_name, oper.cpo_name)) # Create result expression return CpoFunctionCall(s.operation, s.return_type, args) ############################################################################### ## Private Functions ############################################################################### # Mapping of Python types to CPO types _PYTHON_TO_CPO_TYPE = {} for t in BOOL_TYPES: _PYTHON_TO_CPO_TYPE[t] = Type_Bool for t in INTEGER_TYPES: _PYTHON_TO_CPO_TYPE[t] = Type_Int for t in FLOAT_TYPES: _PYTHON_TO_CPO_TYPE[t] = Type_Float _PYTHON_TO_CPO_TYPE[CpoIntVar] = Type_IntVar _PYTHON_TO_CPO_TYPE[CpoIntervalVar] = Type_IntervalVar _PYTHON_TO_CPO_TYPE[CpoSequenceVar] = Type_SequenceVar _PYTHON_TO_CPO_TYPE[CpoTransitionMatrix] = Type_TransitionMatrix _PYTHON_TO_CPO_TYPE[CpoStateFunction] = Type_StateFunction def _is_cpo_int(arg): """ Check that a value is a valid integer for cpo Args: arg: Value to check Returns: True if value is a valid CPO integer, False otherwise """ return is_int(arg) and (INT_MIN <= arg <= INT_MAX) def _is_cpo_int_interval(val): """ Check if a value represents an interval of CPO integers Args: val: Value to check Returns: True if value is a tuple of 2 values representing an interval of integers """ return isinstance(val, tuple) and (len(val) == 2) and _is_cpo_int(val[0]) and _is_cpo_int(val[1]) and (val[1] >= val[0]) def _is_cpo_interval_value(arg): """ Check that a value is a valid value for an interval Args: arg: Value to check Returns: True if value is a valid interval, False otherwise """ return is_int(arg) and (INTERVAL_MIN <= arg <= INTERVAL_MAX) def _check_arg_boolean(arg, name): """ Check that an argument is a boolean and raise error if wrong Args: arg: Argument value name: Argument name Returns: Boolean to be set Raises: Exception if argument has the wrong format """ assert is_bool(arg), "Argument '{}' should be a boolean".format(name) return arg def _check_arg_integer(arg, name): """ Check that an argument is an valid integer value and raises error if wrong Args: arg: Argument value name: Argument name Returns: Integer to be set Raises: Exception if argument has the wrong format """ assert is_int(arg) and (INT_MIN <= arg <= INT_MAX), "Argument '{}' should be an integer in [INT_MIN , INT_MAX]".format(name) return arg def _check_arg_interval(arg, name): """ Check that an argument is an interval and raise error if wrong Args: arg: Argument value name: Argument name Returns: Interval to be set Raises: Exception if argument has the wrong format """ # Check default interval if arg is None: return DEFAULT_INTERVAL # Check single value if is_int(arg): assert INTERVAL_MIN <= arg <= INTERVAL_MAX, "Argument '{}' should be in [INTERVAL_MIN , INTERVAL_MAX]".format(name) return arg, arg assert isinstance(arg, (list, tuple)) and len(arg) == 2, "Argument '" + name + "' should be an integer or an interval expressed as a tuple of two integers" lb, ub = arg assert _is_cpo_interval_value(lb), "Lower bound of argument '{}' should be an integer in [INTERVAL_MIN , INTERVAL_MAX]".format(name) assert _is_cpo_interval_value(ub), "Upper bound of argument '{}' should be an integer in [INTERVAL_MIN , INTERVAL_MAX]".format(name) assert lb <= ub, "Lower bound or argument '{}' should be lower or equal to upper bound".format(name) return arg def _build_int_var_domain(min, max, domain): """ Create/check integer variable domain from integer variable creation parameters Args: min: Domain min value, None if extensive list. max: Domain max value, None if extensive list. domain: Extensive list of values and/or intervals expressed as tuples of integers. Returns: Valid integer variable domain Raises: Exception if argument has the wrong format """ # Domain not given extensively if domain is None: if min is None: if max is None: return ((INT_MIN, INT_MAX),) _check_arg_integer(max, "max") return ((INT_MIN, max),) else: if max is None: # Test that first argument is directly a domain (ascending compatibility) if isinstance(min, (tuple, list)): domain = min min = None else: _check_arg_integer(min, "min") return ((min, INT_MAX),) else: _check_arg_integer(min, "min") _check_arg_integer(max, "max") assert min <= max, "Argument 'min' should be lower or equal to 'max'" return ((min, max),) # Domain given extensively assert (min is None) and (max is None), "If domain is given extensively in 'domain', 'min' and/or 'max' should not be given" if is_int(domain): return domain domain = tuple(domain) #In case domain is a generator assert all(_is_cpo_int(v) or _is_cpo_int_interval(v) for v in domain), "Argument 'domain' should be a list of integers and/or intervals (tuples of 2 integers)" return IntegerDomain(domain) def _check_arg_step_function(arg, name): """ Check that an argument is a step function and raise error if wrong Args: arg: Argument value name: Argument name Returns: Resulting step function Raises: Exception if argument has the wrong format """ assert isinstance(arg, CpoExpr) and (arg.type == Type_StepFunction), "Argument '" + name + "' should be a CpoStepFunction" return arg def _check_arg_intensity(intensity, granularity): """ Check the intensity parameter of an interval var. Args: intensity: Intensity function (None, or StepFunction). granularity: Granularity """ if __debug__ and (intensity is not None): assert isinstance(intensity, CpoExpr) and (intensity.is_type(Type_StepFunction)), "Interval variable 'intensity' should be None or a CpoStepFunction" if granularity is None: granularity = 100 for (s, v) in intensity.get_step_list(): assert is_int(s), "'intensity' step start should be an integer" assert is_int(v) and (v >= 0) and (v <= granularity), "'intensity' step value should be in [0..granularity]" def _check_and_expand_interval_tuples(name, arr): """ Check that a list contains only integers and expand interval tuples if any Args: name: Argument name arr: Array of integers and/or intervals Returns: Array of integers Raises: Exception if wrong type """ assert isinstance(arr, (list, tuple)), "Argument '{}' (type {}) should be a list of integers or intervals".format(name, type(arr)) res = None for i in range(len(arr)): v = arr[i] if is_int(v): if res: res.append(v) else: assert _is_cpo_int_interval(v), "Argument '{}' (type {}) should be a list of integers or intervals".format(name, type(arr)) if not res: res = list(arr[:i]) res.extend(range(v[0], v[1] + 1)) return tuple(res if res else arr) def _get_matching_signature(oper, args): """ Search the first operation signature matched by a list of arguments Args: oper: Operation where searching signature args: Candidate list of argument expressions Returns: Matching signature, None if not found """ # Search corresponding signature return next((s for s in oper.signatures if _is_matching_arguments(s, args)), None) def _is_matching_arguments(sgn, args): """ Check if a list of argument expressions matches this signature Args: sgn: Signature descriptor args: Candidate list of argument expressions Returns: True if the arguments are matching signature """ params = sgn.parameters if params is ANY_ARGUMENTS: return True for a, p in zip_longest(args, params): if a is not None: # Accepted if there is a parameter descriptor that is compatible with argument type if not (p and a.type.is_kind_of(p.type)): return False else: # Argument absent, check that parameter has a default value if p.default_value is None: return False return True def _is_equal_expressions(v1, v2): """ Check if two expressions can be considered as equivalent. This method handles values that can be CPO expressions, None, and manage possible differences between number representations. It is implemented outside expression objects and use a self-managed stack to avoid too many recursive calls that may lead to an exception 'RuntimeError: maximum recursion depth exceeded'. Args: v1: First CPO expression v2: Second CPO expression Returns: True if both values are 'equivalent' """ # Initialize expression stack estack = [[v1, v2, -1]] # [expr1, expr2, child index] # Loop while expression stack is not empty while estack: # Get expressions to compare edscr = estack[-1] v1, v2, cx = edscr #print("Compare {} (type {}) with {} (type {})".format(v1, type(v1), v2, type(v2))) # Skip aliases while isinstance(v1, CpoAlias): v1 = v1.expr while isinstance(v2, CpoAlias): v2 = v2.expr # Check physical equality if v1 is v2: estack.pop() continue # Check same object type if type(v1) != type(v2): return False # Check if expression is a CPO expression if isinstance(v1, CpoExpr): # Check objects itself if (cx < 0) and not v1._equals(v2): return False # Access children ar1 = v1.children ar2 = v2.children # Check children alen = len(ar1) if (cx < 0) and (alen != len(ar2)): return False cx += 1 if cx >= alen: estack.pop() continue # Store new child index in descriptor edscr[2] = cx # Stack children to compare it estack.append([ar1[cx], ar2[cx], -1]) # Else, expressions are Python values else: if not _is_equal_values(v1, v2): return False estack.pop() # Expressions identical return True def _is_equal_values(v1, v2): """ Check if two values can be considered as equivalent. This method handles values that can be CPO expressions, None, and manage possible differences between number representations. Args: v1: First value v2: Second value Returns: True if both values are 'equivalent' """ # Check obvious cases if v1 is v2: return True # Check specifically CPO expressions (to not call '==' operator on it) if isinstance(v1, CpoExpr): return v1.equals(v2) if isinstance(v2, CpoExpr): return False # Check floats if is_float(v1): return is_float(v2) and (abs(v1 - v2) <= _FLOATING_POINT_PRECISION * max(abs(v1), abs(v2))) if isinstance(v1, (tuple, list)): return isinstance(v2, (tuple, list)) and (len(v1) == len(v2)) and all(_is_equal_values(x1, x2) for x1, x2 in zip(v1, v2)) if isinstance(v1, dict): return isinstance(v2, dict) and (len(v1) == len(v2)) and all(_is_equal_values(v1[k], v2[k]) for k in v1) # Check finally basic equality return v1 == v2 def _reset_cache(): """ Reset expression cache (for testing purpose). """ _CPO_VALUES_FROM_PYTHON.clear() def _to_string(expr): """ Build a string representing an expression. Args: expr: Expression to convert into string Returns: String representing this expression """ import docplex.cp.cpo.cpo_compiler as compiler return compiler.expr_to_string(expr)