Source code for

# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Source file provided under Apache License, Version 2.0, January 2004,
# (c) Copyright IBM Corp. 2015, 2019
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
'''Configuration of Mathematical Programming engine.

The :class:`~Context` is the base class to control the behaviour of solve

It is not advised to instanciate a Context in your code.

Instead, you should obtain a Context by the following ways:

    * create one using Context.make_default_context()
    * use the one in your :class:``

```` configuration files are stored in files named:

    * cplex_config_<hostname>.py

When obtaining a Context with make_default_context(), the PYTHONPATH is
searched for the configuration files and read.

Configuration files are evaluated with a `context` object in their
scope, and you set values from this context::

    context.cplex_parameters.emphasis.memory = 1
    context.cplex_parameters.emphasis.mip = 2
import os

from copy import deepcopy

import shlex
import socket
import sys
import warnings
from os.path import isfile, isabs

from docplex.util.environment import get_environment

from import is_string, open_universal_newline
from import get_params_from_cplex_version
from import RootParameterGroup
from import DOcplexException
from import docplex_fatal

    from docplex_wml.worker.solvehook import get_solve_hook
except ImportError:
    get_solve_hook = None

def init_cplex_parameters(x):
    return x.init_cplex_parameters()

class StreamWithCustomClose(object):
    # wrapper for streams, so that we can keep track of those who need
    # to be closed by us.
    def __init__(self, target):
        self._target = target

    def __getattr__(self, name):
        return getattr(self._target, name)

    def custom_close(self):
        return self._target.close()

    def __str__(self):
        return "<{0}>".format( or "input")

# some utility methods
# def _get_value_as_int(d, option):
#     try:
#         value = int(d[option])
#     except Exception:
#         value = None
#     return value
# def _convert_to_int(value):
#     if str(value).lower() == 'none':
#         return None
#     try:
#         value = int(value)
#     except Exception:
#         value = None
#     return value
# def _get_value_as_string(d, option):
#     return d.get(option, None)
# def _get_value_as_boolean(d, option):
#     try:
#         value = _convert_to_bool(d[option])
#     except Exception:
#         value = None
#     return value

_boolean_map = {'1': True, 'yes': True, 'true': True, 'on': True,
                '0': False, 'no': False, 'false': False, 'off': False}

def _convert_to_bool(value):
    if value is None:
        return None
    elif is_string(value):
        svalue = str(value).lower()
        if svalue == "none":
            return None
            bvalue = _boolean_map.get(svalue)
            if bvalue is not None:
                return bvalue
                raise ValueError('Not a boolean: {0}'.format(value))
        raise ValueError('Not a boolean: {0}'.format(value))

[docs]class InvalidSettingsFileError(Exception): '''The error raised when an error occured when reading a settings file. *New in version 2.8* ''' def __init__(self, mesg, filename=None, source=None, *args, **kwargs): super(InvalidSettingsFileError, self).__init__(mesg) self.filename = filename self.source = source
def is_auto_publishing_solve_details(context): try: auto_publish_details = context.solver.auto_publish.solve_details except AttributeError: try: auto_publish_details = context.solver.auto_publish except AttributeError: auto_publish_details = False return auto_publish_details def check_credentials(context): # Checks if the context has syntactically valid credentials. The context # has valid credentials when it has an `url` and a `key` fields and that # both fields are string. # # If the credentials are not defined, `message` contains a message describing # the cause. # # Returns: # (has_credentials, message): has_credentials` - True if the context contains syntactical credentials. # and `message` - contains a message if applicable. credentials_ok = True message = None if not context.url or not context.key: credentials_ok = False elif not is_string(context.url): message = "DOcplexcloud: URL is not a string: {0!s}".format(context.url) credentials_ok = False elif not is_string(context.key): message = "API key is not a string: {0!s}".format(context.key) credentials_ok = False if context.key and credentials_ok: credentials_ok = isinstance(context.key, str) return credentials_ok, message def has_credentials(context): # Checks if the context has valid credentials. # # Returns: # True if the context has valid credentials. # ignore message has_credentials_, _ = check_credentials(context) return has_credentials_ def print_context(context): # prints the context. def print_r(node, prefix): for n in sorted(node): if not n.startswith('_'): path = ".".join([prefix, n] if prefix else [n]) if isinstance(node.get(n), (dict, SolverContext)): print("%s # type: %s" % (path, type(node.get(n)).__name__)) print_r(node.get(n), path) else: print("%s = %s # type: %s" % (path, node.get(n), type(node.get(n)).__name__)) print_r(context, "context")
[docs]class BaseContext(dict): # Class for handling the list of parameters. def __init__(self, **kwargs): """ Create a new context. Args: List of ``key=value`` to initialize context with. """ super(BaseContext, self).__init__() for k, v in kwargs.items(): self.set_attribute(k, v) def __setattr__(self, name, value): self.set_attribute(name, value) def __getattr__(self, name): return self.get_attribute(name) def set_attribute(self, name, value): self[name] = value def get_attribute(self, name, default=None): if name.startswith('__'): raise AttributeError res = self.get(name, default) return res def display(self): # prints the context. def print_r(node, prefix): for n in sorted(node): if not n.startswith('_'): path = ".".join([prefix, n] if prefix else [n]) if isinstance(node.get(n), (dict, SolverContext)): print("%s # type: %s" % (path, type(node.get(n)).__name__)) print_r(node.get(n), path) else: print("%s = %s # type: %s" % (path, node.get(n), type(node.get(n)).__name__)) print_r(self, "context")
[docs]class SolverContext(BaseContext): # for internal use def __init__(self, **kwargs): super(SolverContext, self).__init__(**kwargs) self.log_output = False self.max_threads = get_environment().get_available_core_count() self.auto_publish = create_default_auto_publish_context() self.kpi_reporting = BaseContext() from import ProgressClock self.kpi_reporting.filter_level = ProgressClock.Gap def __deepcopy__(self, memo): # We override deepcopy here just to make sure that we don't deepcopy # file descriptors... cls = self.__class__ result = cls.__new__(cls) memo[id(self)] = result for k, v in self.items(): # do not duplicate those (io like objects) if k == "log_output" and hasattr(v, "write"): value = v else: value = deepcopy(v, memo) setattr(result, k, value) return result @property def log_output_as_stream(self): try: log_output = self.log_output except AttributeError: # pragma: no cover return None output_stream = None # if log_output is an object with a lower attribute, let's use it # as string.lower and check for some known string values if hasattr(log_output, "lower"): k = log_output.lower() if k in _boolean_map: if _convert_to_bool(k): output_stream = sys.stdout else: output_stream = None elif k in ["stdout", "sys.stdout"]: output_stream = sys.stdout elif k in ["stderr", "sys.stderr"]: output_stream = sys.stderr else: output_stream = open(log_output, 'w') output_stream = StreamWithCustomClose(output_stream) # if log_output is == to True, just use stdout if log_output is True: output_stream = sys.stdout # if it has a write() attribute, just return it elif hasattr(log_output, "write"): output_stream = log_output return output_stream
[docs]class Context(BaseContext): """ The context used to control the behavior of solve engine. Attributes: cplex_parameters: A :class:`` to store CPLEX parameters. solver.auto_publish: If ``True``, a model being solved will automatically publish all publishable items (``solve_details``, ``result_output``, ``kpis_output``). solver.auto_publish.solve_details: if ``True``, solve details are published automatically. solver.auto_publish.result_output: if not None, the filename where solution is saved. This can be a list of filenames if multiple solutions are to be published. If True, ``solution.json`` is used. solver.auto_publish.kpis_output: if not None, the filename where KPIs are saved as a table with KPI name and values. Currently only csv files are supported. This can be a list of filenames if multiple KPIs files are to be published. context.solver.auto_publish.kpis_output_field_name: Name of field for KPI names in KPI output table. Defaults to 'Name' context.solver.auto_publish.kpis_output_field_value: Name of field for KPI values for KPI output table. Defaults to 'Value' solver.log_output: This attribute can have the following values: * True: When True, logs are printed to sys.out. * False: When False, logs are not printed. * A file-type object: Logs are printed to that file-type object. solver.kpi_reporting.filter_level: Specify the filtering level for kpi reporting. If None, no filtering is done. Can take values of or a string representation of one of the values of this enum (Unfiltered, FilterObjectiveAndBound, FilterObjective) """ def __init__(self, **kwargs): # store env used for initialization self['_env_at_init'] = kwargs.get('_env') # map lazy members to f(model) (actually f(self) ) returning the # initial value self['_lazy_members'] = \ {'cplex_parameters': init_cplex_parameters} # initialize fields if 'solver_context' in kwargs: solver_context = kwargs.pop('solver_context') else: solver_context = SolverContext() #create_default_auto_publish_context(defaults=False) #Context.make_default_context() super(Context, self).__init__(solver=solver_context, cos=BaseContext(), docplex_tests=BaseContext()) # update will also ensure compatibility with older kwargs like # 'url' and 'api_key' self.update(kwargs, create_missing_nodes=True) self.model_build_hook = None def init_cplex_parameters(self): # we need a local import here so that # does not depend on context from import Environment local_env = self.get('_env_at_init') or Environment.get_default_env() cplex_version = local_env.cplex_version local_env.check_cplex_version() cplex_parameters = get_params_from_cplex_version(cplex_version) return cplex_parameters def __getattr__(self, name): if name not in self: lazy_members = self.get('_lazy_members') if lazy_members and name in lazy_members: evaluated = lazy_members[name](self) self[name] = evaluated return self.get_attribute(name) def _get_raw_cplex_parameters(self): # NON LAZY: may return None return self.get('cplex_parameters')
[docs] @staticmethod def make_default_context(file_list=None, logger=None, **kwargs): """Creates a default context. If `file_list` is a string, then it is considered to be the name of a config file to be read. If `file_list` is a list, it is considered to be a list of names of a config files to be read. if `file_list` is None or not specified, the following files are read if they exist: * the PYTHONPATH is searched for the following files: * * cplex_config_<hostname>.py Args: file_list: The list of config files to read. kwargs: context parameters to override. See :func:`` """ context = Context(**kwargs) context.read_settings(file_list=file_list, logger=logger) if 'DOCPLEX_CONTEXT' in os.environ: values_pairs = [] for v in shlex.split(os.environ['DOCPLEX_CONTEXT']): s = v.split('=', 1) # max 1 split # convert values to bool if relevant value = _boolean_map.get(s[1].strip().lower(), s[1]) values_pairs.append((s[0], value)) if logger:'Setting context value %s to %s (from DOCPLEX_CONTEXT env)' % (s[0], value)) context.update_from_list(values_pairs, logger=logger) return context
[docs] def copy(self): # Makes a deep copy of the context. # # Returns: # A deep copy of the context. return deepcopy(self)
def clone(self): # Makes a deep copy of the context. # # Returns: # A deep copy of the context. return deepcopy(self) def override(self): return ContextOverride(self) def update_from_list(self, values, logger=None): # For each pair of `(name, value)` in values, try to set the # attribute. for name, value in values: try: self._set_value(self, name, value) except AttributeError: if logger is not None: logger.warning("Ignoring undefined attribute : {0}".format(name)) def _set_value(self, root, property_spec, property_value): property_list = property_spec.split('.') property_chain = property_list[:-1] to_be_set = property_list[-1] o = root for c in property_chain: o = getattr(o, c) try: target_attribute = getattr(o, to_be_set) except AttributeError: target_attribute = None if target_attribute is None: # Simply set the attribute try: setattr(o, to_be_set, property_value) except DOcplexException: pass # ignore this else: # try a set_converted_value if it's a Parameter try: target_attribute.set(property_value) except (AttributeError, TypeError): # no set(), just setattr setattr(o, to_be_set, property_value)
[docs] def update(self, kwargs, create_missing_nodes=False): """ Updates this context from child parameters specified in ``kwargs``. The following keys are recognized: - cplex_parameters: A set of CPLEX parameters to use instead of the parameters defined as ``context.cplex_parameters``. - agent: Changes the ``context.solver.agent`` parameter. Supported agents include: - ``local``: forces the solve operation to use native CPLEX - log_output: if ``True``, solver logs are output to stdout. If this is a stream, solver logs are output to that stream object. Overwrites the ``context.solver.log_output`` parameter. Args: kwargs: A ``dict`` containing keyword args to use to update this context. create_missing_nodes: When a keyword arg specify a parameter that is not already member of this context, creates the parameter if ``create_missing_nodes`` is True. """ for k in kwargs: value = kwargs.get(k) if value is not None: self.update_key_value(k, value, create_missing_nodes=create_missing_nodes)
cplex_parameters_key = "cplex_parameters" def update_cplex_parameters(self, arg_params): # INTERNAL if isinstance(arg_params, RootParameterGroup): self.cplex_parameters = arg_params else: new_params = self.cplex_parameters.copy() # try a dictionary of parameter qualified names, parameter values # e.g. cplex_parameters={'mip.tolerances.mipgap': 0.01, 'timelimit': 180} try: for pk, pv in arg_params.items(): p = new_params.find_parameter(key=pk) if not p: docplex_fatal('Cannot find matching parameter from: {0!r}'.format(pk)) else: p.set(pv) self.cplex_parameters = new_params except (TypeError, AttributeError): docplex_fatal('Expecting CPLEX parameters or dict, got: {0!r}'.format(arg_params)) def update_key_value(self, k, value, create_missing_nodes=False, warn=True): if k == 'cplex_parameters': if isinstance(value, RootParameterGroup): self.cplex_parameters = value else: self.update_cplex_parameters(value) elif k == 'log_output': self.solver.log_output = value elif k == 'override': self.update_from_list(value.items()) elif k == '_env': # do nothing this is just here to avoid creating too many envs pass elif k == 'agent': self.solver.agent = value else: if create_missing_nodes: self[k] = value elif warn: warnings.warn("Unknown quick-setting in Context: {0:s}, value: {1!s}".format(k, value), stacklevel=2)
[docs] def read_settings(self, file_list=None, logger=None): """Reads settings for a list of files. If `file_list` is a string, then it is considered to be the name of a config file to be read. If `file_list` is a list, it is considered to be a list of names of config files to be read. if `file_list` is None or not specified, the following files are read if they exist: * the PYTHONPATH is searched for the following files: * * cplex_config_<hostname>.py Args: file_list: The list of config files to read. Raises: InvalidSettingsFileError: If an error occurs while reading a config file. *(Since version 2.8)* """ if file_list is None: file_list = [] targets = ['', 'cplex_config_{0}.py'.format(socket.gethostname()) ] for target in targets: if isabs(target) and isfile(target) and target not in file_list: file_list.append(target) else: for d in sys.path: f = os.path.join(d, target) if os.path.isfile(f): abs_name = os.path.abspath(f) if abs_name not in file_list: file_list.append(f) if len(file_list) == 0: file_list = None # let read_settings use its default behavior if isinstance(file_list, str): file_list = [file_list] if file_list is not None: for f in file_list: if os.path.isfile(f): if logger:"Reading settings from %s" % f) if f.endswith(".py"): self.read_from_python_file(f)
def read_from_python_file(self, filename): # Evaluates the content of a Python file containing code to set up a # context. # # Args: # filename (str): The name of the file to evaluate. try: if os.path.isfile(filename): with open_universal_newline(filename, 'r') as f: l = {'context': self, '__file__': os.path.abspath(filename)} exec(, globals(), l) except Exception as exc: raise InvalidSettingsFileError('Error occured while reading file: %s' % filename, filename=filename, source=exc) return self
def create_default_auto_publish_context(defaults=True): auto_publish = BaseContext() # in a future version, we might want to be able to set individual # default values with a dict => that's why we compare to True and False if defaults is True and get_solve_hook: # Set default values when in a worker auto_publish.solve_details = True auto_publish.result_output = 'solution.json' auto_publish.kpis_output = 'kpis.csv' auto_publish.kpis_output_field_name = 'Name' auto_publish.kpis_output_field_value = 'Value' auto_publish.relaxations_output = 'relaxations.csv' auto_publish.conflicts_output = 'conflicts.csv' else: auto_publish.solve_details = False auto_publish.result_output = None auto_publish.kpis_output = None auto_publish.kpis_output_field_name = None auto_publish.kpis_output_field_value = None auto_publish.relaxations_output = None auto_publish.conflicts_output = None return auto_publish
[docs]class ContextOverride(Context): def __init__(self, initial_context): soc2 = deepcopy(initial_context.solver) super(ContextOverride, self).__init__(solver_context=soc2) self._initial_context = initial_context # unchanged self.cplex_parameters = initial_context.cplex_parameters # @property # def solver(self): # if self._solver is None: # self._solver = deepcopy(self._initial_context.solver) # return self._solver def update_key_value(self, k, value, create_missing_nodes=False, warn=True): if k == 'cplex_parameters': if isinstance(value, RootParameterGroup): self.cplex_parameters = value else: self.update_cplex_parameters(value) elif k == 'time_limit': time_limit_failed = True try: time_limit = int(value) if time_limit >= 0: # this method makes a local copy for the duration of solve() self.update_cplex_parameters({"timelimit": time_limit}) time_limit_failed = False except ValueError: pass if time_limit_failed: print("Invalid time limit: {0!r} - ignored".format(value)) elif k == 'log_output': self.solver.log_output = value elif k == 'override': self.update_from_list(value.items()) elif k == '_env': # do nothing this is just here to avoid creating too many envs pass elif k == 'agent': self.solver.agent = value else: if create_missing_nodes: self.k = value elif warn: warnings.warn("Unknown quick-setting in Context: {0:s}, value: {1!s}".format(k, value), stacklevel=2) def update_cplex_parameters(self, arg_params): # INTERNAL new_params = self.cplex_parameters.copy() # try a dictionary of parameter qualified names, parameter values # e.g. cplex_parameters={'mip.tolerances.mipgap': 0.01, 'timelimit': 180} try: for pk, pv in arg_params.items(): p = new_params.find_parameter(key=pk) if not p: docplex_fatal('Cannot find matching parameter from: {0!r}'.format(pk)) else: p.set(pv) self.cplex_parameters = new_params except (TypeError, AttributeError): docplex_fatal('Expecting CPLEX parameters or dict, got: {0!r}'.format(arg_params)) def update_from_list(self, key_value_pairs, logger=None): # For each pair of `(name, value)` in values, try to set the # attribute. for name, value in key_value_pairs: try: self._set_value(self, name, value) except AttributeError: if logger is not None: logger.warning("Ignoring undefined attribute : {0}".format(name)) def _set_value(self, root, property_spec, property_value): property_list = property_spec.split('.') property_chain = property_list[:-1] to_be_set = property_list[-1] o = root for c in property_chain: o = getattr(o, c) try: target_attribute = getattr(o, to_be_set) except AttributeError: target_attribute = None if target_attribute is None: # Simply set the attribute try: setattr(o, to_be_set, property_value) except DOcplexException: print('attribute not found: {0}'.format(to_be_set)) else: # try a set_converted_value if it's a Parameter try: target_attribute.set(property_value) except (AttributeError, TypeError): # no set(), just setattr setattr(o, to_be_set, property_value)
class OverridenOutputContext(object): def __init__(self, mdl, stream): self._model = mdl self._stream = stream self._saved_context_log_output = mdl.context.solver.log_output self._saved_log_output_stream = mdl.log_output def __enter__(self): mdl = self._model # change stream mdl.set_log_output(self._stream) return mdl def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb): mdl = self._model log_stream = mdl.log_output if log_stream: try: log_stream.flush() except AttributeError: pass try: log_stream.custom_close() except AttributeError: pass saved_log_output_stream = self._saved_log_output_stream saved_context_log_output = self._saved_context_log_output if self._saved_log_output_stream != mdl.log_output: mdl.set_log_output_as_stream(saved_log_output_stream) if saved_context_log_output != mdl.context.solver.log_output: mdl.context.solver.log_output = saved_context_log_output